The Yossi Muller Show
How does one maintain weight loss?
info_outline 36 PerfectionThe Yossi Muller Show
Perfectionism comes into play in various aspects of weight loss.
info_outline 35 So-Called Normal FoodThe Yossi Muller Show
One of our most entertaining episodes. Learn about a new character "the guy from the back of the shul."
info_outline 34 Vegetables Are FreeThe Yossi Muller Show
Are vegetables free? Does it depend on the type of vegetable?
info_outline 33 I Don't Have Time To ExerciseThe Yossi Muller Show
People think the reason why they don't exercise is because they don't have time. Actually, there is a different reason why they don't exercise.
info_outline 32 So Called Unhealthy FoodsThe Yossi Muller Show
Foods that people consider to be bad for you, but are in fact good for you.
info_outline 31 WillpowerThe Yossi Muller Show
Does willpower matter for weight loss? Spoiler alert: It's not what you think!
info_outline 30 Carbs Fats and ProteinsThe Yossi Muller Show
Are foods easily divided into categories such as "carbs," "fats," and "proteins?" Does it matter?
info_outline 29 Calories Are Not An Exact SystemThe Yossi Muller Show
People think that calories in vs. calories out is a good way to get you on the right track, but is not an exact system.
info_outline 28 My Body Got Used To The DietThe Yossi Muller Show
People find that after they are on a diet for some time, they stop losing weight. Why is that? And what can be done about that?
info_outlinePeople often find that they are able to control themselves during the day, but not at night. Could it be that what we do during the day actually determines what we will do at night? Maybe the problem is the day, not the night like people think. . .