The Yossi Muller Show
How does one maintain weight loss?
info_outline 36 PerfectionThe Yossi Muller Show
Perfectionism comes into play in various aspects of weight loss.
info_outline 35 So-Called Normal FoodThe Yossi Muller Show
One of our most entertaining episodes. Learn about a new character "the guy from the back of the shul."
info_outline 34 Vegetables Are FreeThe Yossi Muller Show
Are vegetables free? Does it depend on the type of vegetable?
info_outline 33 I Don't Have Time To ExerciseThe Yossi Muller Show
People think the reason why they don't exercise is because they don't have time. Actually, there is a different reason why they don't exercise.
info_outline 32 So Called Unhealthy FoodsThe Yossi Muller Show
Foods that people consider to be bad for you, but are in fact good for you.
info_outline 31 WillpowerThe Yossi Muller Show
Does willpower matter for weight loss? Spoiler alert: It's not what you think!
info_outline 30 Carbs Fats and ProteinsThe Yossi Muller Show
Are foods easily divided into categories such as "carbs," "fats," and "proteins?" Does it matter?
info_outline 29 Calories Are Not An Exact SystemThe Yossi Muller Show
People think that calories in vs. calories out is a good way to get you on the right track, but is not an exact system.
info_outline 28 My Body Got Used To The DietThe Yossi Muller Show
People find that after they are on a diet for some time, they stop losing weight. Why is that? And what can be done about that?
info_outlinePeople find that after they are on a diet for some time, they stop losing weight. Why is that? And what can be done about that?