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What's Next? 043

Your Encore Life

Release Date: 09/08/2020

Your Life Plan Part 3: Time to Take Action show art Your Life Plan Part 3: Time to Take Action

Your Encore Life

Today is where we form an action plan, or make specific commitments for each life account that will eventually bridge the gap between our current reality and our envisioned future of where we need to be.  It is important to write you commitments as SMART goals.

Your Life Plan Part 2 049 show art Your Life Plan Part 2 049

Your Encore Life

Today we are going to get down to the specific about several categories, or what the book “Living Forward” call Life Accounts.  Examples of categories, or life accounts that you would want to include are:

Your Life Plan Part 1 048 show art Your Life Plan Part 1 048

Your Encore Life

This is the perfect time to do what I believe is one of the most important steps to avoiding a life of regret by writing down a life plan, and we will spend the next 3 episodes replaying the 3 episodes that covered this nearly a year ago.  So don’t miss a single episode of this series.  Remember, just listening to teaching and information will get you nowhere unless you act on it, so here we go for part 1 of this series.

Making Connections: Forming Lasting Relationships 047 show art Making Connections: Forming Lasting Relationships 047

Your Encore Life

When thinking about this topic of the importance of connecting with others, it came to me that one of the most popular series I have done was about Finding Joy in episodes 16 - 23, and one of those episodes has great information about the importance of making connections and relationships. This episode will be an encore episode from the series “Finding Lasting Joy: Relationships.

Making Connections 046 show art Making Connections 046

Your Encore Life

We continue our discussion from last time on the importance of being in connection. This can be particularly important if you are retired or nearing retirement.  We typically have some connection by default if we have a regular job working with others.  But if you are retired or are a work at home entrepreneur, you need to be intentional about being connected with others.  Regardless of whether you are working or not, we need to be intentional about being in connection with others that is healthy for us.

Refire, Rewire, and Get Connected 045 show art Refire, Rewire, and Get Connected 045

Your Encore Life

Do you feel you need a reboot? 2020 has been a confusing year at best. Depending on your circumstances, the events of 2020 may have had little impact on your life or it could have derailed everything you were planning. We may see 2021 as a big question mark at this point, but don’t let yourself become complacent and lose sight of your dreams. Now more than ever we need to have a dream to look forward to, goals to set, and a vision for how we are going to get where we need to be.

The One Next Right Thing We Must Do - 044 show art The One Next Right Thing We Must Do - 044

Your Encore Life

This will be a brief episode that is the most important message I have ever shared.  It is that we all need to come together and pray as one to God for revival, a great awakening.

What's Next? 043 show art What's Next? 043

Your Encore Life

This will be a brief episode about some things that I have observed and heard others asking, including myself.

What Makes You, You? 042 show art What Makes You, You? 042

Your Encore Life

Welcome to episode 42 of Your Encore Life. In this episode I will continue our discussion from the last few weeks on self assessments and how they can help at any stage of life, especially in your encore. I will talk a bit about my personal Cliftonstrengths results and a bit about the Enneagram, which I took recently through my coach Mark Ross as a basis for going through the Real Life Process to help me manage my priorities more effectively.

Know Your Strengths in Your Encore 041 show art Know Your Strengths in Your Encore 041

Your Encore Life

Welcome to episode 41 of Your Encore Life. In this episode we will be talking specifically about the CliftonStrengths Assessment and why it has value for those of us entering into or already in our Encore Life. As you may recall episodes 39 and 40 were both discussing the value of maximizing your strengths, focusing on strengths and building them rather than putting an emphasis on your weaknesses and trying to overcome them.

More Episodes

Welcome to episode 43 of your Encore Life.  Today the title of the podcast is “What’s Next”.  This will be a brief episode about some things that I have observed and heard others asking, including myself.


When we began 2020 many of us may have had a fairly clear sense of what was next for us and where we might be headed.  Some of you may have been able to realize those things, but I know many who have not because of circumstances that were out of their control.  One thing I am certain of is that none of us could have foreseen 2020 for what it has been.  COVID 19 has limited our access to people, to events, to travel, to school, to church, and the list goes on.  The political climate and the unrest in our nation has generated fear, and there is nothing more powerful to divide people than fear. All of this can leave us feeling powerless, not having control over our own circumstances.  For many in the listening audience of this podcast who are at or near retirement and wondering what’s next, you could be feeling like you have past the point in your life where you can accomplish what you want, that you are too old to make a difference.


Let’s go back to what I talked about in very early episodes of this podcast.  The idea of E + R = O.  Remember that stands for events + our response to the events = outcome.  We have not had control over much of what we have been presented with in 2020, but remember that we always have control over how we respond, and how we respond will most definitely have some measure of influence over the outcome.


Let’s start with the sense that you have past the point in your life where you can accomplish what you want or it is too late to start something new.  Author and Podcaster Dan Miller from the 48 Days fame recently wrote about that and talked about a website you could go to where you type in your age and get a list of people’s accomplishments that occurred later in life.  I have included a link to the Museum of Conceptual Art in the show notes where you can do this.  He included some of the following examples:


  • At age 99, Teiichi Igarashi climbed Mt. Fuji.
  • At age 90, Chagall became the first living artist to be exhibited at the Louvre museum.
  • At age 83, Great grandmother Joyce Patrick learned to read and write.
  • At age 70, Benjamin Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence.
  • At age 62, J.R.R. Tolkien published the first volume of his fantasy series, Lord of the Rings.
  • At age 50, William Piper, who built the Piper Cub airplane, learned to fly and never considered building his own plane until much later.
  • At age 46, Golfer Jack Nicklaus became the oldest man ever to win the Masters.


When I typed my age of 60 in I got the following examples:


  • Playwright and essayist George Bernard Shaw completed a play, "Heartbreak House," regarded by some as his masterpiece.
  • Italian sculptor, painter, playwright, draftsman and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini began designing churches.
  • Ann Roberts retired from 30 years of driving an 18-wheeler, changed jobs to tax preparer and also sales rep for a tractor/bush hog company. She square dances evenings and weekends. She is a grandmother of 4 and is still working.
  • Frieda Birnbaum became the oldest woman in the U.S. to give birth to twins.

If you are listening to this podcast or reading this blog on my web page, then God is not finished with you yet.  Continue to dream and take steps, however small, to realize your dream, to add value to others and leave a positive legacy to your life.


I have also been thinking a lot about the greatest commandment and how I can honor that commandment, which I know I fall far short on.  It is Matthew 22: 37-40:  37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


What can that look like for us and how can we start moving toward following that commandment?  I have enjoyed listening to a podcast by Emily P. Freeman recently titled: “The Next Right Thing”.  It is a beautifully done podcast and I have included a link to it in the show notes.  We may have difficulty seeing the big picture of what we will do and where we will go during this difficult time, but just ask yourself “What is my next right thing”? If you ask yourself that question consistently and follow through, your small next right things will become your path to where you need to be.  Could your next right thing include things like:


  • Calling or visiting someone you have been thinking about lately
  • Writing a letter to someone you know is lonely
  • Taking a walk around the block, or to the end of the driveway to begin the process of getting healthier
  • Spending more time reading the Bible
  • Starting a morning routine of devotion and quiet time


And as you thing about what your next right this is, do as Emily P. Freeman states at the end of each podcast, “Do Your Next Right Thing in Love”.