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The Official Business and Fitness Podcast. We tackle all subjects relating to the fields of business and fitness and try to finds ways they correlate. We interview entrepreneurs, in and out of the fitness field, to have them tell their stories and give advice to our listeners.
Barbells to babies podcast with Sean & Alice McLaney (round), Alice is a pregnancy and post natal coach, online coach for 14+ years, nutritionist, sport scientist and mothers of 2 under 2, ex athlete bodybuilder & strength athlete. Husband Sean has also been in the industry over 15+ years, Master trainer, sport scientist, nutritionist, bodybuilder and dad of 2x. Come have some fun, education and humour all wrapped into one- fitness, mindset, nutrition, parent and business life and MORE. Owners and CEO of fys coaching.
Barbells, Bolts and Bourbon is a podcast that brings to light principles that we already know and translates them to wellness and wealth in our nation. The show is hosted by Joe Moore, who interviews guests who have found success through training, building, and enjoying life.
Barber World TV is a honored barber journalism series, with 5 barber Emmy Awards, including 3 for Outstanding Barber Journalism. Now in its 7th season, the weekly podcast and show produces unchartered investigative pieces and in-depth profiles from across the barber spectrum.
‘Barcelona by locals - Der Podcast für deine Barcelona Reise’ gibt dir die wichtigsten Informationen rund um deine Reise nach Barcelona! Wir sind Magdalena und Michael, Autoren des Reiseführers Barcelona by locals, und unser Wunsch ist es, dass du die katalanische Hauptstadt aus den Augen von Einheimischen kennenlernst! Was dich im Podcast erwartet: * Authentische Empfehlungen zu unseren Lieblingsorten und Plätzen in Barcelona, fernab der Touristenmassen * Unsere kulturellen und kulinarischen Highlights Barcelonas * Exklusive Geheimtipps lokaler Experten aus jedem Stadtviertel Barcelonas * Wertvolle Reisetipps rund um die beste Jahreszeit, Veranstaltungen und Dos & Don’ts für deine Barcelona Reise Die Inhalte und Empfehlungen in diesem Reiseführer stammen zu 100% von uns und sind authentisch, ehrlich und komplett werbefrei. Hole dir jetzt kostenlos unsere 7 Geheimtipps für deine Barcelona Reise: In unserem Reiseführer Barcelona by locals teilen wir mit dir unser gesamtes Wissen über Barcelona, inkl. die besten kulturellen und kulinarischen Orte der Stadt. Der Reiseführer ist als Buch oder ebook erhältlich:
Bienvenidos a 'Barcelona connection', el pódcast de Fira de Barcelona. Aquí, encontrarás una serie de episodios creados para reflexionar sobre los grandes retos de futuro de la sociedad, a través de la voz de empresas, startups y expertos que presentan tendencias en los salones de la institución Benvinguts a 'Barcelona connection', el pòdcast de Fira de Barcelona. Aquí, trobaràs una sèrie d'episodis creats per reflexionar sobre els grans reptes de futur de la societat, a través de la veu d'empreses, startups i experts que presenten tendències als salons de la institució
Hello there and welcome to our new service industry podcast BarCode TSI, where we discuss all things service industry related. We interview bartenders, servers, managers, and owners of bars, restaurants, nightclubs, and more. Our purpose is to shed some light on topics we all run into while doing our job. Some are fun, and some are hideous, but all are relevant to what we do on a daily basis. Even when we’re off the clock trying to enjoy our own time being served, we still end up busing our own tables, wiping off the condensation from the bar, stacking plates, and the list could go on forever. There is definitely a love/hate relationship that goes on in this industry, and we want to bring the LOVE back to what we do. Every interview is unique and informative, in it’s own way. This is a podcast to help us learn from each other through our personal experiences, and knowledge that has been passed down to us from our seniors. Whether this is your first year, or your twentieth year in the service industry, there is something here for you.
As an extension of the Emmy® Award-winning travel series on PBS, The Bare Feet Podcast brings dancer, traveler, and host Mickela Mallozzi together with inspiring people from around the world, sharing conversations on the power of connection through dance and music in our everyday lives - part inspiration, part information, part exploration. Find more about the podcast and the TV series at
Inspired stories and deep sharing from entrepreneurs & conscious leaders who are brave enough to peel back the layers and let us see who they really are! We're talking "failures," greatest fears, biggest comebacks, and turning your mess into your message. In a world where we learn to put on the masks and show up in certain ways in order to be accepted and loved ... being your TRUE self is one of the bravest and hardest tasks you'll ever set out to accomplish. It's also the most rewarding. If you don't want to be sitting in your deathbed with the #1 regret of "I wish I had lived a life true to myself and not the one others had wished for me..." then you MUST tune in for inspiration, motivation, and soul activation!