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Biohacking news, reviews, and tech with journalist and author Tony Wrighton. Drawing on years of experience and a bulging contacts book, Tony brings you the biggest stories—and some downright crazy trends—from the world of biohacking. With Dave Asprey, Esther Perel, Paul Saladino, JJ Virgin, Ben Greenfield, Dr. David Sinclair, Joe Wicks, and many more.
Embark on a transformative journey to elevate your well-being with Biohacking with Brittany. Join host Brittany Ford, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and optimal health enthusiast, as she delves into the world of biohacking, tailored specifically for women, unlocking the secrets to optimizing health and balance. From nurturing mind, body, and soul to exploring natural remedies and cutting-edge technologies, this empowering podcast is your ultimate guide to a holistic and thriving life. Tune in for expert interviews, practical tips and personal experiences to unleash your full potential and embrace a life of vitality, resilience, and self-discovery. Discover the keys to unlocking your best self as Brittany empowers you to thrive on all levels – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 784701
De vez em quando você se pergunta: como os ornitorrincos ainda estão por aí? Por que saímos do oceano? As abelhas podem mesmo sentir cheiro de medo? Se essas perguntas te parecem interessantes, então este é o podcast para você. Aqui no Biologia Bar & Lanches eu falo sobre biologia, principalmente sobre evolução. Isso porquê "Nada em biologia faz sentido exceto sob a luz da evolução". A evolução molda as coisas, define o que se tornam, o que são, e eventualmente o que serão. Aqui vou te ajudar a entender como a evolução pode nos ajudar a responder algumas dessas perguntas. Arte d Giuly Maesaka
Im Biologie Passion Podcast beschäftigen wir uns gemeinsam mit den Grundlagen der Biologie! Mein Name ist Christian Schweda und es freut mich sehr, dass du deinen Weg hierher gefunden hast. Damit ich möglichst viel Zeit in die Produktion vieler, neuer Podcastfolgen investieren kann, bin ich auf eure finanzielle Unterstützung angewiesen. Mir ist es allerdings sehr wichtig, dass meine Lernhilfe jedem kostenlos zur Verfügung steht – also unterstützt deine Spende nicht nur mich, sondern auch alle anderen Zuhörer. Wenn Ihr über neue Folgen informiert werden wollte, tragt euch gerne in meinen Newsletter auf ein. Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören und an jeden der spendet! Ich hoffe du bleibst dran und abonnierst den Podcast.
The great tragedy of climate finance is that those who understand it most have their noses to the grindstone, while those who understand it least have their mouths to the megaphone. Bionic Planet aims to end information asymmetry and fix the public discourse by mainstreaming the REAL debates over Natural Climate (and Biodvesi) Solutions.
This is the podcast where environmental, health, and safety issues affecting the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device industry are discussed. These issues include potent compound safety, occupational toxicology, industrial hygiene, compliance management software, and more.