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This is Bryan Pugh. Brain Injury Connectors is my chance to talk with individuals with brain injuries, family members, healthcare providers, policy makers and other members of the brain injury community making an impact on their community, their state, their country, and beyond. We will hear their stories. Learn what inspires their lives and work. Find out what they know or would like to have known. And discover what factors and individuals have been most influential on their success in the ever evolving world of brain injury and brain injury recovery.
Brain Matters the Podcast is an exciting way for anyone to learn about the fascinating world of neuroscience directly from the researchers who have dedicated their lives to uncovering the mysteries of the brain. Our mission is to make neuroscience accessible, relatable, and intriguing while still respecting the integrity of the science we love.
Welcome to "Brain Myths Debunked," – the podcast where we untangle the truth from the tangled webs of misconceptions about the brain! Join us as we dive into fascinating stories, debunk age-old myths, and uncover the incredible realities of how our brains work. From memory mysteries to emotional enigmas, each episode brings you cutting-edge science, historical insights, and fun anecdotes that will make you see your brain in a whole new light. Ready to get your mind blown? Tune in, and let's debunk some brain myths together! Do you have myths or misconceptions you've wondered about? Maybe you’ve encountered a brain myth in your studies, profession, or just everyday life that you think needs addressing? I would love to hear your stories and possibly feature them in our podcast. Reach out and share your insights, or even better, become a guest on our podcast! Let’s debunk these myths together and spread knowledge that can change how we think about our brains and ourselves. Connect with Dr. K. here: [email protected] Brain Myths Debunked podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches ( and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed. You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at
Conversations with neuroscientists, neurologists, evolutionary biologists, anthropologists, computer scientists, and others that ponder the brain. Here are a few of the questions that BRAIN PONDERINGS will tackle: How have brains evolved to enable success in diverse environments? How does the brain develop in the womb and in early life? What are the mechanisms responsible for learning and memory, language, and emotions? How does the brain respond to life’s challenges? In what ways does the brain influence the body and vice-versa? What is known about the causes of psychiatric, neurodegenerative, and other brain disorders? What new technologies are being developed to treat neurological disorders? How do naturally occurring and man-made chemicals affect the brain? How can gene therapy, cell regeneration, and brain stimulation be used for brain disorders? What are the boundaries between ethical and unethical neuroscience research?
The Brain Regen Podcast is a unique show where Dr. Eckel and featured guests explore how to enhance your healthspan. Throughout this show you will understand cutting-edge therapeutics through an ancient lens. Join Dr. Eckel in this fun and sometimes disturbing exploration of the state of healthcare and what it means for you. Dr. Eckel, a licensed Naturopathic Physician, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and avid biohacker, is on a mission to change healthcare in America. He invites you along for the journey. Find out how to live until 150 years old with your strength, mind, and healthy community.
Welcome to Brain Rot The podcast that takes a deep dive into the BEST WORST HORROR movies of the 80s & 90s. Those films that are 'so bad, they're good'. Each episode, Stevie (your VHS Veteran) welcomes a new guest into the trash heap. With guests ranging from horror know-it-alls to horror not-at-alls, these B-Movie bangers get dissected and immortalised in all their gory glory. So open THE GATE, grab some POPCORN, hold on to your GHOULIES and TROLL these films with us. See what I did there? That's THE STUFF we like. Toodles! For bonus episodes, head to
If you are curious about how your brain really works this is the podcast for you! Hosted by physician Dr. Ginger Campbell (2022 Podcast Hall of Fame) from 2006-2023, Brain Science explores how recent discoveries in neuroscience are unraveling the mystery of how our brain makes us human. It features conversations with leading scientists and philosophers and is "the podcast for everyone who has a brain" because Dr. Campbell makes neuroscience accessible to listeners of all backgrounds. Over 100 episodes are available for FREE and the entire back catalogue is available to premium subscribers. Learn more at
For the complete newbie or the experienced hypnotist, Brain Software with Mike Mandel is the world's most interesting, educational and fun podcast discussing hypnosis, NLP and strategies for peak performance and self improvement. Mike Mandel is a 6-time award winning hypnotist, immensely popular keynote speaker, stage performer, psychotherapist and NLP trainer. He has been doing hypnosis since he was 12 years old. Mike has an amazing ability to demystify hypnosis, teach core concepts, and tell highly entertaining and engaging stories from his decades of professional experience. Nothing is held back.
We create the space for minds to meet when it matters most, nurturing bonds that inspire collaboration, focus priorities, and pave the way for a journey of shared growth and achievement. Office: 787-223-2817 Email: [email protected] Walter Rivera Santos