S4E5 - Three Men and a Boss Baby
S4E5 - Three Men and a Boss Baby
“And then Spider-Man took Scorpion to the diaper factory” Season 4 Episode 5 of Spider-Man: The Animated Series is “Partners” After a break between episodes due to some non-neogenic life events, Henry and Jack are back to talk about maybe the most outrageous episode of the show so far. We've got some spider-creepin', cyborg humilation, and the one and only Crime Boss Baby: Silvermane. As well as investigating the science of baby geniuses and armchair therapising Alisa and Alistair, we get waylaid by the true titular partners of the episode, the neogenic odd couple AKA a cohabiting Vulture and Scorpion. The trenchcoat economy is back in business, baby. Alongside a cavalcade of returning plot threads from early seasons, we delve into some of the voices behind the cartoon and briefly flashback to some Silvermane comic stories that do not involve talking babies. A podcast for no one. If we get anything wrong, a wizard did it. Latest topics include the Secret Invasion show + a discussion of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Find No Context Spider-Man on / / Intro: Razonix – Synthwave Spiderman Outro: Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill Email: