Rewrite Your Story & What Failure Really Means | BECOMING BADASS EP #9
Rewrite Your Story & What Failure Really Means | BECOMING BADASS EP #9
Our brains are amazing and yet they can either make your life happy or hell. We all tell ourselves stories, nearly constantly about all the things that we are experiencing each and every day. From how we think about our kids to why our loved one gets cancer or why we can't find each senario we are telling ourselves "why" that something does or doesn't happen. This is our perspective and this literally "colors" our lives from black and white (depressing and sad) to like a rainbow (happy and joyous). Since our brains are wired for survival, we tend to see the world through a negative lens automatically, which drastically impacts our lives from day to day!! This has a profound effect on how we think, feel, react, our decisions, and how we are showing up. When we can learn to be mindful and choose the story that we are telling ourselves, we not only start feeling much better, we can show up in our lives on purpose, can bounce back from loss and hardships much easier, and can drastically reduce or prevent our own suffering. We start actively creating our lives instead of merely being powerless to life's ups and down that can leave us feeling powerless, victimized, and at the mercy of a power much greater than our own. I share a couple examples from my own life and show you how to start paying closer attention to the stories you're telling yourself so that you can start creating a life you love. If you venture out of your comfort zone at all, you will experience failure. What does failure really mean? How do we handle failure without losing our cool, getting triggered, and/ or depressed? Failure happens to all of us and the bigger the dreams, the more failure you're going to experience. Learn how to handle it and what to do instead. I never felt true joy and fulfillment until I started on the path to my purpose! And when I started doing what I was created to do...helping others... I finally started finding, not only my passion, but also started creating true fulfillment and joy internally... that is untouched by outside circumstances and people!! Lets discuss. In this episode you’ll hear: Start noticing the stories you're telling yourself How our brains are naturally wired Learn to change the narrative and create a life you love What failure really means What problems in our lives really mean LINKS: WORK WITH ME: Get on the PRIORITY WAITLIST To STOP People Pleasing Here!! Connect with me: Grab My CHEATSHEET HERE {My GIFT to you!] To Start Prioritizing Yourself & Know Your Worth 100%!!