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A podcast where two non-believers read through the Bible but try not to be jerks about it. Join comics writers Benito Cereno and Chris Sims as they journey through the Good Book from Acts to Zephaniah, with stops in the Apocrypha along the way.

info_outline 117: King Solomon's Hog (The Second Book of Chronicles, feat. Aaron Higashi) 02/18/2025
info_outline 116: It's His BIRTHDAY, Be Nice! (The Revelation of the Magi) 12/22/2024
info_outline 115: Hell Is The Big Show (The Life of St. Christina the Astonishing) 10/27/2024
info_outline 114: Sin-onyms, The Devil's Argument (The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity) 10/03/2024
info_outline 113: Jaoel Instant Messenger (The Apocalypse of Abraham) 09/05/2024
info_outline 112: Approximate Week VI: The Undiscovered Country 08/17/2024
info_outline 111: All Skips No Hits (1 Chronicles) 08/09/2024
info_outline Multipals 06: Dr. Justin Sledge 02/05/2024
info_outline Multipals 05: Dr. Alexiana Fry 12/13/2023
info_outline 110: The Beastie Boys' Worst Nightmare (The Lock-In (2014)) 10/30/2023
info_outline 109: Chris and Benito's Bible Bonkers (The Didache) 10/11/2023
info_outline Multipals 04: Tony Burke and Janet Spittler 08/20/2023
info_outline Multipals 03: Anne Thériault 07/16/2023
info_outline Multipals 02: Aaron Higashi 06/23/2023
info_outline Multipals 01: Dr. Dan McClellan 04/20/2023
info_outline 108: Skip This One (The Book of Hosea) 11/27/2022
info_outline 107: Hellmensch (Stories of the Baal Shem Tov, vol. 2) 11/13/2022
info_outline 106: A Serious Goku Move (The Second Book of Kings) 10/30/2022
info_outline 105: Approximate Week V: RaVager 08/12/2022
info_outline 104: Previously, On Bible (The Epistle to the Hebrews) 08/01/2022
info_outline 103: Sucky James (The History of Joseph the Carpenter) 07/03/2022
info_outline 102: Napalm Toots (The Lives of St. Martha of Bethany and St. Margaret of Antioch) 06/13/2022
info_outline 101: The Apocrypals Solve Theodicy (The Book of Job) 04/21/2022
info_outline 100: Escape From Flesh Island (The Gospel of Judas) 03/05/2022
info_outline 99: For Sale, Baby Legs, Not Attached (The First Book of Kings) 01/30/2022
info_outline 98: You Know, the Manger? (Christmas Chick Tracts) 12/23/2021
info_outline 97: Pretty Sus, Lesbius (The Acts of Andrew) 12/02/2021
info_outline 96: The Goku of Judaism (Stories of the Baal Shem Tov) 10/24/2021
info_outline 95: An Abyss of Significant Depth (The Apocalypse of Paul) 10/10/2021
info_outline 94: Little Martha and the Small Vandellas (The Lives of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Wilgefortis) 09/26/2021