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Awaken into Love Podcast

Learn how to holistically find freedom from Relationship OCD and create a fulfilling connection with your partner and your self. Meet Kiyomi LaFleur, a former ROCD sufferer, and now, ROCD, Relationship Anxiety and Awakening Relationship Expert for over 10 years. Her mission is to help you awaken from Relationship OCD and anxiety and in turn find that connection and love you're looking for not only with your partner but also yourself. Disclaimer: This channel is meant to bring you education, information, inspiration, and motivation. It is not meant to replace professional therapy but can help educate and support you along the process. Please note that all the material on the website such as the blog, course, and community is not meant to diagnose you or treat a mental health disorder, it's just intended to educate and support you.

info_outline Navigating Big Life Decisions with Your Partner (ft. Jillian) 01/16/2024
info_outline Change the Way You Relate to ROCD/RA (ft. Kat Williamson) 11/29/2023
info_outline The REAL Reason You Have Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety (the blessings and gifts of ROCD) 10/19/2023
info_outline Do You Ever Feel Like Giving Up? Listen to this FIRST (ROCD/RA) (ft. Manon) 09/21/2023
info_outline How to Heal ROCD/RA Through the Body (ft. Erin Logan) 09/14/2023
info_outline What to do if ROCD/RA has been present for YEARS (ft. Maya) 08/31/2023
info_outline What Does ROCD/RA REALLY Feel Like? 07/27/2023
info_outline What is Retroactive Jealousy? (ROCD/RA/Conscious Love) 07/21/2023
info_outline Answering the Questions I've Been Avoiding... 06/23/2023
info_outline Is ERP the ONLY way for ROCD/RA? What does it mean if ERP doesn't work for you? (ft. Erin) 12/22/2022
info_outline Are You SECRETLY Waiting For The Shoe to Drop in Your Relationship? 12/07/2022
info_outline Why loving-kindness is CRUCIAL for ROCD/RA 10/06/2022
info_outline How Projection is Tainting your Relationship w/ ROCD/RA 09/08/2022
info_outline I'm Trying To Fix My Partner (ON-THE-SPOT MINI COACHING on ROCD/RA) 08/10/2022
info_outline Why You Need To Work With Trauma To Heal From ROCD/RA 07/01/2022
info_outline Is My Partner "Enough"? (Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety) 06/02/2022
info_outline COMMUNITY: Healing ROCD/Relationship Anxiety 05/12/2022
info_outline ROCD/Relationship Anxiety during engagement and proposal (ft. Shauna) 04/28/2022
info_outline Why Holistic Health is SO Important for ROCD/Anxiety (ft. Sarah Hook) 03/17/2022
info_outline Are You Spiritually Bypassing ROCD/Anxiety? 02/18/2022
info_outline Is This ROCD or Relationship Anxiety? (ft. Sarah Yudkin) 01/27/2022
info_outline TOP Awakening Reminders for 2022! 01/06/2022
info_outline How To Handle the Grass is Greener Syndrome w/ ROCD (ft. Alexis) 12/24/2021
info_outline A Guide to Healing SELF-BLAME for ANYONE (ft. Dehlia) 12/09/2021
info_outline Want To Feel More Connected To Your Partner? 12/02/2021
info_outline ONE Thing We Do Everyday That Can Hurt Your Relationship (And How to Fix it) 11/25/2021
info_outline How to Find the Right ROCD Values (ft. Jamie Lee) 11/12/2021
info_outline Getting EMPOWERED from ROCD/Anxiety & LDR (ft.Piera) 10/28/2021
info_outline Things You NEED To Hear ("Tough Love") About ROCD/Anxiety 10/21/2021
info_outline Healing ROCD/Anxiety Through Compassion (Guided Meditation) 09/23/2021