Is ERP the ONLY way for ROCD/RA? What does it mean if ERP doesn't work for you? (ft. Erin)
Is ERP the ONLY way for ROCD/RA? What does it mean if ERP doesn't work for you? (ft. Erin)
ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) in the world of OCD is labeled as the "gold standard for OCD", and while it may work for many, it MAY not work for everyone... and that's okay. In this podcast episode, I interview Erin, a member of my Inner Circle (KIC) who brings her wisdom and knowledge through ROCD/RA. We talk about why ERP was more traumatizing for her and why it's important to remind people that just because a method doesn't work for you doesn't mean you or your relationship is doomed. We talk about what's helped her, what other methods she found to be extremely impactful and why it's okay and powerful to forge your own path of healing, despite what "Dr. Google" says. As an important disclaimer, we are in no way during this episode speaking against ERP or telling you not to do it. As an ROCD/RA expert, I find ERP to be powerful, beneficial, and needed in many cases - in case, I advocate for it in my course. In this episode, we wanted to mainly shed light on the stigma around ERP being the "only way" and "gold standard" for ROCD, which I believe, after working in mental health for 10 years is not true. Our intention is to give you empowerment in your own journey and to remove stigma and shame if something isn't working for you. Psst.. love, are you ready to dive in and start the healing work of Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety? Take the step further by joining the ROCD Course/Community and Inner Circles on Monday for deeper support, help, and guidance during your ROCD/RA journey. You can find all of that at! See you on the inside, loves.