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BrainFood for the Good Life

Dr. Paul Schmidt is an author, speaker, researcher, and licensed clinical psychologist. I am a warrior in a spiritual war, bringing wisdom, courage, hope, love, joy, peace, and self-control to fight fear, hate, shame, and lies. For those with hearts broken open by painful emotions, habits, and relationships, and for listeners with upwardly mobile character, these talks are for you.

info_outline Recovery Short Talks: Finding a Sponsor 03/02/2020
info_outline Overcoming Depression Part 3 of 3 11/02/2019
info_outline Overcoming Depression: Part 2 of 3 10/31/2019
info_outline Overcoming Depression: Part 1 of 3 10/29/2019
info_outline Healthy Boundaries vs. Enabling #3: Vicarity 09/15/2019
info_outline Healthy Boundaries vs. Enabling #2: Codependency 09/15/2019
info_outline Healthy Boundaries vs. Enabling #1: Vampiracy 09/15/2019
info_outline Sex Addict Partners, Part 2 09/15/2019
info_outline Sex Addict Partners, Part 1 09/15/2019
info_outline Sex Addiction: Using a Fire Drill Kit 09/15/2019
info_outline Sex Addiction # 3: What Does Recovery Require? 09/15/2019
info_outline Sex Addiction # 2: What Does Recovery Require? 09/15/2019
info_outline Sex Addiction #1: What Does Recovery Require? 09/15/2019
info_outline Anger and Conflict Management, Part 3 09/15/2019
info_outline Anger and Conflict Management, Part 2 09/15/2019
info_outline Anger and Conflict Management, Part 1 09/15/2019
info_outline What is Celebrate Recovery? 09/15/2019
info_outline Recovery #2 of 2: Costs and Benefits of Working a Program 09/15/2019
info_outline Recovery #1 of 2: Costs and Benefits of Working a Program 09/15/2019
info_outline Anxiety #2 of 2: Working through Fear, Panic, and Distress 09/15/2019
info_outline Anxiety #1: Understanding Where Distress Comes From 09/15/2019