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Baseball Pitching: The Fix

Baseball pitching motion analysis, troubleshooting, and performance based on science, featuring pitching motion troubleshooter Angel Borrelli - a Sport Kinesiologist with a Master's Degree in Exercise Science. Listen as Angel discusses the prevention and treatment of baseball pitching injuries, as well as science-based performance tips for baseball pitchers, coaches, and parents of all ages. More information on Angel can be found at https://gymscience.com

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info_outline S11E09 - Fastball, Change-Up, Slider: Using Kinesiology to Improve your Ball Release 09/16/2024
info_outline S11E08 - Finishing Your Pitch: The Most Overlooked Part of Your Motion 08/26/2024
info_outline S11E07 - Troubleshooting The Glove Arm 08/02/2024
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info_outline S11E05 - The Most Important Arm Angle/Timing During the Pitching Motion 06/21/2024
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info_outline S11E01 - Pitching Injuries: Avoid These Two Lower Body Mistakes 03/28/2024
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info_outline S10E06 - Pitching Injuries: are you increasing your own risk? Start taking responsibility for your future now. 07/17/2023
info_outline S10E05 - Jacob deGrom’s Injury and a Discussion of The Late-Arm Syndrome 06/23/2023
info_outline S10E04 - Velocity and Forearm Injuries & Everything You Need to Know about the Sinker 05/26/2023
info_outline S10E03 - Crime Scene Investigation: what the location of your soreness/pain/or injury is telling you about your pitching motion 05/09/2023
info_outline S10E02 - Pitchers Need to Pitch 04/17/2023
info_outline S10E01 - Timing/Speed of the Stride and its Effects on Location and Velocity 03/24/2023
info_outline S9E08 - Unlocking the Pitcher’s Potential: a few mistakes you don’t want to make 12/15/2022
info_outline S9E07 - Pitching Injuries: Seven Deadly Sins - Confessions and advice from ex D-1 pitcher Ian MacIver 10/24/2022
info_outline S9E06 - Baseball Pitching Velocity: Your Seven-Step Checklist 09/19/2022
info_outline S9E05 - Bullpens are Sacred: Seven Ways to not waste Precious Time 08/18/2022
info_outline S9E04 - Locating your Pitches: a right-now suggestion for a right-now improvement 07/21/2022
info_outline S9E03 - The Power Skill of the Pitching Motion: hip and trunk rotation 05/26/2022
info_outline S9E02 - How to Increase Velocity and Improve Ball Release Consistency while Reducing Shoulder Stress: Pitch from your Shoulder Blades 04/15/2022
info_outline S9E01 - Your Stride: is it costing or adding to your velocity? 03/14/2022
info_outline S8E15 - Improving Velocity: The optimal structural shapes of the pitching motion for a clean acceleration path to the plate 12/03/2021
info_outline S8E14 - Your Return to Pitching: everything you need to know to plan for serious and tangible results 11/12/2021
info_outline S8E13 - Split-finger Fastballs and Knuckle-Curves: use the gym to train your pitches 10/22/2021