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HSB's New Ways of Thinking

HSB’s New Ways of Thinking covers timely topics impacting the U.S P&C insurance industry. Each episode will feature a special guest and will provide a unique perspective related to the specific topic.

info_outline The AI Paradox: How Can Something So Smart Be So Energy-Hungry? 12/30/2024
info_outline Deep Fakes and Dirty Tricks: The Dark Side of Generative AI 12/04/2024
info_outline The Double-Edged Sword of AI: Balancing Opportunity and Risk 11/15/2024
info_outline Balancing Bots and Brains: The Human-AI Advantage 10/30/2024
info_outline The Continuous Learner: Unlocking AI's Full Potential 10/10/2024
info_outline Generative Genius: The Future of Artificial Intelligence 09/20/2024
info_outline The role of insurance as new risks emerge in vehicles 08/22/2024
info_outline Automotive cyber attacks are coming! 07/23/2024
info_outline Cyber vulnerabilities of the automotive industry 06/27/2024
info_outline Cyber Hackers taking over cars? 06/26/2024
info_outline The next generation's #1 demand in the workplace = Flexibility 04/18/2024
info_outline Insurance agent influence can build EPLI awareness 03/29/2024
info_outline AI in the workplace and the impact to EPLI 03/01/2024
info_outline Business owners are keeping up with the pace of change in the workplace 02/22/2024
info_outline EPLI Trends in 2024 01/22/2024
info_outline All things EPLI – past, present, future. 01/12/2024
info_outline AI risks and challenges 11/01/2023
info_outline AI what's the hype? 10/10/2023
info_outline Claims in Action: Alert averts grocer meltdown 10/06/2023
info_outline We can’t ignore extreme weather – its time to act 09/12/2023
info_outline Claims in Action: A taxing burglary 09/01/2023
info_outline More about the future - tech and insurance 08/23/2023
info_outline The world is in chaos and here is why you should care 08/21/2023
info_outline Loss saves are occurring daily 08/17/2023
info_outline Claims in Action: Salon’s EPL policy makes the cut 08/04/2023
info_outline It’s not all wine and roses... 07/31/2023
info_outline Home fires are costly and P&C carriers are taking notice 07/14/2023
info_outline Claims in Action: Kickboxer blocks cyberattack 07/07/2023
info_outline Not another billion dollar year! 07/05/2023
info_outline Claims in Action: Million-dollar museum save 06/02/2023