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Pushing The Edge with Greg Curran

Are you passionate about making a difference in teaching? Join me (Greg Curran) as I chat to educators and community leaders who are challenging systemic inequity and bigotry, along with privilege and silence. Not content with traditional approaches to diversity and inclusion they're re-making their environments, supporting and uplifting the voices and worlds of those students and communities who've been sidelined for far too long. Find Show Notes and Resources at: pushingtheedge.org

info_outline 'I Do, We Do, You Do' in Maths with Margarita Breed - PTE056 10/26/2021
info_outline Explaining our Thinking in Maths with Margarita Breed - PTE055 10/26/2021
info_outline Why's The Maths Teacher Here for Social Studies with Jenna Laib - PTE054 11/07/2020
info_outline Building Cultures of Thinking in the Maths Classroom with Margarita Breed - PTE053 10/02/2020
info_outline Looking at the World in Mathematical Ways with Marian Dingle - PTE052 09/12/2020
info_outline Liberating Literature in Our Classrooms and Libraries with Julia Torres - PTE051 08/29/2020
info_outline Optimism, Hope and a Place to Belong with Rodney Croome - PTE050 10/02/2018
info_outline Liberation and Resistance in Schools with Benjamin Doxtdator - PTE049 09/18/2018
info_outline Challenging Stereotypes about Race, Religion, & Suburbs with Amra Pajalic - PTE048 09/04/2018
info_outline Navigating White Spaces with Sherri Spelic - PTE047 08/21/2018
info_outline Rainbow Kids, Activism and LGBTIQ families with Felicity Marlowe - PTE046 08/07/2018
info_outline Uplifting the Voices and Languages of Latinx Students with Victor Martinez - PTE045 07/24/2018
info_outline Being Color Brave not Color Blind with Rosa Perez Isiah - PTE044 07/10/2018
info_outline Trans Children Do Know Who They Are with Jo Hirst - PTE043 06/26/2018
info_outline Complicating Diversity and Inclusion with Maha Bali - PTE042 06/12/2018
info_outline Whose History Are We Telling with Eric Fieldman - PTE041 05/29/2018
info_outline Nothing's Neutral, Everything's Political with Phiona Lloyd-Henry - PTE040 05/15/2018
info_outline Courageous Conversations About Race with Val Brown - PTE 039 05/01/2018
info_outline Having a voice and a sense of belonging in a soccer club with Ramon Spaaij - PTE038 06/06/2017
info_outline Tackling homophobia and transphobia in football with Angie Greene - PTE037 05/23/2017
info_outline Changing the Culture in Sports Clubs with Ryan Storr - PTE036 05/09/2017
info_outline Supporting Culturally Diverse Youth through Football with Sue McGill - PTE035 04/25/2017
info_outline Making Sport Accessible for People with Disabilities with Sam De Leve - PTE034 04/11/2017
info_outline Teaching Physical Education in a More Inclusive Way with Loretta Konjarski and Grant O Sullivan - PTE033 03/28/2017
info_outline Making Sport Safe, Comfortable and Inclusive for LGBTI people with James Lolicato - PTE032 03/14/2017
info_outline Making Football More Welcoming with The Outer Sanctum - PTE031 02/28/2017
info_outline Making Sport More Welcoming for Migrants with Michelle Hage - PTE030 02/14/2017
info_outline Creating Safe Schools with Roz Ward - PTE029 04/11/2016
info_outline Facing Our Fears about the Other with Justin Schleider - PTE028 03/14/2016
info_outline Being an Ally for Social Justice - PTE027 02/29/2016