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Spiritual Awakening Radio

Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean explores the world of spirituality, The Path of the Masters (Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts), Gnostic Gospels, mystics, world scriptures, God, meditation, mystical experiences, the vegan diet, and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

info_outline The Way Out Is Within! 03/04/2025
info_outline A Genuine Spiritual Master, The Competent Qualified Teacher (Sant Satguru) 10/25/2024
info_outline Breaking Free from Illusion is True Spirituality 09/26/2024
info_outline The Gnostic Demiurge vs. The God of Love 08/29/2024
info_outline The Unpublished Letters of Kirpal Singh on Meditation Practice 06/27/2024
info_outline A Brief Introduction to This Spiritual Path Called Sant Mat 06/11/2024
info_outline Three Ways We Can Honor the Soul 06/06/2024
info_outline Finding Your Third Eye, Seeing What You Can See - Initiation Into the Mysteries 05/23/2024
info_outline Salvation of the Soul, The Liberation of Humanity 05/09/2024
info_outline Gospel of Thomas and Sant Mat Spirituality 04/25/2024
info_outline The Yoga of Happiness and Bliss 04/09/2024
info_outline Evolving Spiritually 04/02/2024
info_outline Kabir The Great Mystic: Spiritual and Ethical Teachings 03/26/2024
info_outline From Darkness to Light Through Meditation 03/21/2024
info_outline Overcoming Distracting Thoughts In Meditation 03/14/2024
info_outline Requirements For Initiation Into Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Sant Mat, Surat Shabd Yoga) 03/07/2024
info_outline The First Step on the Spiritual Path is Doing Simran 02/27/2024
info_outline Sufism, Sant Mat, and the Sound Current 02/22/2024
info_outline Syriac Mystics of Eastern Christianity 02/20/2024
info_outline Experience God Through Meditation 02/13/2024
info_outline The Third Eye is a Window to the Heavens 02/06/2024
info_outline The Five Names of God: Simran Words 02/01/2024
info_outline Gnostic Christian Psalms Discovered! The Odes 01/30/2024
info_outline Change Your Destiny By Changing Your Thoughts 01/23/2024
info_outline The Most Important Spiritual Book of Sant Mat: Anurag Sagar (The Ocean of Love) 01/18/2024
info_outline Spiritual Discourses of Huzur Maharaj of the Radhasoami (Radhaswami) Satsang 01/16/2024
info_outline The Gnostic Gospels You've Never Heard of: The Mandaean Scriptures 01/09/2024
info_outline The Master's Message To Humanity: Know Thyself 01/02/2024
info_outline We Are Birds of Heaven Journeying Back to Our Beloved 12/28/2023
info_outline Jesus and the Masters Invite Everyone Into the Temple 12/26/2023