The Unfinished Print : A Mokuhanga Podcast
The Unfinished Print is a podcast dedicated to exploring the art of Japanese woodblock printing, or mokuhanga. It offers an in-depth look at the printmakers, carvers, gallerists, and collectors involved in this unique art form. Through interviews, Andre Zadorozny, a mokuhanga printmaker himself, delves into what mokuhanga means to so many people.
Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900) - with Dr. Monika Hinkel
Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900) - with Dr. Monika Hinkel
Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900) is considered one of the last great ukiyo-e print designers of Japan. His evocative works helped shape some of the most significant prints from the latter era of ukiyo-e and burgeoning Meiji nishiki-e. I welcome back to the show Dr. Monika Hinkel, Lecturer in the Arts of East Asia at SOAS () at the University of London and an Academic Member of the Japan Research Centre where we explore Kunichika’s life and career. We discuss Kunichika's upbringing in Edo-period Japan (1603–1868), his training at the Utagawa School, and his evolution as an ukiyo-e artist. We discuss Kunichika's creative process, the woodblock production methods of the Edo and Meiji periods, and his favoured themes—kabuki actors, and beautiful women. We also discuss how Kunichika subtly incorporated Japan’s emerging modernity into his designs. Lastly, Dr. Hinkel and I share our personal stories about why we have such an affinity for Toyohara Kunichika and his work. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Ichikawa Sandanji I (1842-1904) as Akiyama Kiimori from New Plays for the Meiji Theatre (1894) Published by Akiyama Buemon ukiyo-e - is a multi colour woodblock print generally associated with the Edo Period (1603-1867) of Japan. What began in the 17th Century as prints of only a few colours, evolved into an elaborate system of production and technique into the Meiji Period (1868-1912). With the advent of photography and other forms of printmaking, ukiyo-e as we know it today, ceased production by the late 19th Century. Utagawa School - was a school of print designers starting with Utagawa Toyoharu (1735-1814). He employed one point perspective (vanishing point) in his print designs, being influenced by Western perspective. The influence of the Utagawa school goes far in Japanese print history and one of its most successful. This schools print designs of kabuki portraits, beautiful women (bijin-ga), and landscapes are excellent. Some famous names attributed to the Utagawa school are Utamaro (1753-1806), Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865), and Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858). A fine description of this school can be found, at Artelino. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) - is considered one of the last “masters” of the ukiyo-e genre of Japanese woodblock printmaking. His designs range from landscapes, samurai and Chinese military heroes, as well as using various formats for his designs such as diptychs and triptychs. The Mirror of Women of Wisdom and Courage - Princess Chujo (1843) Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865) is widely regarded as one of the most significant woodblock print designers in Japanese history. His diverse portfolio includes prints ranging from landscapes and books to erotica and sumo. Kunisada worked during the vibrant era of nishiki-e alongside notable artists such as Andō Hiroshige (1797-1858), Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), and the aforementioned Kuniyoshi. This period represents a rich and abundant chapter in Japanese woodblock print history. Beauty in a Mirror - Beauty Applying Perfume On Her Neck (date unknown) Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915) - was a painter and woodblock print designer famous for his war prints on the First Sino-Japanese War (July 25, 1894- April 17, 1895). Kiyochika captured the transitional period in Japanese history as the country underwent rapid modernization and Westernization during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Light House at Kudan On A Rainy Night ca. 1930's Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892) - was a mokuhanga designer who is famous for his prints depicting violence and gore. His work is powerful, colourful, and one of the last vibrant moments of the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock prints. More information about Yoshitoshi’s life and his copious amount of work can be found, . Rising moon over Mount Nanping - Cao Cao (1885) nishiki-e (錦絵) - is the Japanese phrase for multi-colour woodblock prints, otherwise known as brocade pictures. Usually attributed to the Meiji period (1868-1912). © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - Evening Chimes in Japan logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Mokuhanga Project Space w/ Keiko Hara & Benjamin Selby
Mokuhanga Project Space w/ Keiko Hara & Benjamin Selby
When it’s time to practice mokuhanga outside of your comfort zone, there are several places you can go. Seminars and workshops in your hometown are great options, but what if you want to experience something different—a new culture, a new space, a new environment? One such setting is the Mokuhanga Project Space (MPS) in Walla Walla, Washington, United States. This residency allows mokuhanga artists to explore their medium in new and challenging ways. In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with Keiko Hara, mokuhanga artist and co-founder of Mokuhanga Project Space, and Benjamin Selby, mokuhanga artist and Advisory Board Member at MPS. We discuss Keiko Hara’s life and work, her prints, and the development of MPS. We also explore how Mokuhanga Project Space is currently run, the significance of Walla Walla, Washington as a home base, and the importance of residencies in an artist’s practice. Additionally, we examine mokuhanga as a developing art form, comparing its philosophies in the West versus its perception in Japan. And finally, we touch on key concepts such as tradition and innovation in mokuhanga and so much more. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at [email protected] Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. For more show notes, please enjoy older episodes of The Unfinished Print. Mokuhanga Project Space - Keiko Hara - Topophilia - Red Shoes (Installation 2017) Benjamin Selby - Untitled (2024) 41.5x31cm © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - Evening Chimes in Japan logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Jacek Machowski : Printmaker - On The Edge Of Abstraction
Jacek Machowski : Printmaker - On The Edge Of Abstraction
When it comes to immersing oneself in the understanding of mokuhanga, Jacek Machowski is dedicated to constantly deepening his knowledge and practice of the art form. His exploration of mokuhanga is both inspiring and dynamic, as he continually shares, creates, and evolves his expertise and approach to this wonderful art form. I speak with mokuhanga printmaker, educator, and mokuhanga explorer Jacek Machowski. Jacek’s work is a blend of experimentation, tradition, and excitement. We discuss his journey into mokuhanga, his deep dive into its history, techniques, and philosophies, and how he has dedicated himself to uncovering the intricacies of the art form. Jacek also shares insights into his process of making and testing his own tools, continually pushing their boundaries. Additionally, we explore his own mokuhanga prints, the choices behind his artistic methods, and the workshop he leads. I would like to thank Jacek’s translator , Małgorzata Ptasiński, for her invaluable help with translation. In this episode, you’ll notice that Jacek’s voice is intermittent, with Gosia speaking for most of the discussion. This approach was chosen to ensure smoother listening and a better flow. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at [email protected] Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Jacek Machowski - , , \ Sakeda - Senjafuda (2023) 1.97" x 5.90" senjafuda - are votive slips attributed to Buddhism in Japan. This slips of paper were pasted on temples in Japan. The worshippers name was written on the senjafuda in order for people to see that they had visited said shrine. The paper senjafuda were popular in the Edo Period (1603-1868). Tokyo and Kyoto senjafuda had various differences. ex-libris - a decorative label or stamp placed inside a book to indicate its ownership. Usually features the owner’s name, initials, or a personalized design, often with artistic or symbolic elements that reflect the owner's personality, interests, or profession. MI Lab - is a mokuhanga artists residency located in Kawaguchi-ko, near Mount Fuji. More info can be found, . nori - is a type of paste made from starch. It is used when making mokuhanga. You can make nori from any type of material made from starch. For instance, paste can be made with tapioca, rice, corn, even potato. You can purchase nori pretty much anywhere but making it is more environmentally friendly. Laura Boswell has a great recipe, . binder - refers to the substance which holds pigment particles together and adheres them to a surface, such as paper, wood, or canvas, for prints or paints. The binder transforms dry pigments into a usable medium and also makes them more durable. embossing - refers to a technique where the paper is pressed into the carved woodblocks, creating a raised or textured effect on the printed surface. This technique adds a three-dimensional quality to the print by making certain areas of the paper slightly elevated. linocut -A linocut is a relief or block print type, similar to woodblock printing. The artist carves an image into a linoleum block, printing what's left. intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . mica - in mokuhanga, mica (kirazuri) is used to add a shimmering, reflective effect to prints. Mica powder is typically mixed with glue and applied to the surface of the print in areas where a subtle sparkle or luminous texture is desired, often to highlight details such as clothing, water, or the sky. This technique gives the print a luxurious quality and enhances the visual depth. Historically, mica was used in ukiyo-e prints to elevate the status of the work, and it continues to be used by contemporary printmakers for its unique aesthetic appeal. - is a technique in woodblock printing using mica to add a sheen to the print. Mokuhanga artist Marcia Guetschow has written about kirazuri on her website, . David Bull - is a Canadian woodblock printmaker, and educator who lives and works in Japan. His love of mokuhanga has almost singlehandedly promoted the art form around the world. His company, Mokuhankan, has a brick and mortar store in Asakusa, Tōkyō, and online, . Forest In Spring (2008) - a part of the Faculty of Graphics of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. His work focuses on everyday life, travel and memory. His works are in intaglio, relief such as mokuhanga, and serigraphy. Augenblick 70 x 100 cm (2023) linocut Tomasz Kawełczyk - is a mokuhanga artist and deputy dean at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland. He is also a lecturer and organizer of workshops. Tomasz has also worked in mokuhanga as well as holding workshops accompanying the "Road to Edo," held at the National Museum in Warsaw from February 25 - May 7, 2017. His work in mokuhanga has been focused on creating prints by using local tools and materials found in Poland. Dariusz Kaca - is a relief printmaker and professor at the Academy of Fine arts in Łódź, Poland. He works in linocut and mokuhanga. Nocturn I - 40cm x 40cm, linocut - lecturer and researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit -Ruby My Dear as performed by Roy Hargrove, originally by Thelonius Monk. (1990) RCA logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Nicholas Cladis : An Alchemy of Control - A Discussion on Echizen Washi
Nicholas Cladis : An Alchemy of Control - A Discussion on Echizen Washi
For those who are regular listeners of The Unfinished Print, you will know that I had the privilege of visiting the city of Echizen in Fukui Prefecture, Japan, where I attended the 2024 Mokuhanga Conference earlier this year. Echizen is renowned for its long history of paper production, supplying paper to the entire country. In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with Nicholas Cladis, Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Iowa Center. Having lived and studied paper in Japan and around the world, Nicholas and I discuss the elements of Japanese paper, known as washi, its production process, and specifically how washi is made in Echizen. I ask Nicholas for his opinion on the concerns surrounding the decline of traditional Japanese washi production, and we also explore his own experiences in paper making in the United States and what he hopes to achieve. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Nicholas Cladis - , © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit -Another Land by Dave Holland from the album Another Land (2021) Edition Records logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Mike Lyon : Printmaker - Layers of Meaning
Mike Lyon : Printmaker - Layers of Meaning
Mokuhanga can be approached in many ways. For some, a hands-on approach is the most appealing, as it places full responsibility on the artist to carefully craft each step—designing, carving by hand, and printing—to achieve the best possible result. However, other mokuhanga artists take a more experimental route, where the possibilities are limitless, and innovation leads to unique outcomes. On this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with printmaker Mike Lyon, who has been creating mokuhanga for nearly 30 years. We delve into his philosophy on mokuhanga, his innovative use of a CNC machine in printmaking, and his inventive spirit. We also explore his own mokuhanga prints and the Lyon Collection of Japanese woodblock prints. This interview was conducted while Mike was at the Mokuhanga Project Space in Walla Walla, Washington, and he reflects on his real time experiences during the interview. One other note; there is reference to an accident Mike had as a young man regarding his fingers. Listeners be warned. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Mike Lyon - Shotokan Karate - is a traditional Japanese martial art that emphasizes powerful, linear movements, strong stances, and precise techniques. Developed by Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) in the early 20th century, Shotokan blends self-defense, physical fitness, and mental discipline. It is characterized by its deep stances, focus on kata (pre-arranged forms), kihon (basic techniques), and kumite (sparring). Practitioners strive for mastery of body and mind, aiming to improve both physical strength and inner calm through rigorous practice. Shotokan is one of the most widely practiced karate styles worldwide. Zen Buddhism - is a school of Mahāyāna Buddhism that emphasizes direct experience, meditation (zazen), and mindfulness as paths to enlightenment. Originating in China as Chan Buddhism and later flourishing in Japan, Zen focuses on achieving insight into the nature of existence through meditation rather than reliance on scriptures or ritual. Central to Zen practice is the concept of "no-mind" (mushin), which seeks to quiet the mind and transcend dualistic thinking. Through sitting meditation, koans (paradoxical questions), and the guidance of a teacher, Zen practitioners aim to awaken to their true nature and the interconnectedness of all things. Hiroki Morinoue - is a mokuhanga printmaker and artist living in Holualoa, Big Island, Hawai’i. He is a co-founding member of the Holualoa Foundation For Arts & Culture, the establishment of the and . Hiroki's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Kitchen Fosit (2012) Gotō Hidehiko (b.1953) - is a mokuhanga printmaker and tool maker based in Japan. He makes and teaches seminars about the construction of the mokuhanga tool, the baren. From The Window (2017) 15" x 12" Anderson Ranch Arts Center - since the 1960s, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, located in Colorado, has been a beacon for the arts in the United States. The Ranch offers master classes, workshops, artist-in-residence programs, and more. For additional information, please click . registration - there are several registration methods in mokuhanga. The traditional method is called the kentō registration, where you carve two notches, straight another an "L." There is also a "floating kentō," which is where the notches are cut in a piece of "L" shaped wood and not on the wood where you are cutting your image, hence "floating." Lastly, there are removable "pins," such as ones made by . The Fisherman and His Wife (1996) 15" x 10" International Mokuhanga Conference - is a bi-yearly conference dedicated to mokuhanga which started in 2011 by the International Mokuhanga Association. Each conference is themed. The latest conference was in 2021, delayed a year because of the pandemic. More information can be found, . Prussian Blue - is a dark blue pigment, which has been used by painters, and mokuhanga printmakers. The pigment has been used in Europe since the 18th Century, and in Japan since around 1820, having been imported by Europeans into Japan. More information about Prussian Blue can be found in my interview with Professor Henry Smith, . reduction printmaking - is a process in printmaking where the printmaker cuts away on a piece of wood, or linoleum. After every carving, the printmaker makes an impression with pigments, beginning with lighter colours, gradually using darker colours. William H. Mays has a fine description of reduction on his website, . CNC Machine - A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) router is a machine used to cut, carve, or engrave materials like wood, plastic, metal, and foam with high precision, guided by a computer program. The router is controlled by pre-programmed software that dictates the movement of the cutting tool along multiple axes (typically three to five), allowing for complex shapes and designs to be created with great accuracy. CNC routers are commonly used in manufacturing, woodworking, sign-making, and prototyping because they can produce detailed and repetitive cuts that would be difficult to achieve by hand. Friends of Baren Forum - is a Facebook group dedicated to those interested in mokuhanga and woodblock printing in general. it can be found, . David Bull - is a Canadian woodblock printmaker, and educator who lives and works in Japan. His love of mokuhanga has almost singlehandedly promoted the art form around the world. His company, Mokuhankan, has a brick and mortar store in Asakusa, Tōkyō, and online, . River In Spring (2009) shihan - is a title in Japanese martial arts, often translated as "master instructor." It is an honorific title given to highly skilled and experienced practitioners who have demonstrated knowledge, expertise, and commitment to a particular martial art over many years. A shihan is not only a technical expert but also a role model and leader, responsible for preserving and passing on the traditions and philosophies of the martial art to future generations. The title is typically granted in arts such as karate, aikido, judo, and kendo, and it is often reserved for senior instructors with a rank of 5th dan or higher. aizuri-e - (藍摺絵) are woodblock prints made entirely with shades of blue. This style gained popularity during the Edo Period. yakusha-e - (役者絵) is the Japanese term for actor prints in mokuhanga. bijin-ga - (美人画) is the Japanese term for beautiful women in mokuhanga. Ezoshi - is a mokuhanga focused art gallery and store located in Kyoto, Japan. It was established in 1978. More info, . Tōshūsai Sharaku (dates unknown) - was a Japanese ukiyo-e printmaker active during the late Edo period, primarily from 1794 to 1795. He is known for his portraits of kabuki actors, capturing their dramatic expressions and movements with remarkable realism and emotional depth. Sharaku emphasized individuality and personality in his subjects, using bold colors and strong contrasts to create a distinct style. Despite his brief career, lasting only about ten months, his innovative approach had a lasting impact on the ukiyo-e tradition, making him one of the most significant printmakers of the Edo period. The true identity of Sharaku and the reasons for his sudden disappearance from the art scene are still unknown. Otani Oniji III as Edobei (1794) 14 15/16" × 9 7/8" ōkubi-e (大首絵) - are woodblock prints of close-up human heads, which came into prominence in the late 19th Century. For me, the best mokuhanga designer of okubi-e is Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900). His okubi-e of kabuki actors is unparalleled, showing the actors in various positions with intricate backgrounds and poses. Kamigata - is a region of Japan which refers to the area encompassing the cities of Kyoto and Osaka, located in the Kansai region. During the Edo period (1603–1868), Kamigata became a significant cultural and artistic center, known for its contributions to theater, literature, and the arts, particularly ukiyo-e mokuhanga. The term "Kamigata," meaning "upper region," reflects its geographical position relative to Edo (modern Tōkyō), which was considered the "lower region." Photoshop - is a powerful graphics editing software developed by Adobe Systems, widely used for image manipulation, photo editing, and digital art creation. It offers a variety of tools and features for tasks such as retouching images, creating graphics, applying effects, and designing layouts, making it an essential tool for photographers, graphic designers, and artists. Benjamin Selby - is an artist who works in mokuhanga, as well as serigraphy and installations. More information about Benjamin’s work can be found, . His interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Crushed (2024) Fudezaishiki - Hand Colored With Brush Mokuhanga 9" x 12" Mokuhanga Project Space - is a mokuhanga residency located in Walla Walla, Washington, USA. It was established in 2016 and is led by printmaker Keiko Hara. More info can be found, . coding - also known as programming, is the process of writing instructions for computers using programming languages. These instructions, or code, enable computers to perform specific tasks, solve problems, or automate processes. Coding involves creating algorithms, which are step-by-step procedures for carrying out a task, and translating these algorithms into a language that a computer can understand, such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript. Coding is essential in developing software applications, websites, and systems that power various technologies in everyday life, from mobile apps to complex databases and artificial intelligence systems. HP-25 - is a scientific calculator introduced by Hewlett-Packard in 1975. It is notable for being one of the first pocket-sized programmable calculators, featuring a unique Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) input system, which allows users to enter calculations in a more efficient manner than traditional algebraic notation. The HP-25 is equipped with a 49-step program memory, enabling users to create and store complex calculations. It has a 2-line display for showing both the program and the results, and it can perform a variety of functions, including trigonometric, logarithmic, and statistical calculations. The HP-25 is recognized for its durability, design, and the pioneering role it played in the evolution of personal computing and calculators. subroutine - also known as a function, method, or procedure, is a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task within a larger program. Subroutines allow programmers to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable pieces, promoting code reusability and organization. When a subroutine is called, the program temporarily transfers control to that subroutine, executes its instructions, and then returns control to the main program or calling code, often providing a result or output. This modular approach makes it easier to debug, maintain, and understand code, as well as to share functionality across different parts of a program or between different programs. Echizen - is a region in Fukui Prefecture, Japan, known for its long history of papermaking. The area is home to many paper artisans. One notable figure is Iwano Ichibei. He is a Living National Treasure in papermaking and the ninth generation of his family still making paper today. More information can be found , and here in . baren - is a mokuhanga tool that typically consists of a round, flat disk with a bamboo base, covered with a layer of cord or cloth, often wrapped in a spiral pattern made from various materials such as cotton or hemp. Additionally, there are baren made from ball bearings and other materials, including plastic and metal. Linda in Black (2019) 41" x 29.5" - for more information on how this print was made you can find that on Mike Lyon's website, . rectangular spirals - are a pattern which Mike Lyon uses a lot in his mokuhanga. Here is a posting on Mike's website in which Mike discusses his ideas on these spirals and how he uses them through coding. It can be found, . Guerra & Paint Pigment Corp. - is a brick and mortar store located in Brooklyn, New York that sells artists pigments. More info, . CMYK colour model - stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key which are the colours used in the printing process of whichever work you are making. More info, . rasters - or raster graphics, are a type of digital image composed of a grid of individual pixels, each containing colour information. This pixel-based format is commonly used in digital photography, web graphics, and image editing, with resolution defined by the number of pixels in each dimension (width x height) and measured in dots per inch (DPI) or pixels per inch (PPI). While raster images can capture detailed and complex visuals, such as photographs, they can lose quality and become pixelated when enlarged, as the individual pixels become more visible. Common raster file formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. Unlike vector graphics, which use mathematical equations to represent images and can be scaled infinitely without loss of quality, rasters are less suitable for images requiring resizing or scaling. Shotbot code - typically refers to programming or scripting used to automate tasks in photography, particularly in photo booths or photography studios. It may involve controlling camera settings, managing image capture, and organizing files, allowing photographers to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. Often associated with the ShotBot app, this code enables remote triggering of cameras, capturing images at set intervals, and integrating with other software for efficient image management. By utilizing Shotbot code, photographers can achieve consistent results and improve the overall efficiency of their photography projects. Madz - Portrait of the artist Madeline Cass. 31"x32" for more information regarding the process of how this print was made can be found on Mike Lyon's website, . Post Digital Printmaking - is printmaking using Computer Numeric Control (CNC) devices, including laser cutters and CNC routers, that are used for matrix production in lithography, intaglio, and relief printing. closed-loop controller -is a type of control system that continuously monitors and adjusts its output based on feedback from the system it is controlling. In this system, the controller receives information about the current state or output and compares it to a desired setpoint or target value. This feedback allows the controller to make real-time adjustments to the input or control signal to minimize the difference between the actual output and the desired output, enhancing accuracy and stability. Closed-loop controllers are commonly used in applications such as industrial automation, robotics, temperature control, and motor speed regulation, and they are contrasted with open-loop controllers, which do not utilize feedback and rely solely on predefined input commands. The feedback mechanism in closed-loop systems improves performance, allowing for better handling of disturbances and changes in system dynamics. MDF - or Medium-Density Fiberboard, is an engineered wood product made from wood fibres, wax, and resin that are compressed under high pressure and temperature. It is known for its smooth surface, uniform density, and versatility, making it a popular choice for furniture, cabinetry, moldings, and decorative applications. MDF can be easily cut, shaped, and painted, allowing for intricate designs and finishes. Unlike solid wood, MDF does not have knots or grain patterns, providing a consistent appearance. It is often used as a cost-effective alternative to solid wood and plywood, although it can be more susceptible to moisture damage and may require sealing for certain applications. Foundry Vineyards - based in Walla Walla, Washington is a vineyard and art space. It has been hosting artists from all types of media such as painting and printmaking since 2010. It has exhibited The Mokuhanga Project Space, printmaker Mike Lyon, and the International Mokuhanga Print Exhibit. More info about this space and the good it does for the art community at large can be found, . The Wichita Art Museum - located in Wichita, Kansas, is the largest art museum in the state. Established in 1935, it features a diverse collection of American art, with a particular focus on works from the 19th and 20th centuries. The museum's permanent collection includes paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, highlighting notable artists such as Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, and John Steuart Curry. In addition to its collections, the museum offers rotating exhibitions, educational programs, and community events that engage the public and promote an appreciation for the visual arts. The museum's architecture, designed by the renowned architect Edward Durrell Stone. More info can be found, . The International Block Print Renaissance: Then & Now - was a woodblock exhibition held at the Wichita Art Museum from February 26 - August 7, 2022. It was an exhibition which exhibited prints from around the world as well as printmakers from Wichita, Kansas, USA. It described various print making techniques from Japan, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as the United States. Secret Garden [Clover] (2017) 36" x 36", a video on how Mike Lyon printed this particular print can be found on YouTube, . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit -There Is No Greater Love by Chet Baker (1928-1988) from the album City Lights (2024) UMG Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Malene Wagner : Tiger Tanuki - It's As Much To Do With History As It Has To Do With Art
Malene Wagner : Tiger Tanuki - It's As Much To Do With History As It Has To Do With Art
When developing a business centered around Japanese prints, there are many factors to consider: the audience, the history, and how you want to be perceived by the public. The appeal of the Japanese aesthetic, along with your own personal aesthetic and brand identity, can also be just as important to your business. On this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with Malene Wagner, a gallerist, curator, writer, and art historian whose business operates under the name Tiger Tanuki. Malene shares her passion for collecting and selling Japanese prints, and we explore the European perspective on Japanese prints and printmaking. We also dive into Japanese aesthetics and how they are interpreted through a Western lens. Additionally, Malene discusses how these aesthetics influence her brand, Tiger Tanuki, the role history plays in shaping her business, and her upcoming book. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Malene Wagner & Tiger Tanuki - , ukiyo-e - is a multi colour woodblock print generally associated with the Edo Period (1603-1867) of Japan. What began in the 17th Century as prints of only a few colours, evolved into an elaborate system of production and technique into the Meiji Period (1868-1912). With the advent of photography and other forms of printmaking, ukiyo-e as we know it today, ceased production by the late 19th Century. Uniqlo - a Japanese clothing brand known for its affordable, minimalist, and high-quality everyday wear. It focuses on functional designs, using innovative fabrics like Heattech for warmth and AIRism for breathability. Uniqlo is popular worldwide for offering essential wardrobe staples and often collaborates with well-known designers and artists to create unique collections. Clear Day With A Southern Breeze (1831) is a print usually known as "Red Fuji." From the series Thirty Six Views of Mt. Fuji this print was actually pink, red was used in later impressions by publisher Nishimuraya Yohachi. The Great Wave off Kanagawa - is a woodblock print designed by Katsushika Hokusai in 1831. It is very famous. Yayoi Kusama - is a pioneering Japanese artist known for her immersive installations and polka dot motifs that explore themes of infinity, identity, and mental health. Born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan, Kusama began her artistic journey through painting and avant-garde practices, eventually moving to New York in the late 1950s, where she became a key figure in the pop art and feminist movements. Her works, range from large-scale installations like the "Infinity Mirror Rooms" to her vibrant sculptures and paintings. Kusama’s art is a deeply personal expression of her own experiences with mental illness, transforming her obsessions into stunning visual experiences that resonate globally. Today, she is celebrated as one of the most influential contemporary artists, with exhibitions and installations that captivate audiences worldwide. From "Life Is The Heart of A Rainbow", Installation (2017) MANGA - was an exhibition from May 23 - August 26, 2019 held at the British Museum in London, England. shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking that emerged in the early 20th century, marking the end of the nishiki-e period. Originating around 1915 under the direction of Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962), the art form responded to the foreign demand for "traditional" Japanese imagery. Shin hanga artists focused on motifs like castles, bridges, famous landscapes, and bamboo forests. The style was initiated when Watanabe discovered Austrian artist Fritz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned him to design prints for Watanabe's budding printing house. This collaboration led to the evolution of shin hanga into a distinctive new style of Japanese woodblock printing. The shin hanga movement thrived until its inevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). sōsaku-hanga - or creative prints, is a style of printmaking which is predominantly, although not exclusively, prints made by one person. It started in the early twentieth century in Japan, in the same period as the shin-hanga movement. The artist designs, carves, and prints their own works. The designs, especially in the early days, may seem rudimentary but the creation of self-made prints was a breakthrough for printmakers moving away from where only a select group of carvers, printers and publishers created woodblock prints. Tomoo Inagaki (1902-1980) - introduced to mokuhanga by Onchi Kōshirō and Un'cihi Hiratsuka in 1923. Beginning in 1924, Inagaki published his first prints in magazines such as Shi to hanga (issue 13), Hanga (issues 6, 9/10, 11, 14), and Kitsutsuki, and exhibited with the Nihon Sôsaku-Hanga Kyôkai (Japan Creative Print Association). He became a member of the Nihon Hanga Kyôkai (Japan Print Association) in 1932 and participated in various post-war international competitions, including the Paris, Tokyo, and Lugano biennales. His cat prints have been highly collectible. More info can be found at Viewing Japanese Prints, . The Rival Cats - 18" x 24" (1960's - 1970's) Oliver Statler (1915-2002) - was an American author and scholar and collector of mokuhanga. He had been a soldier in World War 2, having been stationed in Japan. After his time in the war Statler moved back to Japan where he wrote about Japanese prints. His interests were of many facets of Japanese culture such as accommodation, and the 88 Temple Pilgrimage of Shikoku. Oliver Statler, in my opinion, wrote one of the most important books on the sōsaku-hanga movement, “Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn.” Frances Blakemore (1906-1997) - was an American-born artist, writer, philanthropist and curator of modern Japanese mokuhanga. She lived in Japan for over fifty years and helped to support the burgeoning sōsaku hanga print movement of the 1950s. Blakemore worked in mokuhanga (collaborating with Watanabe Shōzaburō) and making self-printed and carved prints. She also worked in oils. Japanese Bath (1937) - 11 7/8" x 9 5/8 " Yoshitomo Nara - is a renowned Japanese contemporary artist and is celebrated for his distinctive paintings and sculptures featuring figures with large heads and expressive eyes, often exploring themes of innocence, rebellion, and solitude. Change The History (2007) acrylic on wood 74-7/16" × 55-1/2" × 3-1/8" Mingei - is a Japanese term that translates to "folk craft" or "people's art." It refers to a movement that emerged in the early 20th century, emphasizing the value and beauty of traditional, handmade crafts created by anonymous artisans. Mingei focuses on everyday objects, such as pottery, textiles, furniture, and utensils, that reflect the culture and daily life of the people who made them. Lawrin Smith - is the author of the book "The Prints of Yoshitoshi: A Complete Illustrated Catalog" (2009). This comprehensive catalog focuses on the works of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi. The book provides detailed descriptions and illustrations of Yoshitoshi's prints, showcasing his significant contributions to the ukiyo-e genre and his influence on modern printmaking. Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic philosophy that celebrates the beauty of imperfection, transience, and the natural cycle of life. It combines two concepts: "wabi," which refers to rustic simplicity and tranquility found in nature, and "sabi,"which denotes the beauty that comes with age and wear. Wabi-sabi values simplicity, asymmetry, and the unique characteristics of objects and experiences, encouraging appreciation for the impermanent and humble aspects of life. This philosophy is reflected in various forms of art, architecture, and design, emphasizing natural materials and handcrafted items, and fostering mindfulness and acceptance of the imperfections that make life beautiful. A-yo - is a renowned Japanese artist associated with the Gutai Art Association, an avant-garde group that emerged in post-war Japan. Known for his vibrant colors and distinctive style, Ay-O's work often incorporates elements of nature, light, and movement, reflecting themes of playfulness and spontaneity. He engages with materials in innovative ways and has explored performance art as part of his creative expression. With extensive exhibitions both in Japan and internationally, Ay-O has made significant contributions to contemporary art, emphasizing the joy of creation and the aesthetic experience. Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) was a French-American artist and a key figure in modern art, known for his significant influence on the Dada movement and conceptual art. He initially trained as a painter but became renowned for challenging traditional notions of art through his controversial works, such as "Fountain"(1917), a readymade sculpture of a urinal that questioned the definition of art and the role of the artist. Duchamp's other notable pieces, including "The Large Glass" (1915–1923) and "Bicycle Wheel" (1913), explored themes of chance and perception. His innovative ideas about art as a conceptual experience rather than a purely visual one continue to resonate, solidifying his status as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Fountain (1917) replica (1964) Naoko Matsubara - is a contemporary Japanese printmaker known for her expertise in mokuhanga. Born in Osaka, she studied at Kyoto Seika University, where she specialized in printmaking and mastered the techniques of this ancient art form. Matsubara's work often blends traditional methods with contemporary themes, exploring the relationship between nature, culture, and identity. Her prints are characterized by intricate details, vibrant colors, and a deep appreciation for the materials and techniques involved in woodblock printing. She teaches and promotes mokuhanga both in Japan and abroad, exhibiting her work in galleries and museums worldwide and receiving numerous awards for her contributions to the field. Naoko's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Gihachiro Okuyama (1907-1981) - was a prominent Japanese printmaker and painter associated with the sōsaku hanga (creative prints) movement. Born in Tokyo, he studied traditional Japanese painting and was influenced by Western art styles, leading to innovative woodblock prints characterized by bold colors and dynamic compositions that blend traditional aesthetics with modern elements. Throughout his career, Okuyama exhibited extensively in Japan and internationally, contributing significantly to contemporary printmaking while also playing a vital role in art education by sharing his expertise with future generations. His work reflects a deep engagement with the cultural exchanges between East and West during the post-war period. Moonscape - 10" x 21" Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) - is considered one of the last “masters” of the ukiyo-e genre of Japanese woodblock printmaking. His designs range from landscapes, samurai and Chinese military heroes, as well as using various formats for his designs such as diptychs and triptychs. Prince Rokuson Tsunemoto from Suikoden of Japanese Heroes (1843) 10" x 7" Utagawa Kunisada III (1848–1920) - was a ukiyo-e print designer from the Utagawa school of mokuhanga. Kunisada III's print designs were designed during the transformation of the Edo Period (1603-1868) into the Meiji Period (1868-1912) of Japanese history, where his prints showed the technological, architectural and historical changes in Japan's history. Kabuki Plays - Narukami and Princess Toki (ca. 1890's) triptych Saitō Kiyoshi (1907-1997) - was a Japanese woodblock printmaker and artist who worked in the sōsaku hanga style of mokuhanga. HIs fame outside of Japan was fairly comprehensive with his peak fame being in the 1950’s and 1960’s. For a comprehensive book on his life and times, Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening published by The John & Mable Ringling Museum is an excellent source. Can be found, . Lecture by Dr. Paget about Saitō can be found, . My interview with Professor Paget can be found, . Dog, Daschund 2 10" x 15" Edvard Munch (1863-1944) - was a Norweigan artist, who initially was a painter, but also ventured into printmaking making 850 images. His print medium was etching, lithography, and woodcut. More information can be found , at Christie’s. Anxiety (1894) Pieter Cornelius Mondrian (1872-1944) - a Dutch artist who’s work helped found De Stijl in 1917, a group of Dutch painters who helped codify Mondrian’s abstraction and industrial design. Mondrian has a wide spectrum of works and styles created throughout his career. More information can be found, from the Guggenheim. Mill in Sunlight (1908). Credit: Kunstmuseum Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands © 2021 Mondrian/Holtzman Trust Shunga - meaning "spring pictures," is a genre of Japanese erotic art that flourished during the Edo period (1603–1868), characterized by woodblock prints, paintings, and illustrated books depicting explicit sexual scenes often combined with humor, romance, and social commentary. Notable for its vibrant colors and intricate details, shunga explores themes of intimacy and sexuality, serving both as entertainment and education in a culture where such topics were often taboo. The genre reflects societal attitudes toward love and relationships and has a rich history despite facing censorship at various times. Today, shunga is recognized as a significant part of Japanese art history, appreciated for its aesthetic qualities and cultural context. Paul Binnie - Candlelight (1994) kappazuri print 24" x 18" Tosa Prefecture - historically known as Tosa Province, is located in the southern part of Shikoku, Japan, and corresponds to present-day Kochi Prefecture. Renowned for its natural beauty, including mountains, rivers, and coastal landscapes, Tosa has a rich cultural heritage that includes traditional crafts like Tosa washi (handmade paper) and Tosa pottery. The region is famous for its vibrant festivals, such as the Yosakoi Festival, which features lively dance performances, and is known for its agricultural products, particularly citrus fruits like yuzu and sudachi, along with seafood. Kochi City, the capital of Kochi Prefecture, serves as the cultural and economic center, showcasing local cuisine, historical sites, and museums. Tosa's unique blend of natural scenery, traditional crafts, and cultural events contributes to its significance within Japan. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - I Am Pentagon by the band Make Up from their album Save Yourself (1999) released by K Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Mariko Jesse : Printmaker - You Have To Make The Work
Mariko Jesse : Printmaker - You Have To Make The Work
The journey of an artist is a winding one. You make the decision to start, not knowing where it will take you. Over time, if you're fortunate, you build a career from your work while gaining the freedom to explore new forms of expression, with each project becoming an important and affirming part of that journey. In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with Mariko Jesse, a professional illustrator who has integrated mokuhanga into her artistic practice. Mariko draws inspiration from her life experiences, sharing insights on her family and travels. We discuss how living in San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Japan has shaped her outlook and creative process. Mariko also reflects on her involvement with MI Lab, now based in Echizen, Japan, as well travelling to the International Mokuhanga Conference in April 2024. Finally, we explore Mariko's collaborations with The Mokuhanga Sisters and wood+paper+box, and how these partnerships shape her own artistic practice. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Mariko Jesse - , Nagasawa Art Park (MI Lab) Awaji City - Nagasawa Art Park was an artist-in-residence program located in Awaji City, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. It was open for 12 years before evolving into MI Lab in 2012. More info, . Yoonmi Nam - is a contemporary mokuhanga printmaker, lithographer, sculptor, and teacher, based in Lawrence, Kansas. Her work can be found, . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . From Yoonmi Nam's exhibition Among Other Things, as seen at The University at Buffalo Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY (2024) photo by me. Katie Baldwin - is a contemporary mokuhanga printmaker, illustrator, book maker, and artist based in Huntsville, Alabama. Her work can be found, . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Looking For Different Places to Call Home, from the series Family Tree (2004) 18"x14" mokuhanga and letterpress Ralph Kiggell (1960-2022) - was one of the most important mokuhanga practitioners. Originally from England, Ralph lived and worked in Thailand. Ralph pushed the boundaries of mokuhanga with extremely large pieces, jigsaw carving, and by using fantastic colour. He also worked with the International Mokuhanga Conference to promote mokuhanga around the world. He will be greatly missed. Ralph's work can be found, . His obituary in The Guardian can be found, . His interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Leaf Change linocut -A linocut is a relief or block print type, similar to woodblock printing. The artist carves an image into a linoleum block, printing what's left. Central Saint Martins - is a renowned art and design college in London, formed in 1989 through the merger of St Martin’s School of Art and the Central School of Art and Crafts, both known for their innovative, hands-on teaching methods. It later integrated the Drama Centre London and the Byam Shaw School of Art. Central Saint Martins continues its tradition of radical art and design education while adapting to modern shifts in its disciplines and teaching approaches. intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . Into The Garden (mokuhanga printed book) cat + jug (etching) A4 paper size - is a size of paper from the ISO 216 standard, with the dimensions of 210x297 mm. Summer Blooms (2021) MI Lab - is a mokuhanga residency located in Echizen, Fukui, Japan. More info can be found, . - are a mokuhanga collective consisting of Yoonmi Nam, Mariko Jesse, Lucy May Schofield, Melissa Schulenberg, Kate MacDonagh, Katie Baldwin, Mia-O, Patty Hudak, and Natasha Norman. Masaban - was the exhibition held at the Udatsu Paper Museum in Echizen, Fukui, Japan in April, 2024. More info can be found, . Udatsu Paper & Craft Museum - is a museum dedicated to washi and its history. More information can be found, . gomazuri - is a mokuhanga technique where slight pressure is used with pigments too make a “spotty” image, what look like sesame seeds. It can add depth to your prints. Paul Binnie - Travels with the Master: New York Night T/P 11 3/8" by 8 1/8" Awaji Island - located in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan, has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. It is considered the birthplace of Japan in the *Kojiki* (Records of Ancient Matters), as the first island created by the gods Izanagi and Izanami in Japanese mythology. Historically, Awaji was a strategic point for maritime trade and travel, linking the Kansai region with Shikoku and Kyushu. During the Edo period, it was part of Tokushima Domain under the rule of the Hachisuka clan. Today, Awaji is known for its natural beauty, traditional industries like Awaji Ningyo Joruri (puppet theater), and as the site of the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, the world’s longest suspension bridge, connecting it to mainland Japan. 弁 - is the Chinese character for ben, "dialect." Kansai (関西地方) - is a region located on the main island of Honshu, Japan, which encompasses the Prefectures of Nara, Kyoto, Wakayama, Osaka, Hyōgo, Shiga and Mie. It has the most UNESCO world heritage sites in Japan. For tourist information about Kansai, see . sizing paper - at times mokuhanga printmakers will size their paper. Size is made from water, animal glue (rabbit, horse), and alum. What the size does is keep the pigments the artist uses from “bleeding” into the outer edges of the paper. There are many recipes of size, is one that artist Walter J. Phillips used. Gotō Hidehiko - is a mokuhanga printmaker and baren maker based in Tōkyō, Japan. You can order baren from him, . Terry McKenna - is a mokuhanga printmaker and teacher residing in Karuizawa, Japan. He received guidance in the art form from Richard Steiner, a prominent mokuhanga printmaker based in Kyoto. Terry established the Karuizawa Mokuhanga School, a renowned residency dedicated to mokuhanga education, located in Karuizawa, Japan. For further details about Terry and his school, . Additionally, you can listen to Terry's interview with The Unfinished Print, and Richard Steiner's interview . The Western Sky (22.4"x9") 2022 Lucy May Schofield - is a printmaker, photographer, and scroll maker (kakemono, 掛物) and is based in England. More information cane found on Lucy's website, and . Lucy's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . The Last Light series (cyanotype) 2016 Tiffany & Co. - is a luxury jewelry and specialty retailer founded in 1837 in New York City. Known for its iconic blue boxes and high-quality craftsmanship, Tiffany's specializes in fine jewelry, particularly diamond engagement rings, as well as silver, watches, and luxury accessories. Over the years, it has become a symbol of elegance, style, and timeless sophistication. The brand is also known for its collaborations with renowned designers and its presence in popular culture. - is a collaborative art group made up of Katie Baldwin, Mariko Jesse, and Yoonmi Nam. It is based on their experiences at Nagasawa Art Park, the precursor of MI Lab. mica - in mokuhanga, mica (kirazuri) is used to add a shimmering, reflective effect to prints. Mica powder is typically mixed with glue and applied to the surface of the print in areas where a subtle sparkle or luminous texture is desired, often to highlight details such as clothing, water, or the sky. This technique gives the print a luxurious quality and enhances the visual depth. Historically, mica was used in ukiyo-e prints to elevate the status of the work, and it continues to be used by contemporary printmakers for its unique aesthetic appeal. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - sounds of the Sumida River 2024 logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Dr. Monika Hinkel PhD : The Yoshida Family - Continuity and Change
Dr. Monika Hinkel PhD : The Yoshida Family - Continuity and Change
When embarking on your mokuhanga journey, whether through making or collecting, one name stands out above the rest: (pause) Yoshida. The Yoshida family of artists have helped create some of the most important and exciting mokuhanga prints of the last 100 years. Their designs, techniques, and marketing transformed the perception of prints in Japan and around the world. I speak with Dr. Monika Hinkel, Lecturer in the Arts of East Asia at SOAS () at the University of London and an Academic Member of the Japan Research Centre. Dr. Hinkel is also the curator of the current exhibtion (at the time of recording) about the Yoshida family of artists, titled Yoshida: Three Generations of Printmaking, being held at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London, England. Dr. Hinkel joins me to discuss the Yoshida family, from Hiroshi to Ayomi, the exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery—the first of its kind in the United Kingdom—the Yoshida family's history, and their impact on the global art community. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Dulwich Picture Gallery - located in London, England the Dulwich Picture Gallery is the worlds first public "purpose-built" public art gallery founded in 1811. Robert Rauschenberg (1925–2008) - was an American artist known for his innovative and boundary-defying work that blurred the lines between painting, sculpture, and everyday life. Emerging in the 1950s, Rauschenberg challenged the conventions of traditional art with his "Combines," a series of works that incorporated found objects, photographs, and non-traditional materials into paintings, creating dynamic, multi-dimensional pieces. Characterized by a spirit of experimentation and a desire to break down the distinctions between art and the real world, Rauschenberg played a crucial role in the transition from Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art. Charlene (1954) mixed media Pop Art - was an art movement from the 1950s and 1960s that incorporated imagery from popular culture, such as advertising, comic books, and consumer goods. It challenged traditional art by blurring the lines between high art and everyday life. Key figures like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein used bold colors and familiar icons to both celebrate and critique consumer culture, making Pop Art one of the most influential movements in modern art. Yoshida: Three Generations of Japanese Printmakers - is the current exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery from June 19, 2024 - November 3, 2024. Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950) - a watercolorist, oil painter, and woodblock printmaker. Is associated with the resurgence of the woodblock print in Japan, and in the West. It was his early relationship with Watanabe Shōzaburō, having his first seven prints printed by the Shōzaburō atelier. This experience made Hiroshi believe that he could hire his own carvers and printers and produce woodblock prints, which he did in 1925. Kumoi Cherry Tree 23" x 29 1/8 " (1926) Yoshida Fujio (1887-1997) - the wife of Hiroshi Yoshida and the mother of Tōshi Yoshida (1911-1995) and Hodaka Yoshida. Fujio was so much more than a mother and wife. She had a long and storied career as a painter and printmaker. Fujio’s work used her travels and personal experiences to make her work. Subjects such as Japan during The Pacific War, abstraction, portraits, landscapes, still life, and nature were some of her themes. Her painting mediums were watercolour and oil. Her print work was designed by her and carved by Fujio. Flower - B (1954) 15 3/4" x 10 5/8" Yoshida Tōshi (1911-1995) - was the second child of Hiroshi Yoshida and Fujio Yoshida, although the first to survive childhood. Beginning with oil paintings and then apprenticing under his father with woodblock cutting. By 1940 Tōshi started to make his mokuhanga. After his father's death in 1950, Tōshi began to experiment with abstract works and travel to the United States. Later travels to Africa evolved his prints, inspiring Tōshi with the world he experienced as his work focused on animals and nature. American Girl A (1954) 15 7/8" x 11 1/8" Yoshida Chizuko (1924-2017) - was the wife of painter and printmaker Hodaka Yoshida. Beginning as an abstract painter, Chizuko, after a meeting with sōsaku hanga printmaker Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955), Chizuko became interested in printmaking. Chizuko enjoyed the abstraction of art, and this was her central theme of expression. Like all Yoshida artists, travel greatly inspired Chizuko’s work. She incorporated the colours and flavours of the world into her prints. Jazz (1953) 15 3/4" x 11" Yoshida Hodaka (1926-1995) - was the second son of woodblock printmaker and designer Hiroshi Yoshida (1876-1950). Hodaka Yoshida's work was abstract, beginning with painting and evolving into printmaking. His inspirations varied as his career continued throughout his life, but Hodaka Yoshida's work generally focused on nature, "primitive" art, Buddhism, the elements, and landscapes. Hodaka Yoshida's print work used woodcut, photo etching, collage, and lithography, collaborating with many of these mediums and making original and fantastic works. Outside of prints Hodaka Yoshida also painted and created sculptures. Abstract (1958) 11" x 15 7/8" Yoshida Ayomi - is the daughter of Chizuko and Hodaka Yoshida. She is a visual artist who works in mokuhanga, installations and commercial design. Ayomi’s subject matter is colour, lines, water, and shape. Ayomi’s lecture referred to by Jeannie at PAM can be found . She teaches printmaking and art. You can find more info . Spring Rain (2018) woodblock installation Kawase Hasui (1883-1957), a designer of more than six hundred woodblock prints, is one of the most famous artists of the shin-hanga movement of the early twentieth century. Hasui began his career under the guidance of Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878-1971), joining several artistic societies early on. However, it wasn’t until he joined the Watanabe atelier in 1918 that he began to gain significant recognition. Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) commissioned Hasui to design landscapes of the Japanese countryside, small towns, and scenes of everyday life. Hasui also worked closely with the carvers and printers to achieve the precise quality he envisioned for his prints. Spring Rain at Sakurada Gate (1952) 10 3/8" x 15 3/8" Shōzaburō Watanabe (1885-1962) - was one of the most important print publishers in Japan in the early 20th Century. His business acumen and desire to preserve the ukiyo-e tradition were incredibly influential for the artists and collectors in Japan and those around the world. Watanabe influenced other publishers, but his work in the genre is unparalleled. The shin-hanga (new print) movement is Watanabe’s, collecting some of the best printers, carvers and designers to work for him. A great article by The Japan Times in 2022 discusses a touring exhibition of Watanabe’s work called Shin Hanga: New Prints of Japan, which can be found . Impressionism - was an art movement that emerged in France in the late 19th century, characterized by a focus on capturing the fleeting effects of light and color in everyday scenes. Instead of detailed realism, Impressionist artists like Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Edgar Degas used loose brushwork and vibrant colors to convey the atmosphere and momentary impressions of their subjects. This movement broke from traditional art by often painting en plein air (outdoors) and prioritizing personal perception over exact representation, leading to a revolutionary shift in modern art. Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944) - was a key figure in the development of abstract art, known for using color and form to express emotions and ideas without representational content. His influential writings and innovative approach helped shape modern art, making him a central figure in movements like Expressionism and the Bauhaus. Stars (1938) 13 7/8" x 10 1/4" colour lithograph Charles Freer (1854–1919) - was an American industrialist and art collector, best known for his significant contributions to the field of art through the establishment of the Freer Gallery of Art. Freer was a wealthy entrepreneur who made his fortune in the railroad industry. In his later years, he became an avid collector of art, particularly Asian art, including Chinese and Japanese ceramics, paintings, and sculptures. Nakagawa Hachiro (1877-1922) - was a close friend of Yoshida Hiroshi and traveled to the United States together for the first time in 1899. He was a yōga painter and showed primarily in Japan. Landcape in The Inland Sea 13.94" x 20.87" colour on watercolour The Great Kanto Earthquake - struck Japan on September 1, 1923, with a magnitude of approximately 7.9. It devastated the Kanto region, including Tokyo and Yokohama, causing widespread destruction and fires that led to the deaths of over 100,000 people. The earthquake also resulted in significant infrastructure damage, homelessness, and economic disruption. In the aftermath, the disaster prompted major rebuilding efforts and urban planning changes. Additionally, the earthquake led to social and political unrest, including widespread anti-Korean sentiment, as rumors falsely blamed Korean immigrants for the disaster. Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - born in Edo, Hiroshige is famous for his landscape series of that burgeoning city. The most famous series being, One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (1856-1859), and the landcape series, Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō (1833-1834). His work highlights bokashi, and bright colours. More info about his work can be found, . Thirty Six Views of Mount Fuji No. 21 Lake at Hakone 14" x 9 1/4" Kawase Hasui (1883-1957) - a designer of more than six hundred woodblock prints, Kawase Hasui is one of the most famous designers of the shin-hanga movement of the early twentieth century. Hasui began his career with the artist and woodblock designer Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878-1971), joining several artistic societies along the way early in his career. It wasn’t until he joined the Watanabe atelier in 1918 that he really began to gain recognition. Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) had Hasui design landscapes of the Japanese country-side, small towns, and everyday life. Hasui also worked closely with the carvers and printers of his prints to reach the level Hasui wanted his prints to be. Selection of Views of the Tokaido (1934) Bishu Seto Kilns 15 3/4" x 10 3/8" Itō Shinsui (1898-1972) - Nihon-ga, and woodblock print artist and designer who worked for print publisher Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962). Shinsui designed some of our most famous shin hanga, or “new” prints of the early 20th century. One of my favorites is “” 1930. Kasumi Teshigawara Arranging Chrysanthemums (1966) 21 7/8" x 16 1/2" Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) - is one of the most famous Japanese artists to have ever lived. Hokusai was an illustrator, painter and woodblock print designer. His work can be found on paper, wood, silk, and screen. His woodblock print design for Under The Wave off Kanagawa (ca. 1830-32) is beyond famous. His work, his manga, his woodblocks, his paintings, influence artists from all over the world. Tama River in Musashi Province from 36 Views of Mount Fuji (1830-32) 9 7/8" x 14 7/8" Boston Museum of Fine Arts - a museum with a rich history with Japanese artwork, especially woodblock prints. It holds the largest collection of Japanese art outside of Japan. Many of their woodblock prints are held online, . A video on YouTube found, , describing the MFA’s history, and its collections. Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955) - originally designing poetry and books Onchi became on of the most important sōsaku hanga artists and promotor of the medium. His works are highly sought after today. More info, . Nijubashi Bridge to the Imperial Palace from Scenes of Lost Tokyo (1945) 7.8" x 11.1" published by Uemura Masuro Tarō Okamoto (1911–1996) was a prominent Japanese artist known for his avant-garde works and dynamic use of color and form. His art, which includes painting, sculpture, and public installations like the "Tower of the Sun," often explores themes of chaos and modernity. Okamoto was influential in Japanese contemporary art and also made significant contributions as a writer and cultural commentator. More info, . Seashore (1976) lithograph 5.55" × 22.05" Oliver Statler (1915-2002) - was an American author and scholar and collector of mokuhanga. He had been a soldier in World War 2, having been stationed in Japan. After his time in the war Statler moved back to Japan where he wrote about Japanese prints. His interests were of many facets of Japanese culture such as accommodation, and the 88 Temple Pilgrimage of Shikoku. Oliver Statler, in my opinion, wrote one of the most important books on the sōsaku-hanga movement, “Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn.” St. Olaf College - is a private liberal arts college located in Northfield, Minnesota. Founded in 1874 by Norwegian-American settlers, it has a strong emphasis on a comprehensive liberal arts education, integrating rigorous academics with a commitment to fostering critical thinking, leadership, and global citizenship. The college is known for its vibrant community, strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and its affiliation with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). St. Olaf is also recognized for its strong music program, including its acclaimed choir and music ensembles. More info, . The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) - is an art museum in Detroit, Michigan, founded in 1885. It is known for its extensive collection of artworks from various cultures and periods, including significant American, European, and African art. The DIA is particularly famous for Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry Murals and serves as a major cultural center with diverse exhibitions and educational programs. More info, . baren - is a Japanese word to describe a flat, round-shaped disc, predominantly used in creating Japanese woodblock prints. It is traditionally made of a cord of various types and a bamboo sheath, although baren have many variations. Jeannie Kenmotsu, PhD - is the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Curator of Asian Art at the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon. She specializes in early modern Japanese art, with a focus on painting, illustrated books, and prints. Her interview with The Unfinished Print about her work about the Joryū Hanga Kyōkai can be found, . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - by Gordon Lightfoot - Affair on 8th Avenue from the album Back Here On Earth (1968) on United Artists. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
William Mathie : Printmaker - Planting Seeds
William Mathie : Printmaker - Planting Seeds
Mokuhanga becomes a part of those who open themselves to its possibilities. It draws you in as an art form, with its seeming simplicity, and guides you on a profound journey of exploration. One of the strengths of mokuhanga as a practice is its ability to harmonize with other artistic and academic endeavors, enriching one's life in many ways. On this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with William Mathie, a teacher and relief printmaker based in Pennsylvania. We discuss Bill’s discovery of mokuhanga in the 1980s and how his academic and artistic journey in printmaking evolved, leading him to rediscover mokuhanga later in life. Bill and I delve into his personal mokuhanga teachers, his work on the Pennsylvania Print Symposium in 2006, his printmaking philosophies, his time at the First International Mokuhanga Conference in Awaji and Kyoto, and we also explore his own mokuhanga work, materials, making tools and how he views mokuhanga through an academic lens. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. William Mathie - , Guarding The Cheese The golden age of mokuhanga is generally considered to be during the Edo period (1603-1898), when the art of color woodcut flourished in Japan. Although woodblock printing in Japan has its origins around 700 CE, color woodblock printing began in 1743. Rudy Pozzati (1925-2021) - was an American Professor Emeritus, painter, and printmaker who traveled extensively through grants early in life. Later, he served as a professor at Indiana University Bloomington from 1956 to 1991. Indiana University is a public research university in Bloomington, Indiana. He worked in various styles of printmaking and studied mokuhanga in Japan in the 1980s. Man-eating Mares of King Diomedes (2009) one colour lithograph, 24 3/4" x 33 3/4" The Adachi Institute of Woodblock Prints - is a print studio located in Tōkyō. Established in 1994 in order to promote and preserve the colour woodblock print of Japan. More information, in and in . Kenji Takenaka - is a mokuhanga printmaker based in Kyoto. He is a fifth generation printmaker, who has demonstrated mokuhanga technique throughout the world. He established the Takenaka Woodblock Printing Company (Takesazado) to help teach and promote mokuhanga. More information can be found, . Chikurin 10.6" x 15.3" The Japan Foundation - established in October 1972 as a government-affiliated corporation and relaunched in 2003 as an independent administrative institution under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, promotes international cultural exchange through a variety of programs. With its global network, including offices in Japan and 22 overseas locations, the Foundation focuses on Arts and Cultural Exchange, Japanese-Language Education Overseas, and Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange. It is funded by a government endowment, annual subsidies, investment revenue, and private donations. Tuula Moilanen - is a Finnish mokuhanga printmaker and painter based in Finland. She lived and studied in Kyōto from 1989 to 2012, where she learned her printmaking at Kyōto Seika University and from printmaker Akira Kurosaki (1937–2019). Her work can be found . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found . Blooming Sky 2, (2017) 10.2" x 14.2" Yukō Harada - is a mokuhanga printmaker based in Kyoto, and works at Kenji Takenaka's Takesazado and is considered a sixth generation printmaker. An interview with Ms. Harada can be found at amirisu, . Rainy Season Stripes 7" x 5" Evan Summer - He is a printmaker and Professor Emeritus based in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. He has an extensive CV of artist-in-residence programs and has focused his print work on etching. More information can be found on his , and on . Landscape With Sloped Horizon (State 1) lithograph printed by Tim Sheelsey at Corridor Press (2003) 36" x 30" registration - there are several registration methods in mokuhanga. The traditional method is called the kentō registration, where you carve two notches, straight another an "L." There is also a "floating kentō," which is where the notches are cut in a piece of "L" shaped wood and not on the wood where you are cutting your image, hence "floating." Lastly, there are removable "pins," such as ones made by . intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . Andy Farkas - is a mokuhanga printmaker, author, mentor, and documentarian based in Pennsylvania. Andy's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Watching Over 16" x 10" serigraphy - is another word for the art of silk screen printing. Silk screen printing can be in on various materials, silk, canvas, paper. lithography: A printing process where images are transferred onto a surface using a flat plate or stone. Edinboro University in Pennsylvania - a part of PennWest Edinboro, is a public university located in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Established in 1857 as Edinboro Academy and has a rich history of providing higher education. Before becoming part of the Pennsylvania Western University system in 2022, Edinboro University was known for its strong programs in education, art, and nursing. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, with a commitment to academic excellence and community engagement. John Lysak - is a master printmaker and artist. He is associated, like William Mathie, with Egress Press, a fine art publishing and research component of the Printmaking Area of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania’s Art Department. More information can be found Palix River Marshlands (2022) acrylic on board 11" x 17" wood engraving - is a printmaking technique where an artist carves an image with burins and engravers, into the surface of a block of wood. The block is then printed using pigments and pressed into paper. Wood engraving uses the end grain of a hardwood block, typically boxwood. This allows for much finer detail and more intricate lines. Thomas Bewick (1753–1828), and Eric Gill (1882–1940) are some popular wood engravers. The Great Wave off Kanagawa - is a woodblock print designed by Katsushika Hokusai in 1831. It is very famous. Miami University at Ohio - is a public research university in Oxford, Ohio. International Mokuhanga Conference, 2011 - was the first international conference on mokuhanga, held in two locations in Japan: Kyoto and the Awaji Islands, which are located near Shikoku. Keizo Sato - is a second generation mokuhanga printmaker based in Kyoto. Mr. Sato created the Sato Woodblock Print Center to teach mokuhanga. It is associated with Kyoto Seika University. An interview with Mr. Sato conducted by Fine Art JPN can be found, . Hiroshi Fujisawa - is a master carver and has been carving mokuhanga for over fifty years. He demonstrated at the first International Mokuhanga Conference in 2011. A lovely blog post about an interaction with Hiroshi Fujisawa can be found, on printmaker Annie Bissett's blog. Annie's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Karen Kunc - is an American printmaker and Professor Emeritus at the University of Nebraska Lincoln and is based in Nebraska. Karen Kunc works in various artistic and printmaking styles but has worked in mokuhanga for many years. More information can be found on her website, . A Cluster (2023) 15" x 11" Young Woman Blowing a Popen - is a mokuhanga print designed by Kitagawa Utamaro (?-1806). Utamaro was one of the first famous woodblock print designers in the Edo Period of Japan made famous by his bijin prints of beautiful women. The print was first printed in 1792/93. It is from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiognomy. Energy Policy, 2005 - George W. Bush's energy policy prioritized expanding domestic fossil fuel production, including controversial drilling in protected areas like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and offered substantial subsidies to the oil and gas industry while neglecting renewable energy development. Critics argue that this approach increased greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbated climate change, and harmed public health due to higher pollution levels. Additionally, by failing to diversify energy sources and invest in sustainable alternatives, the policy left the U.S. vulnerable to energy security risks and has delayed the transition to a cleaner energy economy. Punch Magazine - Punch magazine, founded in 1841 in London, was a British weekly publication known for its satirical humor and cartoons. Punch played a significant role in shaping British satire and social commentary during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It became famous for its witty and often biting critiques of politics, society, and culture, influencing public opinion. Despite its early success and influence, the magazine eventually declined in readership and ceased publication in 2002. Echizen - is a region in Fukui Prefecture, Japan, known for its long history of papermaking. The area is home to many paper artisans. One notable figure is Iwano Ichibei. He is a Living National Treasure in papermaking and the ninth generation of his family still making paper today. More information can be found , and here in . Morgan Conservatory of Papermaking - established in 2008, the Morgan Conservatory of Papermaking is a nonprofit organization based in Cleveland, Ohio, dedicated to preserving papermaking techniques from around the world. It also serves as a working studio and gallery. More information can be found . The Morgan Library & Museum - based New York City, originally the private library of financier J.P. Morgan, it was established in 1906 and became a public institution in 1924. It houses an extensive collection of rare books, manuscripts, drawings, and prints, including works by literary and musical greats like Charles Dickens and Mozart. The museum also hosts rotating exhibitions and serves as a cultural hub, renowned for its architectural beauty and significant contributions to literature, history, and the arts. More information can be found, . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - live music at The Seabird jazz bar in Aoyama, Tōkyō, Japan. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Andy Farkas : Printmaker - Mindset
Andy Farkas : Printmaker - Mindset
Mokuhanga is an art form of the physical. It is the use of our hands which carve, brush, and print, ultimately creating the final product. Through the physical act of making, mokuhanga carvers and printmakers explore themselves through their work, while at the same time producing a philosophy on how they see their own mokuhanga and the mokuhanga community at large. On this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with printmaker Andy Farkas. Andy is an American mokuhanga printmaker, mentor, and teacher who has explored in great detail what it means to create, the philosophies and sacrifices it takes to try and understand the simple question of “why?” Why create, why make, and why pursue a passion with an unknown conclusion? I speak with Andy about his mokuhanga, his materials, and how he approaches his prints. We discuss how Andy explores mokuhanga as an intellectual pursuit through the expressions of documentary, instruction, and writing. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Andy Farkas - , registration - there are several registration methods in mokuhanga. The traditional method is called the kentō registration, where you carve two notches, straight another an "L." There is also a "floating kentō," which is where the notches are cut in a piece of "L" shaped wood and not on the wood where you are cutting your image, hence "floating." Lastly, there are removable "pins," such as ones made by . lithography: A printing process where images are transferred onto a surface using a flat plate or stone. A video regarding lithography from The British Museum can be found, . Edinboro University in Pennsylvania - a part of PennWest Edinboro, is a public university located in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Established in 1857 as Edinboro Academy and has a rich history of providing higher education. Before becoming part of the Pennsylvania Western University system in 2022, Edinboro University was known for its strong programs in education, art, and nursing. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, with a commitment to academic excellence and community engagement. William Mathie - is a printmaker and the Director of Egress Press & Research based at Edinboro University in Pennsylvania. He works in mokuhanga and intaglio printmaking. Hear No Evil (16.5" x 12") - is the registration system used by printmakers in order to line up the colour woodblocks with your key block, or outline block, carved first. letterpress - is a type of relief printing using a printing press. It was popular during the Industrial Revolution and the modernization of the West. By the mid-twentieth century, letterpress began to be regarded more as an art form, with artists using the medium for books, stationery, and greeting cards. John Lysak - is a master printmaker and artist. He is associated with Egress Press, a fine art publishing and research component of the Printmaking Area of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania’s Art Department. More information can be found Sunflowers In Bright Light - acrylic on board 14" x 18" Tuula Moilanen - is a Finnish mokuhanga printmaker and painter based in Finland. She lived and studied in Kyōto from 1989 to 2012, where she learned her printmaking at Kyōto Seika University and from printmaker Akira Kurosaki (1937–2019). Her work can be found . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found . Urban Holiday (2016) 14.37" x 11.81" wood engraving - is a printmaking technique where an artist carves an image with burins and engravers, into the surface of a block of wood. The block is then printed using pigments and pressed into paper. Wood engraving uses the end grain of a hardwood block, typically boxwood. This allows for much finer detail and more intricate lines. Thomas Bewick (1753–1828), and Eric Gill (1882–1940) are some popular wood engravers. Eric Gill, On The Tiles (1921) representational art - is a form of art that attempts to depict subjects as they appear in the real world. It includes anything that portrays objects, figures, or scenes in a recognizable manner. Representational art focuses on representing objects or scenes from reality, such as landscapes, and still lives. figurative art - is an art form which represents form or shapes in either representational or non representational forms. serif - is a typographic style of font with a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke. gouache: is a water-based paint known for its opaque and vibrant colours. Made from pigment, water, and gum arabic as a binder, it offers artists versatility in creating both translucent washes and opaque layers. Gouache can be reactivated with water and comes in a range of colors, making it a popular choice for various painting techniques. gum arabic - is a sap from two types of Acacia tree. In art it is used as a binder for pigments which creates viscosity (depending on how much or little is applied to your pigments) for your watercolours and oils. Rachel Levitas has a fine description on how she uses gum arabic in her work, . Sinopia Pigments - is a pigment company based in San Francisco and started by Alex Warren in 1995. The company sells natural powdered pigments and milk paints. More info can be found . Earth Pigments - is a pigment company based in Hinesburg, Vermont. They sell natural powdered pigments and milk paints. More info can be found . Bound To It (11" x 16") © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - Time After Time by Joshua Constantine from the album Soul Project Vol.II (2024) logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Jacqueline Gribbin : Printmaker - Adaptation
Jacqueline Gribbin : Printmaker - Adaptation
Mokuhanga has the ability to take the artist or craftsperson anywhere they would like to be. From the subject matter in their studio to physical movement around the world, teaching, exploring, and discovering. Wonder and beauty is what makes mokuhanga so special. In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with printmaker Jacqueline Gribbin, who has spent years honing her craft in mokuhanga and other printmaking techniques across Japan, Southeast Asia, and Australia. We discuss her deep connection with Indigenous communities, collaborating with the late Ralph Kiggell, and exploring the nuances of water-based and oil-based mokuhanga. Jaqueline explains her experiences traveling to isolated communities, conducting workshops, and sharing her passion for printmaking. We'll explore her teaching methods, the importance of community in her work, and how she balances creating and selling her prints. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Jacqueline Gribbin - Shifting Tides (2022) Nagasawa Art Park (MI Lab) Awaji City - Nagasawa Art Park was an artist-in-residence program located in Awaji City, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. It was open for 12 years before evolving into MI Lab in 2012. More info, . Keiko Kadota (1942-2017) - was the director of Nagasawa Art Park at Awaji City from 1997-2011, and then of MI Lab at Lake Kawaguchi from 2011 until her passing. Toru Ueba - was a print instructor at Nagasawa Art Park, and was one of Yoonmi's instructors in 2004. Ralph Kiggell (1960-2022) - was one of the most important mokuhanga practitioners. Originally from England, Ralph lived and worked in Thailand. Ralph pushed the boundaries of mokuhanga with extremely large pieces, jigsaw carving, and by using fantastic colour. He also worked with the International Mokuhanga Conference to promote mokuhanga around the world. He will be greatly missed. Ralph's work can be found, . His obituary in The Guardian can be found, . His interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Orange Flower On Blue Hiroki Satake - is a mokuhanga printmaker, and instructor based in Japan. He has taught at MI Lab, as well as given demonstrations regarding tool sharpening, around the world. 赤絵(アンドレ・マルティ「狼よ!」より) (2022) 34.7cm×28.4cm registration - there are several registration methods in mokuhanga. The traditional method is called the kentō registration, where you carve two notches, straight another an "L." There is also a "floating kentō," which is where the notches are cut in a piece of "L" shaped wood and not on the wood where you are cutting your image, hence "floating." Lastly, there are removable "pins," such as ones made by . bokashi - is a mokuhanga technique, where the pigment fades from a heavy colour to a softer, broad colour. Made famous by prints designed by Hokusai and Hiroshige, this technique is, for me, the most popular technique utilized by mokuhanga printmakers. There are various types: Ichimoji-bokashi or straight line graduation, used in the above mentioned Hiroshige and Hokusai prints. Ichimoji-mura-bokashi or straight line gradation with uneven edge. Ō-bokashi or wide gradation, Ate-nashi-bokashi or gradation without definition. Futa-iro-bokashi or two tone gradation, and ita-bokashi or softer-edge gradation, where the block is cut in a specific way to achieve this style of gradation. All of these styles of bokashi technique take practice and skill but are very much doable. Below is a fine example of bokashi by Paul Binnie: The Torii Gate at Miyajima (2009) 37.5 x 26cm sizing paper - at times mokuhanga printmakers will size their paper. Size is made from water, animal glue (rabbit, horse), and alum. What the size does is keep the pigments the artist uses from “bleeding” into the outer edges of the paper. There are many recipes of size, is one that artist Walter J. Phillips used. intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . serigraphy - is another word for the art of silk screen printing. Silk screen printing can be in on various materials, silk, canvas, paper. lithography: A printing process where images are transferred onto a surface using a flat plate or stone. Yoshitaka Amano (b. 1952) - is a character designer for the Final Fantasy video game series. He uses ukiyo-e and Japanese woodblock prints as insirpation for some of his work. Takashi Murakami (b. 1962) is a contemporary artist best known for his fine art works and contributions to the commercial market. His works are heavily influenced by manga and anime, characterized by their bright colors and distinctive style. Multicolour Superflat Flowers - archival pigment print, silkscreen, 45 cm x 17.7cm Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013) - was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. She was the first woman to hold the office and remains one of the most influential figures in British political history. Leading the Conservative Party, Thatcher implemented a series of economic policies known as "Thatcherism," which emphasized deregulation, privatization of state-owned industries, and reducing the power and influence of trade unions. Her tenure was marked by significant economic transformation, as well as controversial measures that sparked widespread debate and protest. Tamarind Institute - was originally founded in Los Angeles in 1960 by June Wayne, and is a world renowned center for fine art lithography. Established to revive and sustain the art of lithography, which was in decline in the United States, Tamarind quickly became a leader in the education and promotion of lithographic techniques. In 1970, the institute moved to the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where it continues to thrive as a key institution in the printmaking world. Dedicated to advancing the lithographic arts through rigorous education, collaborative projects, and the production of high-quality prints, the Tamarind Institute's influence extends globally, contributing significantly to the development and appreciation of lithography as a vibrant art form. More info, . STPI Creative Workshop & Gallery - which stands for Singapore Thailand Print Institute is an educational gallery and workshop, based in Singapore. More info, . International Mokuhanga Conference, 2011 - was the first international conference on mokuhanga which was separated in two parts, Kyoto and the Awaji Islands in Japan. MI Lab - is a mokuhanga artists residency located in Kawaguchi-ko, near Mount Fuji. More info can be found, . Hiroki Morinoue - is a mokuhanga printmaker and artist living in Holualoa, Big Island, Hawai’i. He is a co-founding member of the Holualoa Foundation For Arts & Culture, the establishment of the and . Hiroki's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Incoming Tide 30.5 x 30.5cm - is an artist and Professor of Art Emerita at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. She is a painter, and printmaker in various relief mediums, such as mokuhanga. Keiko also leads the Mokuhanga Project Space based in Walla Walla, Washington. More info on Keiko's work can be found, . More info regarding the Mokuhanga Project Space, . Verse Space M-1, lithography and stencil, 55.8 cm x 76.2 cm Yamanashi Prefecture - (山梨県, Yamanashi-ken) is located in the Chūbu region of Honshu, Japan, and borders Saitama Prefecture to the northeast, Nagano Prefecture to the northwest, Shizuoka Prefecture to the southwest, Kanagawa Prefecture to the southeast, and Tokyo to the east. The capital and largest city is Kōfu. Yamanashi is one of only eight landlocked prefectures in Japan, with most of the population residing in the central Kōfu Basin, surrounded by the Akaishi Mountains. 27% of its land area is designated as Natural Parks, and it is home to many of Japan's highest mountains, including Mount Fuji, the country's tallest peak and a significant cultural icon, which is partially located on the border with Shizuoka Prefecture. Tiwi Islands - which means "two islands," are part of the Northern Territory, Australia, located 80 km (50 mi) north of Darwin. They comprise Melville Island, Bathurst Island, and nine smaller uninhabited islands, with a combined area of 8,320 square kilometers (3,212 sq mi). The islands have been inhabited by the Tiwi, an Aboriginal Australian people, since before European settlement, with a population of 2,348 recorded in the 2021 census. The Tiwi Land Council, one of four land councils in the Northern Territory, serves as a representative body with statutory authority under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 and holds responsibilities under the Native Title Act 1993 and the Pastoral Land Act 1992. Charles Darwin University - was established in 2003 in the Northern Territory of Australia, and resulted from the merger of Northern Territory University, Centralian College, and the Menzies School of Health Research. Named after naturalist Charles Darwin, CDU focuses on research and education tailored to the unique challenges of the region, with strong emphasis on Indigenous education and partnerships. The university offers a broad range of programs across disciplines like health, education, engineering, business, and environmental science, and is recognized for its research in desert knowledge, Indigenous systems, tropical health, and sustainable development. With campuses in Darwin, Alice Springs, Katherine, and Nhulunbuy, CDU plays a crucial role in the educational, economic, and social development of the Northern Territory. The More Than Human World: North Australian Ecologies was the exhibit which Jacqueline speaks on in her episode. The exhibit catalogue can be found, . Balgo - also known as Wirrimanu, is a remote Aboriginal community in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Home to the Kukatja people and other desert groups like the Ngarti and Warlpiri, Balgo is renowned for its vibrant art scene, particularly through the Warlayirti Artists art center, which produces art reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the local people. The community, accessible mainly via local roads and air, provides essential services such as a health clinic, school and plays a vital role in preserving and promoting Indigenous culture and traditions. A description of Wirrimaru can be found, via Deutscher and Hackett. Printmaking Today - is a magazine published by Cello Press in England, and is published quarterly. The magazine focuses on printmaking themes and artists. More info, . Arnhem Land - is located in the northeastern Northern Territory of Australia, and is a vast and culturally rich region covering approximately 97,000 square kilometers. Bordered by the Arafura Sea, the Gulf of Carpentaria, and Kakadu National Park, it is one of the largest Aboriginal reserves in Australia, home to around 16,000 Indigenous people, primarily the Yolngu. Known for its stunning natural landscapes, including rugged coastlines, rainforests, and wetlands, Arnhem Land is also a cultural treasure, famous for Indigenous art, music, and traditions. Access is restricted to protect its heritage, and the region plays a crucial role in Indigenous land rights movements and the preservation of Aboriginal culture. Foundry Vineyards - based in Walla Walla, Washington is a vineyard and art space. It has been hosting artists from all types of media such as painting and printmaking since 2010. It has exhibited The Mokuhanga Project Space, printmaker Mike Lyon, and the International Mokuhanga Print Exhibit. More info about this space and the good it does for the art community at large can be found, . Ozu Washi - is a paper store located in the Nihonbashi district of Tokyo. , Wood Like Matsumura - is an and brick and mortar store, for woodblock printmaking, located in Nerima City, Tōkyō. uwa senka long - is a Thai kozo machine made paper which can be used for mokuhanga. The Japanese Paper Place- is a Toronto based Japanese paper store servicing the Mokuhanga community for many years. Interview with the Nancy Jacobi of the JPP can be found, . gouache: is a water-based paint known for its opaque and vibrant colours. Made from pigment, water, and gum arabic as a binder, it offers artists versatility in creating both translucent washes and opaque layers. Gouache can be reactivated with water and comes in a range of colors, making it a popular choice for various painting techniques. The Adelaide River - is a significant waterway in the Northern Territory of Australia, extending approximately 180 km from its source in the Litchfield National Park to its mouth at the Timor Sea. The river flows through lush wetlands, dense mangroves, and open floodplains, providing a rich habitat for diverse wildlife. It is particularly renowned for its large population of saltwater crocodiles. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - Stardust by Lester Young, Oscar Peterson Trio. (1956) © UMG Recordings logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Jason Fujiwara : Printmaker - A Visual Diary
Jason Fujiwara : Printmaker - A Visual Diary
Mokuhanga today can be made in so many ways. So many inspirations, so many people creating beautiful pieces from all over the world. Coming to you from Obihiro, Hokkaido, I have been traveling around Japan for over a month. Coming back to Japan is always an inspiring act and it is already like a second home to me. What brought me back to Japan this time around was the 2024 International Mokuhanga Conference held in Echizen City, Fukui, Japan. Meeting with so many mokuhanga artists, carvers, and printers inspired me and makes me want to be a better artist and to make a better podcast. On this episode of The Unfinished Print I speak with one of the mokuhanga artists who also attended the 2024 IMC. Jason Fujiwara. Jason lives and works in Tokyo, Japan where he creates his mokuhanga. Jason and I speak together about how he approaches his work, his inspirations, the idea of cultural identity in his prints , his time at the 2024 International Mokuhanga Conference, and Jason even asks me some questions. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Jason Fujiwara - , Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - born in Edo, Hiroshige is famous for his landscape series of that burgeoning city. The most famous series being, One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (1856-1859), and the landcape series, Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō (1833-1834). His work highlights bokashi, and bright colours. More info about his work can be found, . Ōiso: from the series The Tōkaidō Road - The Fifty-three Stations (1851-52) Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) - is one of the most famous Japanese artists to have ever lived. Hokusai was an illustrator, painter and woodblock print designer. His work can be found on paper, wood, silk, and screen. His woodblock print design for Under The Wave off Kanagawa (ca. 1830-32) is beyond famous. His work, his manga, his woodblocks, his paintings, influence artists from all over the world. Poem by Sangi Hitoshi : the series One Hundred Poems Explained by the Nurse (n.d.) David Bull - is a Canadian woodblock printmaker, and educator who lives and works in Japan. His love of mokuhanga has almost singlehandedly promoted the art form around the world. His company, Mokuhankan, has a brick and mortar store in Asakusa, Tōkyō, and online, . The Forest In Summer: From the Series "My Solitudes." (2007-9) Ema Shin - Based in Melbourne, Australia, Ema Shin hails from Niigata, Japan. She pursued her education in printmaking at Tama Art University in Tokyo. Currently, her work spans across various mediums including papier-mâché, embroidery, tapestry weaving, bookmaking, urauchi, collage, and mokuhanga. For more information, visit . Soft Alchemy (Fertile Heart) Woven tapestry, cotton, wool, 21" x 31" x 2.3", Matthew Stanton photography. (2019) Terry McKenna - is a mokuhanga printmaker and teacher residing in Karuizawa, Japan. He received guidance in the art form from Richard Steiner, a prominent mokuhanga printmaker based in Kyoto. Terry established the Karuizawa Mokuhanga School, a renowned residency dedicated to mokuhanga education. For further details about Terry and his school, here. Additionally, you can read Terry's interview with The Unfinished Print, and Richard Steiner's interview . Beauty (2010) mokume - is a woodblock printing technique where, by using heavy pressure on wood which contains a heavy grain, the artist can reveal the grain in their work. Below is a fine example of mokume technique by Osamu Sugiyama: 10 Views of Mt. Fuji - Moonlight over Shinobino Moor (13"x16.9") bokashi - is a mokuhanga technique, where the pigment fades from a heavy colour to a softer, broad colour. Made famous by prints designed by Hokusai and Hiroshige, this technique is, for me, the most popular technique utilized by mokuhanga printmakers. There are various types: Ichimoji-bokashi or straight line graduation, used in the above mentioned Hiroshige and Hokusai prints. Ichimoji-mura-bokashi or straight line gradation with uneven edge. Ō-bokashi or wide gradation, Ate-nashi-bokashi or gradation without definition. Futa-iro-bokashi or two tone gradation, and ita-bokashi or softer-edge gradation, where the block is cut in a specific way to achieve this style of gradation. All of these styles of bokashi technique take practice and skill but are very much doable. Below is a fine example of bokashi by Paul Binnie: Flowers of a Hundred Years: Bubble Era [of 1990] (18.5"x13") (2024) ukiyo-e - is a form of multi-color woodblock print and painting primarily associated with Japan's Edo Period (1603-1867). Originating in the 17th century with prints featuring only a few colors, it evolved into a sophisticated system of production and technique by the Meiji Period (1868-1912). However, with the emergence of photography and other printmaking methods, traditional ukiyo-e production ceased by the late 19th century, leaving behind a rich legacy in Japanese art history. Procreate - is a popular digital art app designed exclusively for iPad and iPhone. It offers a wide range of tools and features that allow artists to create digital illustrations, paintings, and designs with ease. Some of its key features include a variety of brushes, layers, blending modes, and advanced editing options. Procreate has gained popularity among digital artists due to its intuitive interface, powerful capabilities, and ability to produce high-quality artwork. A2 - is a paper size part of the ISO 216 standard and is commonly used for posters, architectural drawings, and other large format prints. Its dimensions are 594 x 420 millimeters or approximately 23.4 x 16.5 inches. Pansion paper - is a medium-heavy kozo paper, varying in size and weight and is predominantly used in printmaking. Ralph Kiggell (1960-2022) : was a highly influential figure in our world of mokuhanga printmaking. Originally from England, Ralph resided and practiced his art in Thailand. Renowned for his innovative approach, Ralph pushed the boundaries of mokuhanga through his creation of exceptionally large pieces, intricate jigsaw carving techniques, and vibrant color palettes. He also played a pivotal role in promoting mokuhanga globally through his involvement with the International Mokuhanga Conference. His legacy will be deeply felt and cherished by the mokuhanga community. You can explore Ralph's work, . You can read his obituary in The Guardian and his interview with The Unfinished Print, . White Orchid (n.d.) Keiko Kobayashi - is a mokuhanga printmaker and administrator of the International Mokuhanga Conference. She lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. More information can be found, . 花喰い(6) 蝋梅に四十雀 (2024) 4"x4" nengajō - (年賀状) what began as a way for Japanese nobility to communicate with faraway friends and family during the New Year festive period, has become a way for all people to send New Year greetings to their own friends and family. More info, . Kay Watanabe - is an artist located in Brisbane, Australia. Her creative endeavors span across various mediums, including mokuhanga and other printmaking techniques, painting, drawing, and photography. For further details about Kay and her artistic journey, visit . Heaven And Earth (2019) etching on paper Roslyn Keane - is a mokuhanga printmaker and baren designer situated in Sydney, Australia. Her artistic creations lean towards abstraction and often feature large-scale pieces crafted using a diverse range of techniques. For additional insights into Roslyn's work, her KBB barens, and her The Stables Print Studio, visit, . Transition (2019/20) © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing credit - eating in an izakaya in Himeji, Japan with friends recorded live in 2024. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Wuon-Gean Ho : Printmaker - A Small Seed Of Intention
Wuon-Gean Ho : Printmaker - A Small Seed Of Intention
When creating mokuhanga, one requires time – time to prepare, time to plan, and time to explore. The essence of the work emerges from this delicate balance of managing one's time and integrating life within mokuhanga. In this episode of 'The Unfinished Print,' I have the pleasure of speaking with printmaker Wuon-Gean Ho. Wuon-Gean approaches her mokuhanga with a keen focus on work-life balance, emphasizing creation not at the expense of life but as a means to enrich and enhance it. Join me as we delve into Wuon Gean's unique perspective on mokuhanga, how it skillfully blends with her other printmaking endeavors, learning under Akira Kurosaki, her educational experiences and we delve into her philosophies on living a life infused with art. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Wuon-Gean Ho - JET Programme - a teaching programme created in 1978, which is sponsored by the Japanese government, and various Japanese ministries. This organization brings people from around the world to teach English to Japanese students in grade school, junior high, and high schools throughout the country. More info, . Tate Modern - located in London, UK, and stands as one of the world's largest and most renowned contemporary art museums. It houses an extensive collection of international modern and contemporary art from around the world. The museum is known for its innovative exhibitions that showcase works by both established and emerging artists. Additionally, Tate Modern offers a variety of educational programs, workshops, and events designed to engage visitors of all ages and backgrounds. Kyoto Seika University - situated in Kyoto, Japan, is a leading private university specializing in art and design education. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of art and design, including painting, sculpture, graphic design, and manga. Known for its rigorous academic curriculum, Kyoto Seika University emphasizes practical skills and creative expression. The institution has a rich history and tradition of nurturing talented artists and designers, with a strong focus on fostering creativity and innovation among its students. Akira Kurosaki 黒崎彰 (1937-2019) - was one of the most influential woodblock print artists of the modern era. His work, while seemingly abstract, moved people with its vibrant colour and powerful composition. He was a teacher and invented the “,” which is a great baren to begin your mokuhanga journey with. At the 2021 Mokuhanga Conference in Nara, Japan there was a tribute exhibit of his . Azusa Gallery has a nice selection of his work, . bokashi - is a mokuhanga technique, where the pigment fades from a heavy colour to a softer, broad colour. Made famous by prints designed by Hokusai and Hiroshige, this technique is, for me, the most popular technique utilized by mokuhanga printmakers. There are various types: Ichimoji-bokashi or straight line graduation, used in the above mentioned Hiroshige and Hokusai prints. Ichimoji-mura-bokashi or straight line gradation with uneven edge. Ō-bokashi or wide gradation, Ate-nashi-bokashi or gradation without definition. Futa-iro-bokashi or two tone gradation, and ita-bokashi or softer-edge gradation, where the block is cut in a specific way to achieve this style of gradation. All of these styles of bokashi technique take practice and skill but are very much doable. Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) - is one of the most, if not the most, famous Japanese artist ever known. He designed woodblock prints, as well as creating his own paintings, screens, scrolls, and commissioned art in Buddhist temples throughout Japan. More info, . The British Museum has a lot of info, . Devon - is a city located in the southwest of England, and is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. Rugged coastlines adorned with sandy and picturesque villages, Devon offers a wealth of attractions for visitors and locals alike. You can find more info on Devon tourism, . Fabriano paper - is a high-quality paper produced by the Fabriano paper mill in Fabriano, Italy. It is renowned for its exceptional durability, texture, and archival quality, making it a favorite among artists, printmakers, and conservators worldwide. Fabriano paper comes in various weights, textures, and finishes. It is prized for its ability to withstand repeated erasing, scraping, and wet media applications while retaining its integrity and beauty. Camellia oil - also known as tea seed oil, is a versatile vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the Camellia oleifera or Camellia sinensis plant, which are the same species from which tea leaves are harvested. Originating in East Asia, particularly China and Japan, camellia oil has been used for centuries for culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal purposes. In mokuhanga it has been used to oil the baren when printing, making a smooth printing surface. Copperplate oil - is a substance used in the intaglio technique such as copperplate engraving or etching. This specialized oil, typically comprising linseed oil and resin, serves multiple purposes throughout the printmaking process. Initially applied to copper plates, it functions as a protective layer, guarding against oxidation while enhancing the quality of engraved or etched lines by promoting smoother, more consistent marks. Copperplate oil aids in achieving tonal effects and to the longevity of the final prints. It also serves as an effective agent for cleaning plates post-etching, ensuring the preservation of engraved details while removing excess ink. Ian Phillips - is a woodblock printmaker based in the UK. He works in water based printing, with the landscape of the sea as his main inspiration. More info of Ian's work can be found, . tabi hanga - is the collaborative printing method which Wuon-Gean describes in her episode. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Audrey by Dave Brubeck from the album Brubeck Time released in 1955 on Columbia Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
David Barker of The Muban Educational Trust
David Barker of The Muban Educational Trust
Several years ago, a book caught my eye, called "Lu Xun’s Legacy". Published by the Muban Educational Trust, a non-profit dedicated to the preservation of woodblock art in China and located in London, England, it opened my eyes to Chinese woodblock prints. Reading the book, I realized how little I knew about printmaking, woodblock or otherwise, from China. All I really knew was that Japanese woodblock has roots within Chinese printmaking and I was curious as to how that transpired. Today, I speak with Senior Research Fellow at the Muban Educational Trust, David Barker. David’s interests lie in the history and techniques of Chinese printmaking, having written a book on the subject in 2005 called "Tradition and Techniques in Contemporary Chinese Printmaking". David speaks to me about the history of printmaking in China, its techniques, and process. David discusses his time in the country, how prints evolved from the pre-modern (Tang and Ming Dynasties, for instance) into more modern times. We discuss Lu Xun, and the history of purchasing and selling prints in China, and where printmaking in China is today. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Muban Educational Trust : Lu Xun (1881-1936) : was a seminal figure in modern Chinese literature, renowned for his impactful short stories and essays that exposed the societal and political issues of his era. Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, his works, including "The True Story of Ah Q" and "Diary of a Madman," critically examined the struggles of ordinary people and the shortcomings of traditional Chinese society. A staunch advocate for cultural and political reform, Lu Xun's writings continue to inspire and resonate with readers, solidifying his legacy as one of the most influential writers in 20th-century Chinese literature. Goldsmiths College: A renowned public research university in London known for its arts, design, and humanities programs. etching: A printmaking technique where an image is created by using acid to etch lines or textures onto a metal plate. lithography: A printing process where images are transferred onto a surface using a flat plate or stone. St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552): was a Roman Catholic missionary who played a significant role in spreading Christianity in Asia, particularly in Japan and India, during the 16th century. Shimabara Rebellion: was a 17th-century uprising in Japan led by Christian peasants against oppressive feudal lords and the prohibition of Christianity. Cultural Revolution: A socio-political movement in China initiated by Mao Zedong in the 1960s aimed at purging "counter-revolutionary" elements and promoting Maoist ideology. Mao Zedong (1893-1976) - was the founder of the People's Republic of China and a key figure in Chinese communist history. Open Door Policy: A U.S. policy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries advocating for free trade and equal economic access to China among foreign powers. Gang of Four: A political faction led by Mao Zedong's wife, Jiang Qing, during the Cultural Revolution, known for its radical and controversial policies. Anne Farrer PhD: is the Senior Research Fellow at the MET with a BA in Chinese and a PhD in late Ming woodblock illustration from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She has served in various roles at the Ashmolean Museum and the British Museum, focusing on Chinese painting, prints, and Central Asian collections. Currently, she is the Programme Director for the MA in East Asian Art at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London and also works with the Muban Educational Trust. Dr. Farrer's exhibitions and publications span topics such as Chinese art from the Silk Route, traditional and contemporary Chinese printmaking, and she has a particular research interest in woodblock printing from seventeenth and eighteenth-century China. Tang Dynasty: An influential dynasty in Chinese history known for its cultural and economic prosperity during the 7th to 10th centuries. Ching Dynasty: Also known as the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912. Ming Dynasty: preceding the Qing Dynasty, known for its cultural renaissance and maritime exploration during the 14th to 17th centuries. gouache: is a water-based paint known for its opaque and vibrant colours. Made from pigment, water, and gum arabic as a binder, it offers artists versatility in creating both translucent washes and opaque layers. Gouache can be reactivated with water and comes in a range of colors, making it a popular choice for various painting techniques. Gauguin in the South Pacific: refers to the artistic period of Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) when he lived and worked in the South Pacific islands, producing vibrant and exotic paintings. - is the registration system used by printmakers in order to line up the colour woodblocks with your key block, or outline block, carved first. Ten Bamboo Studio: was a renowned Chinese printing studio established during the Qing Dynasty. Founded by Hu Zhengyan, it produced exquisite woodblock-printed books known for intricate designs and high-quality craftsmanship. These publications covered literature, poetry, painting, and calligraphy, showcasing meticulous detail and vibrant colors. Today, works from the Ten Bamboo Studio are treasured cultural artifacts admired globally for their beauty and historical significance. The Ding Workshops: was a renowned studio in China specializing in traditional woodblock printing. For generations, the Ding family mastered the art of printmaking, producing high-quality prints that often depicted landscapes, figures, and daily life scenes with intricate details and rich colors. Their prints were highly sought after and played a significant role in preserving and promoting Chinese artistic heritage. Postmodernism in China: a cultural and artistic movement in China that emerged after the Cultural Revolution, characterized by a mix of traditional and contemporary influences. Christer von der Burg : founded the Han Shan Tang bookshop in 1978 in London, specializing in East Asian arts and culture books. Recognizing the underappreciation of Chinese prints compared to Japanese prints, he established the Muban Foundation in 1997 to promote Chinese printing knowledge. Over a decade, he amassed a collection of over 8,000 Chinese prints, now housed with the Muban Educational Trust. Retiring from the book business in 2000, Christer remains active, building one of the world's largest collections of antique Chinese prints, particularly from Suzhou. His passion has revitalized interest in Chinese woodblock printing, educating both artists and collectors on its significance, evident in today's rising print values at Chinese auctions. Cleveland Museum: The Cleveland Museum of Art, a major art museum located in Cleveland, Ohio, known for its diverse collection spanning various cultures and time periods. British Museum: A world-renowned museum in London, housing a vast collection of art and artifacts from around the world. The Ashmolean Museum: in Oxford, England, one of the oldest public museums in the world, known for its extensive collection of art and archaeology. The Dresden Museum of Art: is renowned for its diverse collection of artworks from various periods and styles. Founded in the 19th century, it features masterpieces by artists like Raphael and Rembrandt. The museum's elegant architecture and rotating exhibitions attract art enthusiasts worldwide, making it a cultural hub in Dresden. Crown Point Press: A prestigious printmaking studio and publisher based in San Francisco, known for collaborating with renowned artists. oban: A traditional Japanese print size, approximately 10 x 15 inches, often used for Japanese style woodblock prints. Huizhou :located in Guangdong Province, China, is a city steeped in rich history and cultural heritage. Once a significant center of trade and commerce during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huizhou today blends its storied past with modern development. The city offers a mix of historical sites, natural parks, and cultural landmarks, making it a diverse and appealing destination. With its coastal location, Huizhou also attracts beachgoers and outdoor enthusiasts. Furthermore, its thriving economy, particularly in industries like electronics and petrochemicals, highlights its importance as a dynamic hub in southern China. Beijing: The capital city of China, known for its historic landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, as well as its modern development. Tianjin: is situated in northeastern China, is a bustling metropolis renowned for its historical significance, vibrant culture, and modern development. As a major port city and economic hub, Tianjin blends traditional Chinese architecture and heritage sites with contemporary skyscrapers and bustling commercial districts. The city boasts a rich cultural scene, featuring theaters, museums, and galleries, as well as a diverse culinary landscape reflecting its cosmopolitan character. With its strategic location and rapid urbanization, Tianjin continues to thrive as a key player in China's economy and as a dynamic center for business, culture, and innovation. Yunnan Province - is a diverse and culturally rich province in southwest China, known for its stunning landscapes, ethnic minorities, and traditional crafts. Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) was an Italian Jesuit priest and missionary who played a key role in early interactions between China and the West during the Ming Dynasty. Ricci learned Chinese, adopted local customs, and impressed Chinese intellectuals with his knowledge of Western science and technology. He collaborated with Chinese scholar Xu Guangqi to translate Western texts into Chinese, promoting cultural exchange. Despite challenges from both Chinese officials and European Jesuits, Ricci's efforts laid the foundation for future East-West interactions and understanding. Manchu : are an ethnic group primarily originating from the northeastern region of China, historically known as Manchuria. In the 17th century, under the leadership of the Aisin Gioro clan, the Manchu established the Qing Dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1912. Initially a nomadic and tribal people, the Manchu gradually adopted Chinese culture, language, and governance systems as they integrated into the broader Chinese civilization. Despite their eventual assimilation, the Manchu maintained a distinct identity, characterized by their unique language, customs, and traditions. Today, the descendants of the Manchu continue to uphold their cultural heritage and identity, contributing to the rich tapestry of ethnic diversity within China. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Car Hiss By My Window by The Doors from the album L.A. Woman released in 1971 by Elektra Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Jack Moranetz - Printmaker : Evolve Next
Jack Moranetz - Printmaker : Evolve Next
Embarking on the journey into the world of mokuhanga, each of us starts with a unique desire. It begins with early prints, guided by exploration, and the innate desire to create something—anything—all viewed through the prism of mokuhanga, shaping our voices in this captivating journey. In this episode of the Unfinished Print, I speak with the burgeoning mokuhanga printmaker Jack Moranetz. We discuss how he got involved in the art form, his early prints, his visit to Japan and meeting David Bull, collaborations, and how he approaches his printmaking. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Jack Moranetz - , , Awagami - is arguably the largest paper making company in Japan at the moment. With a large International name, Awagami sponsors, and promotes its paper all over the world. More information can be found on its website, . Dick Blick Art Supplies - is an art supply store with various brick and mortar stores throughout the United States, as well as online. Founded in 1911 by Dick Blick in Galesburg, Illinois, BLICK, as it’s more commonly known, sells various types of art supplies, much like Jerry’s Artarama. More info, . linocut - is a printmaking technique in which a design is carved into a sheet of linoleum with specialized cutting tools. The carved linoleum surface is then inked, and paper is pressed onto it to create a print. Linocut is a relief printing method, similar to woodcut, but it uses linoleum instead of wood as the printing surface. Linocut is popular for its versatility and is used in both fine art and craft applications. Michael's Art Supplies - is a big box art supply store located throughout North America. More info can be found, . brayer - is a roller with a handle used to apply ink to a printing surface. It typically consists of a cylindrical rubber roller attached to a handle. Printmakers use the brayer to evenly distribute ink over the surface of a printing block, such as linoleum or wood, before pressing it onto paper or another substrate. The brayer ensures a smooth and uniform ink coverage, allowing for clear and consistent impressions during the printing process. Artists can control the amount of ink applied by rolling the brayer over an ink slab or palette before transferring it to the printing surface. Brayers are an essential tool in various printmaking techniques, including linocut, woodcut, and monotype. Bender - is a fictional character in the animated television series "Futurama," created by Matt Groening. Bender is a robot with a humanoid appearance and a distinctive metal body. He is known for his irreverent and sarcastic personality, as well as his love for bending girders and other metal objects. He serves as one of the main characters in the series. David Bull - is a Canadian woodblock printmaker, and educator who lives and works in Japan. His love of mokuhanga has almost singlehandedly promoted the art form around the world. His company, Mokuhankan, has a brick and mortar store in Asakusa, Tōkyō, and online, . Chapter 9 - The Seacoast In Winter, from the My Solitudes series (2007) Twitch - is a widely-used live streaming platform, initially focused on video game streaming and e-sports, but later expanding to include diverse content like music and art. Acquired by Amazon in 2014, Twitch allows users to broadcast live video content, interact with viewers through a real-time chat feature, and offers features such as e-motes and subscriptions. Streamers create communities around their content, and viewers can engage by subscribing to channels for exclusive benefits. Twitch has become a prominent platform for live content creation, fostering a sense of community among its users. sumi - is a rich black stick or liquid used by artists, calligraphers, and traditional Japanese horimono tattoo artists. Sumi is made from the soot of burnt lamp oil. Sumi is used predominantly in key blocks in traditional mokuhanga and to mix pigments. Pigment Tōkyō conducts a great interview with their chief of pigments, Kei Iwaizumi, about sumi ink, . shina - is a type of Japanese plywood used in mokuhanga. Not all shina is made equally, buyer beware. McClains Woodblock Print Supply Co. - based in Portland, Oregon, McClain's is the go-to supplier of woodblock print tools in the United States. Their website can be found . The Unfinished Print interview with Daniel Jasa of McClain's can be found . Disk Baren - crafted by Akira Kurosaki (1937-2019), is a plastic baren which features a replaceable disc with small surface bumps that ensure uniform pressure application across the paper during the printing process. murasaki baren - is a mid-range mokuhanga baren. “murasaki” meaning “purple” , come in two types of weight (medium and heavy), and two types of sizes (10cm and 12cm). They are a reasonably priced baren. bokashi - is a mokuhanga technique, where the pigment fades from a heavy colour to a softer, broad colour. Made famous by prints designed by Hokusai and Hiroshige, this technique is, for me, the most popular technique utilized by mokuhanga printmakers. There are various types: Ichimoji-bokashi or straight line graduation, used in the above mentioned Hiroshige and Hokusai prints. Ichimoji-mura-bokashi or straight line gradation with uneven edge. Ō-bokashi or wide gradation, Ate-nashi-bokashi or gradation without definition. Futa-iro-bokashi or two tone gradation, and ita-bokashi or softer-edge gradation, where the block is cut in a specific way to achieve this style of gradation. All of these styles of bokashi technique take practice and skill but are very much doable. Laura Boswell ARE - is a renowned British printmaker recognized for her expertise in linocut and woodblock printing. Her artistic repertoire includes creating intricate and detailed prints inspired by nature, landscapes, and everyday life. Notably, Boswell is known for her adept use of a bold and vibrant color palette in her prints. Beyond her artistic pursuits, she shares her knowledge by teaching printmaking techniques, conducting workshops, and authoring instructional books on the subject. Her commitment to both creating and educating adds depth to her contributions in the field of printmaking. More info can be found on her website, . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Long Grasses up by Westerdale 18"x 7" Kitsune Prints - is a mokuhanga printmaking studio located in Monsano, Italy. More info can be found, . Atelier Sentō - is an art collective located in Biarritz, France. They design images for companies, bookstores, publishers, and mokuhanga. The print that Jack refers to is a print called, The Unseen World: After The Rain, a print published by Shinji Tsuchimochi and the publisher Miyakadori. More info about Atelier Sentō can be found, . The print mentioned can be purchased from Mokuhankan, . 11" x 8" (2021) Karen Pittman - is a mokuhanga printmaker based in Austin, Texas. She continues to make beautiful mokuhanga, and explores the craft through her blog . Karen's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Katherine's Mora River 9" x 6.75" (2023) Daryl Howard - is a mokuhanga printmaker base in Austin, Texas. She apprenticed with Hodaka Yoshida (1926-1995). Her work has been shown around the world. More information about Daryl can be found, . Daryl's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . an eternal teardrop...descending from love 15"x20" (2019) Ocooch Hardwoods - is a wood supplier based in Wisconsin. More info can be found, . Jackson's Art - is a brick and mortar and online art supply store located in London, England founded in 2000. More info can be found, . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - by Mononegatives (2023) logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Hiroki Morinoue - Printmaker: The Philosophy of The Past
Hiroki Morinoue - Printmaker: The Philosophy of The Past
On this episode I have the pleasure of speaking with Hiroki Morinoue, an artist who resides and creates on the Big Island in Hawai'i. Together, we delve into his personal journey with mokuhanga, reflecting on his experiences at MI Lab, exploring his unique color palette, and gaining insights into his meticulous process in crafting mokuhanga prints. Additionally, we uncover Hiroki’s life in Hawai'i, his ventures, and his relationships with prominent galleries such as Studio 7 Fine Arts, print studio’s like Shark’s Ink, and the arts center at Anderson Ranch. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Print publishers are given if known. Hiroki Morinoue - Pure Water (2001) 18.5"x38.5" High Tide (2012) 22"x30" Earth Cycle (2007) 37.5"x37" MI Lab - is a mokuhanga artists residency located in Kawaguchi-ko, near Mount Fuji. More info can be found, . - is an artist and Professor of Art Emerita at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. She is a painter, and printmaker in various relief mediums, such as mokuhanga. Verse R - black and white (2017) 13"x11" - is a printmaker who focuses on mokuhanga and intaglio printing techniques. She lives and works in Humpty Doo, New Territory, Australia. Kisaragi (2012) 18.9" x 25" pochoir - is a stencilling technique used in printmaking and decorative arts. The term "pochoir" is French for "stencil." In this method, a design is created by cutting or punching holes in a sheet of paper or other material, and then paint or ink is applied through the openings onto a surface below. Pochoir allows for precise and intricate patterns, making it particularly popular in the creation of fine art prints, illustrations, and decorative designs. It has been historically employed in various art movements, including Art Nouveau and Art Deco. More info, . Helen Frankenthaler (1928–2011) was a prominent American abstract expressionist painter known for her role in the Color Field painting movement. Her innovative technique involved staining unprimed canvas with thinned oil paint, creating a distinctive luminous effect. "Mountains and Sea" (1952) is a notable example of her influential work. Frankenthaler's contributions have left a lasting impact on postwar American art. Frankenthaler began to make woodcut prints in 1973 and was influenced by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858). More info about her prints can be found at the Frankenthaler Foundation, . Tale of Genji V (1998) 42"x47" Donkey Mill Art Center - is a community art center located in Holualoa, Hawaii. It serves as a hub for various artistic activities, workshops, and events, fostering creative expression and engagement with the arts. The center often offers classes and programs in a variety of artistic disciplines, including painting, ceramics, printmaking, and more. More info, . Mauna Kea - is the highest peak in the Hawaiian Islands, located on the Big Island. A dormant volcano, it stands at 13,796 feet (4,205 meters) above sea level. The mountain holds cultural significance for Native Hawaiians and is home to unique ecosystems. Mauna Loa - is an active shield volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii, standing at 13,678 feet (4,169 meters) above sea level. It is the Earth's most massive subaerial volcano, known for frequent non-explosive eruptions and its broad, gently sloping shape. The volcano holds scientific and cultural significance and is closely monitored due to its potential impact on nearby communities. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - occurred in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. It was one of the largest environmental disasters in history. The spill resulted from the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig, releasing millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf. The incident had severe ecological and economic consequences, impacting marine life, coastal ecosystems, and local economies along the Gulf Coast. Thai mulberry paper - also known as "saa paper" or "kozo paper," is a traditional handmade paper originating from Thailand. It is crafted from the bark of the mulberry tree, specifically the Broussonetia papyrifera tree. Shark's Ink - established in 1976 as Shark’s Lithography Ltd, the studio has partnered with over 160 distinguished artists from the United States and Europe. These artists, known for their strong personal visions, engage in ongoing collaborations, often returning for multiple projects. The resulting prints, marked by inventive techniques, encompass a wide range of artistic approaches. The studio employs various processes, including lithography, monotype, metal leaf, chine collé, embossing, collage, and innovative methods for woodblocks and relief prints, including three-dimensional lithographs. More info, . nori - is a type of paste made from starch. It is used when making mokuhanga. You can make nori from any type of material made from starch. For instance, paste can be made with tapioca, rice, corn, even potato. You can purchase nori pretty much anywhere but making it is more environmentally friendly. Laura Boswell has a great recipe, . embossing - refers to a technique where the paper is pressed into the carved woodblocks, creating a raised or textured effect on the printed surface. This technique adds a three-dimensional quality to the print by making certain areas of the paper slightly elevated. Gotō Hidehiko (b.1953) - is a mokuhanga printmaker and tool maker based in Japan. He makes and teaches seminars about the construction of the mokuhanga tool, the baren. Window (2011) 15"x12" gomazuri - is a mokuhanga technique where slight pressure is used with pigments too make a “spotty” image, what look like sesame seeds. It can add depth to your prints. Saitō Kiyoshi (1907-1997) - was a Japanese woodblock printmaker and artist who worked in the sōsaku hanga style of mokuhanga. HIs fame outside of Japan was fairly comprehensive with his peak fame being in the 1950’s and 1960’s. For a comprehensive book on his life and times, Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening published by The John & Mable Ringling Museum is an excellent source. Can be found, . Lecture by Dr. Paget about Saitō can be found, . My interview with Professor Paget can be found, . Winter in Aizu (1969) 18"x23.5" Richard Notkin - is an American ceramic artist known for his pottery and distinctive style that often incorporates political and social commentary. Notkin has gained recognition for his work in the field of ceramics, particularly his teapots. Meltdown of Reason: Helena MT. (1987) stoneware and porcelain. 10.5"x5.5"x4.5" Mayumi Oda - is a Buddhist teacher and artist based in Hawai’i. Her artwork has gained international recognition, having traveled worldwide. In addition to her artistic pursuits, Mayumi is an environmental activist and resides and works at Ginger Hill Farm, an eco-retreat on the Big Island of Hawai’i. Explore more about Mayumi Oda’s work, . Hands of Compassion (1986) screen print 37"x25" Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009) - was a renowned American realist painter, known for his detailed and emotive depictions of the rural American landscape. Born in Pennsylvania, he spent much of his life capturing the subtleties of nature, particularly in the Brandywine Valley and coastal Maine. Christina's World (1948) 32 1/4 x 47 3/4" © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - The September Of My Years (1965) from the album The September Of My Years released on Reprise Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Henry Smith PhD - Physical Chemistry
Henry Smith PhD - Physical Chemistry
In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with Henry Smith, Professor Emeritus in the Dept. of East Asian Languages & Cultures at Columbia University. Together we delve into the scientific aspects of Meiji woodblock prints, exploring the trajectory of Nishiki-e during the late Edo and Meiji eras. Additionally, we examine the significance of cochineal and naphthol dyes, and scrutinize particle sizes. Henry's scholarly contributions include groundbreaking articles on subjects such as Hokusai and the Blue Revolution, with the introduction of Prussian Blue to the Japanese woodblock aesthetic during the mid to late Edo Period. Join me in discovering how Henry's passion drew him into the enchanting world of Meiji woodblock prints, as we navigate the influence of Western collectors in Meiji Japan, exemplified by figures like English s urgeon William Anderson. Henry helps me in understanding the rich palette and the science behind Meiji prints, shaped by the infusion of imported dyes and pigments. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Publishers are given if known. The funeral procession of Meiji Emperor at Nijubashi designed by Yasuda Hanpo (1889-1947) Professor Henry Smith's article on the Japanese Student movement, . Peter Gluck - is an American architect who has won multiple awards and has designed buildings all over the world. He is the principal of GLUCK+, an architecture firm based in New York City. Professor Carol Gluck - is a Special Research Scholar and George Sansom Professor Emerita of History, Department of History at Columbia University. She has written multiple books and articles on Japanese history. Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) - an American-Canadian journalist, activist who had written extensively on the life and death of North American cities such as New York City, and Toronto. Her book The Death And Life Of Great American Cities, is considered a classic in urban planning for the modern city and its subsequent decline. Robert Venturi (1925-2018) - was an American architect and theorist known for his contributions to postmodern architecture. He, along with his partner and wife Denise Scott Brown, played a key role in shaping architectural discourse in the late 20th century. Venturi challenged the modernist principles that dominated architecture at the time, advocating for a more inclusive and eclectic approach. His book, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture (1966) was where he critiqued the rigidity of modernist architecture and championed a more diverse and contextual approach to architecture. Metabolism (Japan) - The Metabolism movement was characterized by a group of young Japanese architects and designers who sought to address the challenges of rapid urbanization and rebuilding after World War II. Key principles and concepts of Metabolism in Japanese architecture are megastructures, prefabrication and modularity, biology and organic growth, and technological innovation. One special notable example of Metabolist architecture was the now demolished Kisho Kurokawa's Nakagin Capsule Tower in Tōkyō. Shinjuku: The Phenomenal City - was the exhibition Henry Smith discussed in this episode. It was exhibited December 16, 1975 to March 7, 1976 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York City. More info, . a+u magazine - also known as architecture and urbanism magazine, is a Japanese/English architecture magazine first published in 1971. More info, . Kōji Taki (1928-2011) - was a Japanese author, architectural critic, editor, and key figure in the Metabolist movement. He played a significant role in shaping the discourse of contemporary architecture in Japan and was instrumental in promoting the ideas of the Metabolists. Kappabashi - located in Tōkyō's Asakusa district, is a renowned destination for kitchenware and restaurant supplies. The street is lined with stores offering a diverse range of products, including traditional Japanese knives, sushi-making equipment, and unique culinary gadgets. Kappabashi is especially popular for its sampuru shops, where visitors can buy realistic food replicas commonly displayed outside restaurants. The area features a mix of large retailers and specialty stores, creating a charming atmosphere with its traditional Japanese architecture. It's easily accessible from Tawaramachi Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line. fūkei hanga - are landscape images. These paintings and prints represent the natural world such as mountains, rivers, waterfalls. You can find these types of prints from the golden age of nishiki-e to shin-hanga, to today. Sunset at Tomonotsu (1940, 9"x14") by Tsuchiya Koitsu (1879-1942) and published by Watanabe. Mitaka - is a city located in the western part of Tōkyō, Japan. A very pretty and quiet part of the city it is famous for the Ghibli Museum, and Inokashira Park. 100 Views of Edo (名所江戸百景) - is a series of nishiki-e prints designed by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858). It was published between 1856 and 1859 and consists of 118 or 119 prints, each depicting various scenes of Edo (Tōkyō). The prints show the beauty, diversity, and everyday life of Edo, capturing different seasons, landscapes, landmarks, and activities. Hiroshige's use of color, composition, and atmospheric effects contributes to the series' enduring popularity. The scenes range from bustling urban areas and landscapes to rural views, often incorporating elements of nature and traditional Japanese culture. Suruga-chō (1885) Thirty Six Views of Mount Fuji - one of Hokusai's most iconic series, known for its various depictions of Mount Fuji in different seasons, weather conditions, and different vantage points. The series includes "The Great Wave off Kanagawa." Published between 1830-1832 the series portrays Mount Fuji in different perspectives, everyday life, as well as the special importance of Mount Fuji in Edo culture. The series had a large impact on Western artists and thinkers, including the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. Umezawa Hamlet-fields in Sagami Province (1830-31) Santa Barbara Museum of Art - is an art museum located in Santa Barbara, California, USA. Its collection contains art works from all over the world, focusing on paintings, sculpture, and paper works. More info, . Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915) - was a painter and woodblock print designer famous for his war prints on the First Sino-Japanese War (July 25, 1894- April 17, 1895). Kiyochika captured the transitional period in Japanese history as the country underwent rapid modernization and Westernization during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Onoguchi Tokuji Destroying The Gate at Jinzhoucheng (1895 14 3/4" x 28 9/16") published by Daikokuya. Utagawa School - was a school of print designers starting with Utagawa Toyoharu (1735-1814). He employed one point perspective (vanishing point) in his print designs, being influenced by Western perspective. The influence of the Utagawa school goes far in Japanese print history and one of its most successful. This schools print designs of kabuki portraits, beautiful women (bijin-ga), and landscapes are excellent. Some famous names attributed to the Utagawa school are Utamaro (1753-1806), Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865), and Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858). A fine description of this school can be found, at Artelino. Newly Published Picture of the Battle of Jiuzan-shan in China (9 3/16" x 13 1/8") attributed to Utagawa Toyoharu Okumura Masanobu (1686-1784) - was a Japanese nishiki-e artist and print designer who lived during the Edo period. He is credited with pioneering the use of full-color printing and is considered one of the early masters of the art form. Okumura Masanobu was known for his contributions to bijin-ga and yakusha-e (actor prints). He played a role in the development of nishiki-e as a popular art form. More information can be found at Viewing Japanese Prints, . Large Perspective Picture of Evening Cool by Ryōgoku Bridge (ca. 1748) hand coloured Sumida River - is a major river that flows through Tōkyō, Japan. It plays a significant role in the history, culture, and landscape of the city. The Sumida River flows for approximately 27 kilometers (about 17 miles) through Tokyo, originating from Kita City and flowing into Tōkyō Bay. It passes through several wards, including Kita, Adachi, Sumida, Taito, Koto, and Chuo. The river has been portrayed in nishiki-e prints for generations, along with its bridges. Kobayashi Kiyochika the Sumida River at Night (9.76"x14" - est. 1881) Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) - is considered one of the last “masters” of the ukiyo-e genre of Japanese woodblock printmaking. His designs range from landscapes, samurai and Chinese military heroes, as well as using various formats for his designs such as diptychs and triptychs. Yamayoshi Genba no jō Chikafusa (14 5/16" x 9 15/16" - 1848/49) published by Sumiyoshiya Ike no Taiga (1723-1776) - was a Japanese painter of the mid-Edo period, known for his skill in the Nanga style, which was influenced by Chinese literati painting. He is best remembered for his role in promoting a cross-cultural exchange of ideas between Japan and China in the realm of art and aesthetics during the Edo Period. Landscape with Pavilion (1750) Akita ranga painting - a style of Japanese painting that emerged in the late Edo period, particularly during the 19th century, in the region of Akita in northern Japan. The term "ranga" literally translates to "Dutch painting" and reflects the influence of European painting styles, particularly Dutch and Western techniques, which were introduced to Japan through trade with the Dutch during the Edo Period. More info, . Satake Shozan (1748-1785) - Pine Tree and Parakeet (68.11" x 22.83") est 1700's, painting. Shinobazu Pond - is a large pond located within Ueno Park in Tōkyō, Japan. Ueno Park is a spacious public park that is home to several museums, a zoo, temples, and beautiful green spaces. Shinobazu Pond is one of the central features of Ueno Park, and it is renowned for its scenic beauty and historical significance. hanmoto system - is the Edo Period (1603-1868) collaboration system of making woodblock prints in Japan. The system was about using, carvers, printers, and craftsmen by various print publishers in order to produce woodblock prints. The system consisted of the following professions; publisher, artist, carver, and printer. William Anderson (1842–1900) was an English surgeon and collector with a significant impact on the appreciation and understanding of Japanese art in the late 19th century. Anderson became a passionate collector of Japanese art, amassing a vast and diverse collection that included nishiki-e, ceramics, textiles, and other traditional artworks. His collection grew to be one of the most significant and comprehensive of its time. His bequest laid the foundation for the development of Japanese art studies in the West, influencing subsequent generations of scholars, collectors, and enthusiasts. ezōshiya - is a type of Japanese bookstore that specializes in selling "ehon" or picture books. Ehon are valued not only for their storytelling but also for the quality of illustrations. These books played a role in promoting visual literacy and appreciation of art in Japan. Nishiki-e had been sold at these book stores during the Edo Period. Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865) is widely regarded as one of the most significant woodblock print designers in Japanese history. His diverse portfolio includes prints ranging from landscapes and books to erotica and sumo. Kunisada worked during the vibrant era of nishiki-e alongside notable artists such as Andō Hiroshige (1797-1858), Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), and the aforementioned Kuniyoshi. This period represents a rich and abundant chapter in Japanese woodblock print history. Ichikawa Danjurō VIII as Hanzaemon published by Tamaya Sōsuke (1852) 13 9/16" x 9 3/16" cochineal - known as yōko in Japanese, is a red dye taken from the dried bodies of female cochineal insects. These insects are native to Central and South America, where they feed on the sap of prickly pear cacti. Cochineal has been used for centuries as a natural dye, valued for its vibrant red color. An article about synthetic pigments and cochineal in Japanese woodblock prints and co-written by Henry Smith can be found, . William Sturgis Bigelow (1850-1926) - was an avid collector of Japanese art. His extensive travels to Japan from 1882 to 1889, coupled with a close friendship with Ernest Fenollosa, enabled him to amass a remarkable collection. Bigelow's acquisitions played a pivotal role in promoting Japanese art in the Western world. World Of The Meiji Print - is a book published by Weatherhill in 1991 and written by Julia Meech-Pekarik. It describes how nishiki-e developed and evolved during the Meiji period. Roger Keyes (1942-2020) - was a distinguished scholar of Japanese woodblock prints. His expertise was showcased in his 1982 dissertation, a comprehensive study of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892). Additionally, Keyes authored the book 'Ehon: The Artists and the Book in Japan' in 2006, further solidifying his significant contributions to the understanding of Japanese printmaking. Amy Reigle Newland - is a Japanese print scholar who has written various articles and books upon the subject. One of my favourite books by Newland is her book about Toyohara Kunichika, Time Present and Past: Images of A Forgotten Master (1999). Bruce Coats - is Professor of Art History and the Humanities at Scripps College, Claremont, California. He has contributed to several books on Japanese woodblock prints, one of my favourites is Chikanobu: Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints (2006). James A Michener (1907-1997) - was a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, scholar, and esteemed academic known for his extensive contributions to various literary genres. Beyond his celebrated literary achievements, Michener also delved into the world of Japanese prints, demonstrating a multifaceted curiosity and intellectual versatility. His exploration of Japanese prints added another layer to his diverse body of work, reflecting a deep appreciation for Japanese art and culture. Honolulu Academy of Arts - founded in 1922 by Anna Rice Cooke, evolved into the Honolulu Museum of Art (HoMA) in 2012. Rice-Cooke's vision for a multicultural art space led to its creation, with an endowment and land donated by the Cooke family. The museum's architectural style blends Hawaiian, Chinese, and Spanish influences. Over the years, HoMA expanded, adding educational wings, a cafe, and more, while its permanent collection grew to over 50,000 pieces. In 2011, The Contemporary Museum merged with HoMA, unifying as the Honolulu Museum of Art. More info, . shinbun nishiki-e - the Meiji Restoration of 1868 marked a pivotal moment in Japan's history, prompting significant societal upheavals. Tōkyō, formerly Edo, became the new centre of Imperial Japan, and by 1871, the traditional feudal class system had been abolished, accompanied by compulsory education laws. This era of profound change spurred creative responses to economic challenges. Starting in the summer of 1874, innovative individuals introduced shimbun nishikie, vibrant single-sheet woodblock prints that served as colorful souvenirs. These prints, produced until 1876, were not just visually striking but also narratively engaging, recounting news articles in a format ideal for oral storytelling. Renowned artists like Ochiai Yoshiiku and Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, both students of the celebrated Utagawa Kuniyoshi, played a key role in illustrating these captivating snapshots of an evolving Japan. An excellent article on shinbun nishiki-e can be found , from All About Japan. Fighting Off A Wolf by Sadanobu II (1848-1940) from the Nichinichi Shinbun (9 1/2" x 6 3/4") Satsuma Rebellion - occurring in 1877, was a last stand against the modernization policies of the Meiji government by disaffected samurai from the Satsuma domain. Led by Saigō Takamori (1828-1877), a key figure in the Meiji Restoration. The rebellion sought to restore imperial power and resist the centralization efforts of the government. The conflict ended in a decisive government victory at the Battle of Shiroyama, where Saigō met his end, marking one of the final samurai-led uprisings in Japan's history. Suzuki Harunobu (1725-1770) -pioneered the art of nishiki-e, becoming the first to craft multi-color woodblock prints. Renowned for his exquisite designs, Harunobu's subjects often revolved around the portrayal of beautiful women, shunga (erotic art), and classical poetry. His innovative techniques and thematic choices significantly influenced the genre during the Edo period in Japan. Lovers Walking In The Snow (1764-1772) (11 1/4"x8 1/8") Emperor Meiji born Mutsuhito (1852 – 1912), was the 122nd Emperor of Japan, reigning from 1867 until his death in 1912. His reign, known as the Meiji Era, marked a transformative period in Japanese history. The Meiji Restoration of 1868 saw the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the restoration of imperial rule, with Emperor Meiji playing a central role in Japan's modernization and westernization efforts. During his era, Japan underwent significant political, social, and economic reforms, propelling the country into the ranks of major world powers. Emperor Meiji's reign is often associated with Japan's rapid modernization and emergence onto the global stage. sōsaku-hanga - also known as creative prints, is a printmaking style primarily, though not exclusively, characterized by prints created by a single artist. Originating in early twentieth-century Japan, alongside the shin-hanga movement, this style emphasizes the artist's direct involvement in the entire printmaking process — from design and carving to printing. While the designs, especially in the early stages, may appear rudimentary, the concept of artists producing their own prints marked a significant departure from the traditional model where a select group of carvers, printers, and publishers collaborated in the creation of woodblock prints. shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking that emerged in the early 20th century, marking the end of the nishiki-e period. Originating around 1915 under the direction of Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962), the art form responded to the foreign demand for "traditional" Japanese imagery. Shin hanga artists focused on motifs like castles, bridges, famous landscapes, and bamboo forests. The style was initiated when Watanabe discovered Austrian artist Fritz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned him to design prints for Watanabe's budding printing house. This collaboration led to the evolution of shin hanga into a distinctive new style of Japanese woodblock printing. The shin hanga movement thrived until its inevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). fan print (uchiwa-e) - are crafted in the form of flat, oval fans using materials such as rice paper or silk. These prints are designed to be functional fans, allowing for practical use while showcasing artistic designs. Amy Poster - is the curator emerita of Asian Art at the Brooklyn Museum. aizuri-e - are woodblock prints made entirely with shades of blue. This style gained popularity during the Edo Period. ...
Tuula Moilanen - Printmaker : Life Is An Experiment
Tuula Moilanen - Printmaker : Life Is An Experiment
When it comes to the idea of longevity, my guest on this episode of The Unfinished Print has just that: the hard work and sacrifice to make a career in making mokuhanga, bringing the art form to people worldwide. Today I speak with mokuhanga printmaker, graphic designer, and writer, Tuula Moilanen. Currently living in Finland, Tuula has made mokuhanga for almost 40 years and has been an essential part of the worldwide mokuhanga community, teaching, instructing and overseeing the art form’s growth. Tuula speaks about her twenty years in Japan, her teachers, and how she views her mokuhanga. We discuss creating work, social media, and the philosophy of art. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note if available. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Publishers are given if known. Tuula Moilanen - Tetsuya Noda -is a respected printmaker and artist who works with photography, mokuhanga, and serigraphy (silkscreen). Was head of the printmaking department at the National Fine Arts and Music University in Tōkyō until 2006. More info can be found . Diary: Nov. 7th ‘68 (#1) 31 15/16" × 31" (1963-1976) Akira Kurosaki 黒崎彰 (1937-2019) - was one of the most influential woodblock print artists of the modern era. His work, while seemingly abstract, moved people with its vibrant colour and powerful composition. He was a teacher and invented the “,” which is a great baren to begin your mokuhanga journey with. At the 2021 Mokuhanga Conference in Nara, Japan there was a tribute exhibit of his . Azusa Gallery has a nice selection of his work, . Meeting of Comets (1980) 5.7"x 3.9" Kyoto Seika University - is a private university based in Kyōto, Japan. It is a university focused on art and scholarship. More info, . nagashizuki - is a style of paper making in Japan. This way of making paper creates a strong, translucent paper good for multiple uses. For a more detailed analysis of creating this type of washi check out Awagami's description, . shodo -is the name attributed to calligraphy in the Japanese style, which involves writing characters using a brush and ink. mokulito - a type of lithography which incorporated woodblock. Artist Danielle Creenaune uses mokulito in her work. She has a fine detailed explanation on its uses, . shina - is a type of Japanese plywood used in mokuhanga. Not all shina is made equally, buyer beware. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) - is considered one of the last “masters” of the ukiyo-e genre of Japanese woodblock printmaking. His designs range from landscapes, samurai and Chinese military heroes, as well as using various formats for his designs such as diptychs and triptychs. Taira Kiyomori from the series Meiko hyaku yuden 名高百勇傳 published by Izumiya Ichibei Keizo Sato - is a mokuhanga printmaker who owns and operates a shop in Kyoto making reproductions of ukiyo-e prints. He has demonstrated at the International Mokuhanga Conference, in 2011. Has been associated with the takuhon - is a style of printmaking one in which the pigments are rubbed into the washi with a type of pad. Printmaking At Newcastle University on YouTube has a fine video about the process, . hyōgu - is a traditional Japanese process of mounting calligraphy and paper works such as paintings. intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . European woodcuts - woodcuts began in Europe in 1400; the woodcut/woodblock tradition has long been in Western Europe. These prints gained prominence during the late Middle Ages (500-14/1500 AD) and the Renaissance (14th Century - 17th Century AD), spreading visual information from religious iconography to political propaganda. Some famous artists we know today are Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) and Titian (? - 1576). © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Put It Down by Otis McDonald, John Patittuci, and Mike Chiavarro, from their single Put It Down released on TrackTribe (2023) logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Hellory - Printmaker: Each Line Will Have Its Own Life
Hellory - Printmaker: Each Line Will Have Its Own Life
It’s been said before, yet I feel it’s worth repeating that when making mokuhanga, you don’t make it alone. So many people influence us that it may be difficult to pinpoint who or what impacts our creative lives the most. In this episode of the Unfinished Print I speak with mokuhanga printmaker Hellory. Based in Italy, Hellory makes multi-colour mokuhanga with luxury techniques. She learned these techniques from her mentor, Giovanni Berio Ligustro. We discuss the intertwined artistic lives of Hellory and Ligustro. What learning from a mentor was like, what studying and assisting her teacher did for her work, and Hellory shares with me how she creates her mokuhanga using deluxe techniques such as gold leaf, mica, embossing, glassing and more. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Hellory - Giovanni Berio Ligustro (1924-2015) - © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Bobcaygeon by The Tragically Hip. Released on their Phantom Power album in 1998 on Universal Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Darrel C. Karl - Collector : A Responsibility of Stewardship
Darrel C. Karl - Collector : A Responsibility of Stewardship
As a collector of mokuhanga, I am constantly exploring the reasons behind my love of collecting mokuhanga and why I make it and educate myself about it; it seems to be layered, even for my modest collection. So it is always fascinating to speak to someone who has been collecting for many years, with a deep understanding of why they collect and how they do. I speak with mokuhanga collector Darrel C. Karl about his collection of prints, paintings and scrolls. It's one to admire. Collecting for years now, Darrel was kind enough to speak to me about his collection, how he began it, his love of preparatory drawings, collecting ukiyo-e, shin hanga, and we discussed in length his blogs, Eastern Impressions and Modern Japanese Theatre Art Prints. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Darrel C. Karl - & Hashiguchi Goyō (1880-1921) - a woodblock print designer who also worked, albeit shortly, with Watanabe Shōzaburō. In his short life Goyō designed some of the most iconic woodblock prints ever made. “” 1920, and “” 1918. Woman Applying Make-up (Hand Mirror) 1970's/80's reprint Ishikawa Toraji (1875-1964) -trained initially as a painter, having travelled to Europe and The States early in his professional life. Painted primarily landscapes while exhibiting at the fine art exhibitions in Japan Bunten and Teiten. Famous for designing Ten Types of Female Nudes from 1934-35. He finished his career as a painter and educator. Morning from Ten Types of Female Nudes (1934) Charles W. Bartlett (1860-1940) - was a British painter, watercolorist and printmaker. Travelling the world in 1913, Bartlett ended up in Japan two years later. Having entered Japan, Bartlett already had a reputation as an artist. Bartlett's wife, Kate, had struck up a friendship with printmaker and watercolorist Elizabeth Keith. Watanabe Shōzaburō was acutely aware of foreign artists coming to Japan, having worked with Fritz Capelari and Helen Hyde. Watanabe published 38 designs with Charles Bartlett. Bartlett's themes were predominantly of his travels. Udaipur (1916) 8" x 11" - is a Scottish painter and mokuhanga printmaker based in San Diego, USA. Having lived and worked in Japan in the 1990s, studying with printmaker Seki Kenji whilst there, Paul has successfully continued to make mokuhanga and his paintings to this day. You can find Paul's work at Scholten Gallery in Manhattan, and Saru Gallery in The Netherlands. Butterly Bow (2005) 15" x 11" Yamakawa Shuhō (1898-1944) - was a Nihon-ga painter and printmaker. His prints were published by Watanabe Shōzaburō and he created the Blue Collar Society in 1939 with Itō Shinsui. Made famous for his bijin-ga prints. Dusk (1928) 14.3" x 9.5" Red Collar (1928) Otojirō Kawakami (1864-1911) - was a Japanese actor and comedian. His wife was geisha, and actress Sadayako (Sada Yakko). Impressions - is a biannual magazine published by Andon - is a biannual magazine published by Gallaudet University - is a private federally charted university located in Washington D.C., USA for the deaf and hard of hearing. More info can be found . National Museum of Asian Art - is a museum within the Smithsonian group museums and was the first fine art museum by The Smithsonian in 1923. More info can be found, . Vincent Hack (1913-2001) - was an American printmaker and Colonel in the United States Army. He produced mokuhanga from ca. 1950-1960. He studied in the Yoshida atelier while living in Tokyo. More information about VIncent Hack can be found in Eastern Impressions, . Chinese beauty and Dragon (not dated) Elizabeth Keith (1887-1956) - was a Scottish born printmaker, watercolorist, and painter. She travelled extensively before living in Japan from 1915-1924. In 1917 she was introduced to print published Watanabe Shōzaburō and by 1919 after some work with Watanabe's skilled artisans Keith started to see some of her designs printed. Over 100 prints were published of Keith's designs. More information can be found, . Little Pavillion, Coal Oil, Peking (1935) Lillian May Miller (1895-1943) - was a Japan born American printmaker. Studying under painter Kanō Tomonobu (1853-1912). Miller began carving and printing her own prints by 1925 having studied under Nishimura Kumakichi. Rain Blossoms (1928) 10" x 15" Nöel Nouët (1885-1969) - was a French painter, illustrator and designer who designed prints for Doi Hangaten between 1935 and 1938 when Nouët was teaching in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka, Japan. Haruna Lake (1938) Helen Hyde (1868-1919) - was an American etcher, and printmaker who studied in Japan with artists such as Emil Orlik (1870-1932). Hyde was influenced by French Japonisme and lived in Japan from 1903-1913. A Japanese Madonna (1900) 14.5" x 3" Kataoka Gadō V (1910-1993) - was a Kabuki actor who specialized in female roles or onnagata in Japanese. He became Kitaoka Nizaemon XIV posthumously. Natori Shunsen (1886-1960) - was a Nihon-ga painter and woodblock print designer who worked with Watanabe Shōzaburō. Shunsen's prints focused on kabuki actors, mainly ōkubi-e , large head prints. Ichikawa Ennosuke as Kakudayu (1928) 15" x 10" Kabuki-za - is the main theatre in Tōkyō which shows kabuki performances. It was opened in 1889 and has been rebuilt several times in its history. Kabuki Costume - is a book written by Ruth M. Shaver with illustrations by Sōma Akira and Ōta Gakkō (1892-1975). It is an in-depth book about the costuming in kabuki theatre. It was published by Charles E. Tuttle in 1966. Ōta Gakkō - was an artist and designer who also designed woodblock prints in the 1950's. Ichikawa Jukai III (1886-1971) as Shirai Gonpachi from Figures of the Modern Stage: no. 3 (1954) Tsuruya Kōkei - is a mokuhanga artist who lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. His prints have focused on kabuki actors; in the 1980s, he was commissioned to produce kabuki portraits by the Kabuki-za theatre in Tokyo. Recently, he has focused on cats and the masters of mokuhanga such as Hokusai (1760-1849). He printed on very thin gampi paper. Five Styles of Banzai-Ukiyoe / Katsushika Hokusai (2017) Yamamura Toyonari (1885-1942) - also known as Kōka, is a painter, and print designer known for his theatrical prints, actor prints, landscapes and beautiful women. He studied under printmaker Ogata Gekkō (1859-1920). Toyonari worked with carvers and printers to create his prints such as those at Watanabe's studio and also printed and carved his own prints. February/Winter Sky (1924) 16.35" x 10.5" Sekino Jun'ichirō (1914-1988) - was a mokuhanga printmaker who helped establish the sōsaku hanga, creative print movement in Japan. His themes were of landscapes, animals and the abstract. Sekino exhibited and became a member with Nihon Hanga Kyōkai and studied with Ōnchi Kōshirō (1891-1955) and Maekawa Senpan (1888-1960). Woman In A Snowy Village (1946) 13" x 10" Bertha Lum (1869-1954) - was born in Iowa. Having begun travelling to Japan in 1903, Bertha Lum noticed the decline of the Japanese woodblock print in Japan in the early 20th Century, deciding to take up the medium. Lum began making woodblock prints after learning in Japan from an unknown teacher during her first trip to Japan. Japan, Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), and China influenced Bertha Lum's prints. Lum's work focused on these themes through an American lens. Winter (1909) 8" x 14" Waseda University - is a private research university located in Tōkyō, Japan. It was established in 1882. Waseda has one of the largest woodblock print databases in the world, and are free to use. More information can be found, . Scholten Japanese Art - is a mokuhanga-focused art gallery in midtown Manhattan. René Scholten, an avid collector of the Japanese print, founded it. You can find more info . Katherine Martin is the managing director of Scholten Japanese Art. Katherine has written extensively for the gallery and conducted lectures about Japanese prints. Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Utagawa Kunisada III (1848–1920) - was a ukiyo-e print designer from the Utagawa school of mokuhanga. Kunisada III's print designs were designed during the transformation of the Edo Period (1603-1868) into the Meiji Period (1868-1912) of Japanese history, where his prints showed the technological, architectural and historical changes in Japan's history. Kataoka Jūzō I as Hanako from the play Yakko Dōjōji at the Kabuki-za (1906). chūban - 10.4” x 7.5” senjafuda - are the votive slips Claire brings up in her interview. These were hand printed slips pasted by the worshipper onto the Buddhist temple of their choosing. These slips had many different subjects such as ghosts, Buddhist deities, and written characters. Japan Experience has bit of history of senjafuda, . Shintomi-za -built in 1660 and also known as the Morita-za was a kabuki theatre located in the Kobiki-chō area of Tokyo, today the Ginza District. It was famous for taking risks with its productions. Meiji-za - was a kabuki-specific theatre built in 1873 and underwent several name changes until finally being named the Meiji-za in 1893. The theatre continues to this day. Imperial Theatre - is the first Western theatre to be built in Japan in 1911 and is located in Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. It continues to show Western operas and plays. The John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts - was built in 1971, and named after the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. The theatre is located in Washington D.C. and hosts many different types of theatre, dance, orchestras and music. More information can be found, . The Subscription List - also known as Kanjichō in Japanese, is a kabuki play derived from the noh play Ataka. The modern version of this play was first staged in 1840. It is performed as the 18 Famous Plays as performed by the Danjurō family of actors. The Subscription List designed by Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900) Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) - is considered one of the last “masters” of the ukiyo-e genre of Japanese woodblock printmaking. His designs range from landscapes, samurai and Chinese military heroes, as well as using various formats for his designs such as diptychs and triptychs. Waseda University - is a private research university located in Tōkyō, Japan. It was established in 1882. Waseda has one of the largest woodblock print databases in the world, and are free to use. More information can be found, . Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950) - a watercolorist, oil painter, and woodblock printmaker. Is associated with the resurgence of the woodblock print in Japan, and in the West. It was his early relationship with Watanabe Shōzaburō, having his first seven prints printed by the Shōzaburō atelier. This experience made Hiroshi believe that he could hire his own carvers and printers and produce woodblock prints, which he did in 1925. Kiso River (1927) Toyohara Chikanobu (1838-1912) - was a painter and designer of mokuhanga. He was a samurai during the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate rule in Japan. As Chikanobu began to look more to art as a living, he studied under Utagawa Kuniyoshi where he learned Western painting and drawing techniques. He also studied under Utagawa Kunisada and Toyohara Kunichika. His print designs were of many different types of themes but Chikanobu is well known for his war prints (sensō-e), kabuki theatre prints, current events and beautiful women. Enpo- Jidai Kagami (1897) 32 Aspects of Women - is a series of prints designed by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892). It was his first series of bijin-ga designs. shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking which began during the end of the ukiyo-e period of Japanese printmaking, in the early 20th Century. Focusing on the foreign demand for “traditional” Japanese imagery and motifs such as castles, bridges, famous landscapes, bamboo forests, to name just a few. Shin hanga was born in 1915 by Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) when he found Austrian artist Frtiz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned Capelari to design some prints for Watanabe's feldgling printing house . From there shin-hanga evolved into its own distinct “new” style of Japanese woodblock printing. It lasted as this distinct style until its innevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955) - originally designing poetry and books Onchi became on of the most I important sōsaku hanga artists and promotor of the medium. His works are saught after today. More info, . Composition in Red and Brown (1950) 19" x 15" Saru Gallery - is a mokuhanga gallery, from ukiyo-e to modern prints, and is located in Uden, The Netherlands. Their website can be found, . ukiyo-e - is a multi colour woodblock print generally associated with the Edo Period (1603-1867) of Japan. What began in the 17th Century as prints of only a few colours, evolved into an elaborate system of production and technique into the Meiji Period (1868-1912). With the advent of photography and other forms of printmaking, ukiyo-e as we know it today, ceased production by the late 19th Century. surimono (摺物)- are privately commissioned woodblock prints, usually containing specialty techniques such as mica, and blind embossing. Below is Heron and Iris, (ca. 1770's) by Andō Hiroshige (1797-1858). This print is from David Bull's reproduction of that work. You can find more info about that project, . Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) - is one of the most famous Japanese artists to have ever lived. Hokusai was an illustrator, painter and woodblock print designer. His work can be found on paper, wood, silk, and screen. His woodblock print design for Under The Wave off Kanagawa (ca. 1830-32) is beyond famous. His work, his manga, his woodblocks, his paintings, influence artists from all over the world. Poem by Sōsei Hōshi, from the series One Hundred Poems Explained by the Nurse. Taishō period (1912–26)s reproduction. Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806) - was a painter and ukiyo-e designer during the Edo Period of Japan. His portraits of women are his most famous designs. After getting into trouble with the shogunate during the early 19th Century with some offensive images of deceased shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536/37-1598), Utamaro was jailed and passed away shortly after that. The Courtesan Umegawa and Chubei of the Courier Firm Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai) - founded during the merger of the Tokyo Fine Arts School and the Tokyo Music School in 1949, TUA offers Masters's and Doctorate degrees in various subjects such as sculpture, craft and design as well as music and film. It has multiple campuses throughout the Kantō region of Japan. More information regarding the school and its programs can be found . Honolulu Museum of Art - dedicated to art and education focusing on arts from around the world and Hawaiian culture itself. More info, . Taishō Period (1912-1926) - a short lived period of Japanese modern history but an important one in world history. This is where the militarism of fascist Japan began to take seed, leading to The Pacific War (1931-1945). More info can be found, . Enami Shirō (1901-2000) - was a printmaker who is associated with ephemeral prints such as greeting cards. Also created his own larger format prints during the burgeoning sōsaku hanga movement of the early to mid Twentieth Century. The Benkei Moat (1931) 12.5" x 9" Kitano Tsunetomi (1880-1947) - was an illustrator, Nihon-ga painter, carver and print designer. Lived and worked in Osaka where he apprenticed carving with Nishida Suketaro. Founded the Taishō Art Society and the Osaka Art Society. Painted and created prints of beautiful women as well as mokuhanga for magazines such as Dai Osaka. The most famous of his prints and paintings is Sagimusume, The Heron Maiden. Umekawa - Complete Works of Chikamatsu (1923) Hamada Josen (1875 - ?) - was a painter and mokuhanga designer and studied with Tomioka Eisen (1864-1905). Designed bijin, shunga, and landscapes after the Great Kantō Earthquake of 1923. Designed prints for Collection of New Ukiyo-e Style Beauties (1924). December - Clear Weather After Snow from the series New Ukiyo-e Beauties (1924) 17.50" x 11.12" Ikeda Shoen (1886-1917) - was a Nihon-ga painter who's paintings also became mokuhanga prints. Her paintings are quite rare because of her early death. School Girls Going Home (1900) 13" x 9" Igawa Sengai (1876-1961) - was a painter, illustrator and print designer. After serving in the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905), he joined the Miyako Shinbun in Nagoya City. Designing prints in the 1926 he designed prints for Collected Prints of the Taishō Earthquake and in the 1930's he designed propaganda prints for the Japanese war effort. His contribution to the 1924 Collection of New Ukiyo-e Style Beauties (1924). April - Rain of Blossoms (1924) from New Ukiyo-e Beauties. Asian Art Museum San Fransisco - with over 18,000 pieces of art the Asian Art Museum of San Fransisco has one of the largest collections of Asian art in the United States. More information can be found, . Freer Gallery of Art - is a museum within the Smithsonian group of museums in Washington D.C, with a collection of Chinese paintings, Indian sculpture; Islamic painting and metalware; Japanese lacquer; Korean ceramics. Arthur M. Sackler Gallery - is a museum within the Smithsonian group of museums in Washington D.C. It's collection contains some important Chinese jades and bronzes. Yoshida Hiroshi: The Outskirts of Agra Number 3 from the series India and Southeast Asia (1932) Yoshida Hiroshi: Cave of Komagatake from the series Southern Japan Alps (1928) © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - The Crystal Ship by The Doors from their self-titled album The Doors (1967). Release by Elektra Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Gaston Petit - Printmaker/Author : The Most Important Thing Is To Do Something
Gaston Petit - Printmaker/Author : The Most Important Thing Is To Do Something
A few years ago, I was recommended a book called Evolving Techniques in Japanese Woodblock Prints. Written by Gaston Petit, it was a new book for me. Going through it, I realized how forward-thinking it was; even though it had been published in 1977, its instruction is still relevant today. It was fascinating how it approached woodblock printmaking, taking it into the future. On this episode of the Unfinished Print, I speak with printmaker and author of Evolving Techniques In Japanese Woodblock Prints, Gaston Petit. We discuss how he got to write the book, interviewing some exceptional printmakers of the time, and Gaston speaks on his mokuhanga, lithography, tools, history, pigments, and teaching. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Gaston Petit - The Family Portrait (1971) © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Annie Sumi - The City, from her full length record (2017) logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
John Resig - Digital Humanities
John Resig - Digital Humanities
When making mokuhanga and producing The Unfinished Print, I have looked towards various online tools for research and inspiration. One of these tools is A Japanese woodblock print database which collects and archives woodblock print collections from around the world. John Resig is the chief software architect at the who, in 2013, for his love of mokuhanga and the Japanese woodblock print, and through his own collection, developed Those researching, collecting, and making mokuhanga can explore some of the best Japanese print collections at the click of a button. In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with developer John Resig about why he decided to create the website and how his collecting of mokuhanga and making mokuhanga affected that decision. We also discuss the evolution of the humanities in mokuhanga, archiving prints, tradition, and the copywriting of images, as well as John's work with the Japanese Art Society of America. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. John Resig - , , , Sky Above Clouds IV: After Georgia O'Keefe (2019) Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861) - is considered one of the last “masters” of the ukiyo-e genre of Japanese woodblock printmaking. His designs range from landscapes, samurai and Chinese military heroes, as well as using various formats for his designs such as diptychs and triptychs. Five portraits of the actor Ichikawa Danjuro VIII (1823-1854) in various roles (1849) yakusha-e - (役者絵) is the Japanese term for actor prints in mokuhanga. Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865) Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 1839-1892 (月岡 芳年) was a mokuhanga designer who is famous for his prints depicting violence and gore. His work is powerful, colourful, and one of the last vibrant moments of the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock prints. More information about Yoshitoshi’s life and his copious amount of work can be found, . Iga no Tsubone and the Ghost of Fujiwara Nakanari, from the series One Hundred Ghost Stories from China and Japan (1865) Annie Bissett - is an American mokuhanga printmaker and graphic designer based in Rhode Island, USA. Her work touches on politics, and beauty. Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Annie's work can be found, . Irene (2023) Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955) - originally designing poetry and books Onchi became on of the most I important sōsaku hanga artists and promotor of the medium. His works are saught after today. More info, . Portrait of a Poet: Hagiwara Sakutarō (1886-1942) Meiji Era Prints - The Meiji Era of Japan was between 1868-1912 CE. This was a period of immense modernization and industrialization in Japan, where the Japanese economy was booming. New ideas within mokuhanga was occurring as well. Perspective, colour, through new pigments (gamboge, ), the advancement of photography, and new topics and themes (war, industry, architecture), the Meiji era print designer and publisher had a lot of choice when producing their prints. Shigeru Kuriyama (1912-2010) - was a sōsaku hanga printmaker who worked with Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1956), and U'nichi Hiratsuka (1895-1997). He founded the print magazine Yukari and Kasuri. His prints were focused on folk arts. Fragrance of Lavender (1996) sōsaku-hanga - or creative prints, is a style of printmaking which is predominantly, although not exclusively, prints made by one person. It started in the early twentieth century in Japan, in the same period as the shin-hanga movement. The artist designs, carves, and prints their own works. The designs, especially in the early days, may seem rudimentary but the creation of self-made prints was a breakthrough for printmakers moving away from where only a select group of carvers, printers and publishers created woodblock prints. Your First Print: David Bull - this was the first DVD I ever purchased on how to make mokuhanga. This was in and around 2007. While I look back at that time thinking about why I didn't take it up as seriously as I do now, I sometime wonder, "Where would I be now in my Mokuhanga journey?" I realize that that is a redundant way of thinking. I am where I am now today, and to be happy with just that. You can still find this product on Dave's . Takuji Hamanaka - printmaker based in Brookly, NY. Uses bokashi, a printmaking technique, predominately in his works. Unique and powerful. Collapse (2016) - is an established artist who works predominantly in mokuhanga. Her book Japanese Woodblock Print Workshop is one of the most authoritative books on the subject and has influenced many mokuhanga artists. April's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Wood Like Matsumura - is an and brick and mortar store, for woodblock printmaking, located in Nerima City, Tōkyō. Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950) - a watercolorist, oil painter, and woodblock printmaker. Is associated with the resurgence of the woodblock print in Japan, and in the West. It was his early relationship with Watanabe Shōzaburō, having his first seven prints printed by the Shōzaburō atelier. This experience made Hiroshi believe that he could hire his own carvers and printers and produce woodblock prints, which he did in 1925. Kiso River (1927) kabuki - is a traditional form of Japanese theatre which started in Kyoto on the banks of the Kamo River in the 17th Century. Today it is a multi million dollar business and is almost exclusively run, professionally, by The Shochiku Company. Kabuki, the word, is separated into three different sounds; ka - meaning to sing, bu - meaning to dance, and ki- meaning skill. There are various families in kabuki which generate actors, passing down tradition throughout the lineage. For more information please read this fine article from . There are many books written on the subject of kabuki, but in my opinion, to begin, one needs to read Leonard Pronko's work Theatre East & West, Kawatake Toshio's Kabuki, and Earl Ernst's The Kabuki Theatre. Online, please visit , who's site is unparalleled. On YouTube there is the new(ish) which is updated regularly on kabuki information and history, and is very well done. Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 – 1986) was a renowned American artist, known for her pioneering contributions to modern American art, particularly in the realm of abstract and contemporary art. Lake George Reflection (1921) bokashi - is a mokuhanga technique, where the pigment fades from a heavy colour to a softer, broad colour. Made famous by prints designed by Hokusai and Hiroshige, this technique is, for me, the most popular technique utilized by mokuhanga printmakers. There are various types: Ichimoji-bokashi or straight line graduation, used in the above mentioned Hiroshige and Hokusai prints. Ichimoji-mura-bokashi or straight line gradation with uneven edge. Ō-bokashi or wide gradation, Ate-nashi-bokashi or gradation without definition. Futa-iro-bokashi or two tone gradation, and ita-bokashi or softer-edge gradation, where the block is cut in a specific way to achieve this style of gradation. All of these styles of bokashi technique take practice and skill but are very much doable. Bertha Lum (1869-1954) - was born in Iowa. Having begun travelling to Japan in 1903, Bertha Lum noticed the decline of the Japanese woodblock print in Japan in the early 20th Century, deciding to take up the medium. Lum began making woodblock prints after learning in Japan from an unknown teacher during her first trip to Japan. Japan, Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), and China influenced Bertha Lum's prints. Lum's work focused on these themes through an American lens. Winter (1909) Frances Gearhart (1869-1958) - Born in Illinois, Gearhart was a self-taught artist who spent most of her life in California. Originally a watercolorist, Frances Gearhart began experimenting with Japanese woodblock and linoleum in and around 1913. The themes of her work are predominately landscapes of the Pacific Coast and other areas of California. Her work is associated with the Arts and Crafts movement in California. A fine article on Frances Gearhart's life can be found, . In The Sun (1930) Fujio Yoshida (1887-1997) - the wife of Hiroshi Yoshida and the mother of Tōshi Yoshida (1911-1995) and Hodaka Yoshida (1926-1995). Fujio was so much more than a mother and wife. She had a long and storied career as a painter and printmaker. Fujio’s work used her travels and personal experiences to make her work. Subjects such as Japan during The Pacific War, abstraction, portraits, landscapes, still life, and nature were some of her themes. Her painting mediums were watercolour and oil. Her print work was designed by her and carved by Fujio. Roses (1925) TinEye - is an image search and recognition company. They use technology which allows the user to search an image creating a reverse image match. More information can be found, . The Metropolitan Museum of Art - is the largest art museum in North and South America. It began to be assembled by John Jay (1817-1894) in the late 19th century. Incorporated in 1870, the museum has collected many essential pieces, such as the works of Henri Matisse (1869-1954) and Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919). For more information about the MET, you can find it . Waseda University - is a private research university located in Tōkyō, Japan. It was established in 1882. Waseda has one of the largest woodblock print databases in the world, and are free to use. More information can be found, . Ristumeikan - is a university founded in 1869, and located in Kyoto and Ōsaka. Like Waseda it holds one of the largest collection of Japanese woodblock prints. You can search their database, . Mike Lyon - is an American artist. His medium has been varied throughout his career such as "square tiles," or "pixels," through to making mokuhanga, monoprinting, and machine-assisted etching, drawing and mezzotint. Mike Lyon also has a large woodblock print collection which he has curated for the public, . More information about his work can be found, . Linda In Black (2019) Frick Reference Library - is a reference library in the Frick Museum in New York City. The museum was once the mansion of wealthy American industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919). The museum houses some of the finest pieces of sculpture, paintings, and art in the United States. There is also the public Frick Reference Library located on 10E 71st Street in New York City. More information can be found, . Hokusai: Inspiration and Influence - was an exhibition held from March 26 - July 16, 2023 at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. More information can be found, . Japanese Art Society of America (JASA) - Starting in 1973 by a small group of collectors of ukiyo-e in New York City, JASA has expanded to cover many Japanese arts. Their magazine Impressions is a biannual magazine that discusses in a scholarly way various Japanese arts. More information can be found, . Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - born in Edo, Hiroshige is famous for his landscape series of that burgeoning city. The most famous series being, One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (1856-1859), and the landcape series, Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō (1833-1834). His work highlights bokashi, and bright colours. More info about his work can be found, . Below is, Coastal Landscape In Moonlight (1857) Kingfisher and Iris Scholten Japanese Art - is a mokuhanga-focused art gallery in midtown Manhattan. René Scholten, an avid collector of the Japanese print, founded it. You can find more info . Katherine Martin is the managing director of Scholten Japanese Art. Katherine has written extensively for the gallery and conducted lectures about Japanese prints. Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . International Mokuhanga Conference - is a bi-yearly conference dedicated to mokuhanga which started in 2011 by the International Mokuhanga Association. Each conference is themed. The latest conference was in 2021, delayed a year because of the pandemic. More information can be found, . Cameron Bailey - is a mokuhanga woodblock printmaker based in Queens, New York. His work is predominantly reduction woodblock. Camerons work has shown around the world. You can listen to one of his earliest interviews on The Unfinished Print, . His work can be found, . Reflection (2020) sumo - while sumo wrestling has been known to Western audiences for quite some time, it is only in the past several years that the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) has created content for Western audiences to watch tournaments and engage with wrestlers through videos, such as YouTube. Sumo prints were being produced in the Edo Period (1603-1868), with the Kastukawa school of artists beginning to create prints in the vein of actor prints of the day (yakusha-e). Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865) A portrait of Inoyama Moriemon (1846) Acolytes of The Baren - is the Facebook group dedicated to Dave Bull and Mokuhankan. It can be found, . Emerging Hanga - is a Facebook group dedicated to new mokuhanga, and sharing information. It can be found, . Brush & Baren - is a Facebook group dedicated to sharing the history of mokuhanga of the late 19th and early 20th Century. It can be found, . Friends of Baren Forum - is a Facebook group dedicated to those interested in mokuhanga and woodblock printing in general. it can be found, . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Flowers & Fire by BLITZ. From the album Second Empire Justice (1983), first released on Future Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Stephen Winiecki - Printmaker : Plan Accordingly
Stephen Winiecki - Printmaker : Plan Accordingly
Creating mokuhanga can be a long journey. One reaches milestones within their artistic life where decisions are made, and questions asked. Can I do this for years to come? Does it make financial sense to continue working on making prints? Do I want to make this my career? Can mokuhanga sustain me financially, emotionally, and spiritually? On this episode of the Unfinished Print, I speak with mokuhanga printmaker Stephen Winiecki, an artist who has explored mokuhanga through his experience in oil painting and linocut. Stephen is asking himself many questions like the ones mentioned above. We discuss Stephen’s choosing to make mokuhanga a large part of his life and the desire to make it his career path. We talk process, his work with mokuhanga print designer and artist Jed Henry, planning a print, and how his passion for rock climbing motivates his work. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Stephen Winiecki - , . linocut -A linocut is a relief or block print type, similar to woodblock printing. The artist carves an image into a linoleum block, printing what's left. David Bull - is a Canadian woodblock printmaker, and educator who lives and works in Japan. His love of mokuhanga has almost singlehandedly promoted the art form around the world. His company, Mokuhankan, has a brick and mortar store in Asakusa, Tōkyō, and online, . Awagami - is arguably the largest paper making company in Japan at the moment. With a large International name, Awagami sponsors, and promotes its paper all over the world. More information can be found on its website, . reduction printmaking - is a process in printmaking where the printmaker cuts away on a piece of wood, or linoleum. After every carving, the printmaker makes an impression with pigments, beginning with lighter colours, gradually using darker colours. William H. Mays has a fine description of reduction on his website, . registration - there are several registration methods in mokuhanga. The traditional method is called the kentō registration, where you carve two notches, straight another an "L." There is also a "floating kentō," which is where the notches are cut in a piece of "L" shaped wood and not on the wood where you are cutting your image, hence "floating." Lastly, there are removable "pins," such as ones made by . McClains Woodblock Print Supply Co. - based in Portland, Oregon, McClain's is the go-to supplier of woodblock print tools in the United States. Their website can be found . The Unfinished Print interview with Daniel Jasa of McClain's can be found . - is an American artist and graphic designer. His work with woodblock prints is as designer. He works with Mokuhankan, as well as various other mokuhanga artists who carve/laser, and print his designs. His work under the Ukiyo-e Heroes banner is very popular. monotype print - is a unique print created from an image painted or drawn on a smooth surface, such as glass or metal, and then transferred to paper. Unlike most printmaking methods, where multiple copies of the same image can be produced, a monotype typically has a single, one-of-a-kind image. It's called a "mono" type because it is not part of an edition like traditional prints (e.g., lithographs, etchings), where you can make multiple copies. Dick Blick Art Supplies - is an art supply store with various brick and mortar stores throughout the United States, as well as online. Founded in 1911 by Dick Blick in Galesburg, Illinois, BLICK, as it’s more commonly known, sells various types of art supplies, much like Jerry’s Artarama. More info, . Cameron Bailey - is a mokuhanga woodblock printmaker based in Queens, New York. His work is predominantly reduction woodblock. Camerons work has shown around the world. You can listen to one of his earliest interview on The Unfinished Print, . His work can be found, . Eruption, After D’Anna (2022) 17x23" Lake George, New York - Is a small town located in the Adirondack mountains in New York State. There are plenty of exciting things to do in an around the town and within the Adirondack mountains. More information can be found . Echizen - is a region in Fukui Prefecture, Japan associated with Japanese paper making. It has a long history of paper making. There are many paper artisans in the area. One famous person is Iwano Ichibei whom Megan mentions in this episode. He is a Living National Treasure in paper making, and the ninth generation of his family still making paper today. More info can be found here in , and here in . Kawase Hasui (1883-1957) - a designer of more than six hundred woodblock prints, Kawase Hasui, is one of the most famous designers of the shin-hanga movement of the early twentieth century. Hasui began his career with the artist and woodblock designer Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878-1971), joining several artistic societies early in his career. It wasn’t until he joined the Watanabe atelier in 1918 that he began to gain recognition. Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) had Hasui design landscapes of the Japanese countryside, small towns, and everyday life. Hasui also worked closely with the carvers and printers of his prints to reach the level Hasui wanted his prints to be. Yumoto Spa, Nikko (1937) 15x10" shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking which began during the end of the ukiyo-e period of Japanese printmaking, in the early 20th Century. Focusing on the foreign demand for “traditional” Japanese imagery and motifs such as castles, bridges, famous landscapes, bamboo forests, to name just a few. Shin hanga was born in 1915 by Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) when he found Austrian artist Frtiz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned Capelari to design some prints for Watanabe's feldgling printing house . From there shin-hanga evolved into its own distinct “new” style of Japanese woodblock printing. It lasted as this distinct style until its innevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). Dahlia (1940) 10.5x15.7" by Kawase Hasui Seki Kenji - is a woodblock printmaker based in Tōkyō. He was head printer, and produced prints, for Doi Hangaten printing house as well as making his own pieces. - is one of the first websites created by David Bull in order to describe the process of Japanese woodblock printmaking in English. It was and is an asset for those of us continuing the art form today. - is an independent video game developer based in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. They created the character, which Stephen made a print on. Cuphead Skullman 8x15" Cal Carlisle - an American printmaker based in Cleveland, Ohio, who has sold his original prints and worked for print designer Jed Henry. He was also my first interview on The Unfinished Print, found . You can find more information about Cal's work, . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - No Woman, No Cry by The Fugees from their 1996 album The Score. Released by Columbia Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Benjamin Selby - Printmaker: It's A Reflection of Self
Benjamin Selby - Printmaker: It's A Reflection of Self
Mokuhanga is a personal journey. The ups and downs of the artist are many; observing the emotions and layers of an artist simply through social media and chat rooms is complicated. Seeing a person's work is a window to who they are or want to be, their fears and desires; all these things make the mokuhanga artist so interesting to me. On this episode of the Unfinished Print, I speak with mokuhanga printmaker and artist Ben Selby. Ben’s work contains subtle emotion, powerful narratives, and unique perspectives. In my mokuhanga conversation with Ben, he speaks about his, at times, very personal experiences, how he grew up and his environment. We discuss Ben’s reflection on the self in his work, his MFA thesis, the power of colour, the idea of tradition in mokuhanga, working with Richard Steiner and Terry McKenna, and alligator gar. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Benjamin Selby - , West Texas A&M University - a public university located in Canyon, Texas, established in 1910. Georgia O’Keefe (1887-1986) was head of their art department from 1916-1918. More info can be found . - is a mokuhanga printmaker who has been making prints for over fifty years. He has lived and worked in Kyōto, Japan since 1980. He is currently still making work. His interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Peace, peace (1990) Terry McKenna - is a mokuhanga printmaker based in Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan. He studied under Kyōto-based mokuhanga artist Richard Steiner. Terry also runs his mokuhanga school in Karuizawa. His interview with The Unfinished Print can be found . Richard Steiner's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found . Kyōto International Mokuhanga School - is a mokuhanga school owned and operated by long-term mokuhanga printmaker and artist Richard Steiner. Students will learn mokuhanga from Richard in Kyoto. For more information regarding his school and price, . Ōsaka Station - is a transfer hub located in the Japanese city of Ōsaka, Japan. It serves over 2 million passengers daily. It contains shopping and restaurants and is a labyrinth unto itself. It opened in 1874. More information can be found . serigraphy - is another word for the art of silk screen printing. Silk screen printing can be in on various materials, silk, canvas, paper. Arizona State University - a public research university located in Tempe, Arizona, near Phoenix. It was founded as Territorial Normal School in 1885 and has undergone several name changes over the years, coming to its current iteration in 1958. More info can be found . Kintarō - is a Japanese fairy tale first published in English in 1908 by Y.T. Ozeki in the book Japanese Fairy Tales, published by the A.L. Burt Company. The story is about Kintarō, a brave boy whose exploits as a brave warrior are passed down throughout Japanese history. His image was widespread in ukiyo-e, as well as in sculpture, candy, and the like. He has been in modern video games, manga, and anime. Kintarō Fighting an Eagle - Edo Period (1603-1898) by Kitagawa Tuskimaro (1794-1836). Tsukimaro was a little-known ukiyo-e print artist but was most successful under his teacher Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806). International Mokuhanga Conference - is a bi-yearly conference dedicated to mokuhanga which started in 2011 by the International Mokuhanga Association. Each conference is themed. The latest conference was in 2021, delayed a year because of the pandemic. More information can be found, . Printed books in the Edo Period (1603-1868) - were books published in woodblock on low-quality paper. Yet, these books contained many exciting and beautiful designs and techniques. Jacob Bautista - is an artist and teacher based in Amarillo, Texas, USA. His work is expressed through etching and stone lithography; more information about Jacob and his work is . Bitten (2018) photoshop Alligator gar - is one of North America's largest freshwater fish and is considered a living fossil in that its origins go back as far as 100 million years ago. These particular gars are primarily found in the Southern United States. Spillway - a structure which controls the amount of water going into a dam or levee. Gyotaku - are Japanese fish prints. These prints are created in various formats, such as inking the fish after its caught using washi and paste(直接法), the indirect method where washi is pasted to the fish, which is then inked on the fish (間接法), and the transfer method, (転写法), where the image is pressed onto washi which is then transferred to wood or another type of surface and pressed onto that. For more information there's a great video , about gyotaku printmaker from Oregon, who has been making these prints since the 1980's. shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking which began during the end of the ukiyo-e period of Japanese printmaking, in the early 20th Century. Focusing on the foreign demand for “traditional” Japanese imagery and motifs such as castles, bridges, famous landscapes, bamboo forests, to name just a few. Shin hanga was born in 1915 by Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) when he found Austrian artist Frtiz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned Capelari to design some prints for Watanabe's feldgling printing house . From there shin-hanga evolved into its own distinct “new” style of Japanese woodblock printing. It lasted as this distinct style until its innevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). Sea of Shizuura, Namazu (1938) 15.4"x10.2" Tsuchiya Kōitsu (1870 - 1949) - apprenticed under artist and print designer Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915) and worked as a lithographer. Kōitsu then joined the Watanabe atelier in 1935. Kōitsu also collaborated with Doi Sadachi publishers, amongst others. Kintai Bridge, ca 1930's. postcard size print Kawase Hasui (1883-1957) - a designer of more than six hundred woodblock prints, Kawase Hasui, is one of the most famous designers of the shin-hanga movement of the early twentieth century. Hasui began his career with the artist and woodblock designer Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878-1971), joining several artistic societies early in his career. It wasn’t until he joined the Watanabe atelier in 1918 that he began to gain recognition. Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) had Hasui design landscapes of the Japanese countryside, small towns, and everyday life. Hasui also worked closely with the carvers and printers of his prints to reach the level Hasui wanted his prints to be. Takatsudo (1931) All I Knew Growing Up by Benjamin Selby (2022) Ben's lecture at the International Mokuhanga Conference, Photochemical Mokuhanga, can be found . tamari (溜まり) - is the pooling of ink between the carved lines of your woodblock. Pooling is exposed when testing your carving but can be fixed by recarving the part of the block causing tamari or altering the amount of ink or water used. cyanotype - a type of work that uses iron compounds and creates various blues when exposed to UV light. More info . Van Dyke Brown - is a photographic printing process named after painter Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641). The method uses various chemicals, then exposes the negative of the photograph as print to ultraviolet light. The final print is a brown colour. Very similar to cyanotype, but the chemicals create a different shade of print. More info can be found on Mark Hillier's , and sōsaku-hanga - or creative prints, is a style of printmaking which is predominantly, although not exclusively, prints made by one person. It started in the early twentieth century in Japan, in the same period as the shin-hanga movement. The artist designs, carves, and prints their own works. The designs, especially in the early days, may seem rudimentary but the creation of self-made prints was a breakthrough for printmakers moving away from where only a select group of carvers, printers and publishers created woodblock prints. Artist's Nude (1984) by Sekino Jun'ichirō (1914-1988) 14.7" x 10.6" Akua - are water-based pigments used in intaglio, mokuhanga, and monotype. Kitaro Japanese Paper Company - founded in 1872, Kitaro focuses on making high quality Japanese washi in Fukui Prefecture. More info, . Alone by Benjamin Selby (2021) 10.5" x 14.5" murasaki baren - is a mid-range mokuhanga baren. “murasaki” meaning “purple” , come in two types of weight (medium and heavy), and two types of sizes (10cm and 12cm). They are reasonably priced baren. Yuki baren - is a heavy ball bearing baren made in Japan. It is used to print large flat colours. baren suji zuri - is a Mokuhanga technique used with the baren and by the baren to create a circular design and can be layered with various colours. Combing Her Hair (1928) 15-1/4"x 10-1/2" by Natori Shunsen (1886-1960) sizing paper - at times mokuhanga printmakers will size their paper. Size is made from water, animal glue (rabbit, horse), and alum. What the size does is keep the pigments the artist uses from “bleeding” into the outer edges of the paper. There are many recipes of size, is one that artist Walter J. Phillips used. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Ahmad Jamal - Pavanne (1960) from the album Happy Moods on Verve Records logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Joryū Hanga Kyōkai w/ Jeannie Kenmotsu PhD. : Storytelling Through History
Joryū Hanga Kyōkai w/ Jeannie Kenmotsu PhD. : Storytelling Through History
During the early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, being at home with my thoughts, I kept busy by researching mokuhanga. And one of my many discoveries was the exhibition at the Portland Art Museum held from September 24, 2020, to June 13, 2021, called Joryū Hanga Kyøkai, 1956-1965: Japan’s Women Printmakers and curated by The Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Curator of Asian Art, Jeannie Kenmotsu. It was an exhibition of mokuhanga, etchings, and lithography of a group of printmakers I didn’t know much about. Individually I may have heard their names but as a group? I needed to learn more. History is an essential part of mokuhanga; to search out those printmakers who have come before us to understand what they did and how they did it. I have learned so much from the past that I can use it in my own work for my present and future. On this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with Jeannie Kenmotsu, Ph.D., about the Joryu Hanga Kyokai and, the road to this exhibition, the work that went behind it. We explore how the Joryu Hanga Kyokai showed a different face of printmaking in Japan. We discuss Tokyo during the 1950s and 1960s, the mokuhanga and print culture of the time, internationalism, and how this exhibition could catalyze more research on this incredible group. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. , 1956-1965: Japan’s Women Printmakers - was an exhibition curated by Jeannie Kenmotsu from September 24, 2020 - June 13, 2021, at the Portland Art Museum. It is the first step in understanding and education on the subject of women in Japanese printmaking in modern Japan. Members of the group were Romanesque Architecture - is a style developed in the north of Italy, parts of France, and the Iberian Peninsula in the 10th century. Evolving from thick walls, no sculpture, and ornamental arches into towering round arches, massive stone and brickwork, small windows, thick walls, and an inclination for housing art and sculpture of biblical scenes. For more information abbot Romanesquwe architecture you can find that, . Portland Art Museum - established in 1892, the PAM has established itself as one of the preeminent art musuems on the West coast of the United States. The musuem has 40,000 pieces of art and art objects. More information about PAM can be found . The Royal Ontario Museum - also known as The ROM, is an art, world culture, and natural history museum in the city of Toronto, and is one of the oldest museums in the city. More info, . mokuhanga in the 1950’s and 1960’s - Japanese woodblock printmaking became quite popular after World War II. With Japan growing exponentially post war, through industry and art, the independent philosphy that the West perpetuated began to filter into the Jpaanese art world. Sōsaku hanga became increadingly popular where there is only one carver, printer and draughtsman. These prints touched on various themes, but especially in the abstract. Artists such as (1897-1973), and Kiyoshi Saitō (1907-1997) spring to mind, who created a new kind of mokuhanga by using various techniques, colours, and sizes that were unique and expressive. Oliver Statler’s book, written in 1956, Modern Japanese Prints : An Art Reborn, was published because the art form was growing so quickly. It is a great summary on the sōsaku hanga movement during that time. Edo Period prints - woodblock prints of the Edo Period (1603-1867) were predominantly of kabuki actors (Sharaku), and courtesans (Harunobu) beginning in the middle of the 18th century. The traditional system of production came into play when making ukiyo-e of this period, designer, carver, printer, and publisher. Famous designers of the day were Hiroshige (1797-1858), Hokusai (1760-1849). Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition - was an international fair in 1905 held in Portland, Oregan, USA from June 1 - October 15 and attracted over 1 million visitors. It helped to showcase Portland and its environs, promoting the movement and expansion West by settlers. The Portland Art Museum began shortly after the Exposition as The Portland Art Association needed its own space to showcase art pieces from the Exposition. The Metropolitan Museum of Art - is the largest art museum in North and South America. It began to be assembled by John Jay (1817-1894) in the late 19th century. Incorporated in 1870, the museum has collected many essential pieces, such as the works of Henri Matisse (1869-1954) and Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919). For more information about the MET, you can find it . Adolphe Braun (1812-1877) - was a German-born photographer who helped to establish photography as an art form. His work with the reproduction of art furthered art history throughout the world. Chizuko Yoshida (1924-2017) - was the wife of painter and printmaker Hodaka Yoshida. Beginning as an abstract painter, Chizuko, after a meeting with sōsaku hanga printmaker Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955), Chizuko became interested in printmaking. Chizuko enjoyed the abstraction of art, and this was her central theme of expression. Like all Yoshida artists, travel greatly inspired Chizuko’s work. She incorporated the colours and flavours of the world into her prints. Rain B (1953) 14 3/4 x 9 7/8" Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950) - a watercolorist, oil painter, and woodblock printmaker. Is associated with the resurgence of the woodblock print in Japan, and in the West. It was his early relationship with Watanabe Shōzaburō, having his first seven prints printed by the Shōzaburō atelier. This experience made Hiroshi believe that he could hire his own carvers and printers and produce woodblock prints, which he did in 1925. Osaka Castle (1935) Fujio Yoshida (1887-1997) - the wife of Hiroshi Yoshida and the mother of Tōshi Yoshida (1911-1995) and Hodaka Yoshida. Fujio was so much more than a mother and wife. She had a long and storied career as a painter and printmaker. Fujio’s work used her travels and personal experiences to make her work. Subjects such as Japan during The Pacific War, abstraction, portraits, landscapes, still life, and nature were some of her themes. Her painting mediums were watercolour and oil. Her print work was designed by her and carved by Fujio. Yellow Iris (1953) Hodaka Yoshida (1926-1995) - was the second son of woodblock printmaker and designer Hiroshi Yoshida (1876-1950). Hodaka Yoshida's work was abstract, beginning with painting and evolving into printmaking. His inspirations varied as his career continued throughout his life, but Hodaka Yoshida's work generally focused on nature, "primitive" art, Buddhism, the elements, and landscapes. Hodaka Yoshida's print work used woodcut, photo etching, collage, and lithography, collaborating with many of these mediums and making original and fantastic works. Outside of prints Hodaka Yoshida also painted and created sculptures. Dawn At Sea (1969) - silkscreen 25 5/8" x 19 3/8" (AP) Tōshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - was the second child of Hiroshi Yoshida and Fujio Yoshida, although the first to survive childhood. Beginning with oil paintings and then apprenticing under his father with woodblock cutting. By 1940 Tōshi started to make his mokuhanga. After his father's death in 1950, Tōshi began to experiment with abstract works and travel to the United States. Later travels to Africa evolved his prints, inspiring Tōshi with the world he experienced as his work focused on animals and nature. Irises and Ducks - 19 5/8" x 11 3/4" Ayomi Yoshida - is the daughter of Chizuko and Hodaka Yoshida. She is a visual artist who works in mokuhanga, installations and commercial design. Ayomi’s subject matter is colour, lines, water, and shape. Ayomi’s lecture referred to by Jeannie at PAM can be found . She teaches printmaking and art. You can find more info . Black Marks (1999) 20 1/2 × 20 1/8 in (AP) Guide to Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: 1900-1975 - is a book published by the University of Hawai'i in 1995. It is a reference book describing artists, publishers, and carvers. It contains no images but is a valuable resource for the mokuhanga academic. Uchima Toshiko (1918-2000) - was a Manchurian-born Japanese artist who worked in mokuhanga, liothography, assemblages and collage. She was one of the founders of the Joryū Hanga Kyōkai in 1955/56. She lived most of her life in the United States, specifically New York City. Package From Italy - collage 19.8"x16.8" in Ansei Uchima (1921-2000) - was a mokuhanga printmaker in the sōsaku hanga style of Japanese printmaking. He was the translator for Japanologist Oliver Statler (1915-2002). Way For Hakone (1966) 13 3/4 x 21 in Oliver Statler (1915-2002) - was an American author and scholar and collector of mokuhanga. He had been a soldier in World War 2, having been stationed in Japan. After his time in the war Statler moved back to Japan where he wrote about Japanese prints. His interests were of many facets of Japanese culture such as accommodation, and the 88 Temple Pilgrimage of Shikoku. Oliver Statler, in my opinion, wrote one of the most important books on the sōsaku-hanga movement, “Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn.” Iwami Reika (1927-2020) - was a Japanese-born artist and one of the founders of the Joryū Hanga Kyōkai. For a short video about Iwami Reika’s work, check out Round Shadow C (1957) sōsaku-hanga - or creative prints, is a style of printmaking which is predominantly, although not exclusively, prints made by one person. It started in the early twentieth century in Japan, in the same period as the shin-hanga movement. The artist designs, carves, and prints their own works. The designs, especially in the early days, may seem rudimentary but the creation of self-made prints was a breakthrough for printmakers moving away from where only a select group of carvers, printers and publishers created woodblock prints. Yoseido Gallery - is a fine print gallery located in the Ginza district of Tōkyō, Japan since 1953. More information can e found, . Francis Blakemore (1906-1997) - was an American-born artist, writer, philanthropist and curator of modern Japanese mokuhanga. She lived in Japan for over fifty years and helped to support the burgeoning sōsaku hanga print movement of the 1950s. Blakemore worked in mokuhanga (collaborating with Watanabe Shōzaburō) and making self-printed and carved prints. She also worked in oils. Far Eastern Madonna (1939) white line woodblock print Japanese Economy of the 1950’s - from 1945-1991 Japan had its most prosperous period of economic growth. By 1955 the economic began to grow twice as fast as prior to ’55. According to The Berkley Economic Review the advancement of technologies, accumulation of capital, increased quantity and quality of labor, and increased international trade were the main reasons that strenghtend Japan. For more information regarding the begining of this growth you can find the BER article . intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . Minami Keiko (1911-2004) - was a Japanese-born artist and a founder of the Joryū Hanga Kyōkai. Keiko’s work is abstract, whimsical and youthful. She lived mainly in Paris, France, where she studied aquatint etching under Johhny Friedlaender (1912-1992). More information about Minami Keiko’s art and life can be found . House With Sun and Trees : watercolour and gouache 14 3/4x11 in. Yōzō Hamaguchi (1909-2000) - was a Japanese-born mezzotint printmaker who lived in Paris, France, for most of his life. He was the husband of Minami Keiko. Bottle With Lemons and Red Wall (1989) mezzotint 30 x 24 in. mezzotint - is a style of printmaking which uses a copper plate, “rocked” with a tool called a rocker, and then burnished with various devices. A good video showing the entire process from start to finish of a mezzotint print can be found here by the artist Kobayashi Donge - is an aquatint etching artist who’s subject is generally women and literature. Roses Go Well With Mount Fuji (1993) etching with hand colouring on paper Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai) - founded during the merger of the Tokyo Fine Arts School and the Tokyo Music School in 1949, TUA offers Masters's and Doctorate degrees in various subjects such as sculpture, craft and design as well as music and film. It has multiple campuses throughout the Kantō region of Japan. More information regarding the school and its programs can be found . 担当者 - is a Japanese word which means “person in charge." Nihon Hanga Kyōkai - is the Japanese Printmakers Association. It was created in 1918, focusing on the new sōsaku hanga print movement. It evolved into a modern print organization covering various types of printmaking, such as relief, intaglio, planographic (lithography and offset printmaking), and stencil. You can find more information on their website in Japanese and English . First Thursday Society (一木会) - was created by printmaker Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955). The group brought artists and collectors to discuss the growing sōsaku hanga (creative print) movement to collaborate, share their work, and it acted as a mentorship program. Un'ichi Hiratsuka (平塚 運一) - (1895-1977) - was one of the important players of the sōsaku hanga movement in mokuhanga. Hiratsuka was a proponent of self carved and self printed mokuhanga, and taught one of the most famous sōsaku hanga printmakers in Shikō Munakata (1903-1975). He founded the Yoyogi Group of artists and also taught mokuhanga at the Tōkyō School of Fine Arts. Hiratsuka moved to Washington D.C in 1962 where he lived for over thirty years. His mokuhanga was multi colour and monochrome touching on various subjects and is highly collected today. Landscape (1934) College Women’s Association of Japan - was started by the alumnae of Mount Holyoke College from Massachusetts. Later expanding to other universities and colleges in the US, the CWAJ established Japanese women to study abroad through travel grants and scholarships, thereby promoting Japanese culture. What began as a fundraising program from 1956 onward, the annual print show has become one of the most essential print shows in the world, showcasing prints of all types. It is the largest juried print show in Japan. More information about the CWAJ and its print show can be found . Kantō (関東地方) - is a region located on the main island of Honshu, Japan, which encompasses the Prefectures of Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tōkyō, Chiba and Kanagawa. The Kantō Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism oversees these prefectures. More information can be found . Kansai (関西地方) - is a region located on the main island of Honshu, Japan, which encompasses the Prefectures of Nara, Kyoto, Wakayama, Osaka, Hyōgo, Shiga and Mie. It has the most UNESCO world heritage sites in Japan. For tourist information about Kansai, see . Jun'ichirō Sekino (1914-1988) - was a Japanese mokuhanga printmaker of the sōsaku hanga creative prints movement. Sekino's works are landscapes and portraits and are black and white and colourful. Sekino studied under Onchi Kōshirō. He was invited to the United States several times as a visiting professor at Oregon State University, the University of Washington, and Penn State University in 1963, where he taught classes on mokuhanga. You can find more information about Sekino and his work and life on his website . U.S Army Officer (1948) 24"x18.8" in. Munakata Shikō (志功棟方) - (1903-1975) arguably one of the most famous modern printmakers; Shikō is renowned for his prints of women, animals, the supernatural and Buddhist deities. He made his prints with an esoteric fervour where his philosophies about mokuhanga were just as interesting as his print work. Night Birds (The Fence of...) 7.4"x11.5" in. Aomori (青森県) - is a prefecture in north Japan. Located about an hour and a half from Tōkyō, Aomori is known for its incredible nature, festivals, sports and outdoor activities in all four seasons. More information can be found . Kobe, Japan - is the capital city of Hyōgo Prefecture in Japan. One of the few ports open to Western trade, Kobe has always had a great vibe. With a lot to visit and see, Kobe has many attractions, such as its harbour, Mount Rokkō, and various museums and mansions on the hill; its proximity to Osaka and Kyoto makes it an ideal place to visit. For more information about Kobe, Japan, see . Shirokiya - was a department store company which started in Japan with various stores throughout Japan and Hawai’i. It was founded in Tōkyō in 1662 and went out of business in 2020. The store was famously depicted in a Hiroshige print, View of Nihonbashi Tori-itchome 1858. Sarah Lawrence College - is a liberal arts college in Yonkers, New York. Founded in 1926, Sarah Lawrence has been dedicated to the education process and inclusivity of its student body since its inception. For more information about the school and their work can be found . Pratt Institute - is a private university located in Brooklyn, New York. Established in 1887 and founded by American business magnate Charles Pratt (1830-1891), the Pratt Institute focuses on the liberal arts such as architecture, art and design, shaping leaders of tomorrow. For more information about TPI, you can look . Elise Grilli (d.1969) - was an art critic and author who wrote for the Japan Times. She lived in Japan throughout the 1940’s into the 1960’s. Her book The Art Of The Japanese Screen is considered a classic. Charles Terry (1926-1982) - was an author and translator of Japanese in Tōkyō for Harry J. Abrams. James A Michener (1907-1997) - a Pulitzer Prize winning writer, scholar and academic who wrote on Japanese prints, amongst many more topics. Shima Tamami (1937-1999) - was a mokuhanga printmaker who joined the JHK when they had already established themselves. Her career was short, moving to the United States in the 1960s. Her mokuhanga depicts Japanese aesthetics and themes producing still lives. Her work was featured in James Michener's book, The Modern Japanese Print: An Appreciation, in 1962. For more information and images of Tamami Shima's work, please check out the Viewing Japanese Prints site . Bird B (1959) 11.9"x16.3" in. Noriko Kuwahara - is a scholar, curator, and author of Japanese art in Japan. PoNJA-GenKon - is an online listserve group which means Post-1945 (Nineteen Forty Five) Japanese Art Discussion Group Geidai Bijutsu Kondankai. It was established in 2003 to bring together specialists in Japanese art in the English speaking world. For more information about what PoNJA-GenKon does search . Philadelphia Museum of Art - originating with the Centennial Exhibition of 1876, the PMA has over 200,000 pieces of art and objects and is one of the preeminent museums in the US. More information can be found . Sakura City Museum of Art - is a fine art museum located in Sakura City, Chiba, Japan. It is dedicated to the arts of those form Sakura...
Mary Brodbeck - Printmaker : All In
Mary Brodbeck - Printmaker : All In
In mokuhanga, nature plays a large part in the process. Using wood, water, natural paper, and even natural pigments can bring you closer to the natural world, closer to the root of all things. From that natural process, many mokuhanga artists will use nature as a subject in their work. By portraying the mountains, forests, rivers and lakes, these subjects manifest the world from a different perspective on paper. On this episode of the Unfinished Print, I speak with Michigan-based mokuhanga printmaker Mary Brodbeck. Her work delves deeply into the natural world and colours of Michigan. Mary speaks on her mokuhanga process, colours, and technique, learning by watching, her early experiences with Japan, and the nature of the creative process. We also discuss the exhibition In Kalamazoo, Michigan, Cross Currents: East/West, with her teacher Yoshisuke Funasaka. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Dimensions are given if known. Mary Brodbeck - , , Becoming Made Documentary - is a documentary produced by Mary Brodbeck. It is a document about mokuhanga, its practitioners, and those associated with the art form. You can find the documentary . Cross Currents East/West - is an exhibition held in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It is an exhibition showcasing the works of Japanese mokuhanga and serigrapher Yoshisuke Funasaka and his student Mary Brodbeck. Both artists are exhibiting various works. The exhibit runs from May 12-July 28th, 2023. You can find more information regarding the exhibition . Western Michigan University - is a public research university based in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. and was established in 1903. You can find more information . Yoshisuke Funasaka - is an award-winning mokuhanga and serigrapher based in Tōkyō, Japan. You can find a fine biography about Funasaka here at Black Night Ginza (1991) 24 4/5" x 17 3/4" Ox-Bow School of Art - was founded in 1910 and is associated with the School of the Art Insitute of Chicago (SAIC). It is a nonprofit artist’s residency located in Saugatuck, Michigan. You can find information . sumi - is a rich black stick or liquid used by artists, calligraphers, and traditional Japanese horimono tattoo artists. Sumi is made from the soot of burnt lamp oil. Sumi is used predominantly in key blocks in traditional mokuhanga and to mix pigments. Pigment Tōkyō conducts a great interview with their chief of pigments, Kei Iwaizumi, about sumi ink, . - is the registration system used by printmakers in order to line up the colour woodblocks with your key block, or outline block, carved first. Daniel Smith Pigments - is a company which makes various types of paints, pigments, and mediums. It was started by Dan Smith in 1976. More info can be found, . shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking which began during the end of the ukiyo-e period of Japanese printmaking, in the early 20th Century. Focusing on the foreign demand for “traditional” Japanese imagery and motifs such as castles, bridges, famous landscapes, bamboo forests, to name just a few. Shin hanga was born in 1915 by Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) when he found Austrian artist Frtiz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned Capelari to design some prints for Watanabe's feldgling printing house . From there shin-hanga evolved into its own distinct “new” style of Japanese woodblock printing. It lasted as this distinct style until its innevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). Fuji-san From Yamazaka (1931) by Hiroshi Yoshida shina - is a type of Japanese plywood used in mokuhanga. Not all shina is made equally, buyer beware. vellum - is a plant-based, translucent and opaque paper constructed with cellulose. Used as tracing paper and has multiple uses. You can find more information about vellum and its uses . - is an established artist who works predominantly in mokuhanga. Her book Japanese Woodblock Print Workshop is one of the most authoritative books on the subject and has influenced many mokuhanga artists. You can find my interview with The Unfinished Print can be found . Richard Steiner - is a mokuhanga printmaker, author and teacher based in Kyōto, Japan. He is originally from Michigan and moved to Japan over fifty years ago. Richard prints many different subjects and themes. You can find his interview with The Unfinished Print . floating kentō - is a removable registration system attached to the block when printing. As the kentō isn't affixed to the block, blotting and immaculate borders are positives of this registration method. It is an "L" shape. Mark Nepo - is a poet and philosopher who lives and works in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He has written many books on spirituality and manifesting a wonderful positive life. You can find more information on his website . Michigan, USA - originally inhabited by various indigenous cultures and tribes such as early Hopewell Culture, Ojibwe, and Iroquois. European settlers settled in the early 17th century. Michigan, located in the Midwestern region of the United States, has a rich and varied history. The French ceded Michigan to the British in 1763 following the French and Indian War, and it became part of the United States after the American Revolution. Michigan became a state in 1837, and its early years were marked by rapid industrialization and growth. The state became a hub for lumber production, mining, and manufacturing, particularly in the automotive industry. In the early 20th century, entrepreneurs such as Henry Ford and Ransom Olds revolutionized the automotive industry, and Detroit became known as the "Motor City." The state also played a prominent role in the Civil Rights Movement, with figures such as Rosa Parks and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. making essential contributions. In recent decades, Michigan has faced economic challenges, particularly in the wake of the automotive industry's decline. However, the state remains a necessary research, manufacturing, and innovation center. It is home to major universities and research institutions such as the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. You can find more information about Michigan at Lawren Harris (1885-1970) - was a member of the Canadian group of painters, The Group Of Seven. He lived in the United States (New Hampshire and New Mexico), ultimately returning to Canada in 1940. He painted the Canadian landscape predominantly in Ontario in Algonquin Park and Algoma. Greenland Mountains (ca. 1930) oil on canvas 107.4 x 128.4 cm The Group of Seven - was a group of landscape painters from Canada. The artists were Franklin Carmichael (1890–1945), Lawren Harris (1885–1970), A.Y. Jackson 1882–1974), Frank Johnston (1888–1949), Arthur Lismer (1885–1969), J.E.H MacDonald (1873–1932), and Frederick Varley (1881–1969). Later, A.J. Casson (1898–1992) was invited to join in 1926, Edwin Holdgate (1892–1977) became a member in 1930, and LeMoine FitzGerald (1890–1956) joined in 1932. While Tom Thomspon (1877–1917) and Emily Carr (1871–1945) were not "official" members, they are considered to be a part of the group because of their relationships with members. More info can be found . A fine article on the CBC by Cree writer Matteo Cimellaro discusses The Group of Seven's role in Canadian nationalism and the exclusion of First Nation's voices in their work. You can find this article . Tom Thomson - Round Lake, Mud Bay (1915) oil on wood 21.5 x 26.8 Algoma - is a geographical district in the Northeastern Canadian province of Ontario. Algoma runs on the Lakes Superior and Huron. It has famously been represented in art by The Group of Seven. You can find more information about Algoma . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Get On The Good Foot - Pt. 1 & 2 by James Brown. From the record Get On The Good Foot (1972) Polydor. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Daryl Howard - Printmaker: I Become What I'm Doing
Daryl Howard - Printmaker: I Become What I'm Doing
Ambition and confidence are two concepts that make an artist. These ideas can take different forms and trajectories, but artists can accomplish anything with talent and a supportive community. In this episode of The Unfinished Print, I speak with one artist who exudes ambition and confidence. Daryl Howard is a mokuhanga printmaker and artist who lives and works in Austin, Texas. What drew me to Daryl's work is her desire to maintain the mokuhanga tradition, putting both body and soul into her mokuhanga. Daryl speaks with me about her evolution as a mokuhanga printmaker, her travels, her community, and her time with Hodaka Yoshida. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Daryl Howard - , Time Of Smoke That Thunders (2022) Sam Houston State University - is a public research located in Huntsville, Texas, USA. Established in 1879 to educate teachers for Texas public schools, SHSU has evolved into a school which offers subjects in criminal justice, Texas studies, and is known for its athletics. intaglio printing - is a printing method, also called etching, using metal plates such as zinc, and copper, creating “recessed” areas which are printed with ink on the surface of these "recesses.” More info, . The MET has info, . lithography - is a printing process which requires a stone or aluminum plate, and was invented in the 18th Century. More info, from the Tate. serigraphy - is another word for the art of silk screen printing. Silk screen printing can be in on various materials, silk, canvas, paper. Stanley Lea (1930-2017) - was a Texas printmaker and teacher of printmaking at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Texas A&M - established in 1876 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Texas A&M is a research University in College Station, Texas which has a variety of subjects and programs, more info . Yokota Airbase, Tōkyō (横田飛行場,) - established in 1940 as Tama Airbase for the Japanese Air Force, converted in 1945 as an American military base used in the Korean War and the Cold War. Dr. Richard Lane (1926-2002) - was a collector of Japanese prints. He was also an author and dealer in Japanese art. Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 1839-1892 (月岡 芳年) was a mokuhanga designer who is famous for his prints depicting violence and gore. His work is powerful, colourful, and one of the last vibrant moments of the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock prints. More information about Yoshitoshi’s life and his copious amount of work can be found, . Yūten Shami - Fudō Myōō threatening the priest Yūten Shami (1867) shin hanga - is a style of Japanese woodblock printmaking which began during the end of the ukiyo-e period of Japanese printmaking, in the early 20th Century. Focusing on the foreign demand for “traditional” Japanese imagery and motifs such as castles, bridges, famous landscapes, bamboo forests, to name just a few. Shin hanga was born in 1915 by Watanabe Shōzaburō (1885-1962) when he found Austrian artist Frtiz Capelari (1884-1950) and commissioned Capelari to design some prints for Watanabe's feldgling printing house . From there shin-hanga evolved into its own distinct “new” style of Japanese woodblock printing. It lasted as this distinct style until its innevitable decline after the Second World War (1939-1945). Tachikawa, Tōkyō - 立川市 - is a city located in the metropolis of Tōkyō. It had an American military presence until 1977. For some tourist info, you can find it . surimono (摺物)- are privately commissioned woodblock prints, usually containing specialty techniques such as mica, and blind embossing. Below is Heron and Iris, (ca. 1770's) by Andō Hiroshige (1797-1858). This print is from David Bull's reproduction of that work. You can find more info about that project, . Kunitachi - 国立市 - is a city located within the metropolis of Tōkyō. Originally a part of the 44 stations Kōshū Kaidō (甲州街道), a road which connected Edo to Kai Prefecture (Yamanashi). Hodaka Yoshida (1926-1995) - was the second son of woodblock printmaker and designer Hiroshi Yoshida (1876-1950). Hodaka Yoshida's work was abstract, beginning with painting and evolving into printmaking. His inspirations varied as his career continued throughout his life, but Hodaka Yoshida's work generally focused on nature, "primitive" art, Buddhism, the elements, and landscapes. Hodaka Yoshida's print work used woodcut, photo etching, collage, and lithography, collaborating with many of these mediums and making original and fantastic works. Outside of prints Hodaka Yoshida also painted and created sculptures. White House O.J. From My Collection (1980) lithograph Fujio Yoshida (1887-1997) - the wife of Hiroshi Yoshida and the mother of Tōshi Yoshida (1911-1995) and Hodaka Yoshida. Fujio was so much more than a mother and wife. She had a long and storied career as a painter and printmaker. Fujio’s work used her travels and personal experiences to make her work. Subjects such as Japan during The Pacific War, abstraction, portraits, landscapes, still life, and nature were some of her themes. Her painting mediums were watercolour and oil. Her print work was designed by her and carved by Fujio. Red Canna (1954) Chizuko Yoshida (1924-2017) - was the wife of painter and printmaker Hodaka Yoshida. Beginning as an abstract painter, Chizuko, after a meeting with sōsaku hanga printmaker Onchi Kōshirō (1891-1955), Chizuko became interested in printmaking. Chizuko enjoyed the abstraction of art, and this was her central theme of expression. Like all Yoshida artists, travel greatly inspired Chizuko’s work. She incorporated the colours and flavours of the world into her prints. Butterfly Dance (1985) zinc plate and mokuhanga Ayomi Yoshida - is the daughter of Chizuko and Hodaka Yoshida. She is a visual artist who works in mokuhanga, installations and commercial design. Ayomi’s subject matter is colour, lines, water, and shape. She teaches printmaking and art. You can find more info . Spring Rain (2018) University of Texas at Austin - is a public research university in Austin, Texas, USA. Founded in 1883, the University of Texas at Austin has undergraduate and graduate programs. You can find more information here. Lee Roy Chesney III (1945-2021) - was a printmaker and professor at the Universitty of Texas at Austin. William Kelly Fearing (1918-2011) - was an award winning painter, printmaker, and artist who was professor Emiritus at the University of Texas at Austin. His work focused on landscapes, religious imagery, and the human figure. Abstract Figure in Oil (1947) oil on canvas Ban Hua: Chinese woodblock prints - There is a lot of information regarding Chinese woodblock printing. The history of Chinese woodblock goes back centuries, longer than the Japanese method. Modern Chinese printmaking began after Mao's Cultural Revolution, strongly connected by the writings and work of philosopher, academic, and artist Lu Xun (1881-1936), who established the Modern Woodcut Movement. First, check out the work of the Muban Educational Trust based in England. More info can be found and at Artelino; for Lu Xun's history, you can find more information . Victoria Falls - is a large waterfall located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe in South Africa. It is also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya or "The Smoke That Thunders" in the Bantu language of Sotho. The falls are 1,708 meters and 108 meters high. Wacom -Wacom - is a Japanese company that began in 1983. It produces intuitive touch screen display tablets. It has offices in the US and Europe. Photoshop - is a raster graphics editor created by Adobe. It allows the user to create and edit images for graphic design, typography, and graphic design. Akua - are water-based pigments used in intaglio, mokuhanga, and monotype. Winsor & Newton - is a British artist supply company, started in 1832, which sells artist materials such as pigments, brushes, paper, etc. You can find more info, . Guerra & Paint Pigment Corp. - is a brick and mortar store located in Brooklyn, New York that sells artists pigments. More info, . Dallas Museum of Art - is an art museum established in 1903 and contains art collections from all over the world and from many periods of history. Some of the collections on the DMA are African, American, Asian, European, Contemporary, and Pre-Columbian/Pacific Rim. More info can be found here. Impressionism - is an art movement founded by Claude Monet (1840-1926), Edgar Degas (1834-1917) and other artists in France. The movement was from 1874-1886 and focused on suburban leisure outside Paris. The Impressionist movement launched into the public consciousness in 1874 at the Anonymous Society of Sculptors and Painters and Printmakers exhibition. More information about the Impressionist movement can be found here at . Blanton Museum of Art - founded in 1963 at the University of Texas at Austin. It houses collections of European, modern, contemporary, Latin American, and Western American Art. You can find more information . Albrecht Dührer (1471-1528) was a painter and author famous for making detailed devotional works with woodcuts. You can find out more from The Met for more information about his life and work. The Great Wave off Kanagawa - is a woodblock print designed by Katsushika Hokusai in 1831. It is very famous. Pop Wave Orange by Daryl Howard (2021) Bridge In The Rain (After Hiroshige) - was a painting painted by Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) in the style of woodblock print designer Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858). baren - is a Japanese word used to describe a flat, round-shaped disc, predominantly used in creating Japanese woodblock prints. It is traditionally made of a cord of various types and a bamboo sheath, although the baren has many variations. Sharpening brushes on shark skin are traditionally used on mokuhanga brushes that were “sharpened” or softening the brushes bristles rubbing up and down on the shark skin. But today, you can use very fine sandpaper made of silicon carbide (dragon skin). Mokuhanga printmaker John Amoss has a beautiful write-up about using shark skin and its uses . Echizen - is a region in Fukui Prefecture, Japan associated with Japanese paper making. It has a long history of paper making. There are many paper artisans in the area. One famous paper maker is Iwano Ichibei. He is a Living National Treasure in paper making, and the ninth generation of his family still making paper today. You can find more information in , and in . kizuki kozo - is a handmade Japanese paper with many uses. Of a moderate weight and cooked with caustic soda. It is widely available. Shōzaburō Watanabe (1885-1962) - was one of the most important print publishers in Japan in the early 20th Century. His business acumen and desire to preserve the ukiyo-e tradition were incredibly influential for the artists and collectors in Japan and those around the world. Watanabe influenced other publishers, but his work in the genre is unparalleled. The shin-hanga (new print) movement is Watanabe’s, collecting some of the best printers, carvers and designers to work for him. A great article by The Japan Times in 2022 discusses a touring exhibition of Watanabe’s work called Shin Hanga: New Prints of Japan, which can be found . Itoya - is a stationary in the Ginza district of Tōkyō. It has been in business for over 100 years. They have stores in Yokohama, in various malls throughout Japan and at Haneda and Narita airports. More info can be found on their web page (Japanese) and their Instagram. Bunpodo - is a stationery store located in the Jinbōchō district of Tōkyō. It was established in 1887 and is considered the first art store in Japan. More info here. Matcha Japan has a walkthrough of the store . McClains Woodblock Print Supply Co. - based in Portland, Oregon, McClain's is the go-to supplier of woodblock print tools in the United States. Their website can be found . The Unfinished Print interview with Daniel Jasa of McClain's can be found . Wood Like Matsumura - is an and brick and mortar store, for woodblock printmaking, located in Nerima City, Tōkyō. Cocker-Weber - is a brush manufacturing company based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. It was established in 1892. You can find more information . Philadelphia Museum of Art - originating with the Centennial Exhibition of 1876, the PMA has over 200,000 pieces of art and objects and is one of the preeminent museums in the US. James A Michener (1907-1997) - a Pulitzer Prize winning writer, scholar and academic who wrote on Japanese prints, amongst many more topics. Mokuhanga Artists Using Laser - many mokuhnaga printmakers today are exploring using laser engraving for their woodblocks rather than hand cutting. Printmakers who use this method are Cal Carlisle, Endi Poskovich, Shinjji Tsuchimochi, and Benjamin Selby. If you know of others, please let me know! Illustrator - is an Adobe product which creates two-dimensional pieces for artists and illustrators. James A McGrath - is an educator and artist who served as Director of Arts for American Schools in Europe; he taught design, painting and poetry at the Institute of American Indian Arts and was the Arts and Humanities Coordinator for the US Department of Defence School in Southeast Asia. He also worked on the Hopi Indian Reservation and returned to the Institute of American Indian Art as dean of the college and Museum Director. He is now retired. You can find some of his work and writings at The Smithsonian. Hopi Mesa - is the spiritual and physical home of the Hopi tribe in Arizona. It is a group of villages (pueblos) on three mesas. Mesa are flat-topped ridges surrounded by escarpments. More information can be found on Visit Arizona . National Endowment For The Arts - was established by the US Congress in 1965 and created to fund arts and education in the United States. You can find more information . Dawson’s Springs Museum - is an art museum located in an old bank and was established in 1986 in Dawson’s Springs, Kentucky. Karoo Desert - is a semi-desert located in South America and distinguished by the Great Karoo and the Little Karoo. A great article about the Karoo Desert by The Guardian can be found, Chobe River - also known as the Kwando, is a river which flows from Angola and Namibia. It is known for its wildlife and runs through various National Parks. Kachina - these are the religious beliefs of the Hopi, Zuni, Hopi-Tewa, and Kerasan. It incorporates the supernatural, dancing, and dolls through Ancestor worship. bas relief - is a sculptural technique where figures and designs are carved or moulded onto a flat surface, only slightly raised above the background. Bas relief has been used in art and architecture for thousands of years and is found in various cultures, such as the Egyptians, and Assyrians, during The Rennaisance, until today. Bas relief is used today to decorate buildings, monuments, tombs, and decorative objects such as plaques, medals, and coins. In bas-relief, the figures and designs are typically carved or moulded in shallow relief, with only a few millimetres of depth, creating a subtle, three-dimensional effect that is less dramatic than the more deeply carved high relief. Bas relief can be made from various materials, including stone, wood, metal, and plaster. sepia - is a reddish brown colour. Can be found in various pigments. Duomo di Firenze - is the Florence Cathedral, finished in the 15th Century, using some of the finest architects from Italy. It is associated with the Italian Renaissance. Boston Printmakers - is an organization of international printmakers started in 1947. It holds a Biennial every two years. You can find more information here. The National Gallery of Art - is a free art gallery in Washington D.C. Founded by financier Andrew W. Mellon. The gallery houses more than 150,000 pieces dedicated to education and culture. Construction finished for the West building in 1941. More info can be found . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good by The Oscar Peterson Trio (1963) on Verve Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Faith Stone - Printmaker : Fresh Directions
Faith Stone - Printmaker : Fresh Directions
Mokuhanga is a lot of things. It is a meditative process even at its most chaotic. And a lot like meditation, where you need patience, calm, and to breathe, it is a craft that pushes you to be your best. I speak with mokuhanga printmaker and author Faith Stone on this episode of The Unfinished Print. Faith's current work is to preserve the Buddha woodblock, a once-thriving tradition within mokuhanga, to preserve it for years to come. Faith speaks with me about her introduction to Tibetan Buddhist Thangka painting, the history of these beautiful images, her process, tools and materials. She also discusses experimentation, her teachers within her life, and what inspiration means to her. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Faith Stone - , Thangka paintings - known as “sacred paintings,” originated from Tibet. They are commissioned for various reasons, some for meditation, prosperity, merit, etc. Depending on the commission, thangka paintings use multiple pigments and imagery. Peaceful or ferocious deities and mandalas can be pictured. - established in Boulder, Colorado, in 1976, this once mom-and-pop shop bakery serves organic and gluten-free baked goods around the United States. Celestial Seasonings - is an American tea company based in Boulder, Colorado. It started in 1969. Colorado - established by settlers in 1876 but initially inhabited by many Native American peoples, such as the Cheyenne, Pueblo, Ute, Comanche, and Apache. The state is known for the Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Eastern Plains. For more information about Colorado, check out its tourist and visitor info . Zoo New England - comprises both the Franklin Park Zoo and the Stone Zoo. Founded in 1912, the FPZ is on 72 acres of land in Franklin Park, Boston. The Stone Zoo is 26 acres near the Spot Pond reservoir and located in Stoneham, Massachusetts, about 12 miles (19km) away from each other. More info found . Albert Rudolph (Swami Rudrinanda) [1928-1973] - was a spiritual teacher and yogi originallty from New York City. Pointillism - is a technique in painting conceived by Georges Paul Seurat (1859-1891) and Paul Signac (1863-1935), where small compounded dabs of colour create an image. More info from Sotheby's, . Paul Signac - Portrait Of Félix Fénéon 1890, oil on canvas Shiva - is one of the principal deities of Hinduism, which creates, protects, and transforms the universe. More info can be found . Ganesh - in Hinduism, Ganesh is one of Shiva’s offspring. Ganesh is a benevolent deity said to remove obstacles in your life, both spiritually and materially. More info can be found, . Durga - is, in Hinduism, the mother protector of the universe and a warrior goddess. Depicted with eight hands in the form of a mudra, Durga holds eight weapons. More info can be found, . Waves On The Turquoise Lake - was an art exhibition at The University of Colorado at the Boulder Art Museum in 2006. It exhibited Tibetan artists from Tibet and in exile from around the world. Karma Phuntsok - is a contemporary Tibetan artist who lives and works in Australia. His work is his take on Buddhist art and history. More info can be found on his website, . Van Buddha - painting El Dorado Canyon State Park - was established in 1978 and is located near Boulder, Colorado. It is 885 acres known for hiking, rock climbing, and mountain biking. Tara - is one of the most powerful deities in the Buddhist pantheon. Some Buddhist traditions see her as a guide, as a bodhisattva, or as a philosophy of living. Find more info, . Faith Stone - 22" x 28" Mount Wai’ale’ale - is a volcano on the island of Kaua’i, Hawai’i. The mountain is 5,148 ft. It is one of the rainiest on the planet, with 460 inches of rain annually. Shakti - has many meanings, such as goddess energy, death and life, and the natural elements of the universe. The Aisa Society has an excellent article for a detailed description of Shakti, . Rama - is an important deity in Hinduism, and is the seventh avatar of Vishnu. Shoichi Kitamura - is a woodblock carver and printmaker and has been involved in MI Lab through demonstrations. More info can be found, . Kyoto Senbon Torii (2021) Hiroki Morinoue - is a mokuhanga printmaker and artist living in Holualoa, Big Island, Hawai’i. He is a co-founding member of the Holualoa Foundation For Arts & Culture, the establishment of the and . Iceberg Cube (2016) Anderson Ranch Arts Center - located in Snowmass, Colorado- was established in 1966 by Paul Solder, who worked in Japanese ceramics called raku. Today it is an international Arts Center with artist-in-residence programs, visiting artists, a print shop, wood turning, master classes and more. Information can be found here. Information can be found, . Gotō Hidehiko (b.1953) - is a mokuhanga printmaker and tool maker based in Japan. He makes and teaches seminars about the construction of the mokuhanga tool, the baren. Stone Window -20-3/4" x 17" - is an established artist who works predominantly in mokuhanga. Her book Japanese Woodblock Print Workshop is one of the most authoritative books on the subject and has influenced many mokuhanga artists. Dark Light (2015) 16.5" x 13.5" MI Lab - is a mokuhanga residency located in Kawaguchi-ko, near Mount Fuji. More info can be found, . Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design - located in Denver, Colorado and was founded by Philip J. Steele in 1963. It is an art school with many different programs and subjects in the arts. You can find more information . Mayumi Oda - is a Buddhist teacher and artist who works and lives in Hawai’i. Her work has travelled the world. Mayumi is also an environmental activist and continues to live and work at , an eco-retreat on the Big Island of Hawai’i. More information about Mayumi Oda’s work can be found . Storyville II - silkscreen, 24.6" x 33.9" Jing Jing Tsong - is an American illustrator of books. She is also a printmaker in lithography and monoprints. You can find her work on her website, . Munakata Shikō (志功棟方) - (1903-1975) arguably one of the most famous modern printmakers; Shikō is renowned for his prints of women, animals, the supernatural and Buddhist deities. He made his prints with an esoteric fervour where his philosophies about mokuhanga were just as interesting as his print work. Hanami no Saku (Tanizaki Utauta Nangasaku - 1956) Bodhisattva - a person who has achieved enlightenment through spiritual practice, whether meditation or through good deeds. The word "bodhisattva" can are found in Indian Buddhism and its associated traditions, as representing the Buddha and his transformations. In the Mahanaya tradition of Buddhism, a bodhisattva desires enlightenment as a buddha. kozo paper - is paper made from mulberry bark and is commonly used in woodblock printmaking. Manjushuri - is the bodhisattva of wisom and is associated with the Mahayana tradition of Buddhism. Faith Stone - 22" x 28" Vajrakilaya - is a wrathful deity in Tibetan Buddhism who embodies the enlightenment of all Buddhas. Commonly described as a deity with three faces, all with a crown of skulls, with six arms carrying various ritual implements in Tibetan Buddhism. Cow Rinpoche - is a painting by Karma Phutsok. This particular series of paintings shows animals in exhalted positions on a lotus. They are depicted like a traditional thangka painting. Dakini As Art - is an online art gallery which sells and distributes Buddhist art throughout the world. More info can be found on their website, . Lakshmi - is a goddess in the Hindu pantheon of deities and is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, sitting on the lotus throne. Kehinde Wiley - is a portrait artist based in New York City. His work focuses on fusing the past and the present while creating a dialgoue about power, gender, race and reimagining the past. More information can be found on his website . Portrait Of A Young Gentleman (2021) oil on linen and canvas LaToya Hobbs - is a painter and printmaker based in Baltimore, Maryland. She explores relief printmaking and painting together in her works. Her topics deal with the Black female body and stereotypes. More information can be found on LaToya’s website . Nina's Gaze - relief, ink and acrylic on wood (2019) 20" x 16" hangintō sizes - the hangitō is a stylized Japanese mokuhanga tool. It is the primary tool in mokuhanga and is used in cutting lines and for colour blocks. It comes in various sizes depending on your ability and the technique. The lower number on the handle signifies the blade's thinness, therefore, the experience of the carver. - is the registration system used by printmakers in order to line up the colour woodblocks with your key block, or outline block, carved first. McClains Woodblock Print Supply Co. - based in Portland, Oregon, McClain's is the go-to supplier of woodblock print tools in the United States. Their website can be found . The Unfinished Print interview with Daniel Jasa of McClain’s can be found . floating kentō - is a removable registration system attached to the block when printing. As the kentō isn't affixed to the block, blotting and immaculate borders are positives of this registration method. It is an "L" shape. baren - is a Japanese word to describe a flat, round-shaped disc, predominantly used in creating Japanese woodblock prints. It is traditionally made of a cord of various types and a bamboo sheath, although baren have many variations. urauchi - is a way of backing Japanese washi paper to the back of works on paper. This process is used in bookbinding, scrolls and can be used in mokuhanga. Ozu Washi - is a paper store located in the Nihonbashi district of Tokyo. , alum -is a binder used in paper mounting, fabric dyeing, household items such as fire extinguishers, and baking powder. It is also used in size for washi to hold pigments better in your works. Tetsuo Sayama - was an instructor at MI Lab until his passing in 2019. He worked closely with students, was a scholar of Japanese printmaking history, and left an impression on many who got to know him. Washi Arts is an online brick-and-mortar paper store in Blaine, Washington, USA. They sell Japanese papers for crafts, bookbinding, mokuhanga, and other artistic media. More info can be found on their website . Shin-Torinoko paper - is a mass produced, machine made Japanese paper that is relatively inexpensive. It comes in various weights and colours. More info can be found, . kitakata - is a specific type of washi made of Philippine gampi, and sulphite pulp. For bookbinding, and mokuhanga and other types of printmaking. More info, . Saraswati - is the Hindu goddess of knowldedge and dispells ignorance. monoprint - is a type of relief print which uses metal or glass, even wood. The final outcome is one good print. Grumbacher - is an art supply company started by Max Grumbacher in 1905 in New York City. It is now owned and operated by Chartpak Inc. More info, . Winsor & Newton - is a British artist supply company, started in 1832, which sells artist materials such as pigments, brushes, paper, etc. More info can be found, . M. Graham & Co. - is a company founded in the late 1990’s which provides many different types of pigments for all kinds of artists. More info can be found, . Da Vinci Paint Co. - was founded in 1975 in Orange County, California. They make an assortment of watercolours, oils, heavy-body and fluid acryl, and gouache. More info . Tōsai Pigment Paste - is a brand of pigments manufactured by Holbein, Japan. They were conceived by mokuhanga printmaker Richard Steiner. Tōsai is the name given to Richard by his teacher. Richard's invteriew with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Roslyn Kean - is an Australian printmaker who makes her ball bearing baren called the Kean Ball Bearing Baren. The KBB baren comes in two sizes and are lighter than the yuki baren or other ball-bearing barens. Roslyn's baren are made of high-grade plastic. For more information about Roslyn, her work, and baren can be found, . Defining The Edge 1 - 70 x 50 cm sumi - is a rich black stick or liquid used by artists, calligraphers, and traditional Japanese horimono tattoo artists. Sumi is made from the soot of burnt lamp oil. Sumi is used predominantly in key blocks in traditional mokuhanga and to mix pigments. Pigment Tōkyō conducts a great interview with their chief of pigments, Kei Iwaizumi, about sumi ink, . tapa cloth - is a designed barkcloth found throughout the islands of the South Pacific, French Polynesia, New Zealand, and Hawai’i, where it is called kapa. Kapa is made slightly differently than tapa; different shapes are used for a more robust design. Japanese book-binding - in Japan, the binding of books began with scroll books based on the Chinese method. Other binding methods evolved, such as flutter books (sempūyō) and butterfly books (detchōsō). By the Edo Period (1603-1868) and with the relative peace of the period, washi paper was produced steadily, creating a demand for books. Tale of Genji and Tales of Ise were published in this form for the first time. * shallow carving - is a way to add dimension and texture to a woodblock. Various sizes of u gouges work well. It can make beautiful shades of colour within your work. Maile Andrade - is a mixed media artist who has focused on the Hawai’ian kapa process of weaving mentioned above. Kapa, made with mulberry bark, was used for clothing and blankets in Hawai’i. Maile uses kapa in various ways in her 2019 exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Moana (Ocean) - 30.4 x 30.4 cm mokuhanga brushes - come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Smaller brushes (surikomebake) have long handles and are numbered regarding bristle size, and are used for various sizes of colour blocks. Flat back brushes (marubake), are like a shoe brush and are for wider areas for printing. They also come in various numbered sizes. Brushes are traditionally made of horsehair from the horse's tail, although the smaller surikomebake are made of deer hair. You can find mokuhanga brushes most anywhere today such as McClains, Terry McKenna, Michihamono, Jackson’s Art Supplies, and many other places. sharpening stones - these stones come in a variety of grits, colours, and sizes. Some stones are natural or composite. They vary in price from the ridiculously expensive to the more affordable. Generally, for your mokuhanga you will need a 1000-grit stone to start, and in time you can explore various other methods of sharpening your tools. An excellent video to begin with is Terry McKenna’s video on sharpening here. Karma & Faith: The Artwork of Karma Phuntok and Faith Stone - is the self published book made for their Denver exhibition in 2019. Tassajara Zen Center - is a Buddhist monastary and zen center located in San Fransisco. They have published cookbooks since the 1970’s. Tibet House - is a not-for-profit cultural preservation society to preserve Tibetan culture worldwide. There are many Tibet House offices and buildings around the globe. More information can be found at Tibet House US . John Lewis - played a large part in many important events in the civil rights movements of the 1960s in the United States. Was one of the founding members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in 1960-1971. More information about John Lewis and his essential work can be found here at Kannon - is the deity of compassion in Buddhism. Kannon Reigen Ki - Ima Kumano Temple from the series The Miracles of Kannon by Utagawa Hiroshige II (1829-1869) 9.6" x 14" Shoshoni Yoga Retreat - is a yoga retreat in Rollinsville, Colorado. The retreats are much like an ashram experience, with meditation, yoga, meals and selfless service. Find more info . * Ikegami, Kojiro, and Barbara B. Stephan. Japanese Book Binding: Instructions from a Master Craftsman. New York etc.: Weatherhill, 1990. © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Dropkick Murphy's, Where Trouble Is At. From the album, This Machine Still Kills Fascists (2021) on Dummy Luck Music. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***
Norman Vorano PhD - Inuit Printmaking and Mokuhanga : The Value of Old Traditions
Norman Vorano PhD - Inuit Printmaking and Mokuhanga : The Value of Old Traditions
The history of mokuhanga in Canada is small, yet strong. There are Canadian mokuhanga printmakers who have helped grow the art form in Canada and throughout the world, such as Walter J. Phillips (1884-1963), David Bull, Elizabeth Forrest, Barbara Wybou, to name but a few. But what if there was a tradition of printmaking you could never think have a connection with Japanese mokuhanga, thriving and growing in the Canadian Arctic? Norman Vorano is the Associate Professor of Art History and Head of the Department of Art History and Conservation at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. In 2011 Norman published a book, with essays by Asato Ikeda, and Ming Tiampo, Inuit Prints: Japanese Inspiration. This book opened me to the world of how various print traditions, so far away from each other, could influence one another. In this case, the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic in what is now known as Kinngait, have built one of the most thriving and economically sustainable print traditions in the world. But what I didn't know is that mokuhanga and the Japanese print tradition had a huge part to play in their early success. I speak with Professor Norman Vorano about Inuit history and culture, how the Inuit print tradition began, how an artist from Toronto made his way to the Arctic, then to Japan, then back to the arctic, changing everything. Norman also speaks on how the work of sōsaku hanga printmaker U'nichi Hiratsuka influenced the early Inuit printmakers, and we discuss tools, pigments, and the globalization of art. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Norman Vorano PhD - is Associate Professor of Art History and Head of the Department of Art History and Conservation at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. For more information about Inuit printmaking and their association with mokuhanga you can get Norman's book, I (2011). For additonal information about Inuit printmaking and mokuhanga, Norman lectured on the subject for The Japan Foundation Toronto in 2022. The online lecture can be found, . A few topics that Norman and I really didn't have a chance to explore, but alluded too, was process. As wood is scarce in the Arctic, stone carving (soapstone), and linocuts are and were used. Also there is a chain within Inuit printmaking much like the hanmoto system of mokuhanga in Japan, where the Print Studio chooses images drawn by others in the community and those images are carved and printed by carvers and printers associated with the Print Studio in the Kenojuak Cultural Center in Kinngait, and then sold to the public. Queens University at Kingston - is a public research university located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. What began as a school for the Church of Scotland in 1841 has developed into a multi faculty university. More info can be found on their website, . Canadian Museum of History - one of Canada’s oldest museums the CMH focuses on Canadian and world history, ethnology, and archeology. The museum is located in Gatineau, Québec, Canada. More info can be found on their website, . The Eastern Arctic of Canada - is a portion of the Arctic archipelago, a chain of islands (2,400 km or 1,500 mi) and parts of Québec and Labrador, located throughout the northern portion of the country of Canada. The Eastern portion discsussed in the episode is comprised of Baffin Island (Qikiqtaaluk - ᕿᑭᖅᑖᓗᒃ), and Kinngait (Cape Dorset). Kinngait (ᑭᙵᐃᑦ) - is located on Dorset Island at the southern part of Baffin Island in the territory of Nunavut, Canada. It was called Cape Dorset until 2020, when it was renamed “high mountain” in the Inuktitut language. Distant Early Warning Line (DEW)- was a radar system located in the Arctic regions in Canada, the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland. Its purpose was to help detect any aggression, militarily, from the then Soviet Union. This system was overseen by the Royal Canadian Air Force and the United States Air Force. It ceased activity in 1993. The Canadian Guild of Crafts - also known as La Guilde, was established in 1906 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. It has focused its work on preserving First Nations crafts and arts. It began working with James Houston (1921-2005) in 1948, having the first Inuit exhibition in 1949 showcasing Inuit carving and other crafts. It exists and works today. More information can be found, . James Archibald Houston - was a Canadian artist who worked and lived in Kinngait (Cape Dorset) until 1962. He worked with La Guilde and the Hudson’s Bay Company, bringing Inuit arts and crafts to an international community starting in 1948 through to the Cape Dorset co-operative of the 1950’s. His work in helping to make Inuit art more commerical for the Inuit people has been documented in Norman Vorano’s book, Inuit Prints: Japanese Inspiration (2011), as well as several articles from La Guilde, which can be found, . Drum Dancer (1955) - chalk on paper West Baffin Eskimo Co-Operative - is the co-operative on Kinngait (Cape Dorset) established in 1959 and created by the Department of Natural Resources and Northern Development represented by Don Snowden and Alexander Sprudz, with James Houston. It focuses on drawings, prints, and carvings. More info can be found on their website, . The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development - in 2019 it was replaced by the Department of Indigenous Services Canada. The ISC is a government department whose responsibility is to colaborate and have an open dialogue with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. Terry Ryan (1933-2017) - was an artist and the arts director of the West Baffin Eskimo Co-Op in 1960 and General Manager in 1962. His work with the Cape Dorset Print Studio, bringing artists from all over Canada, helped to push the studio’s work throughout the world. There is a fine Globe and Mail article about Terry Ryan's life and accomplishments, which can be found . Kenojuak Cultural Center - is located in Kinngait, and was opened in 2018 with a space of 10,440 sq ft. The KCC is a community center and space for sharing. It has a large printmaking studio, meeting spaces and exhibition spaces for work as well as a permanent gallery. It is associated with the West Baffin Eskimo Co-Operative. Early Inuit Art - for more information regarding early Inuit art on record, from first European contact, La Guilde discusse this very topic in their article Going North: A Beautiful Endeavor, . Grand-Mère, Québec - is a city in the province of Québec in Canada. Located in the region of Maricie, with a population of around 14,000. It was founded in 1898 and is made famous for the rock formation which shares its name. Grand Mère means ‘grandmother.’ It is known for hunting and fishing tourism. The Group of Seven - were a group of landscape painters from Canada. The artists were, Franklin Carmichael (1890–1945), Lawren Harris (1885–1970), A.Y. Jackson 1882–1974), Frank Johnston (1888–1949), Arthur Lismer (1885–1969), J.E.H MacDonald (1873–1932), and Frederick Varley (1881–1969). Later, A.J. Casson (1898–1992) was invited to join in 1926, Edwin Holdgate (1892–1977) became a member in 1930, and LeMoine FitzGerald (1890–1956) joined in 1932. While Tom Thomspon (1877–1917), and Emily Carr (1871–1945) were not "official" members it is generally accepted that they were a part of the group because of their individual relationships with the other member of the group. More info can be found, . A fine article on the CBC by Cree writer Matteo Cimellaro, discusses the role The Group of Seven played in Canadian nationalism and the exclusion of First Nation's voices in their work. This can be found, . Tom Thompson - The Jack Pine (1916-1917) Moosonee, Ontario - is a town located in Northern Ontario, Canada. It was first settled in 1903, and is located on the Moose River. It’s history was of trapping, and is a gateway to the Arctic. English and Cree is spoken. Moose Factory, Ontario - is a town first settled in 1673, and was the first English speaking town in Ontario. Much like Moosonee, Moose Factory has a history of fur trading, in this case by the Hudsons Bay Company. Like Moosonee there is a tourist industry based on hunting and fishing. The population is predominantly Cree. Cree (ᓀᐦᐃᓇᐤ) - are a Canadian First Nation's people who have lived on the land for centuries. Their people are divided into eight groups through region and dialect of language: Attikamekw James Bay Cree Moose Cree Swampy Cree Woods Cree Plains Cree Naskapi and Montagnais (Innu) For more information regarding history, tradition of the Cree people of today, , and the Cree Nation Government can get you started. John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuire, 1875-1940) - was the 15th Governor General of Canada serving from 1935-1940 (his death). He was born in Scotland, but committed himself to Canada when taking to his position as Governor General. He was also a writer of almost 30 novels. sōsaku-hanga - or creative prints, is a style of printmaking which is predominantly, although not exclusively, prints made by one person. It started in the early twentieth century in Japan, in the same period as the shin-hanga movement. The artist designs, carves, and prints their own works. The designs, especially in the early days, may seem rudimentary but the creation of self-made prints was a breakthrough for printmakers moving away from where only a select group of carvers, printers and publishers created woodblock prints. Un'ichi Hiratsuka (平塚 運一) - (1895-1977) - was one of the important players of the sōsaku hanga movement in mokuhanga. Hiratsuka was a proponent of self carved and self printed mokuhanga, and taught one of the most famous sōsaku hanga printmakers in Shikō Munakata (1903-1975). He founded the Yoyogi Group of artists and also taught mokuhanga at the Tōkyō School of Fine Arts. Hiratsuka moved to Washington D.C in 1962 where he lived for over thirty years. His mokuhanga was multi colour and monochrome touching on various subjects and is highly collected today. Mara Cape, Izu (1929) Munakata Shikō (志功棟方) - (1903-1975) arguably one of the most famous modern printmakers, Shikō is famous for his prints of women, animals, the supernatural and Buddhist deities. He made his prints with an esoteric fervour where his philosophies about mokuhanga were just as interesting as his print work. Castle ca 1960's Venice Bienale - is a contemporary art exhibition that takes place in Venice, Italy and which explores various genres of art, architecture, dance, cinema and theatre. It began in 1895. More info, . Sao Paolo Biennal - is held in Sao Paolo, Brazil and is the second oldest art bienale in the world. The Sao Paulo Biennal began in 1951. It’s focus is on international artists and Brazilian artists. More info can be found, . German Expressionism - was produced from the early twentieth century to the 1930's and focused on emotional expression rather than realistic expression. German Expressionists explored their works with colour and shape searching for a “primitive aesthetic” through experimentation. More info can be found, , on Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) : Poster for the First Exhibition of The Phalanx, lithograph 1901. Yanagi Sōetsu (1889-1961) - was an art critic, and art philosopher in Japan, who began writing and lecturing in the 1920’s. In 1925 he coined the term mingei (rural crafts), which he believed represented the “functional beauty” and traditional soul of Japan. While on paper an anti-fascist, Yanagi’s early views on the relationship of art and people, focusing on the group and not the individual, going back to a Japanese aesthetic; veering away from Western modernity, was used by Japanese fascists leading up to and during the Pacific War (1941-1945). For more information about Yanagi and the mingei movement in Japan during war time check out The Culture of Japanese Fascism, Alan Tasman ed. (2009) mingei movement - began with the work of Yanagi Sōetsu in the 1920’s. The movement wanted to return to a Japanese aesthetic which honoured the past and preserved the idea of the “everyday craftsman,” someone who went away from industrialization and modernity, and fine art by professional artists. It was heavily influenced by the European Arts and Crafts Movement (1880-1920) as conceived by Augustus Pugin (1812-1852), John Ruskin (1819-1900), and William Morris (1834-1896). Oliver Statler (1915-2002) - was an American author and scholar and collector of mokuhanga. He had been a soldier in World War 2, having been stationed in Japan. After his time in the war Statler moved back to Japan where he wrote about Japanese prints. His interests were of many facets of Japanese culture such as accommodation, and the 88 Temple Pilgrimage of Shikoku. Oliver Statler, in my opinion, wrote one of the most important books on the sōsaku-hanga movement, “Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn.” Stuben Glass Works - is a manufacturer of glass works, founded in 1903 in New York City. It is known for its high quality glass production working with talented glass designers. Ainu - are a First Nations peoples with a history to Japan going back centuries. They traditionally live in the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido as well as the northern prefectures of Honshū. There are approximately 24,000 Ainu in Japan. Made famous for the face, hand and wrist tattooing of Ainu women, as well as animist practices, the Ainu are a distinct culture from the Japanese. There has been some attempts by the Japanese goverment to preserve Ainu heritage and language but the Ainu people are still treated as second class citizens without the same rights and prvileges of most Japanese. More information about the Ainu can be found at the World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous People, . baren - is a Japanese word to describe the flat, round shaped disc which is predominantly used in the creation of Japanese woodblock prints. It is traditionally made of cord of various types, and a bamboo sheath, although baren come in many variations. Keisuke Serizawa (1895-1984) - was a textile designer who was a Living National Treaure in Japan. He had a part in the mingei movement where he studied Okinawan bingata fabric stencil dying techniques. He also used katazome stencil dying technqiues on paper in the calendars he made, beginning in 1946. Happiness - date unknown: it is an ita-e (板絵) work, meaning a work painted on a piece of wood, canvas, metal etc. National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) - is a research institute and public museum located on the old Expo ’70 grounds in the city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture. It provides a graduate program for national and international students, doctorate courses, as well as various exhibitions. More information can be found on their website, . Prince Takamado Gallery - is a gallery located in the Canadian Embassy in Tōkyō. It has a revolving exhibition schedule. It is named after Prince Takamado (1954-2002), the third son of Prince Mikasa Takahito (1916-2016). More info can be found, . Carlton University - is a public resesarch university located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It was founded in 1942 in order to provide a serivce for returning World War II veterans. More information about the university can be found, . Kenojuak Ashavak (1927-2013) - was an Inuit graphic designer and artist born in Ikirisaq, Baffin Island. She moved to Kinngait (Cape Dorset) in 1966. Kanojuak Ashavek has made some of the most iconic imagery of Inuit art in Canadian history. One of her images, The Enchanted Owl was the subject of a TV Ontario short from TVO Today, and can be found . The famous National Film Board of Canada documentary (1963) about her and her work can be found, . Luminous Char, stonecut and stencil, 2008. © Dorset Fine Arts Inuit Prints: Japanese Inspiration - was an Inuit print exhibtion at the Prince Takamado Gallery held at the Canadian Embassy in Tōkyō in 2011. It later toured across Canada. Osaki washi - is a paper making family located in Kōchi, Japan. His paper has been provided to Inut printmakers for many years. The print by Kenojuak Ashavak, and printed by Qiatsuq Niviaksi, was the one aluded to in Norman’s interview as hanging on the washi makers wall. Norman discusses, near the end of the interview, about how Inuit leaders were stripped of their power. The Canadian government instituted more policing in post war Canada, especially during the Cold War. The RCMP and other government officials used colonial practices such as policing, culturally and criminally, to impose Canadian practices from the South onto the Inuit. Pitaloosie Saila - Undersea Illusion, lithograph 2012 Lukta Qiatsuk (1928-2004) Owl - Stonecut print on paper, 1959. Canadian Museum of History Collection, © Dorset Fine Arts. Kananginak Pootoogook (1935-2010) Evening Shadow: stone cut and stencil, 2010 © Dorset Fine Arts Eegyvudluk Pootoogook (1931-1999) Eegyvudluk Pootoogook w/ Iyola Kingwatsiaq , 1960, photo by Rosemary Gilliat Eaton, Library and Canadian Archives. Our First Wooden Home: lithograph, 1979. (1922-2005) Eskimo Legend: Owl, Fox, and Hare - stencil print, 1959 Canadian Museum of History Collection © Dorset Fine Arts. Iyola Kingwatsiak (1933-2000) Circle of Birds: stencil on paper, 1965 © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - From Professor Henry D. Smith II, lecture entitled, The Death of Ukiyo-e and the Mid-Meiji Birth of International Mokuhanga, as told at the 4th International Mokuhanga Conference in Nara in November, 2021. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.*** All photos of Inuit artists and works of Inuit artists have been either provided by Norman Vorano, or have been sourced from elsewhere. These are used for educational purposes only. Any issues please reach out.
Kate MacDonagh: Printmaker - The Gradations of Colour and Tone
Kate MacDonagh: Printmaker - The Gradations of Colour and Tone
Within the framework of mokuhanga, you have the freedom to go anywhere, try anything and explore so many places with your own work. The skies the limit. Whether through colour, shapes, size, or technique, you are able to explore as far as you want. On this episode of the Unfinished Print, I speak with mokuhanga printmaker, teacher and artist Kate MacDonagh. Based in Dublin, Kate's mokuhanga live in the ethereal, through colour and shape, making abstract work which engages and attracts. Kate speaks to me about her artistic background, gallery experience, teaching and the adaptation of mokuhanga. We discuss the mokuhanga aesthetic, bad days and believing in yourself, local shopping for your materials, abstraction and colour, the spiritual realm, and residencies and travel. Please follow The Unfinished Print and my own mokuhanga work on Instagram or email me at Notes: may contain a hyperlink. Simply click on the highlighted word or phrase. Artists works follow after the note. Pieces are mokuhanga unless otherwise noted. Kate MacDonagh - , Cadence - diptych Museum of Fine Arts, Boston - is an art museum located in Boston, Massachusetts, USA and was founded in 1870. With over 450,000 works in the museum, the MFA is one of the most distinguished museums in the world. In regards to mokuhanga, the MFA has had a long relationship with the Japanese woodblock print starting from the late 19th century. It was the first museum in the US to develop a Japanese art collection, and with the help of major donations the MFA developed one of the most important Japanese print collections in the world. More information about the museum can be found, . Information regarding their Japanese collection can be found, . To browse some of their digitized collection, . ukiyo-e - is a multi colour woodblock print generally associated with the Edo Period (1603-1867) of Japan. What began in the 17th Century as prints of only a few colours, evolved into an elaborate system of production and technique into the Meiji Period (1868-1912). With the advent of photography and other forms of printmaking, ukiyo-e as we know it today, ceased production by the late 19th Century. The National Print Museum - one of a kind in Ireland, is a print museum located in Dublin. It was founded in 1996 and is a registered charity focusing on education. More info about the museum can be found, . Debra Bowden - is a mokuhanga printmaker, bookbinder, and artist based in Thomastown (Grennan), Ireland. She conducts mokuhanga workshops in and around Ireland. About all I could find of her is through Facebook, although that hasn't been updated since 2018. Her website doesn't seem to exist any longer. You can find her Facebook page, . Tangent Script I Nagasawa Art Park (MI Lab) Awaji City - Nagasawa Art Park was an artist-in-residence program located in Awaji City, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. It was open for 12 years before evolving into MI Lab in 2012. More info, . Robert Blackburn (1920-2003) - was an African American printmaker based in New York City. His lithogrpahy work represented his life experiences, being influenced by the Harlem Renaissance, and American society at large. His studio and his workshop in Chelsea attracted artists from around the world. More information about Robert Blackburn, his life and work can be found from the Smithsonian, and , from The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts where the Robert Blackwell Printmaking Workshop Program continues today. Color Symphony (1960) - lithograph The Kentler International Drawing Space - is an art gallery located in Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York. It has hosted several mokuhanga centred exhibitions. The most recent was Between Worlds as hosted by , from July 17 - July 31, 2022. More info, . Keiko Kadota (1942-2017) - was the director of Nagasawa Art Park at Awaji City from 1997-2011, and then of MI Lab at Lake Kawaguchi from 2011 until her passing. MI Lab - is a mokuhanga residency located in Kawaguchi-ko, near Mount Fuji. More info can be found, . Graphic Studio, Dublin - is a printmakers studio located in Dublin, Ireland. The studio was established in 1960 as a space for printmakers to share ideas and their works. The gallery was established in 1980 as Dublin’s first fine art gallery. It is a space where printmakers are able to work in a subsidized environment with the freedom to create work. Kate has been on the Board of Directors since 2019. More info about the Graphic Studio can be found, . gomazuri - is a mokuhanga technique where slight pressure is used with pigments too make a “spotty” image, what look like sesame seeds. It can add depth to your prints. sōsaku-hanga - or creative prints, is a style of printmaking which is predominantly, although not exclusively, prints made by one person. It started in the early twentieth century in Japan, in the same period as the shin-hanga movement. The artist designs, carves, and prints their own works. The designs, especially in the early days, may seem rudimentary but the creation of self-made prints was a breakthrough for printmakers moving away from where only a select group of carvers, printers and publishers created woodblock prints. kizuki kozo - is a handmade Japanese paper with many uses. Of a moderate weight and cooked with caustic soda. It’s widely available. Ozu Washi - is a paper store located in the Nihonbashi district of Tokyo. , Chester Beatty Museum - is a museum and library founded by the American-British philanthropist Sir Alfred Chester Beatty (1875-1968). He was made an honourary citizen of Ireland in 1957. The museum is located in Dublin Castle. More info can be found, . Rebecca Salter - is the President of The Royal Academy of Arts, in London, England. She is also an artist who has written two books about Japanese woodblock printing, Japanese Woodblock Printing (2001), and Japanese Popular Prints (2006). She worked with the Satō Woodblock Print Workshop, documenting their process. Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . 2017-12 (mixed media on paper 20 ½ x 20 ½ ins) [2017] shina - is a type of Japanese plywood used in mokuhanga. Not all shina is made equally, buyer beware. Lucy May Schofield - is a printmaker, photographer, and scroll maker (kakemono, 掛物) and is based in England. , . Lucy's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . The Blue Between Us - are a mokuhanga collective consisting of Yoonmi Nam, Mariko Jesse, Lucy May Schofield, Melissa Schulenberg, Kate MacDonagh, Katie Baldwin, Mia-O, Patty Hudak, and Natasha Norman. Yoonmi Nam (b. 1974) - is a contemporary mokuhanga printmaker, lithographer, sculptor, and teacher, based in Lawrence, Kansas. Her work can be found, . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Book of Bamboo (2020 - 8 3/5 × 12 1/5 in | 21.8 × 31 cm) Melissa Schulenberg - is a woodblock printmaker and professor of Art and Art History at St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. Some of her work can be found on her website, . Stumps (reduction) 23.6 x 16 in Katie Baldwin - is a contemporary mokuhanga printmaker, illustrator, book maker, and artist based in Huntsville, Alabama. Her work can be found, . Her interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Outside (2012 - woodblock and letterpress) Between Worlds - was a mokuhanga specific show hosted by the Kentler International Drawing Space from July 17 - July 31, 2022. bokashi - is a Japanese term associated with the gradation of water into ink. There are several types of bokashi. For more information regarding these types of bokashi please check out Professor Claire Cuccio's lecture called for the Library of Congress, and the book Japanese Printmaking by Tōshi Yoshida, and Rei Yuki. Below are the following types of bokashi. This is from the Yoshida book: ichimonji bokashi - straight line gradation ichimonji mura bokashi - straight line gradation with an uneven edg. Ō-bokashi - a gradual shading over a wide area atenashi bokashi - gradation without definition futairo bokashi - two tone gradation Northumberland, Britain - is a county located in the northernmost area of Britain. It shares a border with Scotland. It is known for its nature, industry, castles, and history. More info, . Centre Culturel Irelandais - is located in Paris, France. It is a cultural center for Irish culture and events in France. There are artist in residence programs, exhibtions, concerts and more. For information regarding the CCI in Paris, . Georges Seurat (1859-1891) - was one of the pioneers of Neo Impressionism, a term coined by art critic Félix Fénéon (1861-1944). Seurat used Pointillism, where different colours are dabbed on various areas of the canvas and it is through the eyes that colour blends together. Through these new ideas, as well as the concept of Divisionism, the Neo Impressionists created a new way of seeing the canvas. Deeply rooted in the “science” of painting, Seurat attempted successfully to blend the past and his present through painting, during his short life. The Harbour of Honfleur (1886) oil on canvas Musée d'Orsay - located in Paris, France the Musée d’Orsay is an art museum established in 1986. Mostly holding and exhibiting French art from the years 1848-1914, the MO conatins many Impressionist and Post Impressionsit paintings and works. More info can be found, . Sligo, Ireland - is a town with a population of 19,199, located in County Sligo, in the province of Connacht in Ireland. it is the final resting place of poet YB Yeats (1865-1939) More info can be found, . nori - is a type of paste made from starch. It is used when making mokuhanga. You can make nori from any type of material made from starch. For instance, paste can be made with tapioca, rice, corn, even potato. You can purchase nori pretty much anywhere but making it is more environmentally friendly. Laura Boswell has a great recipe, . mokuhanga in the 1950’s and 1960’s - Japanese woodblock printmaking became quite popular after World War II. With Japan growing exponentially post war, through industry and art, the independent philosphy that the West perpetuated began to filter into the Jpaanese art world. Sōsaku hanga became increadingly popular where there is only one carver, printer and draughtsman. These prints touched on various themes, but especially in the abstract. Artists such as (1897-1973), and Kiyoshi Saitō (1907-1997) spring to mind, who created a new kind of mokuhanga by using various techniques, colours, and sizes that were unique and expressive. Oliver Statler’s book, written in 1956, Modern Japanese Prints : An Art Reborn, was published because the art form was growing so quickly. It is a great summary on the sōsaku hanga movement during that time. Nymphs (Birds and Flowers) by Shigeru Hatsuyama House in Aizu (1972) by Kiyoshi Saitō hangitō - a Japanese carving knife which is primarily used for mokuhanga and comes in a variety of blade sizes. McClains has a varied assortment, . - is the registration system used by printmakers in order to line up the colour woodblocks with your key block, or outline block, carved first. nikawa - this definition from the in Tōkyō is the perfect definition of nikawa, better than I could ever write. I've included it here, verbatim, describing how nikawa is used in nihon-ga painting, A gelatin made by boiling and extracting protein from skins and bones of animals and fish, it has long been used as an adhesive. Since the pigments used in nihonga have no adhesive strength, the use of nikawa is needed to fix them to the surface of the painting. The two types commonly used now are shika nikawa (industrially processed from cow skin, bones, and tendons) and sanzenbon (which is made by hand, of the same materials). gum arabic - is a sap from two types of Acacia tree. In art it is used as a binder for pigments which creates viscosity (depending on how much or little is applied to your pigments) for your watercolours and oils. Rachel Levitas has a fine description on how she uses gum arabic in her work, . Holbein - is a pigment with offices located in Japan, The United States, and Canada. They offer high end gouache, watercolour, and pigment pastes. sumi - is a rich black stick, or liquid used by artists, calligraphers, and traditional Japanese horimono tattoo artists. It is made from the soot of burnt lamp oil. Used in key blocks predominantly in traditional mokuhanga, it can also be used to mix pigments. Pigment Tōkyō conducts a great interview with their chief of pigments, Kei Iwaizumi, about sumi ink, . International Mokuhanga Conference - is a bi-yearly conference dedicated to mokuhanga which started in 2011 by the International Mokuhanga Association. Each conference is themed. The latest conference was in 2021, delayed a year because of the pandemic. More information can be found, . Mariko Jesse - is an illustrator, and mokuhanga who splits her time in Tōkyō, London, and California. Her work can be found, . Mariko is also a part of the collective, wood+paper+box, which can be found, . Two Frogs Six Leaves Patty Hudak - is an American artist who splits her time between Vermont and NYC, who works in installation, and mokuhanga. She has travelled the world, and is a part of three artist collectives. Patty's interview with The Unfinished Print can be found, . Force of Nature 1 print panels - artworks, like woodblock prints, can come in various numbers of panels. Single panel is one print, diptychs are two panels, triptychs are three panels, quadriptych is four panels, pentaptych is five panels. The Art Institute of Chicago - is an art museum located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Founded both as a school and a museum of fine arts in 1879. It is built on the debris from the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Its research library was opened in 1901 and the new wing was opened in 2009. More information about the AIC’s history can be found on their website, . Recollections of Tokyo: 1923-1945 - was a mokuhanga and lithography print show held at The Art Institute of Chicago from July 2 - September 25, 2022. It showed works by U’nichi Hiratsuka (1895-1997), Kawakami Sumio (1895-1972), Oda Kazuma (1882-1956) amongst others. More info can be found, . - is a Scottish born mokuhanga printmaker and teacher who uses the medium of mokuhanga creating pieces of work that are third dimensional, abstract and sculptural. Lewis: Orange Black (2020) 135 x 183 x 5 cm mokuhanga stretched over three aluminium panels coated with resin coating Lascaux UV Spray coating - is a UV protecting archival varnish produced by Lascaux, a manufacturer of artist materials since 1963. This is the product used by mokuhanga artist Paul Furneaux for some of his works. More info about their products can be found on their website, . Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) - also known as Koizumi Yakumo, was an Irish/Greek/Japanese author, translator, and teacher of Japanese culture and customs to the West. He spent a portion of his life in Japan where he studied and taught. His most famous books are Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (1894), and Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things (1904). An interesting article in The Paris Review about Lafcadio Hearn can be found, . Yuki Onna (雪女) - was a short story as written from the Japanese ghost story by Lafcadio Hearn, in Kwaidan, in 1904. According to an article about the story by Yoko Makino in 1991, Hearn contends he heard the tale from a someone in Musashino, a district in what is Tōkyō today. There are many different legends of this story from around Japan. You can read the Hearn story, . Your First Print: David Bull - this was the first DVD I ever purchased on how to make mokuhanga. This was in and around 2007. While I look back at that time thinking about why I didn't take it up as seriously as I do now, I sometime wonder, "Where would I be now in my Mokuhanga journey?" I realize that that is a redundant way of thinking. I am where I am now today, and to be happy with just that. You can still find this product on Dave's . © Popular Wheat Productions opening and closing musical credit - Hater Players, by Black Star from the album Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star (1998). Released on Rawkus Records. logo designed and produced by and André Zadorozny Disclaimer: Please do not reproduce or use anything from this podcast without shooting me an email and getting my express written or verbal consent. I'm friendly :) Слава Українi If you find any issue with something in the show notes please let me know. ***The opinions expressed by guests in The Unfinished Print podcast are not necessarily those of André Zadorozny and of Popular Wheat Productions.***