Government Category
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Throw everything you have been taught out of the window! The Financial Control Freak Podcast with Brent Turner shows us how to take control of our own assets, reduce risks, and helps us be our own boss in the financial world. Turner’s ability to teach, coach, and cut to the chase on how to make more bang for your buck leaves listeners feeling enlightened and in control of their money. Throw out the institutions and the books, and listen to how you can control your life one podcast at a time. Control your finances and be your own boss fast by tuning into the Financial Control Freak Podcast!
Meet the faces 'behind the data'. This podcast discusses various topics and reporting from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The AIHW is an independent government agency that produces authoritative and accessible info & stats on the health and welfare of Australians. The AIHW publicly releases over 200 reports and data analyses annually, covering over 75 health and welfare topics.
Har du eller virksomheten din en utfordring og har behov for kunnskap om hvilke regler som gjelder? I Lovlytt tar vi opp dagsaktuelle juridiske tema som er relevant for næringslivet og privatpersoner som er interessert i jus. En gang i uken deler spesialistene i Brækhus sin kunnskap og sine erfaringer innen et aktuelt tema. Vi diskuterer et bredt spekter av saker innen blant annet forretningsjus, eiendom, arbeidsrett, teknologi/IKT, kontraktsrett, entreprise, skatt/avgift, tvist og arv/skifte. Lovlytt er en podkast fra Brækhus Advokatfirma DA. Vi er opptatt av å dele vår kunnskap om aktuelle rettslige problemstillinger, og er derfor opptatt av å ha en dialog med deg som lytter. Dersom det er tema du ønsker å høre mer om kan du sende en epost til [email protected].
Answering U.S. Immigration Law Questions from Listeners and immigrants living across the world. Every Monday-Thursday at 6-6:30 PM Pacific. TikTok: ImmigrationLawyerJohn JQK Law Firm Instagram: JQK Law Firm Youtube: JQK Law Firm Email Me Directly - [email protected] Consult with an attorney in private about your case. This general education only. Results Vary. This is an attorney advertisement. #Immigration #GreenCard #Citizenship
A collection of discussions with those in the Profession of Arms that tries to understand the issues around how to fight, and succeed, against adversaries in the 2020s. We pose the questions as whether a single Western Way of Warfare (how Western militaries fight) has been successful, whether it remains fit for task today, and how it might need to adapt in the future? It is complemented by the ‘Adversarial Studies’ project that looks at how adversaries fight. The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI.
The world can recover from COVID-19, but can we seize this opportunity to make it a greener, fairer and smarter place? This podcast from the World Economic Forum follows the progress of the Great Reset - as stakeholders from business, government and society seek to change how the world works, putting people and planet at the heart of everything we do
Democracy and the rule of law are coming under growing strain , while those who stand up to abuses of power and human rights violations face intimidations and physical attacks. Governments shamelessly mobilise institutions, state-controlled media, as well as organised right-wing groups, to silence and suppress their struggle for freedom. Against the odds, Human Rights Defenders continue their fight and this podcast series aims to relay their voices to the wider world. From activists to academics, independent journalists and human rights lawyers, we’ll hear about their experiences of defending our fundamental rights from the frontlines. Why they committed their lives to their cause; what have been the main obstacles in their journey; what support should be provided to victims; how to effectively monitor and communicate violations, as well as a general outlook on the human rights situation in their region, are some of the many topics we will cover with guests.