Government Category
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ACTEC Trust and Estate Talk is a free weekly podcast series. The series offers wealth planning professionals' best practice advice, insights, and commentary on subjects that affect the profession and clients. The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) is a national association of approximately 2,400 peer-elected lawyers and law professors from across the United States and abroad with expertise in estate planning, probate and trust administration.
Six Hundred Atlantic tells the stories of the people of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and their work to shape the historic region they serve. The podcast explores the trends, challenges, and insights uncovered by the Boston Fed’s economists, researchers, and analysts, and it reports on how the Bank is working to strengthen the New England and national economies and make sure economic opportunity is open to all.
We’re from the government; we’re here to help you! It’s true, ask the millions of people across the country who have been touched by government services that gave them a ride to the supermarket, or got them a library book, or built them a house, or gave them a new suit for a job interview. Because all of those services are provided by your government every day in every state, county, and town, it’s all because Good Government provides good services and creates good projects for Americans. There is a lot of distrust in the government; many people think the government wants to tax you, make it hard to start a business or throw up too many rules. But in reality, the government works hard every day to ensure we have clean water, fresh air, open roads, modern hospitals, good schools, and are safe. But the government also gets involved in the details. And these are the good stories we are going to tell on The Good Government Show.
Denne podcastserie er til dig, der gerne vil vide mere om seksuelle overgreb. Det kan være, at du af personlige årsager søger konkret viden eller redskaber til at forstå din ven eller et familiemedlem. Det kan også være, at du i forbindelse med dit arbejde har brug for mere viden. Måske er du blot nysgerrig. Uanset hvad, kan du få mere viden her. Vært og tilrettelægger Nivi Pedersen taler i podcastserien med seks psykologer fra Selvstyrets Rejsehold, der i foråret 2019 blev interviewet til dokumentaren ”Lykken skræmmer mig ikke længere”. Serien fungerer både som et selvstændigt værk, eller som supplement til dokumentarfilmen med et mere dybdegående indblik i de forskellige emner. Du kan altid kontakte Tusaannga, hvis du har brug for at tale med nogen. SMS 1899 Telefon 80 11 80
Podcastimik nangeqattaartuliaq ilinnuuvoq kinguaassiuutitigut atornerlunneqarsimasut pillugit paasisaqarnerorusuttumut. Imaassinnaasoq inuttut atukkatit pissutigalugit ikinngutivit ilaquttavilluunniit paasinissaanut aalajangersimasumik paasisaqarusuttutit sakkussanilluunniit ujarlertutit. Aamma imaassinnaavoq suliffinnut atatillugu paasisaqarnerorusuttutit. Imaluunniit alapernaaginnartutit. Sunaluunniit pissutigigaluarukku uani paasisaqarnerusinnaavutit. Aallakaatitsinermik ingerlatsisoq aaqqissuisorlu Nivi Pedersen podcastimik nangeqattaartuliami Namminersorlutik Oqartussanit angalaqatigiinnit tarnip pissusaanik ilisimasallit arfinillit oqaloqatigai, taakkulu 2019-imi upernaakkut piviusulersaarummi “Pilluarneq ersigiunnaarpara”-mi apersorneqarput. Nangeqattaartuliaq namminersuullugu suliaallunilu filmimut piviusulersaarummut sammisanut assigiinngitsunut itinerusumik paasisimasaqarnerulernissamut tapertaavoq.
Madam Vice President? Madam Speaker? Now there’s Madam Policy, a podcast by and about women shaping policy and creating history. Hosted by Dee Martin—life-long organizer and advocate—with a cast of rotating co-hosts and subject matter experts in the Washington, DC-based Policy Resolution Group (Bracewell LLP), each episode features an interview with an extraordinary woman who is making change. Listen for insight from Members of Congress, corporate leaders, journalists and activists who are every day, in every way, shaping our nation. The show is lively, provocative, informative, and fun!
More than fifty years after the Civil Rights movement and nearly 160 years after the Civil War, racial tension in the country is at an all-time high. Riots, police reform, and racial equity are all topics of national debate. Syndicated columnist and author of four books analyzing government impact on poverty in our urban communities, Star Parker, delves deep into national issues that impact America’s most distressed communities and the power and political will needed to fix them. This is a podcast of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a non-profit think tank fighting poverty and restoring dignity through scholarship supporting faith, freedom, and personal responsibility.
Historic Overtown is the soul of the City of Miami, with rich history, culture, and entertainment dating back to the City’s incorporation. Each month, join City of Miami Commissioner Jeffrey Watson, Board Chairman of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW CRA), as he highlights redevelopment efforts of the SEOPW CRA. The Experience Overtown Show explores Overtown through the lens of ‘towners,’ business owners, artists, developers, and other special guests who are a part of Overtown’s transformation to become once again a destination for people to live, work, and play. If you want to know how Overtown is being re-established for Black culture, entertainment, innovation, and entrepreneurship, this is the show for you. The Experience Overtown show will discuss everything from jobs, diverse housing opportunities to incorporating best practices for sustainability, resiliency, and Smart City principles to make Overtown a model for urban development.
Leave Us Alone with Grover Norquist examines the core components of the Center-Right Movement and how these groups want to be left alone on their vote-moving issues. Each week, ATR President Grover Norquist interviews conservative leaders on their key issues and arms you with the information you need to push back against the Left.