Government Category
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An edgy and informative look at the biggest U.S. national security and geopolitical issues making headlines right now. Less about hot takes and more about depth, the Threat Status podcast is helmed by veteran Washington Times journalists Ben Wolfgang and Guy Taylor and features regular appearances by insiders with expertise on war, politics and global affairs.
Since its inception in 2005, the Institute for Principle Studies has examined government from a perspective of principle over pragmatism, hope over discouragement, and the recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of life. This podcast will continue that mission of providing valuable teaching in the areas of government, economics, and history.
Open Canada, published by the Canadian International Council (CIC), aims to put citizens at the heart of global affairs. We explore how international affairs affect us here, and how a democracy like ours should engage in today’s world. The Open Canada Podcast is hosted by Ruth Mojeed Ramirez, a leader in civil society and an emerging voice in international affairs; she is also a Member of the Board of Directors at the CIC.
Are you a professional new to the United States and struggling to monetize the expertise you brought across the seas – struggling with your skills going to waste? Are you feeling misunderstood and out of touch because you are struggling to understand the unstated rules of the American culture? What if you could hang out with new Americans, new immigrants who are busy professionals, hear about their experiences and advice, then take an insight or two to inspire your own journey as a new resident or American? That’s what we do each week on The Immigrant Experience in America hosted by Simone W. Johnson Smith –– mother of Saige, wife of Jimmy, former U.S. Diplomat, Life Coach, Creative and Activator –– every episode is an in-depth look at the positive contributions immigrants are making to the American culture, marketplace and life. I was inspired to start this podcast by my own experience as an immigrant American who legally migrated to the United States but yet has frequent experiences of a love-hate relationship of America with its immigrant population and as a result of a larger vacuum surrounding the positive contributions of immigrants to American Life. We will sit down with successful immigrant Americans to discuss how they navigated the complexity of being an immigrant-American to achieve their American Dream. This is a spot for us to get real - peel back the layers, if you will, of what it means to be an immigrant in America. Our intention is to serve as a bridge from your culture to the American culture – giving you a roadmap of tools and language to understand the unstated rules of the American culture.
Smart Society Sweden explores the innovative solutions, technologies, and collaborations that are coming out of Sweden. How are public and private sector actors working together to pioneer the possible? We’ll hear from the experts on what makes Sweden such a smart society, and gain insights on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Smart Society Sweden is hosted by Elizabeth Walentin and is a project of the Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation and Business Sweden.
Hvordan håndtere ungt utenforskap? Blir dette strømprisopprørets tiår? Hvordan kan vi egentlig skape byer og bygder folk ønsker å bo i? Dette er noen av spørsmålene vi stiller til fageksperter og politikere i KLP Kommunekonferansen. Journalist og programleder Svein Tore Bergestuen leder sendingene sammen med KLPs direktør for kundeseksjonen, Cathrine Hellandsvik, og samfunnsansvarsdirektør Heidi Finskas. Podcasten er en nedkortet utgave av TV-sendingene som finnes på
#Spelbranschen är podden där vi möter insiders från onlinespelbolag på den svenska marknaden. De berättar om utmaningar, innovationer och vägen in i framtiden. En podd från BOS, branschorganisationen för onlinespelbolag med licens att bedriva verksamhet i Sverige. BOS verkar för en sund och säker spelmarknad.
Shifting the Narrative is a limited podcast series about changing the dominant narrative around critical social and cultural issues. Over five episodes, we examine case studies where individuals worked together to change how society views the death penalty, poverty, and guns. And based on this, what lessons can we learn to apply to other campaigns?
What do you know about your elected officials? Do you know what makes them, and the districts they represent, unique? Or why they ran for office in the first place? When we talk about politics, the national conversation seems to overshadow everything. But when it comes to the policies that impact your everyday life, your neighborhood officials are just as important as who’s in the White House. Join award-winning Spectrum News journalist Lindsey Christ as she helps you get to know “The People's People,” what makes them tick and the work they do on your behalf. This season, we’re meeting with the people of Missouri.