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Saba Harouni Lurie (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Owner and Founder of Take Root Therapy) and Danny Haloossim (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Psychotherapist) are two best friends who pick a show, watch it together, and tell you about it through the lens of friendship and therapy.
This show is about the stories that define our friendships. An interview style storytelling podcast about the friendships that shape who we are. The good, the bad and the ugly anecdotes that we share with the people we are closest to. Every episode will feature someone who is talented, entertaining and compelling.
Dette er upod. Norges mest upodulære podcast. Det er ingen hemmelighet hvem gjesten er, men et menneske er så mye mer enn sin sosiale rang og status, så derfor venter vi med navn og yrke til det blir relevant for samtalen. Reglene for upod er følgende. Stoppeklokken begynner å tikke. Vi har 60 minutter sammen i upodden. Her i upod har jeg en kortstokk bestående av 4 blå kort og kortstokk bestående av 13 røde kort. Jeg vet ikke hva vi skal snakke om? Iløpet av samtalen skal vi trekke ett hovedtema og opp til 13 undertema. Kan hende trekker vi kun ett kort, kan hende trekker vi fler.
WAKE UP, lidi! Další podcast se „zajímavými hosty“ slyšet nepotřebujete. Cesta ven z marketingového bullshitu médií a socek je jinde. 4D demaskuje a láme mainstreamové narativy dnešní fluidní doby, kde pravda umřela a svobody se defenestrují. Podcastový veterán Pavel Šíma vrací do éteru dlouhé kultivované debaty s cílem ukázat čtvrtý - často nediskutovaný a potlačovaný rozměr zásadních témat. Vymotáme se z matrixů jeden za druhým. Episodu za episodou. Než nás AI a fake news sežerou.
We’re Ari and Syd, and welcome to Forever Friends & Sh*t We Care About! Once a week we get together to catch up and talk about what’s happening in the world and what’s on our minds. This show is a celebration of our friendship and also our special way of staying connected while living thousands of miles apart. You can catch our recorded shows on Facebook and YouTube; and every now and then we’ll pop up with a live show, too!
Welcome to the In Our Headspace Podcast, where we talk about whatever is on our minds. We often like to talk about more 'ethereal' topics and go into deep discussions. Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated so we encourage you to share thoughts on how we can make our content better!
Have you ever wanted to own a cabin? I know I have. I also know that the dream of owning a cabin seems effortless and nothing could go wrong. I idea of getting away and unplugging from the city. The time spent together as a family. Creating lasting memories and keeping traditions. Well we want to take you on a journey as we look at the possibly of what goes into owning your own place in the woods.
One guy talking about table top pro wrestling and fighting games including Filsinger Games, Legends of Wrestling, Champions of the Galaxy, Go. Fight. POW!, The Squared Circle and more. Formerly the Filsinger Games Fan Podcast. This show is not affiliated with any gaming company.
In 2015, we shared our first dance at Cooter Brown Saloon. Six months later, we got married in Botswana, moved to Australia, then moved to California. Two years ago, we decided to grow some roots and bought a rough property in Concan, Texas. With a little bit of glitter, and a whole lot of grit, we flipped it around and turned it into The Inn Between; A tiny home glampsite near the Frio River. We are continually in awe of our guests, and their stories of love, loss, triumph, personal growth, and self discovery. Through conversations with our guests, we want to explore what it means to be human. We want to honor their lives, their stories, and find out what they are doing with their one wild and precious life.
Encouragement + Connection {fueled by sarcasm} They turned forty, settled in, and decided...this is what we look like! Join friends Haley and Laura for some real talk about things that make you think, and laugh. Sometimes a little too loudly. Let's be {best} friends!