Leisure Category
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Do you want to travel smarter, cheaper and more purposefully? Welcome to the Travel Goals Podcast, where we help you travel better with on-location destination episodes and interviews with top travel experts. Host Portia Jones is an intrepid travel journalist and will take you on a deep dive with top travel experts to bring you what's new in travel, as well as a range of actionable travel hacks, destination inspiration and stories of travel adventures from around the world. Tune in for in-depth discussions on the latest travel trends with some of the biggest names in the travel industry. There are also immersive destination episodes – recorded on location, that can help you plan your next adventure. With over 17 years of travel experience, Portia gives you the inside scoop on travelling like a pro and brings you the latest travel trends and how to achieve your travel goals. The Travel Goals community is growing fast, so make sure to join us now and start travelling better! Tweet me your travel goals @pip_says Instagram @pipsays
„Zwischen den Zeilen” ist der Podcast für bittersüßen Lesestoff zum Mitverlieben. Du liebst es, in geheimnisvolle Welten einzutauchen und hast eine Leidenschaft für romantisch-fantastische Geschichten? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Jeden Donnerstag führen Dani und Viktoria von Carlsen interessante Interviews mit wunderbaren Gästen rund um die Themen Romance und Fantasy, blicken für dich hinter die Verlagskulissen und geben tolle Buchtipps aus dem Impress-Programm. Impress ist das Label des Carlsen Verlags für gefühlvolle Liebesgeschichten und romantische Fantasyromane für junge Erwachsene. Jetzt den Podcast abonnieren und keine Folge mehr verpassen!
Hello! Welcome to Out of the Ice. This is an audio podcast in where Scott, a pop-culture addict, helps Kat, a woman who has missed out on many a phenomenon, experience the films, shows, games, etc. that she has been left uninformed on. Whether you can't believe the things she hasn't seen, or if you are in her same camp, there is something to enjoy as the two discuss pre-viewing and post-viewing thoughts, share trivia, and annoy each other.
The sports and lifestyle podcast with soul - two former collegiate basketball players explore the truth about the intersect of sports and life, both on and off the field or court. When you're In The Paint, the defense has broken down and there's nowhere to hide - you gotta be honest and true to yourself, it's gritty and tough when you're In The Paint, can you handle it? If a locker room could talk, we'd be the microphone. Geoff Walker: co-host/co-creator - NCAA Collegiate Basketball Player - Entrepreneur & Philanthropist - Founder of Kickstand World LLC - Co-founder of The Collective Sports & Entertainment Management Group Casey Gutting: co-host/co-creator - NCAA Collegiate Basketball Player - Published Sports & Entertainment Writer - Author, TV & Content Writer/Producer
Welcome to Polka Dot Podcast, a show by a mom for moms and lovers of all things Disney. On this show, Leslie, a lifelong Disney fan and mother of three, will join with guests to discuss tips and lessons learned from traveling to Walt Disney World, Disneyland and other Disney parks with kids and groups of family and friends. Follow @PolkaDotPodcast on Instagram and Twitter for show updates and related content.
The CDL Podcast is an online audio show about what it is like to be a professional driver in today’s modern world. From conceptualization to implementation, I created this podcast because over the years I have come to realize how important that getting accurate and timely information to the drivers I share the road with.