Education Category
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How do I leave my work at school so I can rest and recharge without the teacher guilt? How do I efficiently stay on top of all the planning, prep and grading? How do I train my students to [mostly] self-monitor so I can really teach? How can I create a community of focused learners in my classroom? How can I help my students grow into committed readers and writers? And the biggest question of all, can I REALLY streamline and simplify my literacy instruction while helping students make more than expected progress in reading and writing? Welcome to the Teach Joyfully Podcast where we will answer ALL of these questions and so much more! Week after week, your host, Lisa Burns, brings you the language arts strategies, classroom management tips, daily organizational tricks, and inspirational stories that can help YOU become the confident, highly effective teacher you dream of being while still having a personal life. Lisa shares do-able tips and strategies [that actually work in REAL classrooms] that she has used to become an incredibly effective elementary teacher, teacher success coach, workshop provider and your new teacher bestie. Along with sharing her best kept secrets, she interviews industry peers, fabulous teachers in the trenches and other professionals who will share their secrets to ensure you too can simplify AND do great things to help your students make incredible growth. With thousands of downloads [and counting], the Teach Joyfully Movement is growing every day and now it’s YOUR TURN to get inspired, simplify and tackle your biggest teacher goals along the way. What do you say? Are you in? Because we believe that a joyful teacher is a good teacher. Go ahead…Listen in now!
I help drummers find their groove by sharing drum lessons and advice from personal experience. From how to play drums to touring tips and road hacks, I want to share my knowledge as a touring drummer to help you find your groove and get better at playing this instrument.
Everything rests on leadership. Each fortnight on PiXL’s Leadership Bookclub, Rachel Johnson, PiXL CEO, will be joined by two school leaders to discuss one non-educational leadership book that can change the way we think, teach, and lead. Reflecting, they talk about the lessons they have learned about their own leadership, and the result is honest, candid conversation, with practical takeaways for all educators. PiXL is a partnership organisation of thousands of schools, colleges and alternative education providers spanning KS1-5. Find out more about how you could gain value from a PiXL subscription:
Skolforskningspodden är en podd om forskning, undervisning och lärande. I podden intervjuas forskare, lärare och andra verksamma inom skola och förskola. Ämnena varierar och handlar om undervisning från förskolan till vuxenutbildningen. Samtalen har ofta våra forskningssammanställningar som utgångspunkt, eller den praktiknära forskning som vi finansierar.
From a very early age I have had paranormal encounters of all types... My name is Josh, my entire life I have had inexplainable experiences involving the paranormal. I have set out and created an investigation and research team to study and teach about the paranormal and supernatural. We have to start at the beginning and understand the roots and foundations of what makes a haunting and why ghostly encounters are possible. We will compare and analyze equipment, theories, personal investigations, encounters and anything else we run into. With the paranormal and supernatural anything is possible. So sit back, grab a drink, and lets talk about that haunted house of yours. This is, Paranormal Prep! "Now let's go hunt those things that go bump in the night."
The CYBER5 is hosted by Landon Winkelvoss, Co-Founder at Nisos, and features cybersecurity and investigations industry leaders' thoughts and answers to five questions on one topic on actionable intelligence to enterprise revolving around third-party risk management, adversary research and attribution, digital executive protection, merger and acquisition diligence, brand protection, disinformation, and cyber threat intelligence.