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Education Category

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Roberts Law Office Injury Podcast

Calloway County attorney Jeff Roberts publishes an injury podcast to help explain important issues, provide helpful information and to give insights into how certain issues might impact your case and/or claim. Topics will include personal injury, automobile accidents, workers compensation claims and social security disability claims. New episodes will be publish every 2 weeks. For more information about Jeff and his firm, visit http://www.JeffRobertsLaw.com. Principal office located in Murray, KY. This is an advertisement.

Beers in the Attic Podcast

Just two guys who don't look like educators who like to talk about their shared interests and experiences in education, and whatever else we want! Between the two of us, we have 20 years of experience (yes we are young) and love what we do. Grab a beer or drink of choice, sit, and take a listen.

Chão de Escola

A partir de temas relacionados às práticas e vivências educacionais, professoras e professores compartilham experiências e debatem sobre Educação. O Chão de Escola é uma iniciativa do Futura e da Fundação Roberto Marinho em parceria com o Itaú Social. Mediadores: Anne Rocha e Hugo Rosas.

Let The Journey Begin

On Let The Journey Begin, we want to provide a safe and comfortable environment to have an uncomfortable conversation. Singer-songwriter Hilary Roberts as well as actor and TV personality Jason Wahler are here to show that the disease of addiction does not discriminate. We will bring on guests from all walks of life to hear their stories, trials, and tribulations that they have faced or are facing. By looking at their journey, we hope to provide our audience with relatable content that may offer a different perspective or even a solution. Our goal is to help people heal from the darkness of their past.

Any Questions?

We choose to highlight themes that aren't usually talked about in the wellness presentations that we deliver on campus. That's because a lot of wellness topics, and the topics we discuss in this podcast, may be a bit more nuanced, complex, or are sometimes difficult discussing in a short presentation or a group setting. While they may be personal, complex, or sometimes uncomfortable, we get asked these questions and want to create a platform where we can explore them in an accessible way for students. So pop in your ear buds on your walk to class and get a sense of what we get asked and what we have to say on Any Questions?

4-H for You

The 4-H for You podcast inspires youth and volunteers to give more of their head, heart, hands, and health to their community, country and their world. Hear how 4-H is a positive influence in the lives of members and volunteers and get ideas on how to enrich your 4-H experience.

Strong All Season with doTERRA

This special education series will be focusing on all the ways you can keep your body working the very best it can. Following the steps of the Wellness Pyramid, you’ll get tips on how to improve in every aspect and keep your body Strong All Season.

Marc Galal - Von 0 zur ersten Million - Der Life & Business Podcast

Hole dir jetzt mein neues E-Book: https://nlp.marcgalal.com/?ref=Podcast „Von 0 zur ersten Million – der Life- & Business-Podcast“ liefert dir regelmäßig schlagkräftige Infos und Tipps zu den Themen Erfolg und Selbstständigkeit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Verkauf. Seit 23 Jahren ist Marc Galal in diesen Bereichen Mentor, Trainer und Coach – jetzt kombiniert er seine langjährige Erfahrung mit seinem Know-how als Unternehmer, Geschäftsmann und Investor zu einem Podcast mit Effekt. In kurzen und kraftvollen Folgen bekommst du von Marc das Wissen, mit dem du aktiv auf mehr Erfolg und dein Traumleben hinarbeitest. Denn klar ist: Wer finanziell und materiell erfolgreich sein möchte, sollte genauso viel Aufmerksamkeit für sein Inneres aufbringen. Der Podcast ist Teil von Marcs „Von 0 zur ersten Million“-Programm, in dem Marc Menschen dabei hilft, ein glückliches und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen und ihr Einkommen jedes Jahr mindestens zu verdoppeln. Mehr als 2 Millionen Menschen nutzen Marc Galals Inhalte, um ihr Leben erfolgreicher und glücklicher zu gestalten. Marc wurde ausgezeichnet als Top Speaker, FOCUS Top Coach, Trainer des Jahres und ist unter den Top 100 der Erfolgstrainer in Deutschland. Er ist ausgebildeter NLP-Therapeut, Hypnose-Therapeut und wurde ebenfalls in der provokativen Therapie ausgebildet. Durch seine umfangreiche Ausbildung konnte er die nls®-Strategie entwickeln, die große Erfolge in allen Bereichen des Lebens ermöglicht.

So Tell Me  - With Chole Gage

I'm a fully grown adult with lots of adult responsibilities, who also has some big knowledge gaps. How does the stock market work? What should I know about tax? What's going on in the Middle East? Why is climate change so complicated? But also... How do you mate big animals together? What if they don't like each other?? And HOW do the riders not crash and die ALL THE TIME during the tour de france?? So. Many. Questions! So - why not make a podcast? Each week I'll speak with an expert in an interesting field and get them to tell me all about what they do and how things work. So come along with me and learn some cool stuff!

Sälj med Mikael Arndt

Vill du öka din försäljning ännu mer? Vill du få insikter från toppsäljare och erfarna säljchefer? Då har du kommit rätt! I den här podcasten diskuterar vi världens bästa ämne, sälj!🚀 Mikael Arndt är en av Sveriges främsta föreläsare inom försäljning. Han har över 40 års erfarenhet av försäljning och har de senaste 20 åren föreläst för säljare i över 25 länder runt om i världen. Han har också byggt upp säljbolag med över 300 säljare samtidigt och sålt flera bolag till internationella storbolag. I podden kommer du få ta del av intervjuer med några av Sveriges främsta säljare och säljchefer där de delar med sig av sina hemligheter för att nå toppen inom försäljning. Du kommer även få ta del av föreläsningar och spännande Q&A-sessioner där Mikael besvarar alla dina frågor om försäljning. Idag driver Mikael utbildningsföretaget Closers Only där han erbjuder säljutbildningar till säljare och säljchefer samt rekryteringsföretaget Saleshub för säljare och säljchefer. Prenumerera nu och ta din försäljning till nästa nivå! Läs mer om Mikaels säljutbildningar här: https://www.closersonly.se/theacademy Är du intresserad av att rekrytera säljare och försäljningschefer, läs mer om Mikaels rekryteringsföretag Saleshub här: https://www.saleshub.se/ Söker du ett nytt jobb inom försäljning? Läs mer om våra spännande tjänster som vi har ute just på på Saleshub här: https://www.saleshub.se/ledigatjanster Kontakta Mikael på: [email protected] Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mikaelarndt1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikael.arndt/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/försäljning

Dish on Dogs Podcast

Hosted by Hounds Town USA founder and former police canine handler Michael S. Gould & by his side is The President of Hounds Town USA Jackie Bondanza, The Dish on Dogs Podcast is a forum for discussion of all things dog related.


Saiba tudo sobre diversidade na cultura digital, inovação e tecnologia. Apresentação: Alex Martins e Mariana Correa