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Education Category

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Impact & Innovation

Join the conversation as social entrepreneurs from around the world come to Yale SOM to share the challenges they are grappling with and the insights they are gaining in the field. From rural India and Kenya to the inner cities of the U.S., from the environment to nutrition to maternal child health, this series cuts across sectors to examine the convergence of business and society. Take a peek inside the classroom of Dr. Teresa Chahine as she examines the latest trends and pitfalls in social innovation, funding, and impact.

Talking Jewelry's podcast

Are you a jewelry fanatic? Do you obsess about jewelry? Listen here to Ay and Ben as they navigate you through everything you need to know about jewelry! Listen to the latest news, shopping tips, and insider tricks! Ay and Ben are part of the Estate Diamond Jewelry Team. Estate Diamond Jewelry has been curating rare and fine jewelry for over 40 years!

Big Stud Podcast

“Win Fast. Win Often”… that’s what we do around here. Without all the fluff and bullshit. You know there’s no magic pill. There’s no shortcut. There’s no, “you have can it all in 90 days with 3 easy payments of…” But you also know there are lessons you can learn from others who will help you avoid unnecessary pain, disappointment, and failure. Because at the end of the day, you know creating success is all on you. It’s you, a mirror, and what you decide to do about it. That is why this podcast exists. You want greater levels of success in your life and you know there’s a version of you that is worthy of playing at the championship level. Winning in your Family. Winning in your Business. Winning in your Wealth. Winning in your Health. You want to win. The Big Stud Podcast is for the road between where you are and where you want to be. A place for you to continually find inspiration as you become that CHAMPIONSHIP WORTHY version of yourself. Just because you’re not where you want to be, doesn’t mean you can’t still WIN FAST and WIN OFTEN. We call it win-stacking: Micro-wins that keep your head in the game as you work towards the macro-wins of accomplishing your goals. You know creating success isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would be successful. Look around. You know it and I know it. Most people aren’t willing to put in the work. You know there will be pain. You know there will be struggles. You know you will fail over and over and over again. And there will be countless times you want to throw in the towel and question ALL OF IT. It’s a challenge most people aren't willing to take on. But you’re not like most people. Because you know there is a champion inside of you who wants to win. So come hang. You found your squad. Join host Mike Claudio and guests as they share powerful stories, lessons, and principles to help you become that Championship version of yourself. Every episode will be the shot in the arm, the kick in the ass, and the NO BS inspiration you need, to push through the fog and create the success you want in life.


Welcome to TravelBrews, the show where we drink and share stories.

smj:  school marketing journal

The School Marketing Journal podcast is for school Heads, covering the latest in school marketing and communications.

Small Fires

Skilled leadership in education has never been more relevant. We certainly cannot lead our schools in the ways of the past. Too much has changed. Too much is at stake. We need to collectively engage, with our hearts and our minds – through intentional conversations – to successfully sustain the journey. Join Lucinda Wolters, a passionate school leader and an Adaptive Schools Agency Trainer, as she shares her perspectives, on what’s necessary for school leadership today, and interviews other leaders, as they navigate innovation and change in schools. Let Small Fires ignite your way. https://smallfires.ca

Canisius Pedagogy Primer Podcast

Provides basic and practical directions, tips, and other insights for teaching in Higher Education. The series is produced primarily for Canisius University faculty, but also may help professors or instructors elsewhere. Show Notes available at https://canisius.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HhoYAg Music Credit: Gunnar Olsen (via YouTube)

Real Money Talk - A fresh take on personal finance

A Canadian personal finance podcast that aims to give you real talk about exactly that: Money. Personal finance is rife with jargon, with seemingly impossible advice (don’t ever buy a latte; avocado toast is the reason you’re broke) from people who just don’t get it. They aren’t Millennials -- trying to get ahead against impossibly high home prices and seemingly insurmountable debt -- but we are. We may not be experts, we may not have all the answers, but we get it. And we’re here to give you the real talk on all things money.

The Higher EdTech Podcast

Instructional Technologist Tim VanNorman and Professor Brent Warner work through the ins and outs of technology integration in Higher Education. The show focuses on best classroom practices for instructors in face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses. You'll hear about tools and tips that help you gain a broader understanding of the tech your students are using and expecting, and you'll hear interviews with peers and colleagues that are implementing educational technology in innovative and engaging ways.

LIMITLESS with Chris William

Join Chris William as he shares his passion and expertise for making health and fitness simple and accessible for everyone. With a focus on practical tips, sustainable strategies, and no-nonsense advice, Chris is here to help you navigate your journey to better health with clarity and confidence.

Deriva Coffee Podcast

Bienvenidos al podcast de Deriva Coffee. Entrevistas, charlas, consejos y experiencias sobre nuestra maravillosa industria del café y nuestro día a día.

180 Days of Awesome

180 Days of Awesome is a podcast about school. About how it was. About how it is, About how it will be. And, most importantly, about why it has to change at all. Join us for an exploration of those critical 180 days between summer vacations through the eyes of educators, students, entrepreneurs, parents. and anyone touched by the K-12 school experience (which is everyone, by the way.)