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Education Category

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Felizmente Bendecidos

Tenemos este espacio donde podremos reflexionar, meditar y agradecer las bendiciones que cada día recibimos de nuestro Señor, aprendiendo desde el lado positivo y practico, cada situación a la que nos enfrentemos, y entender que no estamos solos jamas, somos muchos los que pasamos por situaciones difíciles y retantes, sin embargo, apoyándonos en nuestro Dios, todo obrara para bien, y con esta dosis de inspiración divina, podremos proclamar hoy y siempre que somos FELIZMENTE BENDECIDOS.

The Alzheimer's Caregiver  Podcast

I know how stressful caregiving can be and how alone you often feel. I understand the challenges you face on a daily basis when caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. My goal is to provide you with practical information, tips, and strategies for caregiving that I have learned over the years to help you be a better caregiver and deal with the behavioral issues and other challenges you face every day.

Marsh Perspectives NL

De Marsh Perspectives podcastserie bestaat uit 4 delen, waarin de belangrijkste risico’s en kansen die op dit moment bij Nederlandse bedrijven spelen, onder de loep worden genomen. 1. Credit & Surety: over het verkrijgen van liquiditeit en het in stand houden van de bedrijfsvoering. 2. Transactional Risk: over de kansen en risico's op het gebied van fusies en overnames bij bedrijven. 3. Cyber Security: over de grootste Cyber risico's bij bedrijven. 4. Renewals: over de verharding binnen de verzekeringsmarkt. Deze podcasts zijn zijn niet bedoeld als advies met betrekking tot een individuele situatie en mogen niet als zodanig worden beschouwd. De informatie in deze podcasts is gebaseerd op bronnen die wij betrouwbaar vinden, maar we garanderen niet dat de bronnen juist zijn. Marsh is niet verplicht om de podcast bij te werken en Marsh aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid jegens u of enige derde met betrekking tot de inhoud van deze podcast.

Sweet Potato Music

Sweet Potato Music is a musical podcast for children ages 4-10 that’s funny, imaginative and loaded with educational content. Episodes will explore theoretical concepts, instruments, musical traditions and the power music has to make us feel and bring us together.

Simply Rack Warehouse Equipment and Pallet Racking Talk

Simply Rack is your headquarters for pallet racking, conveyors, and material handling expertise. We are known for our service, deep knowledge of all warehouse shelving, and how to fit your facility with the pallet racks, cantilever racks, or anything else it needs. Simply Rack team members share their tips, tricks, and insights that allow them to provide great service and support every day!

True Birth

  Helping women have better births and better birth experiences. Our experts share their perspectives on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. These are raw, honest stories about the experience of labor from the professional's point of view. Listen and get inside your OB/GYN or midwife's head. Our goal is to share the truth about pregnancy and birth with the listener and to explain our thought process. We see our role as one in which we guide and inform, presenting facts so that the laboring mother can make the best decisions for her.   If there are concerns during pregnancy or issues that need to be addressed before the birth, we present them, opening a dialogue and encouraging conversation; we give the options, but we can not and will not decide for the patient. We leave it up to her and her family. We are here to be as straightforward and transparent as possible and help a birthing woman have the optimal pregnancy, labor and birth experience. We serve the truth straight up in common English and steer clear of medical jargon. Our goal is to make medicine, obstetrics, and all relevant information as easily digestible as possible for the listener to enjoy, share and learn from. Each episode covers birth and prenatal topics through the eyes of Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak, a NYC metro area Perinatologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor, and his trusty side kick, Certified Nurse Midwife Kristin Mallon.

Real Estate Excellence

Real Estate Excellence is a unique podcast where you will hear from the best of the best in real estate. A real estate transaction involves many individuals working in their area of expertise. Whether it is the agent, loan officer, home inspector to name a few there are many professionals involved. You will hear from the best in each of these professions and what makes them great. Tips and tricks, trials and tribulations they have all encountered and overcome to help you be the best at what you do. Whether you are an experienced agent or rookie, a homebuyer or seller, or just someone who is involved in the real estate industry in general you will benefit from this podcast.

Ear, Nose and Throat

Ear, Nose & Throat Journal is a fully open access publication that provides practical, peer-reviewed original clinical articles, highlighting scientific research relevant to clinical care, and case reports that describe unusual entities or innovative approaches to treatment and case management. ENT Journal utilizes multiple channels to deliver authoritative and timely content that informs, engages, and shapes the industry now and into the future.

Studieteknik helt enkelt

Fortsättningen på boken Studieteknik - så lyckas du med dina studier! Att genomföra en högskole- eller universitetsutbildning är ett stort och viktigt projekt. För att klara av det behöver du skaffa dig fungerande rutiner och studietekniker. Här får du lära dig att sålla fram den väsentliga kunskapen ur stora mängder information, en färdighet som är avgörande för att du ska lyckasmed dina studier. Du får många handfasta råd om hur du bäst: Planerar din tid Läser in kurslitteraturen Tar anteckningar från föreläsningar Studerar inför tentor Skriver akademiska texter Presenterar dina arbeten muntligt Studieteknik riktar sig främst till högskole- och universitetsstudenter och bygger vidare på boken Studieteknik - så lyckas du med dina studier.

The Savvy Southerner

Hey Y'all! I'm Bridget Harris, the voice and mind behind The Savvy Southerner podcast. This podcast is a place for you to come for inspiration and encouragement in all facets of life. Think of it as an escape from the mundane or chaos of your day, a place where you feel like you're sitting down with your best friend(s), an environment that keeps the daily grind lighthearted and relatable by sharing everything from budgeting to balancing what life throws at you, all while celebrating my savvy sisters that are doing the dang thing! You can expect to hear about family, friendship, faith, fashion, fitness and food just to name a few. I'm just here to keep it real and share my perfectly imperfect life (and those of my guests) with you guys. My hope is that you leave this space feeling better than when you arrived ~ having learned a few things and had a few laughs along the way. So grab your drink of choice and let's chat!

The Branch Basics Podcast

Please join the Branch Basics founders as they interview experts in the health and wellness space. We are so excited for you to be here!

Education To The Core: Where The Primary Things Are

Education to the Core: Where the Primary Things Are is a podcast where we strive to improve the lives of every primary educator and learner. Our goal is to provide top-notch resources created by our community of master teachers to help supplement everyday lesson plans. These resources are designed by teachers for teachers, to guarantee a focus on the student. Our podcast will include tips and tricks to use within and out of the classroom, classroom management skills, light hearted stories and personal antidotes of teachers within the trenches. This is our story about creating community and we hope you will join us.