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Are you a condo board member, condo owner, manager, or involved in the condominium and homeowners association? Then this podcast is for you! When you hear of Condos or HOAs most likely the first thing that pops into your mind are horror stories. There's a reason for those stories. Many times new buyers or new condo board members don't know what they're getting themselves into! On The Condo Web Show we interview condo and homeowner association experts where they share industry knowledge, best practices, tips and advice so you can run your association effectively and efficiently, keep your owners informed and happy, make sure work gets completed on time and on budget, so you spend less time in those pesky condo board meetings :)
Carry with you some actionable success motivation in your pocket with Your Success Podcast. We all need a bite sized piece of success motivation and Your Success Podcasts are there whenever and wherever you need them. Exercising at the gym? Driving to work? Feeling a bit down? We are discussing everything to do with success, motivation, business, property, investing and interviewing some outstanding people who will be sharing their stories of success.
Align your passion with your purpose with the Social Change Career Podcast. PCDN sits down with the world’s top professionals in the social change field to learn how they are changing the world while making a living. Honest conversations turn career advice for the global changemakers.
Andrew Ambrosius invites you to The Art of Business English (AOBE). The premier podcast for those who wish to improve their business English skills and confidence. Listen in as Andrew provides useful strategies and lessons for learners. Immerse yourself in weekly episodes, with tips, vocabulary, expressions and coaching. These compelling lessons reveal how anyone can learn, improve and go through the often daunting task of learning a second language. Get inspired as Andrew shares stories and shows us all that anyone with the desire and focus can work with international clients of all levels. Andrew inspires and empowers his listeners to gain the confidence to improve their English language skills. Learn to overcome your fears and self-doubt. This inspirational and uplifting show also gives listeners the opportunity to learn with our guests, as Andrew offers interesting tips and insight into how even the best can improve their business English skills. One of a kind and unique in every aspect. Welcome to The Art of Business English. Feel free to drop Andrew a comment or question at:
We're not your average education podcast. Whether you're a teacher, parent, education wonk, or concerned citizen, this is your place to learn about the hottest issues affecting education, like reform, teaching tips, policy, and more. Your three hosts, Robby, Pete, and Casey, rarely agree. That's what makes it fun. What we do share is a profound commitment to improving education. Tune in: Want more? Check out our blog and website at!
„Betriebsrat heute“ richtet sich speziell an Betriebsrat, JAV und SBV. Unsere zahlreichen Expertinnen und Experten diskutieren Woche für Woche unterhaltsam und praxisnah über aktuelle Urteile, spannende Fälle und neue Kommentare. In lockeren und nicht immer ganz ernsten Gesprächen erfahrt Ihr, wie Ihr als Interessenvertretung Eure Aufgaben und Rechte aus dem Betriebsverfassungsgesetz im Büroalltag wahrnehmen und durchsetzen könnt. Tarifverträge, Verordnungen, Gesetze und Betriebsvereinbarungen oder auch spannende Themen aus dem Arbeitsrecht wie Kündigung, Urlaub, Abfindung, Arbeits- und Aufhebungsverträge: Mit unseren leicht verständlichen Tipps und schlauen Strategien können Betriebsrat, JAV und SBV bei Arbeitgeber und Belegschaft jederzeit punkten. Hört doch jetzt gleich rein, beim Podcast der W.A.F.!
BKLYN Youth Audio is a sampling of the best sound created by our young patrons at Brooklyn Public Library. Listen to interviews and first-person stories on KNRC Youth Radio from Canarsie Library, BrownsvillExcerpts from Brownsville Library, and Poetry in E Flat from East Flatbush Library. And, keep checking this feed! The library is always making stories for your ears. We’ll post new shows and episodes as they come out.