Science Category
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On one level, adhesion is simple – everyone has taped or glued things together. But understanding why adhesives stick, choosing the right adhesives and making them work better in your design is a more complicated story, one that involves science, engineering and design. At 3M, we help simplify the science of tapes and adhesives for our customers around the globe while finding the best solutions for their design challenges.
Did you know that one of the most important public health programs, one that impacts the lives of our newborn babies, is largely unknown to the public at-large? The practice of screening all newborn babies at birth, for metabolic and a variety of other disorders, is something that most parents probably don’t ever think about, nor do they usually receive the test results. Why do advancements in newborn screening, that affect the health and well-being of our children, seem to be a mystery to so many? If we’ve piqued your interest then tune in to this monthly podcast series produced by Waters Corporation and learn more about the practice of newborn screening as we unravel the science behind it.
نسعد بانضمامكم لنا في السلسلة الثانية من البودكاست "52 درجة" - لتسليط الضوء على القضايا البيئية والاستدامة في العالم العربي. هذه السلسلة، التي تستضيفها الخبيرة البيئية الرائدة سامية الدعيج، ، تعد منصة للقاءات وحوارات ورؤى حول التحديات والفرص الفريدة في المنطقة في ظل التغيرات المناخية. كما يهدف هذا البودكاست إلى زيادة الوعي وإشراك المستمعين في المحادثات المهمة المحيطة بالاستدامة البيئية مع تسليط الضوء على جهود الخبراء و النشطاء في المنطقة و الملفات الملحة والحلول المبتكرة في العالم العربي.
By just about every measure, wildfires are getting bigger, hotter, and more devastating than we’ve ever seen before. But what all that fire means -- and what to do about it -- depends on who you ask. Our view of fire is complicated. There’s fire as catastrophe, as something to be controlled and wiped off the landscape, feared. And there’s fire as something natural and essential, beautiful. So, how do we reconcile those two views of fire? How did we get ourselves into this mess? And what can we do about it? Listen now on Fireline, a six part series about what wildfire means for the West, our planet and our way of life.
Science and Technology Studies (STS) combines a wide range of subjects, including: history of science, philosophy of science, sociology of science, science policy, and science communication. WeAreSTS is an official podcast of the Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London (UCL).
This is the AMPED Air Methods Prehospital EDucation (AMPED) podcast brought to you by Air Methods, a leader in air medical transport, with the mission to deliver critical care discussion and content to both the prehospital and in hospital care providers through clinician interviews and expert clinical commentary.
Research at Georgia Tech is about finding connections between diverse ideas and disciplines. Those links are where breakthrough discoveries are possible. The Georgia Tech Research Podcast examines these efforts to develop exciting new technologies through interviews with our team of expert researchers who share their unique perspective and knowledge on a variety of advanced topics.
Join Darryl Willis, Microsoft Corporate Vice President Energy & Resources Industry, as he speaks with industry experts and thought leaders sharing their insights and perspectives on the current state and future opportunities across the energy sector. These discussions highlight how digital technology is driving innovation to enable and accelerate the delivery of secure, equitable and sustainable energy to all. Visit to learn more.