Arts Category
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This is the Trace. Here you will hear conversations with a wide variety of guests about religion, politics, movies, music, and more. We get into the personal and the political here so beware; all of those things that we are told not to talk about are on the table here. Who is it that doesn’t want us talking about sex, politics, class, and religion anyways? Here we will talk openly about all of those topics and more. I am Andrew Hackett. Welcome to The Trace.
Willkommen bei WOHNDICH – Entdecke die transformative Kraft deiner Umgebung! In meinem Podcast WOHNDICH lade ich dich ein, mit mir, Regine Rauin, Wohnpsychologin und Innenarchitektin, die Verbindung zwischen Raum und Wohlbefinden zu erkunden. Erlebe, wie eine unterstützende Umgebung nicht nur deine Persönlichkeit widerspiegelt, sondern auch dein inneres Gleichgewicht fördert. In jeder Episode teilen wir wertvolle Tipps, um Räume zu gestalten, die dir guttun und dein Leben bereichern. Lerne, belastende Gegenstände loszulassen – von Deko über Fotos bis hin zu Möbeln – und schaffe Platz für neue Erfahrungen und persönliches Wachstum. Lass uns gemeinsam den Raum für deine Entfaltung öffnen! Tune in, um praktische Werkzeuge für mehr Wohlbefinden in deinem Zuhause zu entdecken und deine individuelle Wohnreise zu beginnen!
From Chapman University in Orange County California, Catalyst gives listeners a chance to learn about the Creative Industries through conversations with individuals from a wide array of backgrounds who are working in CI all over the globe. Hear how CI is influencing the public and private sector alike, and how local influences shape a region’s creative landscape.
Hosted by Darien Southerland, Southern Gospel News Podcast features in depth discussions and interviews with some of the leading Gospel Music Artists, as well as behind the scenes industry 'Movers and Shakers'. Our goal with the podcast is to Edify, Inspire, Encourage and Entertain.
The Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, presents “ARTMinded," a podcast produced by the Museum that offers new perspectives on the works in the Museum's permanent collection and special exhibitions. Each episode will provide unusual viewpoints that enhance and sometimes even challenge our customary engagement with artworks.
Kim I Plyler, CEO of SahlComm and author of “Master Your Story, It Matters!” uses her platform to make sure everyone’s story can be heard. In this podcast you'll hear from people all around the world whose stories make a difference. We all have stories — and through them, we can improve humanity. Listen and learn to Master Your Story!
X Meets Y is an improvisational movie pitch podcast hosted by independent filmmaker and published author Jonathan Inbody. Each week, Jon and a guest co-host randomly select two movie titles. Then, they have half an hour to improvise a pitch for an all new, original movie idea that could be described as "Movie X meets Movie Y."