Sports Category
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Inspire. Connect. Educate. Perform. ALTIS exists to develop the careers of the best athletes in the world, while revolutionizing coach & athlete education. Featuring guests ranging from Olympians, to World Class Coaches, to Paralympians, the ALTIS World podcast is our chance to share exclusive insights on themes ranging from athlete performance, to performance therapy, to current affairs, to coach & athlete development. Created for Athletes, Coaches, and Therapists alike, the ALTIS World Podcast brings the experiences of some of the brightest minds in sport, direct to you. If you enjoy what you hear, please spread the word!
Prestera Mera är en podcast som hjälper dig öka din idrottsprestation genom enkla tips och råd hämtade från vetenskapen. Intervjuer med erfarna, duktiga idrottare och andra inspirerande människor dyker upp ibland. Så även frågeavsnitt och lite specialavsnitt. Är du ute och tränar, åker bil, promenerar eller bara strosar omkring hemma, lyssna då på oss och få lite skön hjälpsam kunskap på samma gång.
Are you finding it hard to get better at surfing, struggling to catch waves, negotiate the line up and understand surf culture? This podcast that helps passionate lifelong surfers to catch more waves, surf with more speed, style, grace and to gain wisdom and confidence in the water Discover why you aren't getting the most out of your surfing, the exact steps to take to improve, so you can develop not only your surfing, but also your relationship to surfing and the ocean. The podcast shares lessons of my transformation from frustrated, below-average adult-surfer, to a confident, competent and respected surfer. The podcast is a mix of long form interviews with the best surfers, surf coaches and industry leaders, and focused, shorter episodes with specific surfing tips. Episodes 100, 108 and 111 are a great place to start.
Our Host, Dave Milton, has worked hard for land owners and investors for over 25 years and he passionate about properly educating people on sound land investing. Land is a key economic driver in the South, especially in my home state of Alabama where Timber Production is the primary industry. What happens with land legislation, values and taxation effects all of us. – Dave Milton The Land Show introduces land investing to capable investors and helps land owners reach true market potential when listing their properties.
Martial Arts Radio is a bi-weekly show featuring interviews and comments on traditional martial arts topics. From the famous to the not-so, we speak to people from all over the world, in every martial arts discipline. Karate, taekwondo, kung fu, jujutsu, BJJ, HEMA, capoeira, FMA, tai chi, tkd, kungfu, kickboxing, arnis, escrima, tangsoodo,kempo, and everything else you can think of. Brought to you by whistlekick.
Exploration of how psychology and sports science research can be applied to improving performance, accelerating skill acquisition and designing new technologies in sports and other high performance domains. Hosted by Rob Gray, professor of Human Systems Engineering at Arizona State University, the podcast will review basic concepts and discuss the latest research in these areas.
Each week Pies, The Producer, Mendy & Big Zacko discuss sports from Australia and around the world. Focussed on NRL and AFL in winter, cricket and NFL in summer. We also talk about motor racing, horse racing, basketball, baseball and anything else that comes up from week to week. Join our tipping, fantasy and supercoach comps to interact with the team.