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Health & Fitness Category

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Move Look & Listen Podcast with Dr. Douglas Stephey

Douglas W. Stephey, O.D., M.S. is a full-service eye and vision care provider in Southern California and is a sought-after conference speaker, educator, and passionate advocate for patients diagnosed with ADHD, parents with a child that lands on the Autistic spectrum, and students in special education. This podcast will educate you about common eye problems, how nutrition plays is a key role in your vision health, what exactly is 20/20 vision and why seeing 20/20 is not enough to move, look, and listen through your life with ease.

Everyday Heroes with Laraine Salazar

Laraine Salazar brings listeners into the lives of everyday people making a positive difference and impact in the world based on the work they do, the lives they lead, and the impressions they make. Laraine shines a light into the lives of those who don't ordinarily get the spotlight, and discovers why these people are in fact Everyday Heroes. Here is their story. Laraine Salazar is an award-winning writer and actress who holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism. Everyday Heroes is a project inspired by all those who inspire her.


Ich bin selbständige Apothekerin in Wien, diplomierte Resilienztrainerin und Ernährungsberaterin. Durch meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit chronischen Leiden, möchte ich Menschen motivieren, ihren eigenen Weg zu mehr körperlicher und seelischer Widerstandskraft zu gehen. In meiner Praxis sehe ich fast täglich, wie Menschen chronische Symptome behandeln wollen, ohne sich ihrer Ursachen bewusst zu sein. Leiden einfach weg drücken zu wollen, hat mich lang gehindert, meinen persönlichen Weg zur Schmerzbewältigung zu finden. Ich versuche jetzt Probleme ganzheitlich zu betrachten und auf individuelle Bedürfnisse einzugehen Mein Ziel ist es, andere Menschen in ähnlichen Situationen mit Strategien der Resilienz zu mehr Selbstwertgefühl, Freude und Selbstbestimmung zu begleiten. Dadurch können erfahrungsgemäß Leiden besser erträglich und die Lebensqualität gesteigert werden. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass wir für unser Wohlbefinden selbst verantwortlich sind. Es fehlen oft nur ein paar Schritte dorthin! Wenn dir mein Podcast gefällt, freue ich mich über eine positive Bewertung. Herzlichen Dank dafür! Melde dich jetzt für meinen kostenfreien Newsletter "Mindful Friday" an!

Love At Home

I'm Hannah Coles and this podcast is dedicated to strengthening your marriage. I combine a unique blend of LDS coaching tools and therapy to bring you the best and most productive tools that will up level your relationship and create LOVE AT HOME.

Den sidste single

En podcast, hvor tre kvinder i 30'erne snakker om at føle sig som den sidste single på jorden – eller i hvert fald i vennekredsen. Det kan både være awesome og ensomt, men kedeligt er det sjældent.

Purpose Lounge

Welcome to Purpose Lounge where purpose seekers from all over the world tune in to hear from entrepreneurs and thought leaders, sharing their stories of living a life of meaning and fulfillment! I'm your host, Carrie Morris, and I'm a purpose seeker just like you! This podcast is your destination for discovering a life of integrative health and wellness, nutrition for the body, mind, and soul. If you're looking to join a community of like-minded individuals in search of connection, positivity, and inspiration, then you've come to the right place! Tune in to powerful stories of individuals finding purpose, definitions of what purpose means to them, and ways that they not only started their journey but also what happens when one falls off the path and then later reclaims their life's purpose. So, sit back or lean in, to Purpose Lounge!

ProjectME with Tiffany Carter – Entrepreneurship & Millionaire Mindset

You landed in the perfect place, if you want to make more money, and enjoy doing it! Join your multi-millionaire female entrepreneur host, Tiffany Carter, as she shares success, marketing, business, and wealth-building, tips, strategies, and stories in her unique educationally edgy style. Tiffany keeps it real and takes the mystery out of making BIG money. This former NBC and CBS TV journalist interviews incredible people, with amazing stories and action-worthy advice. She uses a live format, giving people the experience of a live talk show, in an always available and replayable podcast. Are you ready to put yourself first and create your Most Exceptional life? Subscribe and press play. If you enjoy listening, we would love for you to write a 5-star review of our show. Uplifting reviews help people find our show amongst the sea of podcasts. Thank you! For daily wealth, wisdom, and inspiration (plus awesome freebies and giveaways!) follow Tiffany: INSTAGRAM: @projectme_with_tiffany TikTok: @projectmewithtiffany WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@ProjectMETV

She Cums First

She Cums First: Promoting equitable pleasure and sexuality education. Good day, Dr. Nick Myers here. This podcast is focused on sexual health and all of the pleasure that comes with it. In the education section of my Facebook group, there are sessions called Selfless Sex where you think about viewing your entire body as a sexual playground. Above all, lets start a movement where we introduce "sexual chivalry," and guys are gentlemen. Who is with me? #SheCumsFirst #SCF

Warrior Kid Podcast

Leadership and discipline advice and guidance for youth.

Pause With Plants

Breathe in nature and breathe out stress. The Pause with Plants podcast connects listeners to nature and provides a path to naturally release stress. @PausewithPlants @Ihavethisthingwithurbanjungles


HPM TALK is the podcast of NHPCO's MyNHPCO Physician and Advanced Practice Provider Community. This podcast connects you with leaders in the field to discuss issues pertinent to our practice and to bring you the voices of other physicians and advanced practice providers who will share their experiences in the field. A rotating team of hosts will address topics of interest to the hospice medical director, hospice physician, advanced practice provider in hospice and palliative care and the palliative care physician.

SELFISH with Nicola Cloherty

Nicola chews the fat with women (sometimes by herself) about reconnecting, remembering and reclaiming one's truest self - by creating physical, emotional and energetic decisions and boundaries that is authentically aligned to you and your uniqueness. She swears and loves to talk about menstruation, vaginas, vulvas, creativity, intention, conscious choices, business energetics, cyclical living, energy medicine, human design, energetics, womb wisdom, self-awareness, self-nourishment, self-connection, self-care, self-love - and so much more. She coaches women to come back to self and create life and work in collaboration with their energy, biology, skills and power. She froths on communication, connection, and delving deep into a beautiful treasure trove of self-care, self-love and self-healing tools and practices to support herself and others. She also loves ~ calamari, avocados and chocolate eclairs (not in that order) ~ dancing and moving her vessel every single day ~ mother nature, plant medicine and fresh flowers ~ writing - both for herself and her community ~ making memories with her favourite humans and furry friends Nicola believes that energy preservation and choosing your own health and well-being isn't at all selfish ~ you see what she did there? Get #unapologeticallyselfish