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Kids & Family Category

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10 Minute Marvel

Join us as we look at Marvel from the perspective of a huge fan who wants more people to get into the comics and the movies. I talk about what's coming up, what's the latest Marvel news, and talk about what I've been watching or reading lately.

Grow Yourself Grow Your Marriage

A podcast with the goal to change the way couples show up in marriage, hosts Chris and Johnna Farrell expose their own marriage mishaps and miscommunications for the growth of others. If they haven’t been through it, these parents to four bring in other couples, individuals, and experts who have. From parenting, to communication, to sex, to finances, they leave no marital or life stone left unturned. Chris and Johnna believe you can't control anyone but yourself, so if you grow yourself (personally, spiritually, mentally, and physically) you will undoubtedly grow your marriage. About the hosts: Chris and Johnna have been married for seven years, together for nine, and have four kids five and under. Chris is a long-time fitness professional turned online entrepreneur, coach, and podcast host. Johnna is a stay-at-home mom, certified Strategic Interventionist (life coach), podcast host, and Partnerships Assistant for a large podcast network. Life is crazy, but Chris and Johnna saw what it was like to lead separate lives and go through the motions, but with a little bit of personal growth and a whole lot of Jesus, they are on a mission to thrive through every season and bring their listeners along with them.

Mind Body Mouth

There’s a critical element of your health that may have escaped your notice: your dental health! Your oral health might be the root of problems you’ve been struggling with for a long time. If you’re a patient, parent, or practitioner looking for ‘root cause’ solutions to dental problems, functional dentistry may be the big-picture perspective you’re missing. Join Dr. Vijaya Molloy, Australian functional dentist, as she explores the essential relationship between the mouth and the rest of the body. We’ll talk about how your oral health can affect your mind and body and why it’s time to make dentistry a central piece of your overall health plan. Mind Body Mouth puts the spotlight on actionable tips to improve your dental health while featuring some of the leading practitioners in the field. Visit mindbodymouth.com.au to learn more.

Joyful Soul

Joyful Soul is a podcast designed to interview women who have a story to tell about finding Joy in the midst of anything. May these real stories from real women be inspiring and encouraging to each soul.

Después de las 8

El amor que siento por mi hija Juana me ha llevado a hacerme muchísimas preguntas. Este podcast nace de mi necesidad de hablar con otras madres. De saber cómo lo hacen, cómo crían niños libres, cómo mantienen sus matrimonios, cómo no se pierden en el camino y siguen siendo fieles a sus sueños, los figurativos y los literales. Pero la idea es que este podcast también sea tuyo. Que también te responda una que otra pregunta. Es para que hablemos entre nosotras. DESPUÉS DE LAS 8 mi hija duerme, y yo tengo mucho que hacer y que aprender. Acompáñame!

Family Vacation Podcast

Welcome to the Family Vacation Podcast! This podcast is a way to: -get your wheels turning about where you might want to take your family next -how to save and budget for vacations and set vacation goals  -have fun while listening to awesome trip reports from real, regular people If you enjoy listening - subscribe! Want to talk to your family about what vacation to take next? We can help you decide and budget. To get our free family vacation discussion guide visit us: www.familyvacationpodcast.com

Almost Certainly Not

In 2020 Dan Lauer was a terrified new father, writer, and raconteur who suffered from anxiety, and major depressive disorder and had been diagnosed as falling somewhere on the autism spectrum. Each week for fifteen weeks, he attempted to get better by analyzing and attacking those parts of himself he wishes to change. He does not like talking to people, so he decided to talk at them instead and be as honest as possible. It is now 2023 and he is not all better.

Talking with the dogs!

Liz Murdoch, Animal Communicator, Dog Whisperer & Educator interviews and chats with dogs and their loved ones, plus shares stories from her conversations, helping dog people understand what dogs want them to know so everyone can live happily ever after, in and out of the dog house. Email Liz: [email protected] Follow Liz on Instagram or FB @talkingwiththedogs. Sign up at talkingwiththedogs.com for chance to be a guest on the show!

Happy Days Rested Nights

Happy Days Rested Nights is a weekly meeting spot for families like yours who have goals of solid sleep, healthy bodies and happy homes. Hosted by Samantha Day, Certified Sleep Consultant and Learning Behavior Specialist, we will be digging deep into topics that apply to this stage of our life while focusing on clear takeaways with big impacts. Join us while Samantha gives one on one episodes and also interviews experts in different areas of childhood and parenting.

THIS is Legit Motherhood

THIS is Legit Motherhood is all about real and raw motherhood. This podcast will open up the world of motherhood to those who are soon to be moms, new moms, and even seasoned moms to all the things that make motherhood hard and chaotic, but also the freakin’ awesome and beautiful parts of it too. I wanted to start this podcast because I wanted to create a place for moms to remember who they are, what they are doing and capable of, and know that they are absolutely not alone in this journey. Join me as I interview other moms in all different mom situations that you will surely find relatable. I also share some of my motherhood stories and experiences with you because surely I'm not the only one who's had a screaming kid in the grocery store or ordered pizza again because it was a long busy day with the kids. Listen along...and remember you are LEGIT mama!

Mamos be dramos

PodKęstas „Mamos be dramos” padės jums ieškoti patikrintų receptų: kaip išvengti dramos tarpusavio santykiuose, kaip būti maloniu IR tvirtu, kaip patirti kuo daugiau lengvumo bei džiaugsmo tėvystėje. Dr. Austėja Landsbergienė, mokslininkė ir keturių vaikų mama, kalbina pašnekovus ir atsako į jų klausimus, remiasi ne tik praktinėmis istorijomis bei pavyzdžiais, bet ir naujausiais moksliniais tyrimais. Atsikratykime chaoso ir auginkime sąmoningumą - be dramos!

Young Honest Mother: The Podcast

How can I continue to cultivate intimacy in my marriage? How can I maintain my sense of self as I journey through motherhood? How can I approach modern home economics in a way that feels authentic to me and my family? Why does it look like everyone else has it all together all the time? And most importantly: why is no one talking about what life is *really* like? Welcome to Young Honest Mother: The Podcast where we chat about marriage, motherhood and modern home economics. In all honesty. Every week, host Maris Young, the Young Honest Mother, bears the torch for unapologetically honest conversations to follow. Unnerved by the unspoken, Maris celebrates the mundane glory of life living. As well as sharing thought-provoking viewpoints on subjects that matter, Maris also has heart-to-hearts with everyday women who are courageous enough to share their own stories. And you’ll also hear from industry truth-tellers far and wide who aren’t afraid to tell it like it is. You’ll leave feeling inspired to examine your surroundings more closely and empowered to start honest dialogues in your own community. If you’re craving honest conversation about topics that matter, you’re in the right place.