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Demenspodden är Svenskt Demenscentrums poddradio. I poddradion vill vi lyfta frågor om demens, sprida kunskap och information i syfte att verka för ett demensvänligt samhälle. Vi pratar med personer som arbetar och är kunniga inom området men även med "vanligt folk" på stan! Demenspodden vänder sig till dig som är anhörig, som arbetar inom vård och omsorg om demenssjuka personer eller till dig som bara är nyfiken och vill veta mer om demens!
Martha and Theresa discuss their favorite pins from Pinterest. Each week they each do a project and break it down. Recipes, crafts, or anything else can show up as the subject of the Pinheads Podcast. Please rate us and subscribe to help more fans find our show. Learn more, contact us, and check out our other podcasts at
Power of Moms is an online gathering place for thousands of deliberate mothers around the globe. In this podcast, April will bring you lively discussions, thought-provoking interviews, and inspiring ideas to help you find more peace, purpose, order, and joy in motherhood (and person-hood!).
Parent Entrepreneur Power is The podcast for the Success of Parents in Business. Mary Kathryn Johnson interviews Power Parents like Pat Flynn, Jeremy Frandsen, Matt McWilliams and Tamara Monosof, and energizes the connection between work at home parenting and business to develop your Parent Entrepreneur Power.
The Modern Dads presented by the City Dads Group We’re telling the stories of modern dads. These are the guys that are not only involved in their children’s lives, but active and engaged in the decisions, the drudgery, the pain, and the joys of parenthood. We know modern dads are out there, and they come in all stripes. With each episode, we'll talk about the issues modern dads are facing as we try to navigate work, parenthood, relationships, and play.
Andrea Olson of Go Diaper Free explains elimination communication - the concept of pottying your baby, as early as birth - which is what people have done for all of human history and in today’s world where there are no diapers. She makes it easy to integrate EC into your modern lifestyle as a new parent, demystifies how to know your baby needs to go, how to take them to the toilet instead of primarily relying on the diaper, and makes EC approachable, accessible, and fun, for all parents...whether part-time, with or without diapers, and in any region of the world. Contrary to popular marketing messages, diapers are tools, not toilets, and babies are ALL born “ready” to use the toilet. Learn how to connect with your baby on this very natural level with Andrea’s expert guidance, and experience the freedom of a life without dependence upon diapers, a life without traumatic toilet training, a life where your baby gets a head start on developing motor skills, communication, and learning by prioritizing this age-appropriate skill (0-18 months). EC honors your baby’s dignity and makes parenting THAT much easier! Stop changing blowouts...and learn how to listen to your baby’s requests for good hygiene. Learn more at (PS - Andrea also occasionally covers potty training, for those of you who find us after 18 months.)