Kids & Family Category
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For Christians, spiritual growth depends on a healthy diet that includes both the milk and meat of God’s Word. But before we can savor large portions of sound doctrine, we need to be able to digest the basics of biblical truth. Whether you are a pastor, Sunday school teacher, or parent, helping others enjoy the “solid food” of Scripture is one of the most important components of discipleship. Released each weekday, this podcast can help Christians, families, and churches enjoy the rich doctrines of Scripture and pursue our chief end to glorify and enjoy God forever.
Join mother-daughter duo Simone and 18-year-old Journey as they share laughs, love and life experience during honest—and sometimes uncomfortable—conversations about everyday issues that girls face as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. It’s a must listen for moms interested in building or strengthening your relationship with your daughter, looking for advice on how to start uncomfortable conversations, or learning more about what you can do to prepare your daughter for the teen years.
Vítejte na cestě! Na cestě životem, rodičovstvím i osobním rozvojem. Na cestě k sobě samým. Často je těžké přijmout, že život je neustálá proměna, nikdy nekončící energie, jejíž tok máme jen a pouze ve svých rukou. Jak na to? Třeba s tímto podcastem! Jsem Věrka Švach, transformační koučka a mentorka a trojnásobná pracující máma žijící s rodinou v Berlíně. Dělím se s vámi o prožitky života v různých zemích, o životní lekce cestou nabrané, o proměny manželství i sebe samé při postupném přicházení dětí, ale také o hodnotné techniky a praxe z oblasti mindfulness, koučování a osobního rozvoje, které můžete ihned v podcastu vyzkoušet a prožít a jednoduše aplikovat do vašeho obyčejného života. Více o mě a mé tvorbě najdete na webu nebo třeba na Instagramu New_Era_With_Vera.
Supermom School podcast with Mary Aldrich is designed for passionate moms committed to loving and leading their family as their best Supermom selves while enjoying the journey. Tune in each week to get Biblical truth, practical tools, and fresh courage for your week. If you are a Christian mom and want to be living intentionally and "flying" in your role, join me!
Katrine Birk forsøger sammen med sine faster gæster Camille Namasté eller Goodluck Casper, at navigere rundt i “det nye børnesyn”. Du bliver inviteret med ind i deres familieliv, parforhold, deres barndom og indre liv til oplysende samtaler om børnesyn, opdragelse, børns og voksnes psyke, handlemønstre, traumer mm. Der er chance for at DU bliver klogere på dig selv, og kan lade hverdagens konflikter med børn, parforhold eller dit indre, åbne op for endnu mere kærlighed, læring og potentiale. Katrine Birk og Camille Namasté har stort set hele deres voksne liv, beskæftiget sig med personlig udvikling, traumeterapi, handlemønstre og aaaalt muligt spændende med krop og psyke. Katrine Birk arbejder med personlig udvikling, coaching, energiterapi og alternativ behandling. Hun er forfatter til bogserien “Tryk & Glad”, og pt under uddannelse til familierådgiver. Camille Namasté er breathwork- og traumeterapeut og uddannelsesleder, og afholder jævnligt retreats og forløb med fokus på healing af traumer og sårede indre børn. Katrine bor sammen med sin kæreste, Goodluck Casper, som er radiovært og musikredaktør på P6 Beat - sammen bor de, i et lille kolonihavehus, med deres i alt 4 piger, i alderen 4-8 år. Camille har en søn på 6 år, og en lille ny på vej. Når Goodluck Casper medvirker i podcasten, er det for at stille spørgsmål, så Katrine ikke sidder helt alene - ret dejligt og sødt! Konflikter er en af de fedeste muligheder for, at blive klogere på sig selv og skabe mere kærlighed i sine relationer! Det er SÅ fedt! Så lyt med
Can I really have a healthy marriage and family life? What if I was raised in a dysfunctional home? What if this is my second marriage? How do I move past survival mode and actually enjoy time with my kids? Welcome to the Family Culture podcast. No matter what type of family environment you were raised in, you have the power to intentionally shape your family culture, have a healthy marriage, enjoy your kids, love your life, and build a legacy that impacts future generations. With a background in both counseling & pastoral ministry, Beth Hoff brings a refreshing perspective on marriage & family life with lots of authenticity, simple strategies, actionable tips, and a good dose of humor. It’s a blend of solo shows, interviews, candid conversations with other moms, and marriage talk with her husband that will help you know that you’re not alone on this journey. The Family Culture podcast is your companion for dishes, laundry, workouts, car rides, and casual strolls outdoors as you chase your kids and save them from impending doom. Grab a cup of coffee (on the run) and join me as we make your family your favorite place to be.