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Kids & Family Category

of 112

Finnegan's Finn-tastics

In Finnegan's Finn-tastics, we explore all sorts of things that kids (ages 3-8) will love! Hosted by Finnegan - a kid - himself, this delightful podcast finds fun adventures in interviews with fun people, in wonderful book readings and more! You won't want to miss it.

Trivia for Kids

Trivia for Kids - where it’s not just for adults anymore! Trivia For Kids is an entertaining trivia podcast for kids! It’s not just for adults anymore! With over 2 million downloads, Trivia For Kids is among the top 10 Apple Podcasts for kids' education. #triviaforkids #trivia #education #family

The Art of Playful Parenting

Ever wish you had access to a play and parenting coach who could help you feel less overwhelmed and burnt out and more empowered as a parent? That’s what you experience once a week by listening to The Art of Playful Parenting Podcast hosted by Jill Lerman. With 15 years of experience working with young children and their families, Jill brings an informed perspective and wealth of simple strategies and ideas to support you on your parenting journey. You’ll leave listening to each episode inspired to keep it simple, while feeling empowered to become the parent you always wanted to be.

A Father's Rights Podcast with Chris Jackman

Welcome to "A Father's Rights Podcast," hosted by Chris Jackman. With over a decade of experience in family law, Chris and his team at The Aberdeen Law Firm are dedicated to empowering fathers with the knowledge they need to navigate the often challenging waters of the legal system. This podcast focuses on educating men on their rights and the intricacies of divorce and child custody proceedings. It aims to demystify the court system, offering insights and practical advice to ensure fathers are well-prepared and confident in advocating for their rights. Whether you're facing a contentious divorce, battling for custody, or simply seeking to understand your legal options, this podcast is your trusted resource for advice, support, and empowerment.

The Pet Tales Podcast

Join me in celebrating our furry, feathery, and scaly friends by sharing your unique pet stories for my upcoming podcast. Examples? A heartfelt reunion story, an encounter with a wild animal, an unusual animal friendship, or just an anecdote about your own pet. I'm eager to showcase a variety of animals and their stories. If your pet has a rescue story, let's highlight the rescue organization too!

Inside Frozen 2

A rare behind-the-scenes look at the making of Frozen 2. For the first time, the Oscar-winning filmmakers of Walt Disney Animation Studios are pulling back the curtain, revealing the creative process that brought the next chapter in the Frozen saga to life! And step “Into the Unknown” with songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez for a sneak peek at Frozen 2’s all-new soundtrack. Hosted by Ginger Zee of ABC News. A production of ABC Audio in collaboration with Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Co-Parenting With The Universe®

Raising teenagers and doing it all on your own can be brutal... In this show my guests and I cover wholistic tools to stop the downward spiraling into fear, anxiety, confusion and sometimes depression as well as tapping into the support of the Universe to help you raise your teen. You can even receive customised coaching or short EFT/Tapping sessions as answers to the questions you can submit on my website!

Advice Is Optional

Vulnerable, funny and definitely relate-able, Gage, a young guy navigating the pitfalls of adulthood, decides what advice his Life Coach mom gives is helpful or not.

Fostering our Faith

Ever considered adoption? How about foster care? Maybe you were thrust into kinship care with no notice. Everyone's journey is so different, yet we all have the same heart, serving the children in our world. Having spent my entire teen years in care, and having over 20 foster children, 4 adoptions, including 2 with special needs, I understand "the system" just a bit more than most. Hello, my name is Angela Paganelli and I invite you to join us as we connect with people who are in the world of adoption and fostering, all while building our faith!

The Place To Find The Way

Infertility is both everywhere and nowhere. Your closest friend avoids the topic, but it affects them nonetheless. No one will say, and no one asks. Medical advancements have vested us with the power to artificially create, harvest, and conceive. But we lack the vocabulary to talk about infertility. Ben and Allie are a young couple caught in a six year whirlwind attempt at having children. With little outside support, they must rely on each other and themselves to keep pushing through the chaos to find calmer waters and resolution. Ben realizes that in order for him to get through this he must find somewhere that he can settle his mind. That he can fight to control some other chaos. That he can release his anger, hope, disappointment and fear when there is no other outlet. Ben needs a place to find the way.

Everything A to Swede

Host Elisha talks about all aspects of being a mamma, wife, and career woman while being an immigrant turned citizen living in Sweden. Through sharing her own experiences she hopes to give some handy tips and tricks from her journey. There are so many aspects to feeling and becoming settled when you make such a major life change, especially as a parent. She's giving a side of advice with some comedy, parental insight and many many 90s references she hopes to brighten your day. It's her take on Mum life, Immigrant life, Wife life, Work life, and everything in between. Sometimes with the help of some very special guests. A funny, informative take on life in the Swedish lane! It's fast and fabulous come and take a spin, you won't regret it! Follow on Instagram @everythingaswede. Share your thoughts, questions and anything else to [email protected]

Six Figures In School Hours

Six Figures in School Hours is all about helping you run a successful business and still be a good parent. Because in my experience most business-owning parents don’t want to build a global empire or make a gazillion dollars a year. I mean it would be nice but it’s not their top priority. They just want to earn a decent income and have time to read their kids a bedtime story without having a meltdown in the process. Yes, we know running a business can be rewarding. However, it can also seep into every life crack, eat up your energy and leave you exhausted, stressed and snapping at your small humans. In Six Figures in School Hours, me, Kate Toon award-winning digital marketing coach and business mentor will be sharing practical and doable tips for parents to run a successful business, make serious money and not burn themselves to a frazzle in the process. We’ll be chatting with real-life parents about their experiences of managing the juggle, as well as experts in parenting, finance, productivity, mindset, communication and more. I’ll show you how to turn that six-figure profit dial up or down depending on the compromises you’re willing to make. As well as that we’ll be sharing tools and tactics to manage your money, be more productive and focus on what matters, along with inspiring stories from other successful business parents who know exactly how it feels. Six Figures in School Hours is a smart, honest business self-help podcast that gives you the skills, the tools and the confidence to never again need to choose between a successful business and a happy family life. www.sixfiguresinschoolhours.com