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Religion & Spirituality Category

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Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities with Carol A Briney

Welcome to Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities. - The podcast that will rock your world. I am Carol A Briney, and I am honored and humbled to be your host on this journey. It is my passion to help you learn to hear and follow your inner guidance so that you can live the life of your dreams. This podcast asks the question, do you remember who you were before everyone told you who you should be? I am here to remind you of your intimate connection to Source. You, my friend, are a Divine being having a human experience here on earth, not the other the way around. And just in case, you can not see the Divine in yourself I will be here to hold the vision for you until you can see it too. Remember, we are all on this planet to shine our lights brightly and you will never know how many people you help and inspire just by daring to be you!

Excited About the Gospel

Joy, hope, peace and love--there is a lot to be excited about! The Gospel is Good News and this podcast will help you explore the joy you can find with the Good News of Jesus and His Gospel in your life! Jason Harwood was a seminary and institute instructor, is an EFY, FSY, and Education Week speaker. He is the author of the Help Me Understand the Book of Mormon study guide series and a podcaster.

Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast

On the Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast, we talk about all the ways Reiki can help you in your daily life. Colleen Benelli and Robyn Benelli, Licensed Reiki Master Teachers for the International Center for Reiki Training, talk about how to use Reiki as a life management tool, a spiritual path, an energy healing medicine that reduces stress and pain, Reiki as a path to mindfulness and meditation, and Reiki for healing of the body, mind and soul. Usui sensei said, “Reiki is the secret art of inviting happiness.” It reveals our spirit and awakens our consciousness. They answer your questions about Reiki techniques, spirituality, healing, personal growth, how to learn Reiki in classes, how to use Reiki to invite happiness and they often have other Reiki guest speakers. But most of all, our podcast provides a global Reiki community by creating the opportunity for us join together in our common goal of contributing to the wellness of the world. The Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast has a monthly Online Reiki Circle where we talk live! Come join the conversation!

Wege zum Leistungsglück - Für alle, die ihre Talente besser nutzen wollen um so erfolgreich und glücklich zu werden

Unsere Arbeit ist nicht das Maß aller Dinge, sie ist nicht das Allheilmittel und schon gar nicht das glückseligmachende Wunder zur Zufriedenheit. Aber Tatsache ist, dass wir den größten Teil unserer Wachzeit im Beruf verbringen. Und wenn man sich umhört, was Menschen über ihre Arbeit denken und sagen, angestachelt durch die Medien, kann einem Angst und Bange werden. Es hat mich bewogen, mit den Menschen zu reden, genauer hinzuschauen, zu beobachten. Warum sind einige zufriedener, glücklicher und andere fallen fast vom Sessel, entweder aus Langeweile oder aus Überforderung? Wir müssen nicht wie Walt Disney, Nelson Mandela oder Felix Baumgartner werden, um glücklich sein zu können. Wir müssen auch nicht dauernd Spitzenleistung bringen. Trotzdem können wir von diesen Persönlichkeiten lernen. Nicht alles, aber gewisse Aspekte ihrer Handlungen haben Vorbildcharakter. Deshalb werde ich über sie erzählen. Es geht in diesem Podcast darum, mehr von uns selbst zu sein, mehr von den Talenten zu nutzen, die wir mitbekommen haben. Wenn wir das tun, entsteht daraus fast automatisch etwas Besonderes. Das ist mein Anliegen und Thema der nächsten Folgen. Ich freue mich, dass SIE mit dabei sind! „Wir leben in aufregenden Zeiten! Der erfolgreichste Golfer ist schwarz und der erfolgreichste Rapper ist weiß – das heißt, unabhängig von unserer Herkunft oder unserer Hautfarbe sind wir von Natur aus Gewinner, denn das Leben hat uns gar nicht anders geplant! Damit aber Gewinnen zur Gewohnheit wird, ist es so, dass wir dafür etwas tun und unsere Komfortzone verlassen müssen. Gabriel Schandl trifft mit seinen Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen sehr genau den Nerv unserer Zeit. Dieses Buch, sein Hörbuch und sein Podcast hören und lesen sich wie ein Kompass auf einer Reise zum Wann-Anders im Wo- Anders und erinnert uns daran, dass Glücklichsein eine Entscheidung ist.“ Dr. Jos Z. Gal, Gründer der 5-Sterne-Praxis und erster deutscher Privat-Astronaut der Space Expedition Corporation (SXC)

Real Talk

A podcast for people who want a practical guidance with the hard crap of life. Based on the teachings of Jesus and presented using contemporary language, the Real Talk speakers bring you ready-to-use solutions. Listen in!

Awake Us Now

Awake Us Now is an online ministry sharing the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ, His Son. We have modeled our ministry after the early Acts Church and meet together in home groups. Using live broadcast and on demand video, we worship together each Sunday as one voice of praise and prayer across America. Through pertinent and vibrant teaching, we grow in faith and are encouraged to live each day in the power of the Holy Spirit that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our ministry has a heart to see revival breakout across America and we look forward to Christ's return.

Irenicast - A Progressive Christian Podcast

Rethinking and reimagining your faith? That matters. You are not alone. Follow those questions, doubts, and curiosities with us. Hosts Bonnie, Casey, Jeff, and Rajeev cultivate thoughtful conversations for the spiritual journeyer. Especially if you’re evolving out of Evangelicalism or Christian Fundamentalism, you are Irenicast.

Pastor Paul Zander

Here at Heritage Baptist church is it our desire to see lives changed by the grace of God. We strive together to preach, teach, and live the truths of God's Word in all areas of faith and practice. Feel free to browse our sermons. The archive tab will bring sermons up month by month, and the category tab includes several options. Don't miss out on our special "Bible & Praise Time" for the children as God's Word is taught precept by precept by Miss Jane from her missionary days while serving in Kenya. Please reach out to us with any questions or comments by emailing [email protected] If you are in the York, Pennsylvania area, please feel free to visit us on a Sunday Morning. Our service times are 10:00; 11:00; and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m..

Reformed Forum

Reformed Forum supports the church in presenting every person mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28) by providing Reformed theological resources to pastors, scholars, and anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of Scripture and the theology that faithfully summarizes its teachings.

Soteriology 101 w/ Dr. Leighton Flowers

Discussing the Biblical Doctrine of Salvation. Is Calvinism Correct? How about Arminianism? Or is the answer found somewhere in between? Sit in on our Online University Theology Classroom, Soteriology 101, as we unpack the doctrines of God's Amazing Grace. Other topics to include: Predestination, Election, Total Depravity, Atonement, Once saved alway saved, and much more.

Talking Tea

Podcasts exploring tea and tea culture

WE DON'T DIE® Radio Show with host Sandra Champlain

Want proof of life after death? Your loved ones may be physically gone but "they" still exist and you will see them again. Want to believe when your body disappears, "you" go on living? Want to believe that your life here on earth is important? Each episode of "We Don't Die" you'll hear the experiences of men and women of why they believe life after death is REAL. Join your host, Sandra Champlain, author of the #1international bestseller, "We Don't Die - A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death," for podcast episodes that aim to give goosebumps! ALL past episodes are available at: http://wedontdieradio.com/