Fiction Category
of 29
Podcasten som inspirerar din kreativitet, väcker din nyfikenhet och tar dig med på en oförutsägbar resa genom berättelser på ett sätt du inte upplevt tidigare. Ett följetongsdrivet format där en berättelse skrivs av flera olika författare, där varken du som lyssnar, eller du som skriver vet hur det kommer att sluta. Här samlas unika historier berättade av er. Nytt avsnitt varje måndag.
Ancient Magic & War grip the world of Andaria. We find ourselves in The Sunken City, a busy trade port ruled by the Dragon Lord, Ember and one of the few cites not under Ancient rule. The Celestial War truly is a story full of adventure, twists and turns, fun roleplay and a lot of laughs. Start with Episode 1 and see what everyone is talking about! The Celestial War is the first series in the epic franchise released in 2018 by Audio Dungeon! Series 1: The Celestial War Series 2: Arcane City Series 3: Iron Kingdom Series 4: Gnome Patrol Series 5: Knights of Andar
RED HOUSE RISING BEGINS... It’s July, 1941. War is already raging in Europe. Japan has swallowed up Korea, and now terrorizes China. Pearl Harbor is about to explode. And three women, an ace transport pilot, a Chinese Intelligence officer and a local Island leader, must join forces to rescue young girls sexually enslaved by the Japanese Navy and its ruthless secret police, the Tokkeitai. As World War II roils the Pacific, this four-season, 21-episode series continues in the islands, in Hawaii, in China and Japan. There’s flying and spying and action galore. And the story calls out the fascism, racism and misogyny of that dark time. But Red House Rising is above all about lovers – star-crossed or otherwise – finding their way in a world at war.
Starcalled is a science-fiction, action-adventure audio drama. Set in the galactic frontier, Starcalled follows the dangerous lives of Lieutenant Saranus Kron and Dr. Elona Zoren, two young officers in the 443rd Colonial Fleet Infantry, as they race to uncover a conspiracy under the ever looming specter of war. This narrative fiction podcast features a full cast, an original cinematic score, and immersive sound design. Intended for a mature audience. Listener discretion is advised.
Mariposa Lightfeather never got much from her parents, Robert Lightfeather and Julie Min. But thanks to the pandemic, she got their stories. It’s about time they gave her something. She’s recording the stories as a podcast before they find out or worse - the pandemic ends and she has to get a job.
Ink and Ash is a seasonal, bi-weekly short story podcast. Host Shawn Ennis narrates classic short stories, using sound effects and music to bring them new life. The show also asks for listener submissions. Whether you’re an aspiring author or just write as a hobby, you can be a part of the show! Send your short story to [email protected] for consideration, and in the meantime, thanks for listening!