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The Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot is a podcast for physicians and health professionals that covers the legal issues and trends that affect the health care industry. The Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot Podcast is made available by the Firm and its attorneys for educational purposes and to provide general information, not to provide specific legal advice. Use of the Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot Podcast does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the Firm or any of its attorneys. The Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot Podcast should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice and you should contact an attorney in your state about any legal needs or questions you may have.
Tips, coaching and advice for real estate agents. Where to find motivated leads, how to get more appointments, more clients - and earn more commissions. Learn the latest strategies to convert expired listings, FSBOs, open house visitors, and your sphere (referrals), into business right now. From motivation and inspiration, to the most effective 'non-salesy' scripts and dialogs, tools, technology, resources, and systems that will help you become a real estate rockstar! For the most friendly real estate scripts, strategies to get buyers and sellers, follow up methods, marketing advice for realtors and brokers, prospecting tips and more, subscribe to our coaching channel: Hang out with us on Facebook: Coaching and support program : Learn how to make quick videos that get leads and listings: Get an advanced powerful listing presentation: Wanna turn even tough FSBOs into cool listings? Check out FSBORINO: Expireds can be the easiest listings. With a few tips and the right system: There is a new way to communicate with leads and prospects - and get more business: Contact: 800-573-8492 [email protected]
AMP Up Your Digital Marketing (formerly AMP UP Your Social Media) brings together the leading marketing practitioners to share how they are succeeding in today’s digital landscape. Each podcast focuses on providing you with the knowledge and strategies you need to be a successful marketer. Whether you focus on content, social media, advertising or any other aspect of digital marketing, this podcast has something for you.
Welcome to The Alignment Podcast! This platform is dedicated to having thought-provoking conversations that will help B2B CEOs and Executives better align Sales and Marketing to drive revenue. We will have subject matter experts help us focus on effective strategies that leaders can implement into the organization. Guests come from very diverse backgrounds to give a variety of different perspectives (i.e. sales, marketing, psychology, digital transformation, AI and more). I hope you will listen in and share with colleagues that might benefit from these types of conversations. Now let's talk about how we can..... "Create Togetherness"!
There is a BIG trend brewing that’s revolutionizing the way business is being done. Big companies like Netflix, Amazon, Apple and traditional companies like Walmart are jumping on this too. But so are thousands of others - and they’re doing it by shifting to a recurring revenue model. Meaning, more entrepreneurs than ever before have found a way to incorporate a membership or monthly subscription into their business model - and it’s transforming the way they operate forever. No longer do they feel the pressure and stress of having to find new customers every single month. Instead, they just take care of the people who already bought from them and the monthly, recurring revenue keeps building month after month. So how are they doing it? How are they marketing their membership sites? How are they keeping their members happy and paying month after month? And how have they built an incredibly tight bond with their tribe and online community? That's what our show host Shelli Varela explores in this podcast. You'll hear from people building low-stress membership business in just about every niche market you can think of. From photography and calligraphy to dog training, music, art, fitness, well being, self-improvement, blogging, interior decorating, day trading, meal planning, lesson planning and so many more. You'll hear from authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, influencers, teachers and business owners who are all leveraging their existing knowledge and influence and transforming it into passive monthly income. This isn't luck. There is a repeatable formula for producing a growing subscription income… and we'll show you what it is within the episodes of this show. So if you're thinking you'd like to have your own source of recurring revenue each month or, you already have a membership site that you want to take to the next level, subscribe to this show today. Each week, your host, Shelli Varela, will be breaking down their success and uncovering the real story of how they did it… and how you can too! The Recurring Revolution is here… the question is, will you be part of it? Subscribe to the show today!
What does it mean to have the Til You Collapse mindset? You give it 100% every day towards your goals, business, fitness, life, and everything you do. Brian Nabavi built a seven figure company with $300, a passion, and a nonstop work ethic. He talks about the wins, the losses, and everything in between. 100% truth. Based on his real experiences.
“Lampentasche – the family manager Podcast” – Ein Podcast mit einer Vielzahl an Themen, die eine moderne Familie, Nannys, Fachpersonen in der Kinderbetreuung und Interessierte in diesem Bereich betreffen. Dieser wird im Einzelnen die Kinderbetreuung per se, Fragestellungen rund um die Nannys und Tipps für den Alltag mit Kindern und das Familienleben beinhalten. Zudem werden Interviews mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, natürlich wieder innerhalb der vorher genannten Bereiche, geführt und last but not least wird das Thema Karriere und Familie in unterschiedlichen Set-ups immer wieder aufgegriffen werden. Anne Tobien, Expertin für die Rekrutierung und Vermittlung von Nannys, erklärt interessierten Müttern und Vätern, welchen immensen Einfluss die optimale Betreuung des eigenen Kindes in unserer heutigen Welt hat. Darüber hinaus sind diese Themen für Nannys mindestens genauso spannend, da sie sehr häufig eine zentrale Rolle in den Podcastfolgen spielen. Die Betreuung von Kindern ist keine Aufgabe, die Eltern alleine bewältigen müssen. Eine geschulte Fachkraft nimmt den zeitlichen Druck aus der Familiensituation und unterstützt diese im Alltag ideal. Das ist vor allem wichtig, wenn Karriere und Familie vereint werden sollen. Zielstrebigen Eltern ist es heute wichtig, das Familiendasein zu genießen und im Beruf durchstarten zu können. Geschäftsreisen, Meetings, Firmenanlässe und Übernachtungen sind häufige berufliche Gründe, die eine gute Kinderbetreuung erfordern. Aber auch im privaten Alltag ist es ein grosser Mehrwert, sich auf eine professionelle Nanny verlassen zu dürfen. So haben Mütter und Väter die Möglichkeit, ohne schlechtes Gewissen dem eigenen Hobby nachzugehen, ein Abendessen mit Freunden zu genießen oder sich etwas Zeit für Wellness und Entspannung zu gönnen. Die Lampentasche ist eine spezialisierte Nannyvermittlung in der Schweiz mit Sitz in Küsnacht (ZH). Anne Tobien ist bei Ihren Kunden für Ihre freundliche, offene Art und ihre außerordentliche Professionalität bekannt. Ihre große Leidenschaft ist, Familien dabei zu unterstützen, die am besten geeignete Nanny zu finden. Und natürlich für Nannys die am besten passende Familie.
In dem Toni Hisenaj Podcast werden alle wichtigen Themenbereiche rund um den Vertrieb abgedeckt. Hierzu zählen neben dem eigentlichen Vertrieb auch Führungspotenzial, Verkauf, eine gute Portion Motivation und damit zusammenhängend der Erfolg. Der Toni Hisenaj Podcast unterstützt dich auf deinem Weg zu maximalem Erfolg im Vertrieb