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Hello and welcome to the Love What You Do podcast, brought to you by Rob Cugno, the founder of Future U Coaching. In this podcast series, Rob interviews professionals who’ve overcome all sorts of challenges to find their dream career as well as career experts. His hope is that by sharing their stories, you’ll feel like you’re part of a like-minded community of people who seek a happy work life.
Jmenuje se Viki, je jí teprve 10 let a možná proto, se pořád ještě ptá... Pohled na nás dospěláky trochu jinýma očima. Rozhovory s lidmi, kteří si podle Viki splnili své sny nebo je jejich život či práce pro děti v něčem inspirativní. Viki chce ukázat, že hrdiny nemusíme hledat jen v počítačových hrách. Povídala si s Terezou Maxovou, které pomáhala dostat děti a jejich rodiče na Vítkov a získat tím peníze pro projekt Teribear. S moderátorem Leošem Marešem si v živém vysílání dokonce zatančila tanec jive. S hrabětem Zdeňkem Sternbergem vzpomínala na život prožitý nejen na hradě, a od první, tehdy sedmnáctileté vítězky soutěže MasterChef Česko Kristíny Nemčkové ochutnala jídlo a zároveň získala rady pro začínající kuchaře. Některé z rozhovorů ze série Viki Talks, můžete slyšet na frekvenci Českého rozhlasu, Rádia Junior. Rozhovory natočené pro Český Rozhlas, Rádio Junior si můžete poslechnout na Další informace o Viki a jejích projektech najdete na a @vikimixprague
Are you an entrepreneur who refuses to be average? Whether you are just starting out or already crushing it inside of a 7+ figure business, this show is for you! From over 20 years of crashing, burning, building, surviving, and thriving in business, host Tomas Keenan has seen ALL ends of the spectrum! If you have found this show, it is because you align deep down with the values that we discuss and because you are ready to evolve to a new level of mental toughness. Even if you have a vision that NO ONE can understand, even if you are judged by many and understood by only a few, this show serves to empower you and help you STEP IT UP to the level of your life’s purpose. Make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode!
We love locally owned independent restaurants. These businesses build strong communities by linking neighbors in a web of economic and social relationships. The more the independent restaurants are thriving, the healthier the community will be! We want to help restaurant owners and operators hone their competitive edge through effective marketing and business practices. Restauranttopia focuses on all things related to restaurant management and operations from hosts David Ross, Brian Seitz, and chef Anthony Hamilton. We feature interviews and restaurant success stories, along with insights on cost control, marketing, management and personnel issues. Tune in for marketing ideas and tactics from restaurant business experts, gathered from lessons from restaurants around the US.
Ce podcast en français est pour les femmes entrepreneurs qui veulent voir grand et qui sont prêtes à faire le travail pour propulser leur entreprise. Conseils, Astuces, News, Mindset, Soutien pour les entrepreneurs. Dans ce podcast, nous parlons, d’argent, de business, de marketing et de tout autre chose nécessaire à la mise en place d’une entreprise à succès.
What are the significant innovations shaping the future of learning? How is digital technology and scientific discovery changing the way we learn, train, teach and educate? Join John Helmer in conversation with the people who are visioning and actively creating that future. Published fortnightly (don't forget to subscribe!).
Welcome to The Future of, the podcast that explores the most pressing issues of our time and challenges conventional thinking. Join us as we dive into provocative conversations with today's leading thinkers, influencers, and innovators. With a focus on emerging trends, new technologies, and big ideas, we examine how they will shape the future of our society, economy, and planet. Our guests share their expertise and vision for what's to come, offering insights and inspiration for how we can build a better tomorrow. So, buckle up and get ready for some mind-blowing discussions on The Future of.
Daniel D. (Dan) Joss, MBA, CFP®, RLP®, CKA® believes in enjoying a simple, generous, relaxed, and active lifestyle. Named a “Top Financial Professional” by Northern Virginia Magazine multiple times, Dan has also been recognized as a top advisor and Registered Investment Advisor by Washingtonian Magazine and Financial Advisor Magazine.
Her Life By Design is a podcast that discusses all things influencer marketing, creating a career online, navigating life as an ambitious female and much more. Your host is Christina Galbato - social media influencer, creative entrepreneur and online educator. Join her each week to gain the strategies and motivation you need to create a life and career entirely of your own design.