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Big Growth: Making Room For More

The Sober Edge

Release Date: 05/15/2024

How to Help A Loved One Struggling with Addiction with Dr. Brian Licuanan show art How to Help A Loved One Struggling with Addiction with Dr. Brian Licuanan

The Sober Edge

Over 50% of families deal with addiction. If you have a family member who struggles, it can be challenging to walk the line between compassion and tough love, enabling and offering support. And, the closer the family member, the more challenging it can be to set healthy boundaries. My guest on the podcast today is Dr. Brian Licuanan. Dr. Brian is an author, speaker, and board-certified psychologist practicing in Southern California. He specializes in family crisis interventions and has extensive experience working with highly acute clients struggling with substance abuse disorders and...

Why We Romanticize Alcohol show art Why We Romanticize Alcohol

The Sober Edge

  For most of us, our relationship with alcohol, whether we are drinking or not, is complicated. When we find ourselves 'romanticizing' alcohol, it can feel confusing. First, let's normalize these thoughts. Longing for the past, or feeling nostalgic, is a normal emotion. It is often tied to a longing for the way we used to be or the way we used to feel. I recently had a client share that 'nostalgia' is one of the reasons she drinks, that longing to feel a certain way or searching for a past version of herself can lead her to desire a drink.  In this episode of The Sober Edge...

Not Another Self Help Episode! show art Not Another Self Help Episode!

The Sober Edge

While I love a good ‘self help’ book, I was completely fascinated by the title of my guests’ book: “Not Another Self Help Book”. How could I resist having her on the podcast to share her unique perspective on how to show up in the world when life is hard?   Lindsey Kane Leaverton is an author, songwriter, former minister and a financial wealth management expert. She also identifies as a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, a woman with ADHD, OCD and PTSD; as she shares, she has ‘all the adjectives’!    Lindsey wrote this book, "Not Another Self-Help Book" to...

This Groovy Life, Juicy Life  with Constance Todd Smith show art This Groovy Life, Juicy Life with Constance Todd Smith

The Sober Edge

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a new friend. Constance Todd Smith is an alignment coach (I love this!) who has been on her own journey of exploration, which started 38 years ago when she decided to 'live on the bright' by choosing sobriety. In addition to being an alignment coach, Constance is also a Yoga teacher, an Ecstatic Dance instructor, the founder of a Facebook group devoted to the teachings of Abraham Hicks and a sailor! She credits her break-up with alcohol as the start of her adventurous life. She describes herself as a  Hybrid of sorts - a rockin’...

Big Growth: Making Room For More show art Big Growth: Making Room For More

The Sober Edge

How do you define abundance? It might be having more, or it might be desiring less. When it comes to creating space, having an abundant mindset can be key.  Creating space can manifest in many different ways; being open to opportunities means almost anything is possible. I have talked about creating space before, but I have recently been challenged to broaden my personal definition of how we create space. In my own life, creating space looks like removing something, be it emotional (a negative thought), physical (throw out the old blouse), or spiritual (exploring those biases). But, I now...

How Storytelling Can Save Your Life with Jessica Dueñas show art How Storytelling Can Save Your Life with Jessica Dueñas

The Sober Edge

"Everyone has a story or a struggle that will break your heart. And if we’re really paying attention, most people have a story that will bring us to our knees".  Brene Brown shared this quote in a 2018 article. The other part of this truth is that sharing our stories can help us heal.  * Please be aware: this episode touches on suicide and suicidal ideation  I recently sat down with a new friend, certified recovery coach Jessica Duenas. Jessica offers writing and reading workshops to help those in recovery learn to tell their own story. She believes that...

4 Way to Beat Recovery Fatigue show art 4 Way to Beat Recovery Fatigue

The Sober Edge

If you have every felt tired of 'doing the work' (of getting sober, bettering yourself, growing as a human...) you are not alone.   In today's episode I share how to re-frame 'Recovery Fatigue' and gain back any lost momentum or motivation. If you are wondering how to 'keep going' on this journey to being AF and living AF, listen in for 4 tips on how to beat Recovery Fatigue! Interested in a REFRESH? Small group video support, prompts and coaching.    

My Life In Hiding with author Laura Cathcart Robbins show art My Life In Hiding with author Laura Cathcart Robbins

The Sober Edge

This is an extra special episode of The Sober Edge Podcast - we are inviting ALL of you to meet author Laura Cathcart Robbins.   First, you will meet Laura in this special podcast episode. Robbins is the author of Stash: My Life In Hiding. This powerful book takes us on the emotional journey of Laura's addiction to sleeping medication and alcohol. I must share that I was riveted as I read her account of navigating being a Hollywood wife and mother and board president of the private school her children attended WITH sourcing extra refills of Ambien.    I know that many of us had...

Creative Living with Tawny Lara show art Creative Living with Tawny Lara

The Sober Edge

When we stop drinking and over drinking we have so many possibilities.   Have you dreamed about what's next? Perhaps you have thought about writing a book? Starting a podcast? Or maybe you have a product in mind that you want to create and bring into the world to share with your AF community? My podcast guest today, Tawny Lara, has done all of these things. I first met Tawny when she joined us in The Sober Edge Book Club to share her brand-new book: Dry Humping: A Guide to Dating, Relating and Hooking Up, Without the Booze.  Tawny is known as 'the sober...

Racing for Recovery with Todd Crandell show art Racing for Recovery with Todd Crandell

The Sober Edge

Do you believe that 'with sobriety anything is possible'? When you hear the story of Todd Crandell, you will. Todd is the founder of Racing for Recovery, a  non-profit center to help people move away from addiction and towards recovery. Todd is the Original Sober Ironman and is also known as Sober Ultra Man on Instagram. Todd is a living, breathing example of a sober life and lifestyle. He believes that exercise can be a big component of healing from addiction and, while some may consider his devotion to running (113 Ironman competitions on 6 different continents) to...

More Episodes

How do you define abundance? It might be having more, or it might be desiring less. When it comes to creating space, having an abundant mindset can be key. 

Creating space can manifest in many different ways; being open to opportunities means almost anything is possible. I have talked about creating space before, but I have recently been challenged to broaden my personal definition of how we create space. In my own life, creating space looks like removing something, be it emotional (a negative thought), physical (throw out the old blouse), or spiritual (exploring those biases). But, I now understand it doesn't look that way for everyone. For you, it might be picking up the ball that you dropped, or letting go of old fears that breed scarcity. 

I recorded today's podcast episode to share more about space, scarcity, abundance and alcohol. I hope you will listen and perhaps be inspired or enlightened to explore your own 'space'.


ZPE Connect and The Sober Edge Book Club - Join us for a live event on May 20th from 6-8 PM in 4 different locations. Find out more HERE