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719 | Building Authority is Easy When You're True to Yourself with Renee Warren

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

Release Date: 06/20/2024

722 | What Movie Are You Playing on Repeat? show art 722 | What Movie Are You Playing on Repeat?

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, I wanted to share some thoughts on fear and failure and how we can get stuck in replaying a movie that doesn’t serve us.  In this episode, we discuss:  1) If you are stuck on a repeat of replaying the movie of your past, replaying your “failures”, your mistakes, the things you wished you could have done differently, you are not creating any room for your future vision and what you want to create. 2)  Instead focus on what you are creating, what you are calling in, what do you see, what do you hear and what do you feel.  That is the movie you want to...

721 | What If You're Not Meant to Go Back and Fix It? show art 721 | What If You're Not Meant to Go Back and Fix It?

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, I wanted to share some thoughts on a past connection call on our focus to go back and fix what doesn’t feel like it’s working.  Sometimes what isn’t working is an invitation to ask some deeper questions and explore new possibilities.  In this episode, we discuss:  1) If you are trying to fix, edit or make a part of your business/relationships/or anything else work that just doesn't seem to work, maybe 2)  Your subconscious mind will always gravitate towards what it is familiar with even if it isn’t what you want because familiar is predictable and...

720 | Learn to Dance With Your Limiting Beliefs show art 720 | Learn to Dance With Your Limiting Beliefs

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, I wanted to share some thoughts on limiting beliefs and learning how to dance with them instead of fighting with them. As you grow and expand in your life and in your business, your limiting beliefs come with you. You might as well build a better relationship with them. In this episode, we discuss:  1) Limiting beliefs are usually subconscious. They operate below the level of awareness most of the time. You’ll typically notice them by their side effects first, often when setting ambitious goals and trying to pursue them. 2) This is an invitation to lean into building...

719 | Building Authority is Easy When You're True to Yourself with Renee Warren show art 719 | Building Authority is Easy When You're True to Yourself with Renee Warren

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, we speak with Founder and CEO, Renée Warren. Renee is an award-winning entrepreneur, angel investor, author, speaker, and founder of We Wild Women, a PR agency revolutionizing how female-led businesses shine in the media spotlight. Renée is not just a leader; she's a visionary, innovating how women can achieve unprecedented visibility and success. As host of the top-rated podcast "Into the Wild," she interviews successful entrepreneurs, sharing actionable authority-building advice from those who have successfully done it before. Outside the hustle, she enjoys time with her...

718 | Can You Lean Into The Story You Don’t Want to Share? show art 718 | Can You Lean Into The Story You Don’t Want to Share?

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, I wanted to share some thoughts on how to lean into the story that you don’t want to share. The story you don’t want to share has tremendous power over you.  Here are some thoughts on how to shift that.  You might be thinking it is behind me, I can move on, it is in my past, yet if some part of you is connected to the past in that way then it is energy that is not being used to create your future.  In this episode, we discuss:  1) When you think of a story that you don’t want to share, it creates a shield of shame that shuts you down, it feeds into...

717 | You Will Always Start Scared show art 717 | You Will Always Start Scared

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, we dive into the fear of starting anything.  There is a fear of the unknown, the what if’s, the fear of mistakes, of judgements, of what if I screw up, etc.  What if you can paint your new story to be even better than your current one? This quote from Tony Robbins says it all, “Life is a dance between your greatest fear and your deepest desire” ~Tony Robbins In this episode, we discuss:  1)  The fear of starting is a very common feeling, and then we make our worries about starting way bigger, and we feed the fear.  We either feed the fear/doubts...

716 | What Motherhood is Supposed to Look Like with Laura Sinclair show art 716 | What Motherhood is Supposed to Look Like with Laura Sinclair

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, we speak with Business and Marketing Mentor, Laura Sinclair. Laura believes that you and your business deserve to be seen. With over a decade of experience building digital marketing strategies for some of the world’s biggest brands, Laura has dedicated her life's work to teaching women how to grow their businesses and take big leaps into their entrepreneurial dreams through her podcast, courses, and events. Laura went from corporate dropout to multi-six-figure business owner. Her journey ranges from public relations, sports marketing, sponsorship marketing and social media...

715 | Emotions Only Last for 90 Seconds show art 715 | Emotions Only Last for 90 Seconds

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, I wanted to share a concept that you only feel your emotions for 90 seconds.   Harvard brain scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor explains “When a person reacts to something in their environment, there's a 90-second chemical process that happens in the body; after that, any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop. In this episode, we discuss:  1) The 90-second rule states that the physiological response, the chemical rush behind our emotions, dissipates after about 90 seconds. If we still feel the rush after that, or...

714 | What is The Struggle Teaching You? show art 714 | What is The Struggle Teaching You?

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, I wanted to share a personal story and a shift that helps me when I am feeling stuck in the struggle or stuck in the victim mindset. It also depends on how we identify with the struggle and what we make that mean about us.  In this episode, we discuss:  1) Struggle teaches us resilience, patience, and the importance of perseverance. Through the value of struggle, we are often forced to adapt and find ways to overcome them. By embracing struggle (or at least what you learned from it) and turning it into opportunities for growth, you can build resilience, improve...

713 | It Starts With Feeling the Grief with Will Greenblatt show art 713 | It Starts With Feeling the Grief with Will Greenblatt

Own Your Choices Own Your Life

In this episode, we speak with Public Speaking Coach, Will Greenblatt. Will started acting in film and TV at the age of seven, starring in The Homecoming with Oscar® winner Anne Bancroft. He graduated from the National Theatre School of Canada in 2010, but the toxic environment of the program left him jaded, so he quit acting. He moved to Spain where he discovered his love for teaching English, and then dived into the world of entrepreneurship, co-founding a startup in China. He founded OutLoud Speakers School in 2017, teaching public speaking & communication skills to entrepreneurs and...

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In this episode, we speak with Founder and CEO, Renée Warren. Renee is an award-winning entrepreneur, angel investor, author, speaker, and founder of We Wild Women, a PR agency revolutionizing how female-led businesses shine in the media spotlight. Renée is not just a leader; she's a visionary, innovating how women can achieve unprecedented visibility and success. As host of the top-rated podcast "Into the Wild," she interviews successful entrepreneurs, sharing actionable authority-building advice from those who have successfully done it before. Outside the hustle, she enjoys time with her Irish Twin sons, Crossfit, drumming, and being her husband, Dan Martell's number one cheerleader. 

In this episode, we discuss:

1) Renee shares her most recent experience of rhinoplasty how she openly and publicly shared it and how incredible the feedback and support was from others.  It continues to show how people want to connect to the story and the person behind the story.  We can build incredible connections with others by sharing more of who we authentically are and what we are experiencing.

2) We dove into the word of identity, and the theme of you-doing-you, and letting others see who your authenticity.  

Connect with Renee
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renee_warren
Website: www.wewildwomen.com
Email:[email protected]
VIP Days: https://www.wewildwomen.com/vip-day

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Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories. 

Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life.  She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.