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Religious Trauma, Addiction and Recovery with Joakim Appell

The Gifts of Trauma

Release Date: 07/25/2024

Episode Teaser with Vimalsara (Valerie) Mason-John show art Episode Teaser with Vimalsara (Valerie) Mason-John

The Gifts of Trauma

Produced by J'aime Rothbard In this teaser episode, we introduce you to Dr. Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John, M.A. (hon.doc) a Compassionate Inquiry faciltator, keynote speaker, mindfulness speaker, meditation speaker and master trainer in the field of conflict transformation, leadership and mindfulness. They are the co-founder of Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery (referenced in the show as MBAR), and Co-Founder of Eight Step Recovery, an alternative to the 12-step program for addiction with recovery meetings in 3 continents. They are the author of eleven books -- the most recent is titled ...

Episode Teaser with Ricardo Assis Rosa show art Episode Teaser with Ricardo Assis Rosa

The Gifts of Trauma

Produced by J'aime Rothbard In this teaser episode, we introduce you to Ricardo Assis Rosa. Tune in to get a glimpse of how Ricardo integrates the Compassionate Inquiry therapeutic practice with Shamanic and Buddhist methods to support spiritual and lifestyle changes. Make sure to subscribe to the Gifts of Trauma Podcast wherever you receive your shows and get this next full episode as soon as it's released.  HELP US REACH OUR GOAL OF 80 REVIEWS! Take 1 minute to leave a rating and a review of 10 words or more, your words help guide the show and your rating helps more people to discover...

Episode teaser with Allison Creech show art Episode teaser with Allison Creech

The Gifts of Trauma

Produced by J'aime Rothbard Contemplate the journey in stepping out of survival and into safetly with this illuminated conversation shared between host Kevin Young and Allison Creech. Allison has been part of Compassionate Inquiry® since 2019 and is honored to support others as a CI Practitioner, Facilitator, and Mentor.  A licensed doctor of naturopathic medicine with a professional focus on mind- body medicine and relational neuroscience, her clinical work has a focus on authenticity and embodiment, working with others to engage in a healing-centered process that restores a deep sense...

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The Gifts of Trauma

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The Gifts of Trauma

Hosted by Rosemary Davies-Janes Produced by J’aime Rothbard In this compelling interview, Rennet invites us to witness her transformative journey from immigrating to Canada (from Guyana) without her parents at 17, to navigating the intricacies of her mixed-race identity. The unexpected support of a compassionate doctor who provided emotional solace in one of her toughest times highlights the importance of safe spaces, connection and supportive relationships, when we are facing adversity. Rennet’s ability to seamlessly integrate her rich cultural heritage into her practice demonstrates how...

Navigating Adoption’s Emotional Turbulence with Sara Easterly show art Navigating Adoption’s Emotional Turbulence with Sara Easterly

The Gifts of Trauma

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Compassion in Medicine with Dr Aisling Quiery show art Compassion in Medicine with Dr Aisling Quiery

The Gifts of Trauma

Hosted and Produced by J’aime Rothbard Imagine a world where healing goes beyond treating symptoms; a world where healthcare practitioners address the root causes of their patients' issues. Dr Aisling Quiery’s story brings this vision to life, as she shares her views on shifting the paradigms of patient and healthcare provider well-being, to: - Bridge the gap between traditional medicine and holistic healing. - Recognize that our minds and bodies are intricately connected - Uncover hidden links between our past experiences and present health challenges - Address complex mental and...

Choosing a Life of Love with Jordan Decker show art Choosing a Life of Love with Jordan Decker

The Gifts of Trauma

Hosted by Kevin Young  Produced by J’aime Rothbard Jordan brings love and hope to a world yearning for acceptance and authenticity. His courageous exploration of the power of self-love, invites us to unlock the depths of our own hearts and embrace our true selves. Most importantly, he reminds us that choosing love is not just possible; it's the key to both joy and resilience.   A testament to the human spirit's capacity for growth, Jordan’s journey to acceptance of his identity as a transgender man affirms that we are all worthy of love and belonging, exactly as we are. His...

The Compassionate Inquiry® Origin Story with Sat Dharam Kaur show art The Compassionate Inquiry® Origin Story with Sat Dharam Kaur

The Gifts of Trauma

Hosted by Rosemary Davies-Janes, Kevin Young & J'aime Rothbard Produced by J’aime Rothbard In 2009, a 504 page book became the catalyst for an extraordinary partnership. Its words not only validated years of experience, but resonated deeply with Sat Dharam. As she read, a powerful intuitive message emerged, urging her to reach out and connect with the author, Gabor Maté. Despite her initial doubts and hesitation, she followed through and an email was sent—a small act that changed everything. The author’s response? "I have a good feeling about this." These five simple words initiated...

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The Gifts of Trauma

Hosted and Produced by J’aime Rothbard Steve’s story demonstrates the transformative power of radical change as he shares how he risked all to shed false identities, confront his inner demons, and embrace his inner truth, strength and wisdom. In his unwavering pursuit of his truth, Steve's epic journey took him from loneliness, disconnection, adrenaline and porn addictions, to authenticity, deep inner peace and connectedness. With raw vulnerability he shares the deep fear he felt when making radical life changes, leaping from a safe, successful lifestyle into uncharted territory, to...

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Hosted by Kevin Young. 

Produced by J’aime Rothbard.

Growing up in a highly controlled Jehovah's Witness religious environment, ever-present fear and judgment shaped Joakim’s early life. At home, his father was an intravenous drug user, his stepfather and Grandfather were alcoholics, and his mother was involved in a cult. These childhood experiences fostered a deep sense of fear and a lack of belonging that led Joakim to struggle with low self-esteem and a loss of identity.

His journey through addiction and recovery played a crucial role in shaping his current therapeutic approach. He realized that understanding himself and his early environment allowed him to understand the actions of his mother, father, stepfather, and grandfather. This understanding led him to a state of forgiveness, where he no longer felt the need to forgive because he could see their actions through a compassionate lens.

Joakim’s personal experiences with addiction and the lack of compassion he encountered in his religious community inspired him to create safe, non-judgmental spaces for others. He emphasizes the importance of treating addicted individuals as human beings and giving them control over their recovery process. His approach is rooted in empathy, understanding, and the belief that forgiveness is an internal state achieved through understanding.

His work isn't just about addiction recovery; it's about rediscovering your true self, recognizing your innate worth, and unleashing your boundless potential. Joakim’s words will inspire you to get curious, look below surface behaviors and connect with the humanity in all you meet.

While his story illuminates the path to true empathy and human connection, the safe spaces Joakim creates invite honesty and healing to flourish. Let Joakim’s perspectives on addiction, recovery, and the importance of non-judgmental support, transform your relationships and revolutionize your approach to self-care.

Through his guidance, you'll learn how he:

• Embraces the power of forgiveness as a state of being
• Broke free from the chains of fear and judgment • Creates safe spaces for healing and growth
• Cultivated deep self-awareness and compassion • Empowers others on the path to recovery
• Finds strength in vulnerability and authenticity

Are you ready to embrace a life of greater compassion, understanding, and true freedom? Join us to experience Joakim’s world, where judgment fades away and true understanding blossoms. His words will move you to access the state of forgiveness in yourself and open to a world of compassion and connection.


About Joakim Appell: 

Joakim is a Trauma Therapist and Compassionate Inquiry® practitioner whose unique background has profoundly shaped his journey and professional focus. 

Growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness and facing a childhood with an alcoholic stepfather and a drug addicted father, Joakim has confronted significant challenges that have contributed to his deep understanding of trauma and healing. He has battled and recovered from drug and alcohol dependency, experienced the profound loss of his son, and navigated suicidal ideation.


Joakim believes that the body, brain, and mind aligned together hold the answer and the capacity to heal from trauma. As Gabor Maté states, "Trauma created in a relationship can be healed in another relational space when safety, curiosity, and compassion are present." Joakim aims to co-create a safe space with you and guide you to connect with your body in the present moment, fostering a body-mind integration experience.


His personal journey of recovery has equipped him with a unique capacity to be present, calm, perceptive, observant, curious, and authentic while meeting clients in their experiences. Joakim cherishes this work, as it has been crucial in his own reconnection to himself. He continues to deepen his skills and professional development by studying the works of Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, and Peter Levine.


Currently, Joakim works in both substance and behavioral addiction projects using Compassionate Inquiry®, and with his partner, Georgina, maintains a private practice both on Zoom and in-person in Stockholm, in Swedish, English, Spanish, Brazilian and Portuguese. 


Professional Websites:  

https://co-compassion.com/Joakim is also involved in these detox & harm reduction projects: 





 In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction