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Letting go of wanting to lose weight

Women Positively Ageing

Release Date: 04/19/2023

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Women Positively Ageing

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Women Positively Ageing

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Women Positively Ageing

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Letting go of wanting to lose weight show art Letting go of wanting to lose weight

Women Positively Ageing

Welcome to today’s episode “Letting go of wanting to lose weight” with non-diet counsellor Mel Wakeman and guest Amy Wilkinson sharing her lived experience.   Mel is a highly experienced and neurodivergent registered nutritionist specialising in intuitive eating, non-diet nutrition and counselling for eating disorders, disordered eating and body image issues. She developed an eating disorder herself at 16 (now recovered) which fed her interest in nutrition, before beginning a long lecturing career in 1997.  Since launching Wakeman Nutrition in 2017 Mel is on a mission to...

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Women Positively Ageing

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Women Positively Ageing

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Women Positively Ageing

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Women Positively Ageing

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Women Positively Ageing

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More Episodes

Welcome to today’s episode “Letting go of wanting to lose weight” with non-diet counsellor Mel Wakeman and guest Amy Wilkinson sharing her lived experience.


Mel is a highly experienced and neurodivergent registered nutritionist specialising in intuitive eating, non-diet nutrition and counselling for eating disorders, disordered eating and body image issues. She developed an eating disorder herself at 16 (now recovered) which fed her interest in nutrition, before beginning a long lecturing career in 1997.  Since launching Wakeman Nutrition in 2017 Mel is on a mission to help folk who find food difficult and stressful, discover freedom, peace, and happiness in their own skin.

Amy is a Coach supporting women and teams in the Food & Grocery Industry to be more assertive and get the recognition they deserve in their careers. Amy’s works with women across the sector to help them be more confident in themselves. Often, the conversation comes back to appearance and weight, which is something Amy has also battled with her whole life. Amy burnt out just over a decade ago, whilst on a restrictive diet and intensive exercise regime. Amy now helps women to be more self-assured so that they can have successful careers without burning out.

03.25 Mel discusses the impact of diet messaging. How the diet culture is causing harm and negatively impacting the image we have of ourselves.

11. 45 Mel talks about relationships with food and Amy shares her history

22.22 Mel discusses menopausal weight gain and Amy shares the changes she has made recently to her lifestyle

32.10 Know your numbers - managing high blood pressure is important and we should check our blood sugar (HBa1c) and cholesterol too.

35.50 Take home messages

  • focus on well-being over weight loss
  • look beyond appearance and let go of chasing the weight number
  • support your body in its 60's and beyond by focusing on core strength, good mental health and healthy ageing
  • challenge the way we have been taught to reject ourselves


NB: this information does not replace personalised advice from a Health Care Professional



Further Resources:

List of resources, suggested materials, affiliate links, and social media: 

Mel’s website

Wakeman Nutrition

Instagram @mel_wakeman_rnutr

LinkedIn melwakeman

Understanding menopausal weight gain guide.



Mel’s podcast ‘Cake over Keto’

Cake Over Keto | Libsyn Directory

Particularly relevant episodes -

What lies beneath...the number on the scale (and some bonkers history of the bathroom scales), 1st April 2022 and Menopause and Eating disorders, 24th June 2022 could also be a helpful listen


Amy’s website

Amy Wilkinson Coaching | Coaching and facilitation


Amy’s podcast and website

Oh For Food's Sake (simplecast.com)



Amy’s LinkedIn

(4) Amy Wilkinson | LinkedIn