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089: Money Mindset twist: Is self-worth necessary?

The Money Mindset Show

Release Date: 07/25/2023

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The Money Mindset Show

How can You set up your business for wealth? Enter the Big Goal Energy summit>> Sign up here now   You're an ambitious entrepreneur with big dreams for your business, but something is holding you back from the wealth and success you truly desire. Maybe it's deeply ingrained money blocks casting doubt on your worth. Or perhaps you lack the systems and strategies to consistently generate real profits. Whatever your current roadblocks, it's time to shatter that ceiling once and for all. Imagine having a team of 19 leading experts in your corner, each providing invaluable tools and...

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The Money Mindset Show

How to create recurring income in your business? Have you ever felt that nagging sense of uncertainty about your ability to consistently cover monthly expenses, even as your business grows? What if you could build recurring income streams aligned with your values while avoiding burnout? Download: 10 Must-have Money Mindset Shifts To grow your income in Automatic Pilot.   Getting clear on your motivations beyond money is key. While high revenue months may be attainable, the stability and safety provided by consistent income allows for sustainability. As shared in this conversation,...

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The Money Mindset Show

What is financial Therapy? Can it help lower your financial stress and Anxiety? Find out in today's episode.  Are you tired of traditional therapy sessions leaving you drained rather than healed? You're not alone. Many find that rehashing old wounds with "experts" costs a lot—emotionally and financially—without providing the relief they need. But what if there’s a breakthrough method that changes everything? Meet —a groundbreaking approach designed for those who feel stuck in a cycle of unresolved trauma. Jon Connelly, a pioneering therapist, introduces this transformative...

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The Money Mindset Show

Are you tired of trying every possible superstitious ritual to attract money into your life? Download the Financial Freedom Process Secret Audio Series now go to  You've probably been told that the day you register your business or perform a specific ritual with numbers will magically make you successful. But let's face it, the pain of not getting results from these ineffective actions can be frustrating. If this sounds familiar, then let's explore a more authentic approach to financial success that aligns with your spiritual balance. My special guest is Andrew Gabelic Andrew...

110: How to Manifest Money and Abundance with Hannah Summerhill Manifestation Process show art 110: How to Manifest Money and Abundance with Hannah Summerhill Manifestation Process

The Money Mindset Show

Unlock the Power of Abundance Manifestation with Hannah Summerhill and Alejandra Rojas, Money Mindset Mentor. Dive deep into the art of manifesting financial abundance and personal achievement in today’s episode of The Money Mindset Show. Join us as we uncover the transformative strategies for harnessing the law of attraction to not only manifest money but also to enrich your life beyond measure. Ready to reshape your financial reality and achieve your dreams? Let's explore the proven methods for financial manifestation and holistic personal growth. Today's special guest, Hannah Summerhill,...

109: Clearing Financial Trauma: Financial Stress as an entrepreneur show art 109: Clearing Financial Trauma: Financial Stress as an entrepreneur

The Money Mindset Show

Download the Financial Freedom Process Secret Audio Series now go to  Feeling frustrated and angry about money as an entrepreneur, more than ever before? Have you been told to just tough it out, push through, and hustle harder, only to find that the emotional toll remains, leaving you drained and disheartened? It's time to acknowledge the emotional impact of financial challenges and find a way to overcome them. Let's explore how to shift your mindset and build resilience in facing these financial hurdles.     The resources mentioned in this episode are: Go to and...

108: Navigating Mindset Barriers: Family And Financial Freedom show art 108: Navigating Mindset Barriers: Family And Financial Freedom

The Money Mindset Show

Download the Financial Freedom Process Secret Audio Series now go to   If you're feeling the weight of family obligations and the pressure to provide for them, then you are not alone! The narratives and beliefs about money that have been ingrained in you from a young age may be holding you back from achieving the financial freedom you desire. "Everything that you are experiencing, everything that is happening with money, if it is not bothering you, if it is not coming up to the surface is because it's supporting you in a certain level, it's part of your survival, because money is...

107: Feminine Energy to 10x you progress: Valentine's Growth Secrets show art 107: Feminine Energy to 10x you progress: Valentine's Growth Secrets

The Money Mindset Show

Download the Financial Freedom Process Secret Audio Series now go to   If you're feeling stuck in the hustle and grind, trying to force your way to financial success, then you are not alone! Many individuals find themselves pushing hard, feeling exhausted, and still not achieving the financial freedom they desire. The constant effort and lack of flow can lead to frustration and a sense of being disconnected from your true abundance. If this resonates with you, it's time to explore a new approach to financial freedom and abundance. Let's dive into the insights from the feminine...

106: Breakthrough Financial Trauma: 4 Barriers to Business Expansion show art 106: Breakthrough Financial Trauma: 4 Barriers to Business Expansion

The Money Mindset Show

Download the Financial Freedom Process Secret Audio Series now go to Are you ready for a surprising revelation about the hidden financial traumas that could be holding your business back?  Conenct With Me or In this episode, you will be able to: Overcoming Financial Trauma: Discover how to break free from the grip of financial stress and regain control of your business finances. Shifting Generational Money Beliefs: Uncover the influence of inherited beliefs on your financial decisions and learn how to shift them for business success. Reflecting on Trauma for Financial...

105: Unlocking Financial Freedom: The Systems Success Connection show art 105: Unlocking Financial Freedom: The Systems Success Connection

The Money Mindset Show

Download the Financial Freedom Process Secret Audio Series now go to Does this sound familiar? You've been struggling to achieve financial freedom for your small business, despite being told to work harder and longer hours. The pain of feeling stuck and overwhelmed by your business's lack of growth is all too real. It's time to shift your focus to implementing clear systems that will pave the way for successful business growth and ultimately, financial freedom. Systems allow energy to take shape and form the way that we want to see, that we want to see with our eyes that energy becoming...

More Episodes

Challenge your beliefs, break free from stagnant business growth, and unleash your true potential as I, Alejandra Rojas, guide you through the subconscious blocks with money, unlocking the power of self-worth and overcoming the fear of becoming your parents in this transformative episode of The Money Mindset Show.

Download the step-by-step guide on how to pass from being overworked with money to CEO with money. www.themoneymindsethub.com/CEO

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Decode the unseen roadblocks that are restricting your financial prosperity and business development.

  • Highlight the intimate relationship between your self-value and your financial richness.

  • Address the apprehension of inheriting your parents' money mindset and tactics to break free from it.

  • Master detaching your self-esteem from your financial results and business performance.

  • Develop the confidence to uplift your prices, convinced of the merit of your product or service.

Self worth is not a requirement for financial success. It is your birthright to be worth it, just like air. - Alejandra Rojas

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

Hey there! Alejandra here, and today I wanted to share something that's close to my heart: subconscious blocks with money and how they affect our self-worth. In this episode of The Money Mindset Show, I dive into three specific narratives that can hold us back in our business growth.,Firstly, I want to emphasize that a stagnant stage in your business does not define your worth as a person. It's important to detach your identity from your business and financial results. Think of it as your business being separate from you, like raising a baby who grows and develops but is not who you are.,Secondly, I challenge the notion that the more you value yourself, the more you should charge. Self-worth is a birthright and not directly linked to your income. I'll share my personal belief that self-worth doesn't play a role in my relationship with money – a perspective that can liberate you from feeling stuck.,Lastly, we delve into the fear of becoming like our parents when it comes to our money mindset. By identifying ways in which you feel you're mirroring their beliefs, you can challenge and reframe them, creating your own understanding and approach.,If you're an entrepreneur struggling with self-worth and feeling like your business is at a standstill, this episode is for you. Gain the confidence and mindset shift needed to overcome subconscious blocks and experience real growth. Let's break free from self-imposed limitations and achieve what we're truly capable of!

  • Download the From Overwork to CEO audio program from themoneymindsethub.com/CEO for step-by-step guidance on reprogramming your subconscious mind with money.

  • Listen to the episode The Things That Fucked US Over with Lucy Becker to experience powerful subconscious release and gain insights on overcoming subconscious blocks with money.

  • Check out the Money Mindset Hub's audio program Overcoming Self Worth Blocks to gain confidence and freedom in valuing yourself and charging what you're worth.

  • Listen to the episode with Minatching to explore family constellations and gain a new perspective on the dynamics of money and how it relates to your relationship with your dad.

  • Take the time to reflect on the specific ways in which you feel you're becoming your dad in your thinking about money. Write them down and then challenge those beliefs by identifying the reasons why you are different from your dad and how your perspective on money differs.

  • If you're afraid to raise your prices, consider listening to the episode on pricing strategies to gain practical tips and insights on how to confidently increase your prices.

  • Don't forget to download the From Overwork to CEO audio program before it becomes a paid program.