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Are We Just "Masking" Pain When We Modify Lifts? | Ep 2

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

Release Date: 01/27/2022

Managing Injuries in High-Intensity Training with Dr. Jessie Czarnecki | Ep 30 show art Managing Injuries in High-Intensity Training with Dr. Jessie Czarnecki | Ep 30

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Jessie Czarnecki to discuss all things CrossFit. We cover essential exercises, scaling for beginners and those in pain, and the role of programming, instilling confidence, and prioritizing movement preparation. We also discuss common CrossFit injuries and strategies for how to continue to intelligently train around them. Dr. Jessie can be found on Instagram @dr.jessie.dpt. We hope you enjoy the episode!   Additional Resources  | learn how to coach and modify the snatch, clean, and jerk for clients with pain or mobility limitations.  | Get...

Pain and Injury in Olympic Weightlifting with Dr. Hays Estes | Ep 29 show art Pain and Injury in Olympic Weightlifting with Dr. Hays Estes | Ep 29

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Hays Estes to discuss all things Olympic Weightlifting. We explore injury risk, programming considerations, and options to keep folks training in the presence of pain. We also consider the role of mobility work for weightlifting, common mistakes when rehabbing weightlifters, and the benefits of comprehensive capacity, variability, and specificity. You can find Dr. Hays on Instagram @haysestes and his business @runtampabay.   Additional Resources | learn how to coach and modify the snatch, clean, and jerk for clients with pain or mobility...

Back to the Basics with Dr. Michael Mash | Ep 28 show art Back to the Basics with Dr. Michael Mash | Ep 28

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Michael Mash to discuss the temptation of over-analysis in the pain, rehab, and fitness worlds. We explore some of the possible reasons this may happen, potential negative consequences, and ways to reframe treatment options. We wrap up by considering what we view as the real essentials as well as why getting folks moving is our main concern and goal. We hope you enjoy the episode!   Additional Resources  | Get research reviews sent to your inbox, once a month, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in rehab and fitness | 2-days, 15 hours, and...

Maximizing Hypertrophy with Max Coleman | Ep 27 show art Maximizing Hypertrophy with Max Coleman | Ep 27

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode of the Barbell Rehab Podcast, we sit down with Max Coleman to discuss his research with Brad Schoenfield and others on hypertrophy. We dive into volume, intensity, range of motion and technique specific considerations. We discuss the pros and cons of using momentum in training and some of the delineations between strength vs. hypertrophy training. We briefly discuss the role of ice in hypertrophy and rehab and conclude by considering the evolution of research in the hypertrophy field. We hope you enjoy this episode!   Additional Resources  | Get research reviews sent...

You Don't Need to Be You Don't Need to Be "Fixed" - Redefining the Body as Garden | Ep 26

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode of the Barbell Rehab Podcast, we discuss a "body as garden" versus a "body as machine" approach to pain and rehabilitation. We discuss the SAID principle, graded exposure, and dosage. We wrap up by highlighting the optimism behind the concept of antifragility and how we can leverage this with a more updated understanding of pain and adaptability. We hope you enjoy the episode!   Additional Resources  | Get research reviews sent to your inbox, once a month, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in rehab and fitness | 2-days, 15 hours, and CEU approved

Finessing Form: Does it Matter & Practical Applications | Ep 25 show art Finessing Form: Does it Matter & Practical Applications | Ep 25

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode of the Barbell Rehab Podcast, we have a round robin discussion with Dr. Ben Geierman, Dr. Sophia Veiras & Dr. Michael Mash to unpack if and when form matters. We explore the rehab to performance continuum, when and how to cue without being nocebic, finding a balance between over coaching and “satisficing” and when to allow load to be the coach. We debate different coaching philosophies and the constraints sport and culture may place on viable movement solutions. We finish by highlighting the uniqueness of each individual client or patient’s preferences as well as some...

Nocebo, Corrective Exercise, and Evolution of the Biopsychosocial Model with Ben Cormack | Ep 24 show art Nocebo, Corrective Exercise, and Evolution of the Biopsychosocial Model with Ben Cormack | Ep 24

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode, we sit down with Ben Cormack to discuss pain, exercise, and the biopyschosocial model. We dive into the nocebo effect and its potential role in exercise, the corrective exercise trap that often seduces clinicians and coaches, movement snacks and variability, and low back pain reoccurrence. To conclude, Ben offers insight into the misapplications of the biopsychosocial model from his 2023 research article with Peter Stilwell, Sabrina Coninx & Jo Gibson. We hope you enjoy this episode!   Additional Resources  | Get research reviews sent to your inbox, once a month,...

Beliefs, Humility, and Clinical Evolution with Dr. Ben Geierman | Ep 23 show art Beliefs, Humility, and Clinical Evolution with Dr. Ben Geierman | Ep 23

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode of the Barbell Rehab Podcast, Dr. Ben attempts to unpack belief change. He discusses the pursuit of being less wrong to better serve patients and clients by mitigating nocebo effects. He unpacks the role research can play to help guide us towards more accurate models and influence our rehabilitation approach as evidence continues to evolve. Finally, he ends the podcast by offering suggestions on how to gently challenge patient beliefs in more productive ways if we feel malignant beliefs may be holding them back from reaching their goals. We hope you enjoy the episode! ...

Movement Optimism and Challenging Narratives with Greg Lehman | Ep 22 show art Movement Optimism and Challenging Narratives with Greg Lehman | Ep 22

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode of the Barbell Rehab Podcast, Dr. Ben Geierman sits down with Greg Lehman to discuss movement optimism and the kinesiopathological model of pain. They discuss challenging narratives in the clinic and what we should and shouldn't realistically hope for. Greg also discusses his current views on exercise for osteoarthritis, the role of symptom modification, and how fitness professionals can better incorporate movement optimism into their practice. We hope you enjoy the conversation!   Additional Resources  | Get research reviews sent to your inbox, once a month, and stay...

Powerlifting and Low Back Pain with Dr. Derick Luu | Ep 21 show art Powerlifting and Low Back Pain with Dr. Derick Luu | Ep 21

The Barbell Rehab Podcast

In this episode of the Barbell Rehab Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Derick Luu to talk about his experiences competing in national level powerlifting as an athlete and clinician. We discuss managing pain while competing, belief change, and programming. We hope you enjoy this episode!    Additional Resources  | Get research reviews sent to your inbox, once a month, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in rehab and fitness  | 2-days, 15 hours, and CEU approved

More Episodes
One question that we often get is "Are we just masking pain when we modify a lift." In this episode, we dig into this question and talk all about how beneficial modifying lifts can be in order to drive a tolerable training effect for our clients. P.S. - it's probably not "masking" the pain!

Additional Resources

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