Benji Bruce Podcast
We know we should study successful people and model their success. But how do you study success?
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Don't crush your own dreams. The world around you is already trying to do that to you so don't help them out. You need to be an anomaly if you want to make big changes in your life.
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In this episode we talk about how to get unstuck. On your entrepreneur journey, you're going to feel stuck. You're going to feel uncertain about what to do next. So what do you do about it? That's what we discuss in this episode.
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Pain and struggle is part of growing a business. Eventually, you'll become numb to the pain and keep pushing through the struggle to reach your success
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Learn to think highly of yourself. You won't get anywhere by thinking low of yourself
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Most people aren't willing to sit through the boring parts of their business, for long enough, for their business to take off. Get out of your feelings and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Because it's not about doing what you love. It's about doing what you must.
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You get demotivated when your expectations don’t match reality get excited do some work for a day, or two, or a week You don’t see immediate results so you ‘rethink’ & ‘plan’ You say “It’s not quantity it’s quality” So you slow down B/c you slowed down, you’re contacting less = only makes it worse You plan more, look at others online Wonder why you’re not getting results & get demotivated You blame the guru/person who told you to do the work You search for another method & get back to planning Story: Moved into high rise & filming didn’t work ...
info_outlineBenji Bruce Podcast
definition: the impetus(force) gained by a moving object Problem: Most people don’t get things done or start/stop Story: Living with a friend & schedule days to prospect. Got momentum, then stopped. Hard to get back Story 2: Facebook ads were going, I had to stop to change the website & didn’t start until two months later Made excuses about ‘creating content’ Momentum makes you an unstoppable force Makes you obsessed by generating thoughts because you have to keep up Sense of urgency You get excited and feel like you can (and should) do more ...
info_outlineBenji Bruce Podcast
This is the email that was sent out... The first time I hit $1,000 a month, I thought it was amazing. Then $10,000 a month. Then $25,000. Then $90,000/month, etc. I looked at the $90,000 that month and thought, “Damn…for the longest time I struggled to make that in a year, and I just did it in a month.” What changed? What was the mindset that changed inside of me that allowed it to happen? Honestly…nothing. I was always a badass. Success doesn’t happen overnight, you iterate your way to it. You keep changing and adjusting until you finally get it one day. But I want to give you 4...
info_outlineBenji Bruce Podcast
The only thing standing in your way of growing your business are the excuses you make for why you don’t have any business. I don’t know how much you’re making right now in your business, but I do know that if you’re not making at least six figures, you’re making excuses instead. You don’t have time because you have a job and you have kids. I hear you. You can’t spend money right now because you have to pay bills. I hear you. You can’t bring a video guy with you to an event. I hear you. But do you know what I hear? “Excuse,...
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Definition of humble:
Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance
Can you accomplish greatness with that mindset?
Definition of self-esteem
Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect
Nobody else is responsible for building your self esteem
The world doesn't care about your self esteem
Despite what people post online about 'being nice'
Most of your problems come from a lack of confidence in yourself
You don't do b/c you're not confident in achieving the end result
Getting bullied - only solution is self esteem
Only hurts when you don't think highly of yourself
Ex: Magic forum cyberbully (thumb gangsters)
You can't get bullied unless you accept THEIR story of you
Your Story vs Their Story
What's the story you tell yourself in your head?
Ex: Can't do something b/c of...(excuse)
Ex: They say you have a big nose... "Uh ok. Is that your fetish?"
Average people want you to lower your self-esteem b/c it makes them feel better
Crabs in a bucket
Mayweather's father didn't tell him to not think he's great
Tiger Woods, Kobe, Jordan, Elon Musk...they told themselves a different story
They will say: "He's arrogant/cocky"
Successful people understand
Ex: Mike Tyson on Deontay Wilder saying he will beat Tyson
Tyson's response: "He has to think like that. I thought that too"
The story in your head vs Story you say out loud
Say it out loud = cocky
Keep it to yourself = humble
Confidence comes from competence
You develop self-esteem by knowing the truth (about you)
Can't tell Tiger Woods he sucks. He knows he doesn't
Don't need to say need to show it
"I'm the greatest" vs "I'm going to be the greatest"
"I'm the greatest" = complacent & don't improve
"Going to be..." = always improving (allows you to stay on top)
Doesn't mean you're cocky
You're aware of what you're good at & not good at
Only real confidence can admit what they're not good at
You have to think highly of yourself to accomplish great things
Allows you to destroy obstacles
Problems, people, anything
Become delusional - "against all odds, you're going to do it"
Elon Musk - they said it can't be done, he said "I'll show"
The only people who WILL do it are the ones who believe they CAN do it
This isn't affirmations
Affirmations is when you're trying to convince yourself of something you're not
Confidence is when you know it to be true (you have reason for believing)
Ex: Ali - "I'm the greatest", part showmanship but also knew the work he put into it
Ex: Elon Musk - he understood the science behind it
They understood they can 'get there' rather than thinking 'I'm already there'
You have to have a chip on your shoulder b/c of what it does to you psychologically
Beliefs are more about what they do to you rather than whether or not they're true
What does the thought do to you?
Ex: Mike Tyson - "I'm going to kill him"
Hit with bad intentions
Believe it's possible = you try
Don't believe? = won't even start
Self esteem = built through competence
Stop accepting the story people create for you
"You're weird"
"You're crazy"
"It's not possible"
"You're too old"
Start creating the story YOU want for YOU
Self esteem allows you to create your story
Stop being so humble. Create YOUR story