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Causing the Chaos

Calming the Chaos

Release Date: 08/09/2020

COVID Chaos in LGBTQ+ Communities show art COVID Chaos in LGBTQ+ Communities

Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos welcomes Dr. Matt Goldenberg, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Teacher. Dr. Matt talks about the COVID-19 Pandemic and why this pandemic has affected LGBTQ+ communities so profoundly. Dr. Matt also presents some ideas to help individuals in LGBTQ communities calm the chaos in a pandemic that is still ongoing.

The Chaos of Menopause show art The Chaos of Menopause

Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos welcomes Debi Wallbank and Georgia Manning of “The Heart Core Warriors.” Debi and Georgia are on a mission to eliminate the stigma and the trauma of menopause. They are both extremely passionate when talking about menopause, and give some tips, tools and techniques you can use to cope with the Chaos of Menopause!

Men in Chaos show art Men in Chaos

Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos welcomes Ben Killoy, US Marine Corps Veteran, husband, father and host of two podcasts "The Military Veteran Dad" and "The Business of Fatherhood." Ben talks about how men can learn to remain calm in the face of chaos by accessing a calm place within their own hearts. In doing this, men can help themselves, then help their families and their communities move through experiences of chaos.

Transcending Chaos show art Transcending Chaos

Calming the Chaos

In this podcast, Victoria Shaw, PhD, talks about how she was able to move away from a near constant state of stress and anxiety in her life by learning to connect with her intuition and “inner wisdom.” Victoria will help you learn ways that you can access and use your inner wisdom to transcend chaos and make wise choices during times where you are thrown off balance.

Family Chaos! show art Family Chaos!

Calming the Chaos

Lester and Christie Seligman join Calming the Chaos for a fun conversation about family chaos. Through the Pandemic, Lester and Christie had their adult children return home to live. As a family they also faced a number of additional related and unrelated stressors. Lester and Christie share their stories of chaos in a lighthearted and upbeat way, and also share their secrets about how they managed to calm their chaos during an exceptionally stressful time.

The Chaos of 38DDD show art The Chaos of 38DDD

Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos interviews Author Michaela Cox, who shares her interesting and chaotic journey through life. She refers to her journey as “My 38DDD,” which includes three main aspects: Disability, Divorce and Death by 38 years of age.

The Chaos of Depression show art The Chaos of Depression

Calming the Chaos

Zack Rutledge participates in a Live Podcast Interview with Calming the Chaos. Zack is an ACE Certified Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Brain Health Trainer. Zack is also a black belt in Karate, and practices Yoga.

Chaos in Relationships show art Chaos in Relationships

Calming the Chaos

Tracy Kenela at Calming the Chaos interviews Laura Vaillancourt, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Creator of the Podcast "Life on Repeat." Tracy and Laura talk about red flags to be aware of when starting a new relationship....whether it is a friendship, romance or online relationship. Laura offers her own experience in relationships and her expertise through working with people who struggle in relationships.

Find Meaning Through Chaos! show art Find Meaning Through Chaos!

Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos welcomes Francie White, Ph.D. and Maria Rippo, M.A. onto a Live YouTube Show on Monday, April 5, 2021 at 1pm PST. We will talk about how painful and chaotic experiences can help you find meaning in life, and can prepare you to better cope with life’s challenges!

The Chaos of Trauma show art The Chaos of Trauma

Calming the Chaos

Sarah Buino, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), joins Calming the Chaos for a livestream show on YouTube to talk about the chaos of childhood trauma. Sarah will also share about how she helps her adult clients calm the chaos of their childhood trauma using a variety of different healing techniques, including NARM (neuro-affective relational

More Episodes

Episode Title: “Causing the Chaos”

Intro: In this episode, Tracy explores how people can cause chaos with their actions and their words. Tracy reviews the definition of chaos and looks at three types of situations where the words and deeds people can cause chaos within the minds of people.  Tracy gives examples to illustrate these three types of situations, and gives some tips about how to recognize and cope when the words and deeds of people cause mental and emotional chaos. 

  1. What is Chaos? As Defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary:
  • A state of utter confusion
  • A confused mass or mixture
  • Disorganized states
  • Unpredictable behavior

There are two different ways that chaos can show up in your life: 

  1. Real Chaos: Life threatening emergencies. These include anything uncontained, such natural disasters, (floods, fires, traffic accidents, mass shootings, riots, power outages).


  1. Perceived Chaos: Stressful, but non-life-threatening. Those things that “feel chaotic” and the things I think of as disorganized, random or intense, but that are just “too much.” Kind of like mail…or my hall closet.


  1. Causing the Chaos: Chaos can be caused from people’s actions and words in at least three (3) ways:
  • Intentional Chaos: A person deliberately causes chaos for others because they want to

Example: Bringing up controversial issues with an intention to “poke the bear”

Trigger subjects include Religion, Politics, Laws, Rules, Human Behaviors

  1. Perceived Chaos: Can result when the bear is poked – It can cause anger
  2. Real Chaos: Can result if the bear is poked and there is a violent response
  • Inadvertent Chaos: A person causes chaos because they are trying to get to the truth

Example: Bringing up questions about controversial issues (above) to formulate your own theories, and this upsets people who don’t want questions

  1. Perceived Chaos: Can result when firmly held beliefs are questioned


  1. Real Chaos: Can result when questions lead to invasion of privacy, private information is revealed, accusations are made or the police are called


  • Unintentional Chaos: A person tries to be helpful and instead causes chaos

Example: Intervening when two sides are opposing each other about controversial issues, trying to build a bridge or help two parties come to an agreement

  1. Perceived Chaos: Can result when people don’t want agreement, they want to keep fighting, and the thought of a peaceful resolution threatens their meaning in life.


  1. Real Chaos: When opinions about the intervening person are unflattering and it affects their reputation, relationships or causes them to lose a job.


Here’s what you COULD do if someone is “Causing the Chaos” for you (Not Recommended)

  • Intentional Chaos – YOU are the bear that someone pokes. You could retaliate against them.


  • Inadvertent Chaos – YOU are upset because someone else is trying to get at the truth, or is coming up with a theory that goes against your beliefs. You could discount them.


  • Unintentional Chaos – YOU become upset by someone else’s efforts to make peace. You could discredit them


Here’s an alternative action:

Respond….rather than React when you are in chaos, using the Five RULES:

The Five R-U-L-E-S of coping with situations where you are in chaos:


  1. Recognize- when you are triggered (physical, mental, emotional symptoms)
  2. Use– skills, breathing and fact checking to calm the physical body down
  3. Listen– To the facts, your values, what how you want to display yourself
  4. Evaluate- Take a moment to think things over – try to allow time before responding
  5. Say– what you need to say, remembering your values, act within the rules of anger:
    1. Don’t hurt yourself
    2. Don’t hurt anyone else
    3. Don’t damage property
    4. Don’t get arrested


Conclusion: There are solutions (other than retaliating, discounting or discrediting others, or reacting impulsively in anger), to manage the chaos someone else causes in your life. You can respond, rather than react, skillfully and effectively.


Are you motivated to do this?


  1. Motivators to effective chaos management include the values of….


  1. Integrity
  2. Professionalism
  3. Respect for others
  4. Harmony, Unity and Agreement (“Lokahi”)
  5. Kindness and Love




Beck, A.T. (1976). Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders. New York, NY: International Universities Press, Inc.


Chaos (n.) in Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chaos


Linehan, M. M. (1993). Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder. New York, NY, Guilford Press.