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Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Sideways Market

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Release Date: 12/04/2024

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Operation Challenge show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Operation Challenge

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Operation Challenge Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.  Same operation challenge in stage 4,5,6 and 7 that’s a dysfunctional problem, that’s a–you should have solved already, so if I were to say cash flow, good problem, bad problem, the answer is it depends, it depends on the stage you’re in. One of the interesting things about the discovery process and a dynamic that’s very very common in our personal life and in our business lives is–is that we most of us pretty much know when...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 3 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 3

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Up Strategy -  Premium Price- Part 3 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. What kind of buyer would pay for the guarantee? Somebody who needs you to start on a certain date,somebody who needs you to finish by a certain date, they’re undertime distress, and you will say, “gosh who’d on the right mind would pay fifteen thousand dollars extra” ,well if your running a million dollar project and landscaper usually last one in I’m preventing you from getting your certificate of occupancy....

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 2 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 2

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Up Strategy -  Premium Price - Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.   Cause you know what I did, I took the top five complaints. You keep on never show up on time, you don’t start on time,you don’t finish on time, you change orders us to death you tell me one price and it turns out to be another,you don’t have senior management on site and you don’t stand behind your work your fly by night you’ll be gone tomorrow the day after I pay you,your gone. So I said fine, here’s...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy - Premium Price Part 1 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy - Premium Price Part 1

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

 Up Strategy -  Premium Price Part 1 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.   So in our pricing strategy we need to have our Up strategy. A premium strategy that’s turn key that comes with a premium price. Now you may not end up doubled and double again you might have to bring it back down and find where the market acceptance rate would be. But it’s got to be at least twenty-five to thirty-five percent higher than your core offering. Now I don’t know how many of you remember 1985...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Why is Calling You Urgent show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Why is Calling You Urgent

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Why is Calling You Urgent? Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Take a moment right down what is that--what is the top five complaints about your industry, maybe not about you as a company, maybe you as a company but maybe not, but about your industry so how would you know that? So think of the a customer negative customer--customers review you’ve gotten or competitors have gotten, the sales objection you get from a prospect when your telling them about your product or service and when you--when you...

CarlGould-#70SecondCEO-Are you the front of the house or back of the house show art CarlGould-#70SecondCEO-Are you the front of the house or back of the house

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO - just a little over a minute investment everyday for a lifetime of results. Our topic today is -  Are you a Muddy Fish or are you a Clean Fish? I wonder.    So, a muddy fish. Are you the kind of person that is fast-paced and outgoing? You're not very detail-oriented. You’re results-driven.  You like things new, trendy, flashy. You tend to be on the business development and visionary side of the business.   Or are you a clean fish?  You like the water clean.  You like systems and processes and...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Client Picked You Because You Are the Best Option show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Client Picked You Because You Are the Best Option

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

The Client Picked You Because You Are the Best Option Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO - just a little over a minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. They're not going to pay a whole bunch of money on the off chance you're good. They're going to think you're really good already.  They're going to think and by the way, if you fire them,  guess what they lose you and they think you're the best option, right? That's why I was in a position one time in my landscaping company where I was in a position where I had to give back the guarantee, but if I gave him back the...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Categorize Themselves by The Pricing They Pick show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Categorize Themselves by The Pricing They Pick

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Consumers Categorize Themselves by The Pricing They Pick Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO.  Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Wouldn't it be nice to know and be able to categorize your clients based on their pricing? So I offer a success fee option and I offer a retainer option. Remember I said before that if the industry's sideways you gotta give something for free and you gotta bundle, right? And you say, well how am I gonna know where the industry is? You're not.  You're gonna offer a menu of pricing and you're...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Invisible Pricing - Need a Better Offer show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Invisible Pricing - Need a Better Offer

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Invisible Pricing - Need a Better Offer  Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO.  Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. A year, that means you're one in 600 people. That is 10 million or more, and we need to walk into a building that has 12,000 people in it to meet a peer. What we do is not easy, right? So you're doing all of this work only to price yourself to where you're invisible. That's got to change. It is unacceptable to me that you sit down with a client, you're as knowledgeable as you are, you teach them everything they...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Value an Expert show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Value an Expert

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

 Consumers Value an Expert  Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO.  Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And so here's what I learned. What I learned was if people value what you do, if they really value what they do, and  if they have a need, they want to go with an expert. I had built the reputation of the guy who came in and would bang out a job and get the heck out of there. And we demanded that we had access to your property from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week. Really? Like you're going to be at my house on...

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Sideways Market

Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.

 When it's sideways, people are paralyzed, right? I was in Los Angeles one time when there was an earthquake. I was like, what was that? We don't get those on the East Coast, right? And all the native Californians were like, no big deal. It's just an earthquake. I'm like, earthquake, Jesus, right? Now, when there's an earthquake, what are people doing? Are they saying, oh, wait a minute, we will have to evacuate. We should get to the vending machines and stock up and provision because we might be outside for a while. Or are they like, Jesus, let's get to the door? What are they doing, buying, or they're getting out?  They're getting out.

They're not buying when the market's going sideways, right? You all hear about how your customers are saying, well, I'm waiting for the presidential election. Then I'm going to know how things are going to go, right? Right now, there is a macro paralysis in buying until the presidential election. We are in a sideways market in almost all industries right now.

Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.