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79 - Hormones, Perimenopause & Skincare: The 40+ female’s definitive guide to staying young, vibrant, and energetic… for life!

The Chase Life Podcast

Release Date: 02/07/2023

106 – Outgrowing Your Circle – How to thrive when loved ones stay stuck show art 106 – Outgrowing Your Circle – How to thrive when loved ones stay stuck

The Chase Life Podcast

How do you transform your body, identity & life when you’re surrounded by people who aren’t on the same journey? What do you do when those closest to you, consciously or unconsciously, hold you back from personal growth and transformation? How do you handle peer pressure whether it’s overt or covert? This is a topic everyone will face when they commit to change – whether it’s physical change or anything else. In this episode we answer all these questions and more, and give you the practical and psychological strategies for being able to navigate life changing personal...

105 – Burnout & Exhaustion – How to turn your life around show art 105 – Burnout & Exhaustion – How to turn your life around

The Chase Life Podcast

Today we discuss how to overcome burnout & exhaustion, and do a full 360 on life, whilst still fulfilling on your commitments and responsibilities. We cover a broad range of topics including: Whether you take the nuclear option and change your life wholesale, or take smaller, incremental changes. Easy changes that won’t take any extra time out of your schedule. How nutrition and sleep habits enhance energy, resilience and cognitive function. How stepping out of your masculine and into your feminine energy will give you back a greater level of control. How to identify and navigate the...

104 – Why We Like Rapid Weight Loss – and how to do it show art 104 – Why We Like Rapid Weight Loss – and how to do it

The Chase Life Podcast

Believe it or not, we like rapid weight loss programmes to kick start things off… but not the way most people do them. In this episode, we discuss how to lose weight quickly and healthily without the typical and predictable problems of the past… … and even more importantly, we lay out how to what’s required to take that initial momentum, and turn it into a lifelong, life changing transformation of being in amazing shape year round and feeling confident, energised, and full of life. CONNECT WITH US! At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs...

103 – Calories, Fat Loss & Manifestation show art 103 – Calories, Fat Loss & Manifestation

The Chase Life Podcast

Today’s episode takes an unexpected turn! We start by addressing the question, “I’m 40, I’ve got a 5 year old son, I’m lifting weights 3 days a week, I’m on 1700 kcal and I’m not losing fat” We end up covering the big picture of fat loss and working through 4 levels of blindspots that keep people stuck… ending with spirituality, energy & frequency! We introduce our approach and philosophy when it comes to energy work, and how we cannot separate… … the practical & scientific components of fat loss from mindset work & personal development…  … which in...

102 – Thriving in Success, Struggling in Life show art 102 – Thriving in Success, Struggling in Life

The Chase Life Podcast

An extremely common experience for many high achievers is a feeling of, “is this it?!” You’ve dedicated yourself to excellence and high achievement…  And yet something is missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You thought that you’d be happy and fulfilled by now. But every goal you reach gives you a temporary high for a day, and then you’re straight back to feeling the same way again. It’s starting to feel like Groundhog Day. Over time you become more and more disillusioned, frustrated, and even lost.  You thought the solution was more striving & more...

101 – Fit For Success: How Business Leaders & High Achievers Can Lose Weight AND Outperform Professionally show art 101 – Fit For Success: How Business Leaders & High Achievers Can Lose Weight AND Outperform Professionally

The Chase Life Podcast

When you’re a successful female entrepreneur or executive, it’s easy to feel like nobody understands you… … the ambition, the relentless pursuit of excellence, the drive, work ethic, pressure, demands, why you take on so much and how you’re able to get so much done. Which, if at the same time, you’ve been struggling with your body, weight, or health habits, it’s understandable that you’d think… “I’m intelligent, driven & hard working, why the hell can’t I get a grip on my body & weight issues?!” Episode 101 explains why. In this episode Rachel & David...

100 - Cracking The Code: Understanding The Hidden Factors Behind Weight Loss Struggles & Work-Health Balance show art 100 - Cracking The Code: Understanding The Hidden Factors Behind Weight Loss Struggles & Work-Health Balance

The Chase Life Podcast

In today’s episode, David & Rachel discuss: Why nutrition & exercise – whilst vital – are not the REAL problem Why yet another diet plan, workout plan, or mindlessly following a routine will not create a successful long term habit What is really required to create lasting personal transformation Why information doesn’t not create transformation How we use “information gathering mode” to avoid making a commitment, facing our fears, and addressing the real problem Why struggling with work-life and work-health balance is first and foremost a mindset issue, and not a lack of...

99 - Personal Leadership, Rachel’s F**k Ups & The Mindset Of Leaders & Entrepreneurs show art 99 - Personal Leadership, Rachel’s F**k Ups & The Mindset Of Leaders & Entrepreneurs

The Chase Life Podcast

Leadership is vital skill for any entrepreneur, but it’s also a vital life skill for everybody. If you don’t lead your own life, you’ll drift and end up with a life by default instead of a life by design. In entrepreneurship – as in life – we encounter difficult, scary, and risky decisions. We come face to face with the TRUE nature of life which is uncertainty.  Many people really struggle to handle uncertainty… They want to predict the unpredictable & control the uncontrollable… They want guarantees and protection that bad things, painful things, or unwanted things will...

98 - Making Menopause Your Bitch with Esther Blum show art 98 - Making Menopause Your Bitch with Esther Blum

The Chase Life Podcast

After 35, your body changes. You have physiological considerations that cannot be ignored.  Changes in your body - as a result of age, or working in a high pressure environment for many years, or starting a family. Changes such as hormonal changes, perimenopause or approaching perimenopause, systemic imbalances from chronic stress such as adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, or issues with your gut health. The diet and exercise games you used to play no longer work.  But this is the easy part.  In this episode of The Chase Life Podcast, we welcome back special guest Esther Blum...

97 - Why Successful Career Women Can’t Lose Weight – The simple framework to succeed physically as well as professionally show art 97 - Why Successful Career Women Can’t Lose Weight – The simple framework to succeed physically as well as professionally

The Chase Life Podcast

Most people will never understand the mindset, or the lives of high achievers. They don’t get the drive, the work ethic, or how you’re able to get so much done. They also don’t understand how time poor you are.  Of course, “I don’t have time” is indeed a cheap excuse.  However, we can’t ignore the fact that you really are time poor.  We also can’t ignore the fact that you consistently handle more problems, responsibility, uncertainty, and high level decisions than most people could fathom on a daily basis. Which means that you’re stressed and frequently on the...

More Episodes

Grab a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or hell, an espresso martini and pull up a chair, because you definitely don’t want to miss this one!

Ep 79 of the Chase Life Podcast sees Rachel welcome good friend, hormone and skincare specialist Emma Melhuish to discuss the link between hormones, skincare, and what we can be doing as 35 + year old females to improve our skin and particularly the skin on our face.

The truth is, as women, a lot of weird stuff starts to happen in our bodies after age 35. Our moods start to change, our hormones take a nosedive, and our skin seems to go full out rogue on us.

Consequently, a lot of us are left with the sensation of, “am I just losing my mind??” accompanied by the sinking and very real preoccupation of a nightmarish return to pre-adolescent acne and all that that entails.

However, no need to panic… help is on its way! In this episode Rachel and Emma discuss:

-The effect of going on the pill early in life and the repercussions of that as you enter into perimenopause…and what you can do to mitigate the consequences.

-How long it takes to arrive at a postmenopausal state hormonally.

-Diet and lifestyle and how that DIRECTLY affects not only PMS but your hormones.

-How to optimize lifestyle first, and when to look for alternative help.

-The key pillars of what to do when your skin, hormones, and gut are out of whack, and the top 4-5 protocols Emma has someone do before she prescribes any sort of skincare treatment.

-The role of emotional fitness in balancing overall hormonal health and protecting your energy.

-The best and worst kind of exercise for your hormonal health and skin…and where most women go wrong.

-Emma’s own personal journey and challenges, her battles with anxiety and rampant mood swings, and why she finally decided to go down the route of HRT.

-Emma's step by step approach to balancing your hormones, her top products for skincare for any skin type, and why it’s about looking good for your age… not like you’re 20!

Episode 79 is chock full of actionable, relatable and useful takeaways that will have you both simultaneously laughing and frantically taking notes. An episode on the pillars of keeping you young, vibrant, and energetic… for life!


💫Our Private Client Accelerator is open! 💫

You’re already a high achiever, the one that knows it’s all “figureoutable”.

You command the vibe, the energy and the attention. You fundamentally know you can have it all. To be sexy AF, have a healthy body, ultra confidence, incredible relationships and be worthy of massive financial compensation for the work that you do.

But you’re also frustrated….

And if we’re speaking honestly

You’re done with the nonsense of continuing to play at a level that quite frankly… is beneath you.

You’re hiding, unfulfilled and underperforming… and it’s been this way for some time now.

It’s not your vibe nor is it aligned. Not with your deep inner self who knows it was made for more, capable of more, brought here for more.

You’re ready.

To upgrade yourself and upgrade your life.

To unveil the high value woman, your next level, best version of yourself, who is lurking, deep within, waiting to be unleashed upon the world, and claim who it is you really are.

💫 For the woman who wants more and to learn how to play on HER terms with energetics and radical authenticity

Email: [email protected] to talk personally + directly with us.

Love Rachel & David