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142 | Does Your Business Need a Customer Avatar?

Entrepreneur Like You

Release Date: 05/08/2018

168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really) show art 168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really)

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube: [] Oh Man, if Steve Jobs were still alive, I would punch him in the face right now because I'm having such trouble getting my Mac book to record the freaking audio through I'm movie, um, that it's caused me to spend like an hour recording, like a five minute podcasts. So sucky. So sorry if this one is a little short. I've already recorded the...

167 | (Weekly Wrap Up) ALL of My Excuses for Not Moving Forward show art 167 | (Weekly Wrap Up) ALL of My Excuses for Not Moving Forward

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] Alright guys, well it is Friday and so I guess the traditional work week is coming to an end. I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday actually because we were just talking about the weekend and kind of what's going to happen. Um, we were, I was just describing kind of how from here on out it's going to be very, very hard for...

166 | Steer Away From the Facebook Poison and Stay in The Saddle! show art 166 | Steer Away From the Facebook Poison and Stay in The Saddle!

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] I'm sitting here like the, the piece of equipment that I, a piece of software rather than I used to record these. I kind of do it weird. I don't use garage band. I'm a MAC person just because they're so much easier for me to use than a PC. But I'm on my Mac. I have obviously I have garage band and I also have my movie. I like to record...

165 | Can You Really Trust People Enough to Delegate? show art 165 | Can You Really Trust People Enough to Delegate?

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] One of the reasons I like being an entrepreneur so much is that when push comes to shove, I know that I can actually get things done like I've done in the past. I'll do it in the future. That's just the type of person that I am. If something needs to get done, whatever it takes, I'll do it, you know, and that's something that I didn't...

164 | Are You Willing To Start At The Bottom? show art 164 | Are You Willing To Start At The Bottom?

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] So last time we talked that it was on Friday and I had just had pretty successful day using text message marketing that didn't really carry over necessarily into the weekend. I was hoping it would still be dripping in over the weekend. The people who hadn't responded. So I think I sent it up to 60 or 70 people. I sent like a mass...

163 | How Text Message Marketing Gave Me My Best Day Yet show art 163 | How Text Message Marketing Gave Me My Best Day Yet

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] Hey guys, I'm trying to record this podcast every day of the week and I just started back on Wednesday and today's Friday and I already missed Thursday somehow. How the Hell I missed the second day yesterday I kept saying I'm about to do the podcast, I'm going to do the podcast, I'm going to do the podcast. And I never got around to it...

162 | Why I MUST Have Daily Habits to Succeed  show art 162 | Why I MUST Have Daily Habits to Succeed

Entrepreneur Like You

It has been a LONG time since I recorded a new podcast. But I am back, and I am stronger than ever!    My LLC business is steadily growing and I am STILL looking to break into real estate.    If you want to book a time with me go the llcfreedom.com/calendar

161 | Negotiating With As Many Sellers as Possible  show art 161 | Negotiating With As Many Sellers as Possible

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:

160 | Negotiating My First REI Wholesale Opportunity  show art 160 | Negotiating My First REI Wholesale Opportunity

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:

159 | Entrepreneurship Is Not a Place to Hide show art 159 | Entrepreneurship Is Not a Place to Hide

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:

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Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!


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Welcome to entrepreneur like you with business attorney and entrepreneur chance, a daily podcast that brings you the best legal tips, marketing strategies and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way. The first time,

of course I ever took on online business was called Internet business mastery. It's just the names of all the internet business to have so, but I know I talk about a book that I love on here called expert secrets and there's another book by that same author, the author called Dotcom secrets and it's cheesy the names or cheesy, but they're pretty beneficial. Internet business mastery was a super-duper beginner course. I got turned on to it because of a guy named Pat Flynn, who does he kind of teach people how to do affiliate marketing, that that was what he was teaching people when I first found them and he teaches people how to, how to create podcasts and stuff. That's how I learned how to do my first podcast was through his free youtube videos and I don't listen to a much anymore because a, I dunno, I dunno.

I just, he's, his persona doesn't fit me as well as some other people that uh, I've got turned on to now and some more personal branding's focused things than affiliate marketing things, but so in, in internet business mastery, and one thing that Pat Flynn teaches and a ton of the older stuff, I don't know if they're still teaching this, is that, uh, one of the first things you have to do is create an Avatar for your perfect customer. So that just means like Phillip Finding out who you want to serve and literally like, you know, finding a picture of a, of a male and a female posting up on a board, a creating like demographic info for them. Like what's their age? How much money do they make? What type of clothes do they wear? What a religion or that you want to try to think about every single thing that you can.

Because when you, the ideas that like, once you know who that person is, then you can like speak directly to that person instead of it just being so speculative of who's going to be your customer. And I always thought that was a bunch of bs and I never fully went in on it when I, even when I did the Internet business mastery course, I learned a lot of stuff about how to plot out social media and use social media for your business. That was kind of the main benefit of that. And I still use some of the tactics and stuff from that course today. But, uh, the avatar stuff I never really bought into. But right now I'm doing this course with a guy named. It's not even a course, it's like coaching kind of from a guy named Jordan stanley pain. I've talked about him a lot on here recently because he's the one whose methods for real estate and an investment really helped me do in personal branding stuff for my llc business.

And I'm still still learning on the real estate a front. And I still plan on doing that. And it's something that I'm actively working on and I'm gonna probably be doing that with a business partner. But we're running into some issues. I have extra issues of launching certain businesses because of the fact that I hold a license with the state, so when you hold some sort of license with the state in exchange for them letting you practice, you know, in whatever profession it is that you have to be licensed and you have to adhere to some extra guidelines, ethical guidelines, so everything takes a little bit longer unfortunately. So that's why I've been talking about doing this for so long and it still isn't happening. It isn't because I'm not taking action. It's because I have to really negotiate with them and deal with them and figure out like, what's, what's allowed, what's not, what's on the table, what's off the table.

And it just, it's time-consuming. It's extremely frustrating, but at the same time I get to do a lot of stuff that other people don't get to you. I'm not complaining about it. It's just something that takes a long time. Um, which is unfortunate. So my son says all the time takes a long time. That's how I feel. But I'm dealing with the State Bar Association. So that's why a lot of real estate investors just side note, don't want to get a licensed as you know, real estate agents because once you have that license, it restricts what you can do. It allows you to do some other things, but if you're just looking to invest and that's it, you're not looking to like middle deals for people. If you're a real estate investing, you'll know, you'll know what I mean, that you don't want to have that license sometimes because it can kind of put the handcuffs on you in certain situations where you can't share fees, you can't accept fees certain ways. And I'm in that same position as an attorney where I can't, you know, talk to the same clients, uh, on the legal side that I'm going to have on the real estate investing side. Like once you've talked to her about one thing or the other than the other businesses that you have are off the table. So it creates this weird situation. Like with my [inaudible], this is a huge tangent, but with my old sees, a lot of times people want to follow up and get some other legal issue handled and I can't mix those two businesses

for ethical reasons. I'm not going to go into exactly why it does actually make sense. When you look at why the state bar tricks it, it's like, OK, yes, if you represent the resident attorney, you're not likely to sue yourself at another business or something. You know like how they look at it as that. It's just a conflict of interest. Regardless when you create a customer Avatar, they weren't way off the rails, but when you create a customer Avatar

you really can open up what type of copywriting you're doing and that's something I'm learning from Jordan Stanley pain and I've always thought it was bs that I've heard a lot of the gurus there split about 50 50 and you know the ones who had been doing it a long time. I think they're on the side of creating avatars, the ones who hit pay dirt and like knocked it out of the park with the Webinar that made them a million bucks right out of the gate. They, you know, a lot of them didn't create the Avatar and so they just followed a script and it worked and they are just like, you don't need an Avatar, but most businesses aren't going to, are going to operate like that. You have to operate for the long-term. So creating an Avatar is helpful. I've noticed just from like two days of being in the what's called the inner circle with Jordan.

Stanley Payne another kind of like cheesy name, but that's just the way that Internet marketing is this cheesy names. So yes, creating an Avatar is just looking at every possible way, every, every possible detail of the person that you're going to be speaking to you. And then you can literally create your ad copy, like as if you're speaking to that person directly, like they're sitting there in front of you. What would you say to them? You know, and it helps you to sell to them and speak to them and just solve their particular problems. So ultimately that's what you're looking to do with an avatars, figure out who they are, all these issues that they're facing and how can you solve those problems for them. So I do. I fall on the side. Now if have definitely creating a customer Avatar, I think that's super duper important. It's one of the first steps that you should take when you create your business. Hey guys, thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me, one on one, jump over to llc freedom.com/calendar and grab a time from my hubspot calendar there. And uh, we can set a time to talk about your business, see what it is that you do, talk about, you know, what I do, and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar.