Entrepreneur Like You
My Name is Chance Reynolds and I'm a Small Business Attorney and Entrepreneur. In this show, we'll be talking with entrepreneurs about real problems they deal with behind the scenes. I'll be talking about my struggles, the struggles of my clients and I'll be answering your questions!
168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really)
168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really)
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: [] Oh Man, if Steve Jobs were still alive, I would punch him in the face right now because I'm having such trouble getting my Mac book to record the freaking audio through I'm movie, um, that it's caused me to spend like an hour recording, like a five minute podcasts. So sucky. So sorry if this one is a little short. I've already recorded the whole thing and then it just didn't record which, uh, uh, complaining. Yes. Because it gets on my last nerve when I do an impromptu kind of, you know, defined to eight minute long podcast and none of it gets saved and then it's kind of contrived a little bit on the second and third tri potentially. Um, cause I like to keep it like off the top of my head. I didn't even think about really necessarily what I'm going to say before I start talking about it. [] But either way the show must go on. So. So as I had talked about before on the show last week, I'm going to break the seat's already like clunkier than it was last time. That's what's making me mad. So I'm, I'm going to try to talk about by LLC business, which is something that's already an established business already profitable. It's been operating for a little bit over a year now and it's turning a profit. So that's good. Um, when I first started this business, I met with some people that told me that there was no way I was going to make any money within the first three years. They're like, prepare for three years of about making money at all. I'm like losing money for three years. They were just like, can you do that? I was like, not really, like, um, so I was really, really discouraged after I've met with them, but it was a consultant and someone else had. [] It actually wasn't this business to be fair to them. It was a different tutoring business that I was doing for law school students at that time, which a given a little more time, I can actually, you know, they were, they were more correct on that. I, I worked on that one only like six months before I got this idea for this business and start running with this. So who knows, that would, maybe that would, would have taken three years. This one did not take three years though. It was profitable probably within about eight months, which uh, is good and I need to do some more prospecting. So last week. So, so one of the things I was talking about before the a podcast tried to record, it was moving from an actual office, like I had an office for probably at least six months, maybe eight months at an actual office building, you know, where I went in and had an office and we had the conference room at all that and it was nice. [] But then I started not really using all the amenities that were provided, like the conference room and I was just using my office, which is basically like a closet essentially for what I. But I didn't really need anything specifically big because I don't really entertain clients face to face. So, um, I was going to the office less and less. And then my wife and I bought House that had a, had like a converted garage, like have our garage converted into a room. And I guess some really, really sad persons lived in this part of the garage because there's, you're still isolated from the rest of the house, but it's a, would it be great to live out here unless maybe you're a teenager or something? It is great to have it as an office because it's separated from the house a little bit. Um, but which is good, you know, I've seen saving money on pointless office I can come to work without even like combing my hair or anything. Like I'm just, I'm at work, like whenever I want to be at work. [] And my son had just started kindergarten this year, so I was thinking like, you know, I don't really need an office as much as he's going to be at school five days a week, you know, during kind of like my peak business hours when I'm talking to clients and stuff like that. So it seemed like a great idea. It has worked out well, but there are ups and downs. It's not exactly. There are things I miss about the office. I'm like, how often I could go live and know that I'm going to be undisturbed here at the House on. I haven't really been going live. It's like a big problem. Realizing like how long it's been since I've gone live and this is one of the main ways I do by prospecting and haven't had to. I've been very lucky that my calendar's been full anyway, but it's starting to get a dip down so I need to figure out a way to. It's not necessarily confidence like to me it's about professionalism. I like to do my lives. I need to know that I'm going to be able to get all the way through them without being disturbed. I don't want any unknown elements to disturb my facebook blogs. Like the mailman comes. I have two dogs. They're boring. To me that's like really, really unprofessional. I don't want to deal with that, but I need to just get over it and just do it. Like whatever. Who cares really? [] So yeah. Yeah. That's, that's the biggest downside is that my prospecting is dipped down so my calendar hasn't dipped down yet, but it's, I see that it's going to in the future, um, you know, like towards the end of this week and next week. So I need to start doing some facebook lives, so to get some people on the phones to talk to them about llcs and some of you know, some of you don't know what I do on my facebook lives to reach out to other people. Maybe on average like 500 to a thousand people per alive when everything's said and done is I have a presentation that I built from talking to so many people in the real estate industry and in the online business niche. I've talked to them. I know what their questions are, I know what they're hanging up. Sorry about the LLC. So I created a presentation about that, answering those questions, which is obviously a great way to build trust because I do know what I'm talking about so I'm not faking it till I make it or anything like that. Which definitely helps when you actually know what you're talking about. So [] Albert presentation and I go lot to two groups that people had me to, if I and everybody has this problem where you get added to a ton of groups. I think facebook is maybe doing something a little bit different now where they're preventing that from happening any happening as easily. But before you would get added to like 20, 30, 40 groups. I mean this happened to me and I'm just like, if you're adding me to your group, I'm going to go live to your group. I don't go join a group specifically to go lot to a group, but um, I use a little piece of software called [inaudible] live.tv, um, that where you can kind of schedule a lot broadcast. And you know what? I just scheduled it like straight up in other people's groups that are added to a group. I'm going to go a lot to your group and it's going to be hard for you to ban me from your group, but if you want to go ahead, I don't care or delete my video or something like that because what I'm providing is actually valuable to your audience and if you don't want that to provide value to your audience, why do you have a facebook group? [] So it's hard. I've actually not been banned from our group, but I've called a lot, several dozen times to the same facebook groups that have like, you know, 50,000 people in them. But um, you don't do it to the groups where you're actually getting valued groups that you want to be in. You know what I mean? So you've got to be careful on what you do. Either way that's happening with Llcs, I need to go a lot more. I'm going to do at least one or two lives per week. Hopefully going forward, I'm just to stay fresh on real estate. I have some, some of the warmest leads I've ever had. I'm so for sale by owners right here in my neighborhood, which is awesome. I wasn't necessarily driving for dollars or anything. I just happened to see them when I was just walking in my neighborhood. [] So two houses for sale by owner that I'm, I'm working on working on, working on and hopefully something will come come of those, but if not, um, it's coming back around to about the month. It's been about a month since I had started cold calling. So those leads are ready to be called again. I'm gonna Start Recalling those same absentee owner leads. That's what's going on a real estate. Hope. Everybody's having a great week. I'm going to try to, you know, continue to pump these out. I don't think that's going to happen five, five days a week. It's just my mornings are too crammed. But, um, hopefully you know, on a, on a pretty regular basis. So reach out to me LLC, freedom.com/calendar. If you want to talk about llcs very specifically. And.
167 | (Weekly Wrap Up) ALL of My Excuses for Not Moving Forward
167 | (Weekly Wrap Up) ALL of My Excuses for Not Moving Forward
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: [] Alright guys, well it is Friday and so I guess the traditional work week is coming to an end. I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday actually because we were just talking about the weekend and kind of what's going to happen. Um, we were, I was just describing kind of how from here on out it's going to be very, very hard for me to ever take like a full weekend off since I'm running this business. It's just kind of one of the sacrifices sometimes you have to make if you want to operate your own business because a lot of the people that I'm dealing with or at least when you're working with entrepreneurs, um, and that's kind of your target market mainly because a lot of people actually work nine to five, so they work nights and so during the week if they're there, it's not a possibility for them to actually get on the phone. [] Nine to five, which I don't keep my calendar open at night because I coached my son's tee ball team for one, which is a whole nother podcast. And in an of itself, how that ended up coming into play because it definitely wasn't something I was, uh, had signed up for thought I was going to end up doing, but uh, just kind of ended up doing that. Uh, definitely I don't want to say it against my will, but they just said we don't have a good, like we're not gonna be able to have a coach. So I had to do it. But, um, my nights are busy doing that and spending time with my son and my wife as well. Uh, so I, I also, my brain doesn't function at night. This is something that's happened forever. Like I'm a super early riser. I get up really early in the morning. [] Um, that's the most productive time of my day or the first four or five hours of my day. I normally get up like, around in the fives, you know, so not something crazy. I see some people that their schedule's like, they get up at 4:30, they work out for an hour, then they eat some wheat grass or some shit. I don't do anything like that. Like, I don't have like a crazy morning routine that I do. I like to do this podcast early in the morning and uh, that's what I'm doing now, but my brain functions best in the morning. So I like to get all of my fulfillment side of my business done before lunch and then take my calls from lunch to fiveish. Um, if I'm doing like four or five hours of calls, so the day I don't like to spend more than five hours a day on the phone talking about the LLC, it's just my brain will just be complete mush by the end of the day because I'm handling, you know, somewhat high level questions about people's businesses. [] I mean, it's not like something that's passive that I can read off a script. I wouldn't want to do a script even if I could. Um, I like to actually look at the situations that people are in and to give them advice based off that. Um, and that's kind of what being a lawyer is all about. Not like I'm actually an attorney to these people, but that's what you've trained your brain to be analytical. That's kind of the whole point of going to law school is being able to do that. That's where your worth is. And so that's like, you know, that's what I want to provide to people. Um, but after say five, 36 ish, my brain is not functioning at the same level that it was because I'm just, I'm tired. I want to just like watch mindless stuff and, and just hang out, um, at that point. [] So I leave my calendar open on the weekends because of that, because some people that are working nine to fives, my calendar is not available to them and I don't want to have to make myself available at night so I have Saturdays and Sundays. So it's just like if you can't make a, make a consult on Saturday, Sunday or normal business hours Monday through Friday, whatever, normal business hours already, you know, like nine to five. Um, then it's just unfortunate, but I'm not, I'm probably not going to be able to help you with the consult. I could still pro chat back and forth. I don't mind doing some chatting and stuff after hours. Like, I'm definitely responding to emails and doing all those things, you know, in the evenings, but I'm, I'm just much, much smarter in the mornings and I want to have all my, you know, my brain cells functioning properly. So that's something that we've been talking about and I was like, look, this is going to be probably another year of this. [] I mean, of course here and there I'll have the occasional weekend off. But um, for the most part it's not like we can disappear off the grid or something with this very specific business. Now if the real estate stuff starts picking up, and I described it earlier this week, I'm going to kind of try to break this podcast into two pieces. One piece, my existing LLC business, which is fully functional and profitable, you know, already. Um, in kind of what I'm doing for that. And I've talked about delegation on here a lot before. So people that are listening to that first part about the LLC business and they don't hear anything about me delegating very much of what I do. I don't really like to delegate a lot of stuff in that business. It's hard for me and until I get somebody that can work in the office with me like an intern, paralegal, there's only very limited things that I will outsource to the paralegal that I do work with. [] So, or that works for me rather. Um, so that's that. But when it comes to real estate, the only thing that really has is holding me up at this point for moving forward with that is the marketing piece of it. And anyone who understands real estate, that's the whole thing. That's the entire business basically. Um, I don't really have the money to invest in, in the type of marketing that I want to do. I could. And this is not complaints at all, this is just where I'm at. I'm not saying that I couldn't do certain things. There are certain types of marketing that I definitely could do, like cold calling, which I've done, you know, a significant amount of. I have. I'm not opposed to cold calling whatsoever, but time wise I don't really want to spend my time doing that. So I'm not, you know, if I don't want to spend my time doing that and I don't have the money to do other things, um, to invest in other types of, of more passive marketing like facebook ads, Google ad words, um, it's, I'm still on the fence about whether or not I can really do bandit signs since I hold the license with the state as an attorney. [] I can't. It's tough. Like I could get, I could get, uh, an ethical complaint real quick. Um, based off of bandit signs, I just don't want to really take that risk. So bandit signs really aren't in the cards for me right this moment until maybe I started working with somebody else, like a bird dog or something, um, that can do that for me. And then I'll pay a percentage or something like that. Maybe. Maybe that's something I'll do. But I would rather focus more on inbound marketing strategies than outbound marketing strategies with real estate. And you know, somebody that's more experienced to real estate would hear this and be like, what the hell are you talking about? Just get out there and do the work and that's half of it. That is half of it, but. And I don't disagree with that whatsoever, but I want to do something where the leads are coming to me. [] They're already, they're choosing me. So like inbound marketing being something like facebook ads where you're targeting people on a list, like with a custom audience. I understand how facebook ads work. I've run tons of facebook ads, I understand the backside of facebook ads. I'm not going to like necessarily talk about how to build those right now. I'm not a google ad words expert. I'm probably, you know, I'm up there on facebook ads. I'm pretty knowledgeable about those so I probably would do something like that but I don't have the budget to do it, so I really would just honestly rather outsource it and it's way easier to delegate this stuff in a real estate business because of the type of people that you're dealing with. It's not specialized knowledge necessarily that you need to have. Like I need to have a, my llc business, so like I can't really outsource the talking to the clients portion of what I do, the consult portion of what I do in my llc business. [] There's not really any of any of real estate business that you can't outsource. You probably don't want to outsource all of it. You want to figure out what the, what the couple of things are that, that you want to do and that you like to do and that you're most effective doing and, and, and do those things. But um, there's nothing to say that you couldn't completely have a passive real estate business where you have disposition people, acquisition people, your marketing company, however you're doing your marketing. That's always something that you could outsource. You don't have to, but there's all, there's always somebody that will do that at a price. Um, whether it's facebook ads, bandit signs, cold calling, you know, with virtual assistants inhouse callers. Like all of those things can be outsourced for sure. No question about it. So to me it's just a matter of putting aside some money. [] Probably it's going to be another couple weeks, um, but maybe next week I'm going to hire. I can't decide if I want to do hire some cold callers or if I want to hire facebook ads, a guy that claim sees, you know, maybe he gives you 10 leads a week, but they're very, very targeted and NATO, they've taken an action to show that they want to sell rather than the type of marketing that I've done to this point, which is just a list of people who own two houses, absentee owners is what they're called. Um, and you're just asking, calling them up and asking them completely uninitiated whether or not they want to sell their house. And like 99 percent of them are just like, what the hell are you talking about? Why would it, why my son lives there? My daughter lives there. That's almost all of the absentees that I've talked to. [] And I'm sure if you kept doing it, it would work. I think all of the marketing channels probably do work if you have the time to do it or the ability to outsource it. I just don't necessarily want to spend my time doing that, so that's why I can't really complain if a real estate is not moving forward because it's definitely a choice that I'm making to not spend my time doing those things. So it's not moving forward either way. It's been an awesome week. I really wish that a little bit more what to move forward with me actually doing the cold calling for this other company because to me that's worth it. So like if I'm doing it for someone else who already has an established team of people and I don't have to worry about the disposition and the actual acquisition meetings and meeting with the sellers and all of that, that would be a great learning experience. [] I would love to do that. Um, but, and then just get paid kind of like a flat fee on, on each know if anything closes when it closes to me that's worth my time. But just cold calling and then I know I have on top of that I have to do all the other things. Um, because I don't have a team in place that's just not really in the cards with my llc business right now, so trying to figure out a way to, to, to make these two businesses work together. And uh, this one's a little bit longer than usual. So I hope everybody had a great week and we have a great weekend. Enjoy the long weekend. If you are taking some time off and I will be back next week.
166 | Steer Away From the Facebook Poison and Stay in The Saddle!
166 | Steer Away From the Facebook Poison and Stay in The Saddle!
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: [] I'm sitting here like the, the piece of equipment that I, a piece of software rather than I used to record these. I kind of do it weird. I don't use garage band. I'm a MAC person just because they're so much easier for me to use than a PC. But I'm on my Mac. I have obviously I have garage band and I also have my movie. I like to record my podcast even if they're just audio inside of I movie rather than inside of garage band because I movie has a little button that you can click that supposed to make the sound all better, like automatically fix everything. So I do it from there and then I export like a piece of audio out and then I put it into garage band. I have to make it as complicated as possible, but that's just how I'd like to do it because of, uh, a guy, uh, Robbie hearst that I used to kind of work. [] We shared an office and he has a media company and he knows about all this stuff a lot more than me. And he kind of taught me about the movie side of it and I just liked it a lot better than the garage band side of it. But the downside to that is that I can see myself in the camera every time I do it and it's not. I don't like turn the lights on. I don't have a camera like at the right angle or anything. It's just like looking up on me and I'm becoming very, very aware that I am getting like old man Nick, you know, how you can tell when people are getting older just because of how their neck looks like. It's not necessarily like a full on Turkey Gobbler, but it's Kinda like, yeah, you're 10 years older than you than you used to be because your neck has is just kind of old looking. [] You have old nick. Anyway, that fits perfectly into what I'm talking about today because one of the things that I struggle with that I can tell very obviously that a lot of people are struggling with it is when you're on facebook. So we all need social media to drive our businesses forward. I'm not like breaking new ground here. This isn't anything that is necessarily an original thought, but it's something that I struggled with so I wanted to talk about it. A lot of times we're forced to be on social media so often that we don't realize how much time we're wasting on there. There's so many distractions and right now, like with most of us that are in this realm, like you've maxed out your profile to like 5,000 people. So you're looking at kind of these random people's facebook like you used to. So you're scrolling through your feed. [] Maybe you see some people that you actually know, but most of the people you don't know and you're, you're getting not necessarily engaging with them, you know, at least you shouldn't be engaging with them. But you're seeing how they're engaging with everyone. And it's a lot of negativity on both sides. Like politically, it's, there's a lot of political distractions and you need to make sure, at least I need to make sure this isn't necessarily like a self help or motivation podcast. You know, I kinda just talk about what I'm doing, but something that I see a lot of people do, I just don't engage in any of that stuff anymore. Like there was a time when I used to engage politically, but now it never made it. It never made a difference. Not like it's any more divided now than it was before. It's exactly the same as it was before. [] It's just there are a lot more mediums for people to express their beliefs than there were before. So I'm under the, you know, I, I believe that nothing has changed. Everything is the same. We're split about 50 slash 50, you know, and it teeters from 55, 45 to the left to the right, depending on what's going on in the country, what's going on in the world. And you can very easily get distracted, get depressed on both sides. You know, a lot of people think just the leftist depressed right now because the right has so much power, but the right people on the right, they don't view it that way. They, they feel like they about to lose power. So it's like both sides are very depressed and angry and there's just, it's not that these things don't matter, but your opinion on facebook doesn't really matter, so it's not even worth engaging. [] It's not even worth even looking at or and having a feeling about it one way or the other just because it is not. You're not going to be able to affect it. Of course these things are important and you should have a feeling one way or the other. I guess if you don't, I guess you know you're very, very lucky that you just are able to to be completely compartmentalized and just focus on your business and focus on things that you can control in your life. But you can't control what's happening politically. I mean, yes, you can vote. You can. You can voice your opinion. If you're going to go start a grassroots campaign to help the environment or, or to get some specific candidate elected, that's one thing, but probably you're not going to do that. Most likely you're just going to put posts something on facebook and get angry and mad and caught up and just be going back and forth and waste all of your time and not have moved your business forward at all and had, have a good excuse for not actually accomplishing what you need to accomplish. [] So it's better to just not engage with it. Uh, you know, understand that it's going on. Understand that people are upset, understand that not everybody's going to feel the way that you feel. Understand that there are bad people out there and they're going to post really mean and terrible things on facebook. Um, but there's nothing that you can do about that. All you can do is worry about what's in front of you and look at your goals and work towards those goals. And I know that's really, really hard to do for some people. It's hard for me to do. I've posted that a lot of stuff where I've started replying to something I've seen that's just so mean. Somebody just being extremely mean. I had had a guy that I grew up with that, um, his dad had passed away several years ago. Well, a friend of his dad's came onto his page because it's something that he posted about the freaking cavenaugh hearing something that none of us have any control over, and this guy said, you know, your dad would be so ashamed if he were alive. [] He's rolling over his grave. Just some main terrible shit to say to somebody, you know, it's not funny, but you have to laugh because you're just like, oh my God, people are just nuts. Um, so people are mean. But, and I started to write out something to that guy, just like you're a real piece of garbage, you know? Um, but it's just, it's not worth it. Like you're not going to change his mind. You're not going to have any effect on the cabinet, all hearings. You're not going to change any, anything that's happened in the past. All you can do is worry about yourself and make sure that you know you're making good decisions that are in line with your ideology. That's all you can do anyway. That's what I'm dealing with today, and, and trying to stay focused and not get distracted by all the things that are going on. [] Of course I'm paying attention. I know everything that's going on. I course I have an opinion on it, uh, on, on what I think is happening. But at the same time I know that what happens that you know, with a Senate confirmation hearing is I have no bearing over that. There's nothing that I can do, so I'm watching, but I'm kind of silently watching and making sure I'm moving myself forward everyday in my business. And you have to be able to put that stuff aside. Don't let that hold your whole life up. Don't let that keep you from accomplishing the goals that you have every day. Don't let that stuff you know, stop you in your tracks and waste your time because time is the most valuable thing that you have. Especially if you're bootstrapping a business and you're an entrepreneur like I am. It's just not worth it. To get caught up and lose time that you could either be investigating something in your business, talking to a potential client, potentially, you know, following up with a, with an old lead, anything is more productive than, than than, than engaging with. Going back and forth politically on social media is just not worth it.
165 | Can You Really Trust People Enough to Delegate?
165 | Can You Really Trust People Enough to Delegate?
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: [] One of the reasons I like being an entrepreneur so much is that when push comes to shove, I know that I can actually get things done like I've done in the past. I'll do it in the future. That's just the type of person that I am. If something needs to get done, whatever it takes, I'll do it, you know, and that's something that I didn't always have that, that wasn't something that I really got a grip on until I was probably in my late twenties where it was just like, well, here's my goal. Whatever it takes to get to that goal, I'll just do it. Like, it doesn't matter. Like if I got to sleep later, I sleep later, I got to read a whole book tonight. I really hope, you know, whatever I have to do to research it, learn it, figure it out, I'll get it done. [] Um, and it's hard to get away from that thinking as you're kind of growing your business. But at some point you do have to kind of handover and trust other people with certain aspects of, of what you're doing. And I have a va that I really use for our, initially I was planning on using this va to actually do some of the actual llc creation. I was just going to train them how to do it and hand over some stuff to him and I just, it, I know it just never collect that way. So I just use them really for technical tasks, stuff that I had learned how to do in the past. But then I like to outsource now and um, it works well. Like we've got a pretty good rapport now. He's a dude. What's, I can't even remember what the name of the company is that a used to hire him, but it's like their English speaking va's basically is like their, their big thing, which is fine. [] You know, I've used tons of Va's for different project based stuff and I've used upwork to even hire paralegals and things like that when I've gotten like crazy overloaded and that'll work just fine. I saw that I necessarily need people to speak English, but I thought this guy might be on the phones. So I was like, oh, I'll probably be better if English as the first language, um, turns out really probably doesn't even matter, but you pay like a little bit of a premium for that. But we don't, I don't have to explain things in depth anymore. It took a while for us to get to that point. There was a kind of, a lot of bickering. I tried to fire him one time and basically that his manager called and just said like, don't fire him, do this and this and this. It'll work better. [] And uh, it Kinda did work better. So I'm super happy with how that's going. But I kinda had to have some situations that pop up where it's like I have to rely on other people and my time is very valuable to me. If somebody wastes my time slowly, I start to kind of lose respect for them and I don't want to rely on them in the future. And I kind of had some of that go on in the real estate realm yesterday where it was like something was scheduled. I was supposed to talk with somebody. It didn't happen, there was a good reason that it didn't happen, but in the back of your mind you're like, is this going to be something that's ongoing? If I establish a relationship with this person is going to be hard to communicate with them, are there going to be, is there time more valuable to them than my time is? [] And if that's the case, that's fine. It doesn't necessarily mean they're a bad person or something, but I don't want to be drug along. I've worked too hard. I'm too valuable and my time is too valuable for someone to not kind of put everything that they have aside to talk to me. That's how I feel about it. If it's like you made an appointment, you better be there to talk to me. Um, you get couple couple of opportunities if there's a reasonable excuse, but uh, if not, you know, I don't know, maybe that makes me an asshole. I'm not sure, but one way or the other, that's just how I feel about it and I can't work in a situation with somebody if it's gun to my time isn't going to be valued so you have to kind of way that you have to have some patients though. [] That's what I learned from working with my va is that when you are moving forward with people, sometimes it takes time. Like if I would've just fired this va like right out of the gate because I thought he was. He was being a smart ass. I'm. I wouldn't have a good related rob. I would always be in the startup of a. have a good working relationship with somebody. You have to give it some time to kind of blossom out and maybe maybe you're pissed. Maybe someone you feel like as being disrespectful, but in the long run like can you both benefit? Is this somebody that can move your business forward? Is this somebody that you can trust it to hand things over to you and that's Kinda what I'm going through now. I haven't moved forward at all since yesterday on me real estate related stuff. [] I was hoping I would be cold calling for this, uh, uh, this team, you know, as part of a team today or at some point this week that still might happen, but, uh, yesterday kind of that the plans of us getting together didn't, didn't really work out to discuss it and it may not ever work out. Who knows, if not, I'll just go back to cold call and for myself and I can, you know, it's not like I can't do that, but uh, I'm only going to kind of wait around for so long to get this other thing going. So hopefully that happens. I'm excited about that happening. I'm a little setback. Hopefully, you know, it's kind of like the va situation where it's like it's a setback and they're kind of, some excuses being thrown around, but maybe they're valid excuses. Sometimes excuses are, are actually good reasons. [] They don't have to be like a, somebody avoiding something. So either way, that's what I'm dealing with today. I knew I was, I said I was going to kind of break it down to half my llc business, half my wholesaling business this week, but uh, that's kind of just all mixed together. What I'm going through today, what I'm, what I'm thinking about this morning as I'm starting this day, like what am I going to do to move forward? Am I going to have to rely on someone else to move forward? Am I going to string out any more of my time waiting for that to happen? Or Am I just going to just kind of move on and, and no hard feelings and just take action on my own. But, uh, hopefully by tomorrow I'll have an answer to that. Hope everybody has a great day. Talk to you tomorrow.
164 | Are You Willing To Start At The Bottom?
164 | Are You Willing To Start At The Bottom?
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: [] So last time we talked that it was on Friday and I had just had pretty successful day using text message marketing that didn't really carry over necessarily into the weekend. I was hoping it would still be dripping in over the weekend. The people who hadn't responded. So I think I sent it up to 60 or 70 people. I sent like a mass message, a deal to about 60 or 70 people that I had talked to over the past two months and I think I closed, you know, 10 to 15 percent of those with a followup marketing. And that's awesome because normally I wouldn't even really be following up with them. So it was definitely, I would have closed none. So it was definitely good and I've started taking calls on Saturdays and Sundays, not like full day's work but like half days, like I'll take four calls Saturday for calls Sunday and it hadn't really paid off. [] So I was thinking about stopping doing it because most of the time when people schedule on Saturdays and Sundays they don't show up for the call. So it's like I make sure that I'm somewhere near my computer and I'm not out like, you know, at the park with my kid or something else I could be doing and then the people don't answer and it really kind of makes me angry. And then when they call me back, I'm irritated with them. But this weekend, uh, it worked out well, closed a couple deals and it was definitely worth it to have spent time on the weekend, you know, working. So I was glad that finally worked out and uh, pretty much everybody showed up for the calls. Um, it was good. It was good. I don't mind working on the weekend when I actually get paid. I don't like working in the not having made any progress, which is, which is pretty obvious why I'm so on the real estate front. [] This is kind of how I'm going to break these, these podcasts down from here in the next week at least, I'm going to try to talk about my llc business and what's happening. And then my secondary business, which is real estate. So with real estate today, I am actually going to be potentially doing some cold calls for another guy, um, who has a company that's pretty successful. I don't really want to talk about who he is yet. I'm just because I don't know, I don't know if he wants to be talked about, but uh, he's not local to me. He's in Mississippi, but I'm at least, I think he's in Mississippi. Um, he's, he's building up a lot of cold colors that are just working on commissions. And I talked to him about it. I was like, yeah, I'll do it. Like I would like to be trained by somebody who's, who's doing tons of deals. [] Do, does. I'm sure he does at least five to 10 deals a month and I would imagine that's probably around where he's doing it. And he's doing these cold call cold callers on just strictly commission, which I'm fine with because the way my business works. Like I would rather just work for commission honestly. Like I'm not going to take an hourly position unless it's something like $100 an hour. Maybe I'd consider it. But, uh, I'm going to be doing some cold calling. Hopefully I'm going to be talking with him. We're jumping on a call this morning to kind of talk about, I guess what he wants, like the top software he's going to use. I really don't know what we're doing is because I had this, I assume he's going to tell me how to like record my calls, had to send in my info to their va's on what I've accomplished that day so they can just kind of track what you're doing. [] I, I'm already pretty familiar with the software, the cold calling software that I imagine they're gonna want to use, which is Mojo. I've used that plenty of times. I have a triple dialer which calls three people at once and um, whoever answers like that's the call that you talk to and it plays a, a message to the other people if they answer where it's basically like you're like, hello, hello, a bad connection. I gotta call you back. It's Corny as hell. But, uh, it works. I guess. I mean, I don't know, you know, like I've talked about, I haven't really focused a lot on the real estate side of it, on wholesaling or anything like that just because I've been so focused on my llc stuff that the amount of time that you have to put in to the marketing for real estate is no joke. [] Like, I mean you can make a lot of money in real estate and it's not like it's you have to be a genius to do it, but you have to have either time to do the marketing or money to pay someone to do the marketing. And I just have, I don't really have either one of those right now. So I would rather just kind of work under, under a team of people that have already succeeded and um, you know, just see what I can learn from what they're doing and it may just be just fine to just do that. For now. You know, I don't necessarily have the time to be out on, on building a team and building my own systems for that while the llc stuff is going as well as it is. So hopefully it will just be some nice little way to learn. [] It's less about making money and uh, I mean that's part of it. Like I need to make more money for sure and like money, uh, for working if I'm working, I want to make money, but it's more about just learning from somebody who's who's really succeeding at it and this guy, you know, learned under Max, Max Maxwell or they kind of came into the game at the same time and that he's just successful and I don't know, he just seems like a super nice guy. He's kind of coming from a similar background as me as far as his marketing where he learned about online marketing and stuff and kind of who his influences are in that realm or are the same as mine it seems. And so I think we might speak the same language and it's just definitely worth a try. You know, I'm not too good to cold call for somebody else just because of I'm already an attorney. [] I'm not too good for any position, you know, I need to learn and if that means that start at the bottom, I start at the bottom, I don't care. It doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt my ego at all. So that's what's going on this week. I look forward to definitely, definitely can have a lot to talk about this week if that really goes forward. Hopefully it does. Of course there are no guarantees, but, uh, I'm hoping that that works out either way. I hope everybody has a great day. Hope everybody has a great week and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.
163 | How Text Message Marketing Gave Me My Best Day Yet
163 | How Text Message Marketing Gave Me My Best Day Yet
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: [] Hey guys, I'm trying to record this podcast every day of the week and I just started back on Wednesday and today's Friday and I already missed Thursday somehow. How the Hell I missed the second day yesterday I kept saying I'm about to do the podcast, I'm going to do the podcast, I'm going to do the podcast. And I never got around to it because I had kind of a, just a busy day. As anyone who operates a business knows that is pretty much everyday. So I have to knock this thing out first thing in the morning or it does not get done if I try to wait until the afternoon or I tell myself I can do it over my lunch, you know, what I'm eating lunch or something like that. It never happens. So I got to start getting up, you know, 15 minute. It only takes 15 minutes to record this. [] The put it together and posted. And then I have a va that does kind of the rest of the stuff on the, on the backend. But, uh, either way, the stuff that's going on in my business right now, if you're new to the podcast, this is kind of what I talk about. It's like what I'm doing in my business that's working, what I'm doing isn't working and kind of what my plans are for the future and just random things that are happening that might be able to help you. So I started using some text message marketing tactics and tools this week for the first time ever. Um, they always, it always just seemed a little bit too expensive to me and a little bit complicated because I was trying to do the text message marketing through like landing pages before, like collecting a, uh, you know, a cell phone number along with an email and then having kind of an automated sequence of text messages that went out that was similar to like an automated mail email drip campaign where it's like something goes out day once and it goes out day two, day three, there's a piece of content. [] And then, you know, like day four there's an offer, whatever it is, just like typical email marketing. But you're doing a text messaging and it just wasn't something I ever really pulled the trigger on. I kept thinking I was going to do it and I would investigate and I'd have my va send me information, I would look at it and I'd go, I don't know how many text messages it's going to require to do this, so I don't know which plan to do. And so I just kept doing emailing, email marketing and I don't really do a lot of like drip email. Actually, it's a big problem. I don't do a whole lot of followup with my clients. Like I get so busy that I, I, my flow is like, people get on my calendar, they call me and then I send them, you know, the offer that they can take advantage of after we talk and I let them know what it is on the phone. [] There's no mystery to it. And then I'm not really following up with them at that point. I'm just like, well I already talked to them personally. If they want it, they want it. But I wanted to start doing some text message marketing. So I could reach out to them that way to see if maybe that would improve my closing rate and then, you know, just allow me to follow up with those people and possibly just not let all these leads that I have that are go to my calendar, just die off because I have all their phone numbers already. I'm just like, they've given me their phone number for the, for the meeting, I might as well use it for something reasonable. Um, so I did some research, I was using zaengle day one and then I asked my va to do some research on it and he came back with a software called Hay market and haymarket was a little less powerful than single, but like half the price. [] So single starts at $100 a month for the basic plan. And then it's pretty much, you can't even use most of the features for less than $200 a month. So it's not like it's crazy. Um, but I think you'd get around 2000 text messages a month for that, which I can tell you is not very much. Hay Market starts off at like $30 a month on the basic plan, a two week free trial and then like the mid grade print blend is like 50 bucks a month for I think a thousand text messages and it's the highest level is $100 a month. Um, so I just went with a mid grade one yesterday and I sent out a blast to 70, 70 people that had been on my calendar last month and this month that didn't close. So I spent a symptom, like a special offer that was like a short term offer that was only good for a few hours. [] And just in that exchange I wrote up some copy, I sent it out, I already sent and received like total over 300 text messages and that was in one day. So the text messages go quick really, really quick because people just want to ask a lot of questions and of course you need to answer those questions. So I'm just sitting on my computer and basically the software, it's just like a. If you've ever. It's just, it's like chatting. It's like facebook messenger basically. Except a lot more organized than that. So it was pretty freaking awesome. It was sales wise, the best day I've ever had as far as sheer numbers of just llc sold. Um, but really what I want to do it for us is to replace some cold calling that I'm trying to do in my real estate business. So on the real estate side of things, I'm, I'm, I did a lot of cold calling. [] It's fine. I'm sure it would work if you had time to do the numbers of it, but I just don't have time to do that right now and I don't really have the resources to outsource it. So I'm going to use this other method, um, that I've been learning about to text to text some of the sellers instead of like actually calling them and I can mass mass text them and it'd be way, way easier. I'm probably a lot less response, probably more expensive to do it that way, but a cold calling just so time consuming. And when I have this many llcs in the pipeline, when it's like I have 10 llcs to create and then had to drop the operating agreements, get the ends, all that, there's just not time to do all the real estate stuff and I want to keep that side of my business moving because I, that's a really important thing to keep momentum and I don't want it to die off because I've done a lot of, you know, like most entrepreneurs, I've tried a lot of things. [] I've been distracted by a lot of shiny objects in my time and I don't want real estate to be another shiny object because my llc business is rolling and it's great. Um, but I do want to do more real estate investing just because I like it. I actually really like it. So text messaging, text message marketing definitely came at the right time. I've found out from a few of my clients that my emails are for some reason going to their junk mail. So I'm like, man, no better time that this happened because I was wondering why I wasn't closing as many this last week. I was like, what the Hell is going on? It turns out my emails, my follow up emails after the conversation are going to junk mail, so I have to reach out to a g mail today to see why that's happening because I use g suite for, for my, uh, business emails. [] I was hoping I was going to be my web host if you'd have no idea what I'm talking about. Technically, like normally your web host can figure out what's going on with your emails if you're using like a business email with your, with your domain as, as your email. But they said, no, you're using g suite. And I was like, damn, it's possible to get them on the phone. So either way it's been, it's been a crazy week. Text message marketing I think is definitely something I'm going to continue to do. And it, it, it's, it is responsible for the largest amount of sales I've ever made in one day already. And I've only had the software for one day. So as soon as I learn it better and I understand how to write the copy for text messaging a little bit better, I'm sure it will only improve from there. So everybody have a great weekend. Hope you had a great week. I'm subscribed to the podcast. If you want to actually talk with me about the LLC, go over to LLC, freedom.com/calendar, and a I'd love to speak with you about your business. All right. Talk to you soon.
162 | Why I MUST Have Daily Habits to Succeed
162 | Why I MUST Have Daily Habits to Succeed
It has been a LONG time since I recorded a new podcast. But I am back, and I am stronger than ever! My LLC business is steadily growing and I am STILL looking to break into real estate. If you want to book a time with me go the llcfreedom.com/calendar
161 | Negotiating With As Many Sellers as Possible
161 | Negotiating With As Many Sellers as Possible
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
160 | Negotiating My First REI Wholesale Opportunity
160 | Negotiating My First REI Wholesale Opportunity
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
159 | Entrepreneurship Is Not a Place to Hide
159 | Entrepreneurship Is Not a Place to Hide
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
158 | I Finally Ran a Webinar That Converted!
158 | I Finally Ran a Webinar That Converted!
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
157 | Why You Have Less Leads This Week Than Last Week
157 | Why You Have Less Leads This Week Than Last Week
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
156 | I Am Constantly Driven Back to Paid Traffic!
156 | I Am Constantly Driven Back to Paid Traffic!
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
155 | What I Learned From My Latest Failure
155 | What I Learned From My Latest Failure
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
154 | Why My New Partnership Didn't Work
154 | Why My New Partnership Didn't Work
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
153 | Are Partnerships Worth the Effort?
153 | Are Partnerships Worth the Effort?
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
152 | How I Show That I Am Trustworthy In My Business
152 | How I Show That I Am Trustworthy In My Business
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
151 | What Does the Bank Require to Open Your LLC Account?
151 | What Does the Bank Require to Open Your LLC Account?
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
150 - You Can Operate Multiple Businesses At Once
150 - You Can Operate Multiple Businesses At Once
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
149 | How to Avoid Confrontation on FB (If You Want To)
149 | How to Avoid Confrontation on FB (If You Want To)
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
148 | How to Leverage Someone Else's FB Group
148 | How to Leverage Someone Else's FB Group
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: Welcome to the entrepreneur like you with business attorney and entrepreneur chance, a daily podcast that brings you the best legal tips, marketing strategies, and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way, killer ways to get new clients or to at least establish credibility right now is to have a facebook book group and facebook groups. Generally I'm there. There's facebook group courses like if you're trying to learn how to, how to build a facebook group. Those courses cost about a thousand to $2,000 and they are not all that great, so they're generally taught by somebody who created a facebook group in the very beginning of groups before people were in like a thousand different groups and they built it up and congratulations to them, but it's not that easy. As easy to do it now as it was before, a much easier way to use a facebook group to get new clients or to establish credibility, is to leverage someone's someone else's group who's already done the hard work of building a group. Now there are a couple of ways you can do this. It depends on which industry you're in, but it's most common common and a internet marketing, but it's also pretty common in real estate as well. So there's some pretty big real estate groups and I'll just tell you kind of how, what I've done, so rather than building a full on real estate facebook group of my own, I went around to a couple of different facebook groups and just reached out to the admins of those groups and said, look, here's the solution I provide for real estate investors. Here's how I can help them. I'll give them a special rate on whatever I do. If you let me, you know, tell them about my solution in your group. About half said yes, about half said no. I'm the ones that said no. I then made a follow up offer and said, I will, you know, give you a, I'll, I'll give you an affiliate fee. Essentially a referral fee if you'd let me kind of, not necessarily selling your group but provide a solution in your group. And uh, no one actually took me up on that. I was surprised. But it depends on which industry you're in. So in real estate, I guess it might've been afraid I was going to sell too much in their group, but ultimately if they were honest with themselves and they looked at the solution that I provided, that would be a great way to do it. So here's what I suggest. Finding a group that accurately represents your niche, your Avatar, your ideal customer. You go to the Admin of that group. You tell them what solution you provide in your business. And you just say, look, I have two ways we can do this. This is how I've worked with other facebook group owners. First way is you could help, you know, I provide such a valuable solution. You let me kind of do this. I'm not overtly selling, but I'll provide special rate to people that come to me through the group. I'll give them like a free consultation or something like that. And then you, instead of driving people to a sales page, you drive them to a calendar, get them on the phone, talk to them, and then try to sell. And then you know, you close them that way. The second way that you can do it is that you just approached the facebook ad men and tell them that they can have a referral fee. Say every sale I make you can get, I dunno, 25, 5,100 bucks. Most of the time the people have the facebook groups specifically because they're trying to make money. So affiliate sales groups probably won't work because they're already running affiliate offers to their crowd, but you never know. You just have to approach them and just ask them. Just say, hey look, if not, that's fine. No big deal. I'm not going to sell it here without your permission, but I have something that's super valuable to to you know your, your group. The reason that you have the group is to provide value to these people. This will help them. They'll, they'll trust you more if they, if you allow me to do this, and you could make a little money on the side too and just explain it that way. So that's not a sleazy way to do it. That's the. That's ultimately the best way to do it on facebook because that's a way to get free traffic, like instead of paying for ads, you can already kind of leveraged this group of people that are super targeted and be willing to charge them a little less because you don't have to pay that money to get the new clients you already know. These are kind of warm, warmer warmish leads rather than just straight cold leads that you're trying to target on facebook. So I've had a lot of success doing that. I'm making probably, you know, half half of my clients come from from techniques like that, so try that. I, I guarantee you if you try and have group owners, you'll find somebody that it will work with. I mean you have to have a valuable solution, but if you don't have a valuable solution, this is also a good way. You know, I'll tell you what, if you do this and no group owners are biting, you probably don't have a valuable solution or you need to think about your solution so it can kind of work at two ways. Hope everybody's having a great week. I will talk to you guys tomorrow. Hey guys. Thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me, one on one, jump over to llc freedom.com/calendar and grab a time from my hubspot calendar there and we can set a time to talk about your business. See what it is that you do, talk about, you know, what I do and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar.
147 | How to Make Enemies on Facebook (And How Not To)
147 | How to Make Enemies on Facebook (And How Not To)
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
146 | Why Do People Hate Lawyers... Wait, Okay, Now I Understand
146 | Why Do People Hate Lawyers... Wait, Okay, Now I Understand
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: Welcome to the entrepreneur like you with business attorney and entrepreneur surrender, a daily podcast that brings you the best of legal tips, marketing strategies and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way. It's not like gets a, this is a huge, you know, news flash or breaking news that everybody doesn't already know. People don't like lawyers. When I first started to become an attorney and it's become more evident why this is over the last week. I talked about that in a second, but when I first was going to law school, I decided to go to law school. I had, I went to Phoenix, Arizona where I did my first year of law school. I had my truck shipped down there because I had to fly. I can't remember why. Why did that? Is that, uh, drove a u haul down there. That's why. So I had to have a pay somebody to, uh, basically tow my truck down to Phoenix when it got there a couple of days after I arrived. The Guy, I was super nice to him when he pulled up, I was like, Hey, what's going on? You know, we were just making small talk and he was like, unhooked my truck in front of the house. And uh, he was asking like, what are you doing here? You're moving here, whatever. I was like, Oh, I'm going to start going to law school. He's like, oh, so you're going to be a scumbag. This is the guy hadn't even paid them yet. Like he's still waiting on my tip. He felt comfortable enough calling me a straight up scumbag, uh, within like two seconds of meeting me despite the fact that I was completely nice to him. Um, and I was like, wow, so this is, this is what's to come for how people feel about lawyers. And the more I have gone through the experience of being a lawyer in law school and dealing with people, I understand where a lot of that animosity comes from. I think a lot of it comes from people that have been divorced. Mostly that's the main issue because there's an attorney on the other side that's just like in your eyes basically tried to destroy your life and um, you know, to the, to the divorce attorneys credit, like that's what they're not supposed to. They're not trying to destroy your life. They're just doing what they're legally required to do, which is get the best possible result for their client. Like they can't think about your situation. That's just how the legal world is laid out so it makes sense that people are going to like hate attorneys, especially in those that have gone through like those life altering, like life changing situations and uh, you've just had an attorney on the other side just like really railing on you and just say shit that maybe you'd think is not true about yourself and messing, messing up your situation with your kids. And I mean ultimately like it's not necessarily the attorney's fault that everything got messed up, but that's a good person to like point the finger at, at the end rather than, than taking a hard look at yourself. That's kind of what I think happens. People look at the attorneys and think they want to point the finger there instead of instead of really looking in the mirror at their own situation, but the attorneys have responsibility in that as well. But this week, man, not a good week for attorneys. This, there's the, uh, just all the bad things that are happening with attorneys right now in the news. Where do Rudy Giuliani who's just kind of just a disgraceful human being generally I'm just out making a fool of himself like over and over, just straight openly just lying about everything that he could possibly lie about. And this isn't anything politically motivated that I'm saying. It's just watch what he's doing, watch what he's saying. Everything he says is that a trick back and forth and he's just willing to say whatever to get on TV. He's Kinda just, uh, just, uh, attention, thirsty, just a bit of a scumbag a little bit and I think everybody sees that. And on the other side of that is the store stormy Daniels attorney, just so you don't think I'm like a picking sides here, Michael Avanti, who's even worse. The Rudy Giuliani. I'm just out for himself not giving a damn about his client whatsoever, both these people just out for to push their own agenda. And then of course, uh, trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, who, who's been getting terrible news every week about just some of the dumbest stuff you could possibly do as an attorney, like just that you could be this dumb, like recording your conversations with potential clients and stuff. It's just one of the things that if you go through law school, you should know better. I mean just any human to somebody who just watch us, you know, um, law and order with no don't record confidential communications with clients just so dumb. Such a dumb thing to do. He's possibly, he deserves to go to prison just for that alone, forget like anything to do with politics or trump or anything. Um, and then of course the super racist rant by the New York attorney that it turns out if you didn't see this. So the guy was in some sort of restaurant, I'm not sure but, but to people in the restaurant were speaking Spanish. I think it was an employee at the restaurant and a customer and uh, this, this attorney just like really went off the rails and Andy was just saying a bunch of racist, terrible things like, not even that, that uh, they were like based in any reality makes me think maybe this guy is mentally ill. I mean clearly he's probably mentally ill. So it's like you kind of feel bad for the guy and in a sense where it's just like you most likely just need to be like on a serious dose of meds. But, uh, I don't know how old this guy is. I haven't seen like what, what demographic he comes from. But I got to tell you, this is not something that, that surprises me at all. Like go into law school with some of these people. It was, you, at least I thought going into law school was going to be kind of surrounded by somewhat of at least half and half. Like social justice driven people that what they cared about was getting social. But social justice for people in the law was something that was a important to them. But it never turned, it was not like that at all. It was just like a bunch of a super rich, super insulated, white privileged. And I say white comma privilege. Not like white privilege, but maybe both, but just privileged bunch of assholes for, for the most part. That's how I felt about it. So when I see this sort of behavior depicted in the media and I see people just like lawyers are scumbags, I'm like, well, we're doing it to ourselves here. This is not a good look for and for good reason because the type of people that are going on and becoming attorneys for a lot of, a lot of the time are not the most well rounded people. And they, a lot of times get strapped with a lot of debt so they have no choice to but to be money hungry. I understand that aspect of it as someone who's strapped with a lot of debt from it. But, uh, it's no excuse for, for just like self aggrandizing, um, at the, at the detriment to your client and at the detriment to a attorneys just in general, like what their, what the public reputation is of an attorney and I don't really care that much about attorney reputation collectively. That's not really something that I think about or care about. I'm not even involved in any attorney networking stuff. I don't even know that many attorneys. Like I said, like most of the people I went to law school with, I didn't like them. I thought they were assholes. They were much younger than me. I was a little bit older when I went to law school, so they're off like, you know, at the bars and at the golf course and stuff. I had a kid when I was in law school, so I was just like hanging out with my wife and kid and a couple of people from law school that I got along with. But uh, not a good week for lawyers. It's unfortunate the head, these are the type of people that are representing me and when people meet me and they've learned what I do, this is what's in the back of their head or like these four people that I've talked about, so I don't know nothing to do really with the entrepreneurship today, but just be a good person. Just be a good. Hey guys, thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me, one on one, jump over to llc freedom.com/calendar and grab a time for my hubspot calendar there and we can set a time to talk about your business. See what it is that you do, talk about, you know, what I do and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar.
145 | Back From the Dead with Some Tips on How to Walk Away
145 | Back From the Dead with Some Tips on How to Walk Away
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
Ep. 6 - Coffee on White Trash Porches with Garbage (I've Cracked the Code - Now what?)
Ep. 6 - Coffee on White Trash Porches with Garbage (I've Cracked the Code - Now what?)
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
144 | Weekly Wrap Up & How Calling My Leads Tripled My Sales
144 | Weekly Wrap Up & How Calling My Leads Tripled My Sales
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: Welcome to the entrepreneur like you with business attorney and entrepreneur chance read a daily podcast that brings you the best legal tips, marketing strategies and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way. So I slow slacking on the podcast this week. I think this is only the second live recording I've done for the podcast this week. Maybe the third, I'm not sure, but yeah, it was just a little bit under the weather. So sorry about that. But it was still a good week. Um, I was at the office a lot less this week so I kind of had less things to talk about, but business was about the same. I think I sold maybe two less than I did the previous week, which, you know, of course I'd have rather have sold two more. But considering I was only at the Office for about 25 to 30 hours this week and uh, was in bed like most of the time. Um, that's still pretty good. So mostly what my sales came from this week, just doing a little bit of a weekly wrap up again where the facebook lives, when I do the facebook lives, which only think I only did one or two this week. Um, direct correlation with sales when I talk to people and ask them, you know, how'd you find me? They say I am pretty sure I saw facebook live somewhere that's almost a hundred percent of the time. What happens? They never know where it is unfortunately, or what it covered. But, um, that's how they come across my calendar and that's how I close them is on the phone. So really still loving that method. I'm not, I'm not seeing any downside to pushing them to the calendar other than that it takes time. But as I slowly start to build my email list by people go into the calendar. So if you don't, if you've never used an online calendar, um, essentially like you can just set up what type of questions you want to ask in order to set an appointment with you. And I asked for phone number, email name, and um, ah, I think that's all that are requiring and I them to tell me, you know, their name of their business as well because that's just on my crm, which is how I store, how you store information about your leads. Um, that's just one of the headings but I don't require that. So the main things I want to know where your name, your phone number and your email. Um, yeah, so that, that's what I do. I get, grab that information and then um, at some point, very soon, you know, in like the next four or five months, I'm going to have probably a couple thousand email addresses of, of really highly targeted leads even if I don't sell any loc. So those leads I will have other things to other solutions to them. So I'm by getting on the phone, the biggest benefit of getting on the phone with people is that you see what else they want. So obviously they all want [inaudible] but then there are other issues that they need solved. And for me, the main thing has been there, just like a, what do you do for taxes? Like can you help people set up their tax structures, give consults on, on people how, how people can do that. And uh, I don't as of right now but just getting asked that. So this last, this week I did something where I just asked like if I had that solution, would you pay me to solve that problem for you? And then every single person I asked that too was just like, yes, I would do that, especially in the real estate niche. So I was like, man, I need to solve this problem because when I'm not selling people on the phone, the main question they have is, um, the main thing they say is like, OK, let me talk to my accountant and then I'll get back to you. And I'm guaranteeing you when they go to their accountant, they're essentially taking the knowledge that I've told them and then they're just paying their accountant to set it up probably for twice as much as what I would do. But it's just, they know that person, that person is already doing their taxes, so they feel like it all needs to be done in the same place and I don't blame them, like that's a smart move on their part. If their, if their CPA will do that or there were accountants, whether we'll do that for them. So that's the biggest hole I see where people want that. They're looking to me for that information. And I have before just been saying like, I'm not a CPA, I'm not an accountant. Like I hate it when accountants give legal advice so I'm not going to give tax advice. But I think I've decided I'm just going to learn how to do the tech side, um, or hire somebody that does and just launch at a different aspect of my business that does that accounting for people as well. And probably maybe a higher level tasks consult. So pretty much made that decision yesterday. Talked with some, some potential business partners and just told them kind of what I do and the the gap that I need filled for my customers and what, what the, what the problem is, how, how we can solve it and essentially it's just like I need to learn it and I know a lot about it, but there are some holes in my knowledge. So as I normally do, I will be getting a course on how to learn this on how to do the tech stuff. I don't think it's really all that complicated. I'm already know everything for the contractual liability side for, for the [inaudible] art. So I'm going to have a huge edge on other other accountants that don't understand that which to me is maybe one in [inaudible] gets that side of it and I'm sure they look at attorneys and they're like only one in [inaudible]. And understand the tax implications. And I'm definitely not one of those one in 10 right now, but I hope to get there. So I'm going to be looking to provide that solution all every sort of accounting solution. So it's going to be. If it's as simple as bookkeeping all the way up to, you know, the highest levels of tax tax strategy for people that are wanting to, you know, sophisticated things with like self directed Ira's and retirement plans where you are getting significant tax advantages by using trusts, Iras, things like that. I know a lot about the trust side of it. People have started to ask me a lot about the era of the self directed Iras, which if you don't know about that, it's just, it's just like a 401k essentially. I'm, I'm talking about those four are really know that much about it. So if you do know about it, I'll probably sound like a complete idiot, but the biggest broad strokes or that it's essentially like a retirement plan where you choose what to invest, the money that is sitting there at a lower tax rate because it's not realized income in for a certain number of years and so you can invest in real estate if that's, if you would like to do that more than like investing in startups or something like that. So it's self directed. That's all it is. You're just not trusting a third party to make all of the investment decisions for you. You are making the decisions essentially yourself. That's the broad strokes of it. Don't drive me emails. Talking about how little I know about it because I'm openly admitting I don't know that much, but people ask me about that. So I guess that's a common thing. So I want to know that, you know, I want to know how to solve the problems and getting on the phone has been a huge benefit to me for that because you're talking directly with people and you see what their problems are and at first it kind of annoyed me like, I don't do this. Call your accountant. I don't do this. Call your accountant. I've said that so many times and a half. The people are like, I will call my account and you know what? I'm just going to hire them to do this instead of you. And I would rather them hire me to do it. So that's something I need to add. This is, you've got to get the people what they want, and I didn't even have to ask them. They asked me, so they're telling me I want this, and I said, OK, if I provided this, would you buy this llc right now and buy another service? They're like, hell yeah, we'd be extremely interested to keep that all in house because they've already spent the time to talk to you and get to know you. You already demonstrated your value. So when your, when your clients or customers say they want something, even if you can't turn it into something profitable in your business, you better, you know, Phillip, that, that need, that desire for them or somebody else go going to and um, they're going to take your business. So that's the theme of the week is figuring out how to, what the problem is. That is the next step for my clients and then solving it. So the step one, but what's next? And that's their check. They're protected on their contractual liability, but how are they going to save money? Hey guys, thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me one on one, jump over to llc freedom.com/calendar and grab a time from my hubspot calendar there and, uh, we can set a time to talk about your business, see what it is that you do, talk about, you know, what I do, and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar.
143 | How to Talk Directly To Your Customer
143 | How to Talk Directly To Your Customer
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: Welcome to the entrepreneur like you with a business attorney and entrepreneur chance, a daily podcast that brings you to the best legal tips, marketing strategies and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way. It'd be talking about this inner circle course that I'm in right now at somebody straight up a course, but it's like mentoring. It's kind of a cross between us mentoring, coaching and a course, honestly, like there's homework and things like that, which I, you know, I can handle a little bit of homework. It's fine with me. So the course that I'm talking about is the Jordan Stanley pain, inner circle marketing, real estate marketing. Um, but it doesn't have to be real estate like it applies to everything. For example, when I first started, uh, learning from Jordan, I took the first couple of steps in his real estate investment strategy for marketing and I applied it to my old seed business and it blew it up. Biggest month I had was in April. And it's no coincidence that I started using his tactics at the beginning of the month and that really like blew my business up. So this is a little bit more in depth than that. One of the first things that we did was write a letter that explains who we are in relation to who our clients are. So it's basically like the ideas that traditional marketing for real estate, it's just like, Hey, I want to buy your house, call me, I buy houses in your neighborhood. Like I'd like to buy your house. Just telling them what you do rather than telling them who you are. And since it's kind of a copywriting course, the first assignment was to tell them, you know, why we do what we do and who we are. So it's just like writing a little story and Oh my God, I just can't even imagine. I haven't started really doing any marketing and real estate, um, traditional marketing, like reaching out to people directly, but looking at what people are sending compared to what Jordan's stanley pain is suggesting that we send. It's, it's not even in the same realm. It's a complete game changer and he's just like, forget, you know, general generally speaking, if you speak since one 10th of what you normally would send and then just talk directly to the people that you're talking to and you'll have a higher conversion rate. So instead of sending 25,000 pieces of mail, you know, send 100 really targeted pieces of mail that are like, hello Suzanne, here's like, what's important to me about real estate investing, you know, I'm, I'm sorry that you're going through what you're going through, but I can help you get out of it. Call me. They're much more likely to call you in that scenario than just like a I buy ugly houses postcard, which is most people send. So it's definitely some kind of a game changer and I'm pretty super excited about that since I started using his methods. Like I said, I've made at least one sale per day in my business. I mean at a minimum I'm just off of and no paid traffic, no paid traffic. I'm thinking about dabbling into a little bit more paid traffic this week because my calendar is slowing down, but even when my calendar slowing down now I'm still closing, you know, making sales from people that I talked to one week ago, two weeks ago, people that I thought were were gone and it's like because I'm following up with them just eventually they're getting their stuff together and then they're just clicking the link that I sent them like two weeks ago. So I don't put any sense of urgency on the link or anything like that so they can eventually buy and it's working. It's working really well. I think most of my clients are happy. I've had only one refund, which I talked about on here when angry mom call one refund. So that's a pretty good, pretty good stats so far this week. I am obviously like moving a little bit more through the real estate stuff, but I am going to try to add some accounting solutions for my clients because every single client I've talked to has accounting questions and I'm just telling them like, go find an accountant and that's just not a good solution for them. And a lot of them, if I could say yes, I have an accountant in house that can help you with your s Corp stuff. Um, it's this additional, you know, $700 a month or whatever, uh, to keep your books and all that stuff. That would probably be pretty likely to just by. I asked the lady yesterday just straight up, like, if I had a solution like that, would you buy? Would you buy it? She's like, I'd be extremely interested. She stopped short of saying like, yes, guaranteed. But she's like, I would at least by the LLC right now, knowing that I had somewhere to turn with those questions and the ongoing filing stuff is a big deal. It's a big, big deal. And so I've, I've found a company that might be able to help me provide that solution and just really help my clients a little bit further down the road and then on an ongoing basis so I'm not just worried, you know, not just having to just take on tons of new clients. I can keep it smaller, I don't have to worry about taking on making, you know, several llc sales every day because I'll have ongoing income with the current clients that I have. So just nurturing those relationships that I already have long term rather than just playing the short term numbers game. So I'm thinking about doing that. Get to talk to somebody hopefully today about that. Let me know what you guys want to hear me talk about because I'm doing a lot of different stuff and I don't know what's the most interesting to me. I think the LLC stuff is probably the most helpful, um, not necessarily teaching you about the LLC but, but showing you what's happening in my llc business because it's probably the most likely sort of similar product, what you might be selling as far as price range and the tactics that I'm using there, um, are working the best of anything else. I haven't really done that much real estate. Uh, I've talked about on her why that is. I obviously haven't started doing the accounting stuff yet, but to me that's just tying into the llc stuff so that, you know, if, you know, Russell Brunson is kind of a value ladder, uh, trainings where it's like you start with one product and then you send people up through it. Um, the lcm starting, I used to think it was the, the end game. Like I just needed to get people and then I'd sell them and we'll see. And then the bigger money in it was the long-term registered agency stuff and that was the business. Now I'm starting to think that the LLC is not actually be the front end. That might be where they're coming in and that might be what's called a trip wire offer, like they're getting the LLC and that's just the beginning, really the highest thing, you know, the next step up is the accounting and the bookkeeping and then the highest part is like, you know, some sort of like large course. Um, that's, that's helping them, showing them what I'm doing in my business, something like that. I'm not sure. I know the next step is probably going to be some sort of accounting solutions. So let me know, like, just reach out to me, um, llc freedom.com/calendar. If you have any questions about the LLC specifically and uh, you know, I just want to know what you guys want to hear. Hey guys, thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me one on one, jump over to llc freedom.com/calendar and grab a time from my hubspot calendar there. And, uh, we can set a time to talk about your business. See what it is that you do. Talk about what I do and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar.
142 | Does Your Business Need a Customer Avatar?
142 | Does Your Business Need a Customer Avatar?
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: Welcome to entrepreneur like you with business attorney and entrepreneur chance, a daily podcast that brings you the best legal tips, marketing strategies and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way. The first time, of course I ever took on online business was called Internet business mastery. It's just the names of all the internet business to have so, but I know I talk about a book that I love on here called expert secrets and there's another book by that same author, the author called Dotcom secrets and it's cheesy the names or cheesy, but they're pretty beneficial. Internet business mastery was a super-duper beginner course. I got turned on to it because of a guy named Pat Flynn, who does he kind of teach people how to do affiliate marketing, that that was what he was teaching people when I first found them and he teaches people how to, how to create podcasts and stuff. That's how I learned how to do my first podcast was through his free youtube videos and I don't listen to a much anymore because a, I dunno, I dunno. I just, he's, his persona doesn't fit me as well as some other people that uh, I've got turned on to now and some more personal branding's focused things than affiliate marketing things, but so in, in internet business mastery, and one thing that Pat Flynn teaches and a ton of the older stuff, I don't know if they're still teaching this, is that, uh, one of the first things you have to do is create an Avatar for your perfect customer. So that just means like Phillip Finding out who you want to serve and literally like, you know, finding a picture of a, of a male and a female posting up on a board, a creating like demographic info for them. Like what's their age? How much money do they make? What type of clothes do they wear? What a religion or that you want to try to think about every single thing that you can. Because when you, the ideas that like, once you know who that person is, then you can like speak directly to that person instead of it just being so speculative of who's going to be your customer. And I always thought that was a bunch of bs and I never fully went in on it when I, even when I did the Internet business mastery course, I learned a lot of stuff about how to plot out social media and use social media for your business. That was kind of the main benefit of that. And I still use some of the tactics and stuff from that course today. But, uh, the avatar stuff I never really bought into. But right now I'm doing this course with a guy named. It's not even a course, it's like coaching kind of from a guy named Jordan stanley pain. I've talked about him a lot on here recently because he's the one whose methods for real estate and an investment really helped me do in personal branding stuff for my llc business. And I'm still still learning on the real estate a front. And I still plan on doing that. And it's something that I'm actively working on and I'm gonna probably be doing that with a business partner. But we're running into some issues. I have extra issues of launching certain businesses because of the fact that I hold a license with the state, so when you hold some sort of license with the state in exchange for them letting you practice, you know, in whatever profession it is that you have to be licensed and you have to adhere to some extra guidelines, ethical guidelines, so everything takes a little bit longer unfortunately. So that's why I've been talking about doing this for so long and it still isn't happening. It isn't because I'm not taking action. It's because I have to really negotiate with them and deal with them and figure out like, what's, what's allowed, what's not, what's on the table, what's off the table. And it just, it's time-consuming. It's extremely frustrating, but at the same time I get to do a lot of stuff that other people don't get to you. I'm not complaining about it. It's just something that takes a long time. Um, which is unfortunate. So my son says all the time takes a long time. That's how I feel. But I'm dealing with the State Bar Association. So that's why a lot of real estate investors just side note, don't want to get a licensed as you know, real estate agents because once you have that license, it restricts what you can do. It allows you to do some other things, but if you're just looking to invest and that's it, you're not looking to like middle deals for people. If you're a real estate investing, you'll know, you'll know what I mean, that you don't want to have that license sometimes because it can kind of put the handcuffs on you in certain situations where you can't share fees, you can't accept fees certain ways. And I'm in that same position as an attorney where I can't, you know, talk to the same clients, uh, on the legal side that I'm going to have on the real estate investing side. Like once you've talked to her about one thing or the other than the other businesses that you have are off the table. So it creates this weird situation. Like with my [inaudible], this is a huge tangent, but with my old sees, a lot of times people want to follow up and get some other legal issue handled and I can't mix those two businesses for ethical reasons. I'm not going to go into exactly why it does actually make sense. When you look at why the state bar tricks it, it's like, OK, yes, if you represent the resident attorney, you're not likely to sue yourself at another business or something. You know like how they look at it as that. It's just a conflict of interest. Regardless when you create a customer Avatar, they weren't way off the rails, but when you create a customer Avatar you really can open up what type of copywriting you're doing and that's something I'm learning from Jordan Stanley pain and I've always thought it was bs that I've heard a lot of the gurus there split about 50 50 and you know the ones who had been doing it a long time. I think they're on the side of creating avatars, the ones who hit pay dirt and like knocked it out of the park with the Webinar that made them a million bucks right out of the gate. They, you know, a lot of them didn't create the Avatar and so they just followed a script and it worked and they are just like, you don't need an Avatar, but most businesses aren't going to, are going to operate like that. You have to operate for the long-term. So creating an Avatar is helpful. I've noticed just from like two days of being in the what's called the inner circle with Jordan. Stanley Payne another kind of like cheesy name, but that's just the way that Internet marketing is this cheesy names. So yes, creating an Avatar is just looking at every possible way, every, every possible detail of the person that you're going to be speaking to you. And then you can literally create your ad copy, like as if you're speaking to that person directly, like they're sitting there in front of you. What would you say to them? You know, and it helps you to sell to them and speak to them and just solve their particular problems. So ultimately that's what you're looking to do with an avatars, figure out who they are, all these issues that they're facing and how can you solve those problems for them. So I do. I fall on the side. Now if have definitely creating a customer Avatar, I think that's super duper important. It's one of the first steps that you should take when you create your business. Hey guys, thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me, one on one, jump over to llc freedom.com/calendar and grab a time from my hubspot calendar there. And uh, we can set a time to talk about your business, see what it is that you do, talk about, you know, what I do, and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar.
141 | What is Registered Agency and Does Your Business Need It? (FB Live)
141 | What is Registered Agency and Does Your Business Need It? (FB Live)
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube:
140 | Why Branding Has Helped Me And Paid Traffic Has Failed Me
140 | Why Branding Has Helped Me And Paid Traffic Has Failed Me
Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses! 📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP: Youtube: Welcome to the entrepreneur like you with business attorney and entrepreneur chance renting a daily podcast that brings you the best illegal tips, marketing strategies and storytelling tactics that will help you grow your business the right way. Maybe a time when I would try to run specials, like try to run a special offer for a day and I would offer something crazy like back then I would seriously offer an llc for like $50 and I wasn't acting at the registered agent back then so I could do that. Now. The fact that I have a partnership where I act as registered agent in all 50 states, I can't charge that little. Like I literally, I would actually lose money if I did that because I have to have a business partner, so not like all $50 comes to me, but back then I would, I would gear up, I would plot out these offers. I would make all these videos and then I would run them as ads and it would just be crickets and I'd be like, I'm going to make, you know, at least a couple hundred dollars is when I first started my business, um, first started trying to run paid traffic to my business and I would, I would create, I would get these gifts ahead. A buddy of mine, Robbie Hurst, who was a WHO's a videographer and has, I mean he's more than a videography is like a, like just really good with everything media. He's very media savvy. He has a degree from a baylor and some sort of filmmaking. But I mean he's like a straight up actual film maker. And he taught me how to. I was thinking I needed all this fancy equipment and he taught me how to use, um, what does it movie to really easily do a couple things that take your crappy video to be like not as crappy. I mean, it's still crappy compared to like something he would do, but it's like rather than having to hire somebody to do it, it takes you like five seconds. Sexual kind of fun. It's like I record now. I like I movie so much from a couple of things that he taught me. I record my podcast every day on a movie and then I export it out as audio. Like a movie is awesomely powerful. Um, but I, I would, I would create these offers. I would put them together, put so much thought into. I think about it for two, three days, oh I'm going to do this and then the reaction will be this and then I'm going to grow my email list like this and I'm going to have these sales and then I'll try to upsell them something on the back side so I can like stay profitable and none of that ever worked. Like maybe you would get a couple phone calls here or there. But I was working so much like on, on like building funnels and the website and stuff. Like getting on the phone wasn't like really an option for me and I didn't feel like that was going to be a vital part of my business because I looked at businesses like legal zoom or somebody that does something similar who I'm trying to like, you know, my goal as I've said on here is to like be bigger than legal zoom. I know that's not ever gonna happen, but that's reaching high. Knowing that I'm probably not ever going to attain that. But having that in the back of my mind, like if I don't want to take one more call, I'm like, if I don't take that call where they're going to go to my competitor. Yeah. And looked at what they did. I thought I was good. Everything was going to be completely automated. Like how they are, what the most important thing was that I had a great website that could, was dynamic enough where it could include all the options that they needed. And then I just realized like, no, I'm fighting against that. That isn't working for me. I ran all these paid traffic. So, you know, brand paid traffic to it. I had a crazy low offer and it just didn't work. I was like, what the Hell is going on? And you know, I read tons of books about personal branding and Gary v I read his stuff and listened to tons of his stuff and Russell Brunson who, he gets a bad rap but. But his whole thing is just about personal branding and him and Gary v or like really, really similar with what they do. If you look at like what they're doing, they don't say the same things. Russell brothers is like super religious, so he's not like as blunt and he's not really kind of like a self help type motivator like motivational speaker the way that Gary v is. But if you read their stuff and you watch what they're doing, um, they're essentially doing the same thing. So it's just personal branding. But personal branding is scarier. It's like you want to think when you're in business like that, you could just create a bad-ass facebook campaign that's going to grow your business and you see people that do that and it's awesome for them, but, and I'm jealous of that for sure, but at the same time like there, there, you probably don't see how long it took them to be able to do that and probably they were doing personal branding stuff for years before they got to that point where even though they're driving cold traffic, it's not really cold because everybody in that arena knows who they are and they have a way of warming them up. A couple of different ways of warming him up that are, that are super creative. Like after they pushed that paid traffic, like webinars really kinda like warm people up. If you have the right price, product makes sense to do it that way. But for me right now, don't think though I don't have really a info product, so webinars isn't really gonna work. The best way for me to educate people's. Just sit down and answer their questions because a lot of people know a little bit about a lot of different pieces of the LLC and it's just one specific thing so they're not going to be interested in watching a whole webinar on [inaudible] cause I don't know what piece they need to know, but it all changed. Restaurant or personal branding and all this is a long story of just telling you, you know, I had a lot of success with a with an offer I ran yesterday just straight up off my facebook page. I didn't have to like run any ads. I didn't make 10 grand or anything like that, but I did set out a goal to, to, to give away, give away to sell five lcs for $97. Like just as the first of the month. People are broke first five people that reach out, like I'll set up your little. I've done that stuff before and got no response. Like nobody bought one now I did it and they all got snatched up and it's because of the personal branding stuff that I've been doing facebook lives every day and every person I talked to him is like, he had seen you like on a facebook live and I thought I need to probably do this and then I saw your offer and I was like, I better jump on this. And I was like, perfect. Like that is exactly how you want it to work. That's exactly why you do the facebook lives and the personal branding stuff so people know, like, and trust you. And then when you give them an irresistible offer, they take it. I mean, I'm not going to do everybody's all say for $97. That's insane. Like there's just no, it's not sustainable by any means. Even at one 97. Um, that's rough. Like as far as like how much money I'm making for the time I'm spending, but I'm just building this business. And in the beginning I know I'm not going to make like a ton of money, but I'm going to help a ton of people. And I've had the choice of doing one or the other in the beginning of my business. I would help more people and make less money. Um, I think long-term that's a better play. Um, yeah, that's what I think money is important. We need money to like live and it's, I'm not against making money by any means. I want to make money. I want to make a lot of money. You know, like when I look at my future, I hope I have financial security. That's why I want money. I want to be out of debt. I want to, you know, own everything that I have outright. I don't want to owe anything to anybody that's ultimately kind of the goal. But uh, right now like it doesn't matter if I charged two 97 or 97, neither one of those is going to complete that. You're going to get me closer to that goal. So I'd rather like help the people, which is the mission of LLC freedom. No, not lose money. Make a tiny bit of money, build up trust, show people that I am worthy of, you know, their, their business. And know, like, and trust me because I am honest and I'm doing what I'm saying when I'm not using like false scarcity tactics like the girl and everybody else has to go to the [inaudible] at 97. I see people that do the false scarcity. They're like, I'm going to do 100, you know, when to give away a hundred tee shirts for free. And then immediately they're like, oh, they all got snatched up. OK, there are five bucks. Really. Like they didn't give away for free. They're just like charging everybody the shipping. Um, so yeah, it was a good good day. I haven't run this the first time. I've run like a super reduced offer like that ever to any success. And I think that's a good sign because I didn't have to pay for it. I'm doing it still doing it through my personal facebook profile. At some point facebook might be offended by that and say I have to do it through a business page, but until then I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. I suggest you do to Max out your facebook. I know this gets stigmatized, but you should max out your, your personal facebook profile to as many people as you can and then start showing them that you're valuable and then let them know of what your offers are and make those offers irresistible. And, uh, you, you're, you can grow your business and your brand that way. That's what's going on with me this week. Hope everybody's having a great week. Talk to you soon. Hey guys. Thank you so much for listening. I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody tuning in. I really, really appreciate it. If you're interested in actually speaking with me one on one, jump over to [inaudible] dot com slash calendar and grab a time from my hubspot calendar there and, uh, we can set a time to talk about your business, see what it is that you do, talk about, you know, what I do, and see if there's any type of solution that I can provide to your problem. So that's llc freedom.com/calendar. OK.